Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: Very very good! Especially for a Western of the modern era. And because I am not a big fan of newer westerns. Sharon Stone played an excellent role for playing a strong female role. Gene Hackman was an excellent bad guy!!! The scenery was very accurate.
Rating:  Summary: Not so bad as you might be thinking... Review: I'm glad that there are many positive reviews on this movie, for despite its several flaws (like numerous annoying shots of the main characters' eyes staring intently at each other to enhance suspense, Ms Stone's at times blank face when it should reflect stronger emotions, some characters so bad and revolting that they make you chuckle), I've seen it for the second time and it made me grab my chair in childish excitement.The plot is stark simple (see above), as well as the reasons driving the main characters to participate in the murderous contest: Ms Stone - to avenge her father, the Kid (L d Caprio) - to win his father's respect, Herod (J Hackman) - to keep townsfolk submissive and to teach his best and repented "pupil" Cort (R Crow) a lesson of abeyance, others - for money (but they don't matter). True, leading actors carry out the plot on their steady shoulders: * R. Crow emanates sexual charisma and suppressed prowess (long before world wide fame as macho Maximus the Gladiator) even if he spends all the movie shackled and beaten. His and Stone's sex scene is short, but oh-so-steamy! *L de Caprio is well into the shape of boyish and outside haughty/inside weak-trying-to-prove-he's-better-than-his-father,long before downpour of post-Titanic fame. * J Hackman is the perfect scoundrel,ageing scavenger, full stop. As to * Sh Stone, she remains one of the sassiest and talented actresses for me (praise her, fore she spends 2/3 of the movie rather disheveled), despite several movie flops she's participated in. She's carried her role well, with mixed feelings of despair, indifference and revulsion (at least I can't imagine any other actress in this role). The end is unexpected and is not a usual annoying happy-end. What more do you need? Watch and enjoy and don't compare this movie with any earlier masterpieces. Beside Darkman (1990 w. L Niesen) it may count S Raimi's best movie so far.
Rating:  Summary: SharpShooter! Review: Possibly the last good Sharon Stone movie, thanks in large part to director Sam Raimi's frenetic camera agility and an excellent supporting cast. Stone plays a woman hell bent on avenging her father's death, a disturbing flashback reveals why it weighs so heavy on her shoulders. She rides off into the sunset to a small frontier town to confront the powerful man (Gene Hackman) responsible. It just so happens there is a gunfight contest going on and, in order to get closer to the well guarded Hackman, she signs up as the only woman on a bill filled with all sorts of wacky western characters. A fun, thrilling movie that also features Russell Crowe and Leonardo DiCaprio in wonderful supporting roles already showing their charismatic leading man abilities.
Rating:  Summary: "Campy Shoot-em-up Western that's just flat fun to watch!" Review: Let me make sure I understand...a shoot-out 'tournament' with and old-west setting....why didn't someone think of this before? This is just a great flick to watch. It's 10% 'camp', and 90% action. Gene Hackman is the only legitimate highly-skilled actor in the action, but the script is so good it makes even Sharon Stone and Leonardo deCaprio look good in thier roles. Gary Sinese and Russell Crowe are great, though Sinese's role is minor. The zooming cinematography, and the sub-theme of a little girl traumatized keep the plot on the roll! Killing is done with little or no thought to the value of human life, so screen the kids. DeCaprio's death scene will wrench the heart of every teenage girl. The film is strange at times, and the performances are nearly as methodical as characters from Batman, but it all works. Good does triumph, and there is enough explosion at the conclusion to satisfy the hard-core sensation freaks, so the hour and a half never drags. I liked this film--even if the plot is as unbelieveable as the fact that Sharon Stone has a great performance!
Rating:  Summary: She'll Go Down in History! Review: Yep, no doubt about it - Sharon Stone has carved out a place for herself in the history of film. Because of her performance in The Quick & the Dead? Course not! Because she 'stuck to her guns' (forgive the awful pun) and brought Russell Crowe into the American film scene via TQ&TD! Why give a generous three stars? Hackman's campy villain? Nah! DiCaprio's cartoon popinjay? No way! It's simple - they're just for Russell. His appearance is the one & only merit this film can claim. And to think the producers & studio suits didn't want him! His performance is 1)totally subtle, 2)therefore entirely believable,(Check out the expert gun-slinging!)and 3)oh, so sexy. Why did only the Australians rate a version including the reputedly WHITE-HOT love scene between himself & Ms. Stone! Yet another bad decisions by the "suits." Crowe's reformed preacher makes it worth sitting through all those endless scenes in which he does not appear. You find yourself yearning for one more glimpse of those flashing green eyes. Alas, there are just too few.
Rating:  Summary: Painful to watch Review: This movie was awful. I laughed occasionally at the over the top camera work, but that was about it. I'm not sure if the creators of this movie were attempting to film drama, action, or romance. They failed at all three subjects, none the less. I wish there would have been better dialog, more devloped characters, a better plot, and better flow in the story line. The only character I wasn't annoyed with was that of Russel Crowe's. Unfortunately, they didn't give him much to work with in this script.
Rating:  Summary: Ugh! Review: What was this guy thinking while he was directing? I love a good western and I love Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman and Russell Crowe. But as I sat through this video I kept hoping I'd see something good. There was some good action at times, but I was still left hangin' because this movie could have been better. The background of Stone's character was ugly enough to make her hard, cold attitude understandable. But everything else was weak. Maybe with a different director or writer it would have been better. I don't know. But I say "thumbs way down" on this one.
Rating:  Summary: Great western for Today Review: This movie is very entertaining and I loved the photography tricks. Stone, Hackman and Russell Crowe give good performances. Dicaprio is entertaining as well as suited for this part. I enjoyed it! One of the best westerns made in this era that I've seen.
Rating:  Summary: A Violent Treat Review: It's entertaining at times. Gene Hackman shouts very well, as usual. Sharon Stone is good, too. It's a treat for lovers of violence and fans of the stars. Leonardo DiCaprio looks impetuous in this film.
Rating:  Summary: 3rd from the botton in my film spree Review: Continuing with "My Opinion". This really only rates 2 1/2 out of 5 stars. Since the reason I watched all of these movies was to see Russell Crowe's performances I was stuck watching other actors that I don't really enjoy or some that I do but not in this. I just didn't care for this film. The plus was that a big studio finally decided to look at Russell Crowe even if Sharon Stone made them. Finally there are some sparks here and there of his potential.