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Stephen King's The Stand

Stephen King's The Stand

List Price: $24.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best mini-series on tv
Review: The Stand is a good movie. My mom tried to tape it, but I was scared at the time (1993). So, my grandma taped it. The movie is about a virus made at a laboratory. An accident made it so the virus could go out into America. It killed everybody except a few hundred people to a state. The survivors also had a fate coming for them. A demon taking under the name Randall Flagg is crucifing (did I spell that right?) anybody in his way going to Las Vegas for the final battle between good and evil. A great movie! Starring Gary Sinise, Molly Ringwald, Rob Lowe, and a whole lot more. See this movie!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: my favorite movie of all time
Review: This is probably the best movie adaptation of one of Stephen King's novels. Laura San Giacomo (Nadine) is now starring in Just Shoot Me, and Gary Sinise (Stu) went onto make Forrest Gump and Snake Eyes. I love it, even though it's very long.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It's good, but read the book too!
Review: If you haven't read the novel (first of all, shame on you), you'll probably find this movie tiresome and cheesy. "The Stand" was pretty much made only to please fans of the book who wanted to see it come to life. Like most all King adaptations, it gets some things right and some things wrong, but it's still fun to watch.
The cast is a mixed bag. Gary Sinise makes a great Stu. Adam Storke is a perfect Larry. Rob Lowe makes a surprisingly sympathetic Nick. Miguel Ferrar is great (as always) as Lloyd. Jamey Sheridan probably wasn't the best choice for the Dark Man, but he does a pretty good job with the role. But Molly Ringwald as Frannie? AAAHHHHHHH! What were they thinking?!?!? And Corin Nemec as Harold fails to pull this fascinating, important character together. And Laura San Giacomo is absolutely dreadful as Nadine.
The plot comes together nicely. The characters are introduced flawlessly, and we easily care about them. (Well, most of them.) There is tension and drama in the right places as the "superflu" spreads and decimates the population. The emotion is high and genuine.
Most of your favorite scenes from the book are intact, like Larry's trek through the Lincoln Tunnel (although it's not as scary as it could have been). Myself, I would have loved to see Trashcan Man's hellish journey with "The Kid" and the highway shoot-out at the overturned pink trailer (fans of the book know which scene this is), but I guess I can see why they were cut.
Overall, this is a very faithful, potent adaptation. There's a lot to admire about it. But read the book, for cryin' out loud. That, after all, is the only way to truly experience this compelling story.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It's not the book, but what movie is?
Review: I was disappointed in the amount of changes in the mini-series; I found the book much more filled out. However, this movie brings about all my greatest fears about the end of our way of life. I have worked in the medical field for a number of years and I have often imagined this kind of scenario. Many people focus on the religious aura of this film, but I enjoyed the all encompassing nature. Stephen King did not write about religion, or how one faith survived while all other belivers died. He wrote a story about good versus evil. Don't look for a hinted meaning and enjoy the movie; it's well worth it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: All that and a fine-LOOKING film, too.
Review: Who reads the 234th review? Well, I've only crawled through 70 of 'em, and I haven't seen my point made. Instead, endless second-guessing of the cast. (Personally, I thought Molly Ringwald played Frannie to PERFECTION -- Frannie never *was* the most likeable character. My complaint, on the other hand, is with Adam Storke's moronic Larry. And did anybody else feel he was *really* playing Eddie Dean from The Dark Tower?)

Anyway . . . The point I wanted to make is that the movie has a beautiful LOOK to it. Whether it's a post-plague NY in flames, or the tranquil boonies of Utah, or somewhere in-between, marvelous photography abounds. This is by no means the most important part of filmmaking, but it sure adds a lot to the viewer's enjoyment!

Other than that, the first 20 reviews or so have it right (Except, of course, that I give Ringwald a thumbs-up, despite her limitations. I remind you, Frannie Goldsmith was LIKE that in the novel.)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The movie is OK. It's the packaging that's not...
Review: Well, the movie itself is quite good. And there are other reviews here that cover that aspect of things quite well, already. So I will not concern myself with that much.

Though I personally think 6 hours is way too short a time to fit the Stand in...

The important bit here is the packaging, which in one word is "lousy". Very cheap stuff. I saw far-east pirated DVDs in better packaging than this, for Bob's sake! Really: if I had seen this package in a store in my part of the world, I would have assumed it was pirated and passed it over without a second look.

I just received this DVD, as I write this review, and the plastic is already cracked and broken, in places. It was not the shipping, since other items in the same shipment were not damaged at all and the cracks follow clear lines that can be seen in the still-unbroken plastic. I will try to post some pictures later.

Anyway, there is nothing wrong with the DVDs themselves, thankfully. Apart from the hated (to me) Full Frame format and the expected grain in the video, considering how old this title is. Perhaps some more de-noising could have been done when mastering this, but the final result is still very acceptable. Just keep in mind that one of the first things you will have to do after buying this title is get a new home for the DVDs since the one that comes with them simply is not usable.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I Loved This Movie
Review: I first watched The Stand as it aired on TV on different nights, "way back" in the early 90s. I was young then, but I stayed up to watch it on school nights. That's how much I've always loved Stephen King. I loved the movie then and I still love it now since I've seen the DVD. I had a crush on Rob Lowe back then, so I was anxious to see him in this movie. Of course I enjoyed his portrayal of Nick - cute, innocent, angelic. I'd seen Gary Sinise in Of Mice and Men and I also have to agree that he was the best actor in the whole damn thing. Also Ray Walston - flawless performance! I didn't like the character of Larry in the beginning, but man, did that actor (I don't know his name) do wonderful things with the character as the film progressed. Molly Ringwald's casting was a mistake. She was unattractive and weak. I disliked Randall Flag because of his hair and his lame "cool talk", but other than that, I guess he was decent enough. When I watched this movie years ago, I liked Laura San Giacomo's performance. I was a fool then. As I watched this DVD two nights ago, when she first came onto the screen with THAT LAUGH - omigod . . . it was awful. And that dry head of hers! She has naturally thick, moisterized hair, so why was she . . . hey, was that really a wig? I didn't understand the point of her expressions and reactions most of the time. She just confused me mostly. Anyway, Ruby Dee, Ossie Davis, the fat farm guy and Trash were also well-played. As for Corin Nemic as Harold . . . . ok, he was the ultra cool Parker Lewis from the early 90's show Parker Lewis Can't Lose - so I tolerated him when The Stand first aired. But now I think he overdid the angry/jealous thing. It just wasn't justified why he should act like that from the getgo. The effects at the end were HORRIBLE. That "hand" thing looks like they just drew into the picture. So 80's-like, man. And then when the annoying girl and the other dude were . . . what? . . . paralyzed? by Randall Flag's evil power - what was going on with that staticky looking stuff around them? I've never read the book and someone suggested not to if I wanted to continue liking the movie. But I will anyway. I recommend The Stand to Stephen King fans and anyone else who likes supernatural horror. It's a breathtakingly profound story and very entertaining. What it mostly made me think was, "Would I have been that strong?"

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Stephen King's THE STAND (1994)
Review: Stephen King's 1,141 page novel was already oustandingly incredible to begin with. It had taken me over a year to read, but during that whole year, I found it very hard to put down. Little did I know that the movie was this amazing. I just received the movie for Christmas on DVD. I watched the movie in one whole night and I did not get to bed until four in the morning. Let me tell you all that it was worth staying up that late to watch this six-hour masterpiece that was adapted from one of Stephen King's best tales of horror.

After a a lab of scientists create a secretly experiment involving some sort of deadly superflu, all hell breaks loose when the deadly chemichal flu leaks out and destroys 80-85% of America, the lone survivors must meet up together and try to save America from a being is referred to as The Dark Man. Among the survivors are, Larry Underwood (played by Adam Storke), Lucy Swann (played by Bridgitt Ryan), Nadine Cross (played by Laura Sa Giacomo), Harold Lauder (played by Corin Nemec), Stu Redman (played by Gary Sinese), Frannie Goldsmith (played by Molly Ringwald), Nick Andros (played by Rob Lowe), Tom Cullen (Bill Fagerbaak), Ralph Brentner (played by Peter Van Norden), Judge Richard Farris (played by Ossie Davis), Susan Stern (playe by Cynthia Garris), & Dayna Jergins (played by Kellie Overbey). While every one of these characters set out on their way to the home of Mother Abigail Freemantle (played by Ruby Dee), they each have the same dream about Mother Abigail, informing them to come to her, where she will keep them safe. Not only do they dream about the sweet old woman, they dream about The Dark Man, whose real name is Randall Flagg. Randall is all evil in its purest form, for he is the Devil himself. Will everyone one die at Flagg's evil wrath? Or will they take THE STAND and send him howling back to the gates of Hell? The only way to find out is to watch one of Stephen King's horrifying masterpieces as THE STAND comes your way.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: On of my favorite books became on my favorite DVD's
Review: I loved the book The Stand, so when I saw it was going to made into a movie I could not wait. I love this DVD. The casting in this movie was great. Gary Sinise was a great Stu Redmen and Laura San Giacomo was just amazing as Nadine Cross. Now die-hard fans may not like some of the changes that were made for the movie, but this are small changes and does not effect the over-all of the movie. And King fans get to see thier writer in the role of Tommy. So, if you are a Stephen King fan and you have a afternoon to kill watch "The Stand" because it worth your time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: M.O.O.N. that spells GREATEST movie ever ! ! !
Review: The Stand, for anyone who hasnt seen it is a very long movie, but draws you in fast. Unlike most long movies, even slow parts explained alot and had a way to draw you in. I never seen this when it was on tv, but when I bought the dvd 'its 2 dvd's', I expected to watch part one the first day, part two the second etc... as dvd #1 has part 1 and 2, and dvd #2 has part 3 and 4 respectivly, but I found Myself just watching all 4 parts approx 6 hours all in one sitting I was so hooked :) ... and seen MANY times over since!

Even the intro music 'Dont Fear the Reaper' by Blue Öyster Cult was a really nice unexpected touch =)

The pick for actors and actresses could not have been better. You can find a part of yourself in each charecter, good or evil. This movie is very psychological with many things to make you just sit and wonder for hours, even days after you seen it... and still find yourself watching it again, and again, and again...

I know some were upset by Stephen King using alot of Christian emphases in the movie, but personally I thought it was a nice touch and done with extream good taste, and... it was His book/movie to do as He wished. Anyone who dont like it, write your own book with your own theme :P

The movie starts with a military grade super flu that leaks out with no cure, which, could possably happen in real life. However no one knows why but a few are immune while everyone else dies leaving a small population of the human race left. While everyone is in the stage of dieing anarchy is everywhere among the people to the government declairing marshall law.

This is just the very beginning as it deepens with the deaths of all the sick with the super flu aka captian trips by its so called west coast name in the movie.

Soon, the survivors start having visions/dreams of 2 differant entities, one being an old black woman 'Mother Abigale', who represents all good trying to draw the suvivors to her area to start a new colony from G~d speaking to Her in dreams, and the other, a hippie type biker who you are led to belive is satan 'Randal Flagg', but thru out the whole movie he is never directly referd to as satan or the 'devil' to try and gain his following of people to start a differant colony. Stephen King did a superb job on this as there is no doubt this hippie biker in the desert is satan or 'the devil' but never actually referd to as such...

As stated, the movie is extreamly psychological and you can find even a small trace of yourself in each person and even situation in one form or another, which really makes one think hard about many things, such as the survivors, both the good going onward to 'Mother Abigail' or the bad pilgramiging to 'Randal Flagg', not just the colonies they build later, but even the journies of each party as they slowly meet on the road and what happens to each while on their journeys to either colony...

Still... theres even more, much much more yet to come, but Ill stop here... B-)

A MUST see for anyone who has not seen this movie as you can find a part of yourself in this as well as just good entertainment even.

My oppinion, this 'was/is/ever will be' the finest book made into a movie from Stephen King ever. If I could I would definatly give more then 5 stars except amazon.com limits to only 5 :P

I may have to buy another back up copy of The Stand as Ive watched My version so much I think I actually wearing out the disks =)


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