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WGBH Boston
Bottom - Not Another Half-Arsed DVD Set

Bottom - Not Another Half-Arsed DVD Set

List Price: $59.98
Your Price: $47.98
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: very very funny.........
Review: This has to be british comedy at it's finest, I am a Brit living in america, it is vulgar, silly and extremely funny and a breath of fresh air after being tortured with american comedy which i must say i find extemely tiresome and boring for the most part, it's nice to see it released on dvd over here, and untill the american board of censorship get their act together and allow some good stuff on television, i will be buying lots more Brit stuff on dvd.
(ok that was my rant about american tv) The bottom dvd is very much worth the money especially for Brits living in the states and having to put up with american television....ooops!!! there i go again, can you tell i HATE censorship...ha ha.
Seriously...if you like slapstick comedy, and don't mind vulgarity, you will find this dvd a blast.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: very very funny.........
Review: This has to be british comedy at it's finest, I am a Brit living in america, it is vulgar, silly and extremely funny and a breath of fresh air after being tortured with american comedy which i must say i find extemely tiresome and boring for the most part, it's nice to see it released on dvd over here, and untill the american board of censorship get their act together and allow some good stuff on television, i will be buying lots more Brit stuff on dvd.
(ok that was my rant about american tv) The bottom dvd is very much worth the money especially for Brits living in the states and having to put up with american television....ooops!!! there i go again, can you tell i HATE censorship...ha ha.
Seriously...if you like slapstick comedy, and don't mind vulgarity, you will find this dvd a blast.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best physical comedians alive.
Review: Without a doubt the two best physical comedians currently alive. As good as this series is, if you have access to a multi region player pop over to amazon's uk site and get the live series on DVD. The live performances are worlds beyond the TV series.

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