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The X-Files - The Complete Seventh Season

The X-Files - The Complete Seventh Season

List Price: $99.98
Your Price: $74.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not the best season, but worth it.
Review: This is not the best season of this wonderful series, as we all know, but don't forget...one bad X-Files episode is better than most of the other stuff on TV.

Sure, we got some stinkers here, but we also got some classic X-Files episodes that no fan should go without on letterbox DVD.

Classic episodes like Hollywood A.D., X-Cops, and the terrific season finale Requiem, are all here.

Even if you hate almost all the episodes in this set, no collection is complete without some of these.

Requiem alone is worth the price.

And just to clear things up, Fox is not cropping the picture to make the DVDs letterboxed.

After a few seasons the show was then filmed in widescreen. So they are their original aspect ratio. It is the episodes that air on TV that are cropped, as they have the sides chopped off.

So purchase this set, you won't regret it. And even if you do, you can still be happy it adds to your collection.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Is money and space no issue?
Review: There's a separation between what I will watch on TV and what I will buy and keep in my house. TV is something for lying on the couch, eating chips and drinking an adult beverage. I've watched things while flipping channels of which I am ashamed. Strongest Man competitions. A few minutes of Golden Girls. It's addictive.

But then there's what I'll buy and keep in my house - which brings me to The X-Files Season "Whatever after Season 6." I say this because I own seasons 1-6 on DVD. But my funds are not endless, and my house is filling up. One simply must have standards of some sort, and the last few seasons aren't up to them.

Frankly, season 6 wasn't the best, but at least there is a natural series wrap in the middle of the season. The rest of the X-Files seasons are confused and disappointing. I remember watching every week hoping for that old Wow I used to get. Didn't happen.

There was definitely a continued emphasis on the odd humor angle in this season, and some attempts at creative staging, such as the documentary style that was also used in a Season 6 episode. But the stories are losing their edge, and what was once creative and different had become entrenched formula. We've been there with this show. Done that.

I believe that the relationships were also beginning to change. The chemistry was between the cast wasn't as good, or at least didn't translate to the screen. It's not as bad as it becomes in the next season, The Season of Skully's Perpetual Frown," but it's getting there. And don't be [drawn] into the whole "David wrote and directed Hollywood A.D" thing. I thought that episode was so lousy I fell asleep in during the first run and the rerun.

My advice is, save your money and buy new batteries for your remote. Reruns are free.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Why Letterbox??!!
Review: Cheers to the X-files being available on DVD boxed sets. They did a good job on seasons 1-4. But why, oh why did they start letterboxing them with season 5,6,7?? These are TV shows here and were not shot in a widescreen format! Fox video is actually doing us a dis-service by cropping the picture. We're actually missing the top and bottom portion of the picture! I can see the appeal of letterbox in the issue of a theatrical film that WAS shot in widescreen but why do this to TV shows?? Another label has done the same thing with Babylon 5. Sorry but I have to vent here on this one. I just don't asee the logic in all this. Cropping the picture and giving us less ... this is better?? Fans who have written reviews here are raving about the widescreen issues of X-Files but they don't realize that they are actually getting less than they did when it ran on tv. Tip: you may want to purchase these sets (Vol 5 onward) but hang on to your taped off tv versions too. If I am wrong about all this, I hope someone will enlighten me.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The X Files Season 7
Review: O.K, this was it, the date had been set since season 4, that The X Files season 7 would be the last ever season.If you are unaware of this , the reason was that David Duchovnys contract ran out this year and he refused to extend it.
So what went wrong, well Chris Carter, that's what.This season should have been packed with mythology episodes, cliffhangers, and the answers to all the questions that had kept us hooked for six years prior. Unfortunately this was not the case.
Season 7 lacked the darkness that the X Files once held and the ability to constantly thicken the plot line to the point where the episode had you staring in awe at the sheer brilliance of it all. There was a time when the X Files could have been shown in the cinema and people would have gone to see it.Unfortunately that time has now passed.(Compare 82517 in season 3, to Closure in season 7 and you will see what I mean.)
The scripts now seemed lazy and not thought through, the actors no longer had passion to play thier roles and the editing in season 7 was slow to the point that it bored you.
There are a few episodes in this season that are worth owning however, but not many, hunger is fun but will get boring, first person shooter is good but impossible and the one with the boy who can move quickly, and the one where smoking man drives around scully are passable, although neither are particularly well finished.
The season is enjoyable with a few episodes that should never have made the airwaves (e.g Fight Club and Gillian Andersons utterly boring episode} however it fortunately has an excellent season finale.
This is a shame however since it should really have been the final ever episode (and to some extent it was), rather than the cliffhanger carrying on to the absolute trash that we were to be shown in season's eight and nine.
Anyway, this being the last season with anything remotely good about it, makes it worth owning if you wan't to finish off a collection.
If your rich then you might as well get it, but if not I would advise that you save your hard earned money and spend it on something worthwile.
P.S (If you don,t know the X files well, then make sure you get hold of anything through seasons 1-6 as each of these seasons are worth owning, no matter how high the prices may be.)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Favorite Season of The X-Files
Review: Most fans think that the last few seasons of The X-Files weren't as good as the earlier seasons. Seasons 1, 2, 3, and 4 are very good, but seasons 5, 6, and 7 are my personal favorites. Seasons 8 and 9 are O.K., but not as good as the first 7 seasons. Season 7 remains as the best season of The X-Files. The reason: "Sein Und Zeit"/"Closure". This two parter is my favorite X-Files episode of all time. There are also some other great episodes from this season: "X-Cops", "First Person Shooter", "Requiem", "all things", "The Sixth Extinction", "The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati" and many others.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Simply the Best Show Ever!
Review: The X-Files spun nearly a decade and if it hadn't been for David Duchovny leaving the show, it would've ran much longer. The seventh season, Duchovny's last full season, was the last season that had a lot of good episodes. In this box set you'll get:

The Sixth Extinction
The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati
The Goldberg Variation
The Amazing Maleeni
Signs and Wonders
Sien Und Ziet
First Person Shooter
En Ami
all things
Brand X
Hollywood AD
Fight Club
Je Souhaite

For any fan, this is a must-have DVD set! Its loaded with DVD extras and every episode is in widescreen. I can't wait!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The Series' Problem Child
Review: I love this show but this season was a disappointment. I copied all these episodes on tape so I wouldn't buy the DVD set, but I will probably buy this set since I bought the prior six and I cannot be stopped!! First, the acting. I have no problems with the acting of either Duchovny or Anderson. The WRITERS have completely screwed up the characters! The stories are more light. I do not especially care for the flirty interaction between Mulder (M) & Scully (S). The show became a SOAP OPERA for God's sake!! This season has M being a little too carefree and laid back with his job and has Scully wearing clothing too small for her size. Did she get her breasts done or is she now wearing a Wonder Bra to get M's attention? These two seem so out of step in this season. Could it be that the WRITERS got rid of the Syndicate a little too soon and didn't know what to do with M & S? Could it be that M's quest to find his sister was of no use?
Second, the quality of the episodes:
Pros: Je Souhaite (Genie gives M three wishes. Bittersweet episode. Love seeing S all excited over her find and her reaction to the mouthless guy. I always wondered why M did not wish that S was fertile. Obvious relationship change in a scene in the end between M & S.), X-Cops (Cross-over ep. M was actually back to his "Spooky" self--all exuberant. S was embarrassed. Funny how M took so long to knock down the door in the end (Maybe M is not so macho.), and the mytharc of The Sixth Extinction/The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati (Diana Fowley is murdered. YEAH!!! S finally sees a flying saucer. M & S's bond is strengthened. Beautiful mytharc. Duchovny & Anderson are great in these episodes.).
Cons: Where do I begin? Like what happened to the Monkees, when you let the stars write their own material, the quality usually goes down. (1) all things (Anderson wrote & directed. I find it hard to believe that so noble S would have an affair with a married man (she did have affection for older men) and I also find it even harder to believe that, after finally getting laid, she is not smiling when she leaves M. S is majorly PO'd in this ep. I do love the look M gives S in the end.),(2) Hollywood A.D. (Duchovny wrote & directed this ep. Movie screenwriter wants to use an X-File as a basis for a movie. This ep is a mixed bag. It is a little too cutesy (especially the dancing zombies). It does have some funny moments (S running around in heels is the best.). I do love how Duchovny writes S (she is more happy, giggly, and sweet.). No real X-File in the ep. His 6th Season The Unnatural is sooooo much better.), and (3) En Ami (CSM wrote & directed this ep. S lies to M and believes CSM? CSM wants to save the world? Right.).
Other cons: (4) Fight Club (Two sisters cause commotion. Annoying characters and uninteresting story.), and (5) First Person Shooter (Similar to the movie, "Tron" (I might be showing my age.). Way too campy.).
All the other eps are mediocre. I have mixed feelings for the mytharc Sein Und Zeit/Closure. It is a beautifully shot ep and Duchovny does a great job (No, he is not bored in the ep.). I just hate how the WRITERS explained the Samantha issue. Couldn't they have had M find her alive? I also have mixed feelings for Requiem. Wow, how original...M gets abducted by a spaceship. "I'm pregnant." What were the WRITERS thinking of? M & S should have become lovers at the end of the series, not here. Especially since the WRITERS gave us hardly an inclination that they were lovers (other than the sudden spooning scene in this ep which kind of shocked me.).
This season is only for hardcore fans. Seasons 1 - 3 are excellent, Seasons 4 - 6 are good, and Season 7 is mediocre.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: On par with the Ninth Season
Review: Like someone else said in a review above, this was a tough season to swallow.

Let's start with the mytharc. Since the vast majority of the co-conspirators were dead by Season 7, Chris Carter and his crew thought it was better to destroy the mytharc all together than develop a new Syndicate with those who remined, like the CSM, Krycek and Covarrubias. What started like a promising new mythology in Biogenesis (Sixth Season's finale) turned into a messy business in Sixth Extintion I and II. Then by mid season we learn that after all this years, and after so many said otherwise (the ABH, Cassandra Spender, the WMM) Mulder's quest for his sister was over before he ever started.

Now the "Standalones". Season Seven had two of the lowest points in the show's history: "Fight Club" and "First Person Shooter", how these two made it to be aired is beyond me. Other questionable episodes are Chimera, Signs and Wonders, Hungry, Orison, last few minutes of Milennium and the final 30 seconds of Hollywood A.D.

Then there was David Duchovny's attitude toward playing Fox Mulder. He had already shown in Season Six some boredom shine through his acting, but in this season (and the few episodes he appeared on the next two seasons) it was too much. In many ways Mulder was not Mulder anymore, and not only because of his acting, but also because many scripts got the character all wrong.

But it was not all bad in Season Seven. Episodes like Gillian Anderson's All Things, the COPS crossover "X-COPS", Je Souhaite, Theef, Brand X, or even Rush helped to remember how good this show was.

And Requiem was hands down the best mythology episode this season, and one of my top three season enders. It's also good to know that the follow ups to Requiem were good episodes... all before the show changed the possible alien invasion for some crazy "super soldiers", but I'm getting ahead of myself here.

All in all the box is a must for die-hard fans, and even those who aren't should check how high was the production value of this one-hour television show. I hope this new set is packed with extras as good as those of previous boxes. Gillian Anderson's and Vince Gillgan's comments should be good. It's a shame Fox doesn't allow two or more to comment on a single episode anymore (like they did with Jose Chung's on the third season).

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Tired and Weary
Review: At this point, TXF is really stretching the relationship of Mulder and Scully and of the show. They have just about took their 'friendship' and 'partnership' into every direction they possibly can, the bond between the two stars begins to buckle into sexual teritory like never before, this is where they begin to become a couple.

Anyway, the stand alones are incredibly weak and tired. The opening mytharc ep's are great, as is millennium, the crossover ep that see's the first propper kiss between M + S, a fabulous scene.

The season looks at the revelation of Samantha's whereabouts in the closure two parter, despite contradicting virtually everything withnesses have told mulder, it still leaves you with a warm feeling and a relief that he's found her.

We also see an experimental episode entitled x cops. Another crossover, which sees the pair followed by a camera crew tracking down an entity that mimics its preys fear, blair witch style.

Other great ep's to look out for are orison, the return of Scully's nemisis, Donne Phaspher, the hair and nail fetish murderer, which reaches an explosive climax, all things, Gillian Anderson directing and writing debut, she takes the pairs relationship onto new levels, as with her character, Scully. Hollywood AD, David Duchovnys second directed and written episode which beats the unatural hands down, Je Southaite, looking at a cursed genie which is the best stand alone of the season.

Requiem then ends this rumoured last season, with both characters investigating their original case, coming full circle in their last investigation together. Both achieve the things they have so longed for. Mulder, to experience an abduction, and Scully to mother a child naturally (so it appears).

This season had a lot to live upto, following the hugely enjoyable season six. It overdoses the comedy, the standalones get ludicrous and the mytharc literally runs out with requiem.

What follows (season eight) is a season returning to the shows horror roots and leaves the show in a complete crisis concerning our favourite pair (there is no comedy whatsoever in S8). Also adding a new formula to the tired show. Hugely underrated, it mixes old characters with new and puts Gillians acting abilities to the limit.

Apart from these season seven episodes, the rest are plain awful. This is DD's last full season and Mulder and Scullys final full year together, so it's worth purchasing sorely for that. Its also the last year of what fans acclaim the propper x files. The show needed a boost, and thats exactly what it gets in the episodes and season following requiem.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: a break from mythology
Review: Another season of the X-Files is about to be released and we are getting close to The Truth. This seventh season is known to be one of the most difficult to swallow for the fans. I believe that the negative response it got from some people had to do with the fact that there was a big void: there was no real mythology episodes here... the transicion from the old mythology to the new one took place between the second half of the sixth season and the begining of the eighth. This means that the entire seventh season had to flirt with some elements of mythology without really starting a new one. The season starts with The Sixth Extinction two parter. These episodes don't really set new things, instead they try to elaborate around the things we saw in Biogenesis (the symbols in the artifact, and how it came from a space craft buried in an African beach). The CSM returns to reveal something to Mulder and to work as a devil who will tempt the hero with the promise of a new and normal life. By the end of the second episode nothing really important has happened... Mulder returns, there is no big revelation and Scully has learned that sometimes prayer works better than running around in high heels... and of course... Diana Fowley's demise. This two parter proved to be the most disappointing season opener of the series, but it was followed by some really great episodes. Hungry, which turned the focus of the series around and centered itself around the monster, although many thought that it was a bad episode I actually enjoyed it a lot. Then we find other really great episodes like Rush, Orison (Donnie Pfaster's return), The Goldberg Variation (a bit too light for me, but quite good actually), The Amazing Maleeny and Signs & Wonders (one of the most visually disturbing episodes of the season). In the middle of the season we find the two parter which resolved Samantha's abduction. Okay... those two didn't really work... but then we found some of the most brilliant stand alones of the series. X-COPS was just great, funny, clever and new. The always controversial "all things" (directed by Gillian Anderson) which kept me looking at the TV screen the entire time... it was that compelling to me (the problem: well, it is not really and X-File, but I took it as a breath of fresh air). Brand-X is an excelent episode: Mulder getting his lungs almost literally sucked out is just priceless drama... this was the first ep. from Steven Maedea. First Person Shooter offers some of the classic images of the X-Files: Mulder and Scully in virtual reality game customs and Scully shooting Maitraya. Je Souhaite is another really good episode from Vince Gilligan's hand, where we get to see the agents behaving in that goofy fantastic way (like in Small Potatoes, Bad Blood, Syzygy and Jose Chung): Scully is fascinated by an invisible corpse only to be later disappointed by its disappearance, and Mulder lecturing the genie in front of Skinner and a bunch of FBI agents who think he has finally lost it. In En Ami Scully is "seduced" by the possibility that cancer man can actually show a human side of him... but it could be all a trap or a set up: from William B. Davis' head comes this excelent episode. And finally: Requiem. The season finale that is mother to all season finales... not because of it being the best of them all (which i don't think is), but due to the implications of that final act: Mulder being finally abducted and Scully being pregnant.
In overall, season seven lacked a well constructed mythology arc but it kept being one of the best shows on TV. The impulse that drove fans to the series crumble because of the uncertain future of the series, which forced Chris Carter not to enter completely into the development of the new mythology. But it sets in Requiem the first brick of the second mythology, which got almost half the episodes of season eight. And of course... FOX's work is just neat with these Boxed sets... I am really looking forward that Gillian Anderson commentary, as well as Vince Gilligan's. I have no doubt that the box will be just as beautifully crafted as the previous ones and there is no other booklet as good as the one that comes with this series' seasons (I know much people don`t care about these details, but i love them).

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