Rating:  Summary: A good showing, but the end of an Era Review: WrestleMania XV was a good show, but not a great show. This pay-per-view was the end of the best and most creative period in the history of wrestling, the Attitude Era. Some say it still goes on, but, even though today's WWF writing and talent is much better than it ever has been in the past, it isn't as good as it was for the 1 1/2 years following the 1997 Survivor Series. Off of that tangent, on with this pay-per-view. It has one five-star match - the Rock-Austin showdown that steals the show. It ranks efficiently as one of the best main events of all time, and both superstars pull off some great spots. The Hell in a Cell match was fun, but definitely doesn't live up to the hype of the previous two cell matches. Both of those were historic classics; this is just a fun match. By the way, after this night, Undertaker became 7-0 at WrestleMania. The four-corners elimination match for the IC Title was also fun, but not a classic. The entire undercard is pretty much that way; there are no out-and-out stinkers, but they are mediocre. The DVD has some nice extras; you can listen to the Rock and Steve Austin describe their epic championship match on an alternate commentary track. It also gives you wrestler bios, which is a nice touch, and access to wwf.com even if you don't have the internet. These special features may seem tame today, but in 1999 DVD was still a burgeoning technology. It would get better later; trust me on that one.
Rating:  Summary: The Climax Rages!! Review: I love the WWF and most particularly Stone Cold and the Rock. Wrestlemania is the Super Bowl of professional wrestling and this star-studded event invigorates crowds every year and this year was no exception. You have to understand that professional wrestlers are simply actors doing their own stunts;that's all it is;just like on TV and in the theaters. Outstanding acting, superb matches, stunning beauties, and a great rendition of "America, the Beautiful" by Grammy-award winning artists Boyz II Men make this wrestling classic one for the ages. The down side is that Triple H begins his descent to the dark side after betraying DX and the Big Show was not the referee for the main event, which, by the way, is one of the best I've ever seen on a wrestling show...period.
Rating:  Summary: THIS IS WRESTLEMANIA - IT COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER Review: WWF put on a decent show but this is Wrestlemania and it should have been a GREAT show. Some wrestlers didnt have the Wrestlemania spirit and some did. The opener was a triple threat hardcore match, Billy Gunn, Al Snow and Hardcore Holly could have done abit more but it was an average opener. The tag team match was what you would expect and was sadly Owens last Wrestlemania match. The I.C. Title match wasnt to bad but could have also been better. HHH vs Kane is a hard fought match and deserves to be one of the nights best, these 2 had the WRESTLEMANIA spirit. The most dissapionting match of the night was shockingly the Hell in a cell match with the Undertaker vs Bossman.They could have given Taker a better opponent for a Hell in a cell match, all these 2 men do is brawl in the corner which lives a big fat DUD. Shane Mcmahon took on X-pac in a surprising bout as Shane showed off his in ring ability,another hard fough match which is also one of the nights best. Now this next match, the main event showcased a classic bout between Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock as these two stars had the spirit and performed brillaintly out side and in the ring which kept fans on the edge of this seat, also i have to say i give credit for the ref who took a nice chair shot. This was the show stealer as it should be because this is WRESTLEMANIA.All in all if you are a big WWF fan you should have already seen this, if not i suggest you order it now.Although there ae beter WRESTLEMANIA's such as WRESTLEMANIA 14 and WRESTLEMANIA 17 and i strongly suggest you to have a glimpse at them two strong events!
Rating:  Summary: WWF WrestleMania XV rulez dude! Review: Okay, so i may not be a long time WWF fan. I have only seen 4 Wrestlemanias (14, 15, 16, and 17), but this WrestleMania was probably the best out of those 4. My favorite match on the card was the 4 Corner Elimination I-C title match between Road Dogg, Shamrock, Goldust and Val Venis. It was an awesome match! As well as Kane vs HHH, Shane vs X-Pac, Sable vs Tori (YES, the womens title match was actually good!), Al Snow vs Billy gunn vs Hardcore Holly and Rock vs Austin. All the other matches were either too short, too long or just sucked like the hell in a cell match, ugh...i do not even want to talk about it. But nevertheless, this WrestleMania rocked! I mean, how many times can you see Sable do the grind repetitively? Or HHH turn his back on D-X? or Ryan Shamrock cost Goldust the I-C belt? Or Austin winning the WWF championship from the Great one himself? This PPV is my top favorite and i highly reccomend that you get this tape, its worth the money...By the way, Why the hell was Bossman put in the Cell w/ Undertaker? why not Big Show? The match could have been so much better...but whatever anyway, get the tape regardless of a few of the stinkers like the cell match! It is also the last Wrestlemania in which Owen Hart (RIP), Jeff Jarrett and Sable wrestle at, sadly. Get this awesome 5 star tape, you will not regret buying it.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as Wrestlemania 14 but acseptable Review: ok if you can watch Wrestlemania 14 first and than compare theme 2 you will tink that WM 14 is better. But this Wrestlemania has a awsome IC tittle match with Triple H Vs. Kane witch is a classic. I whoud suggest renting it first before buying it.
Rating:  Summary: not as bad as 14 or 16 but not great Review: Alright this is just filling space for the main event(which wasn't that great). This thing had a few winners like Owen Hart Jeff Jarret vs. D'Lo and Test, the HC triple threat match, and Shane McMahon vs. X-Pac. Only if you are REALY into wrestling if not, rent 17, the best one in about, oh...4 YEARS!!!
Rating:  Summary: ragin' letdown Review: the crowd is pretty quiet and for good reason, most of the matches are absolutely horrible, if I was there I would have spent most the time in the concession stands. All teh matches seemed to made on a fly and have no build up or relivance, worst being the hell in the cell, bossman is a midcarder for a reason, the four was IC match is a cluster *%^& of rest holds, and most matches seemed to drift into oblivion, Rock-Austin wasn't that bad, but Rock seemed to be running out of ideas-how many times can you hit the rock bottom for god sakes-non the less it was the best on the card, hold on, suprising X-pac-Shane was pretty damn good too, at least the had a plan rock.
Rating:  Summary: A Wrestlemania That Survived the Hype Review: Wrestlemania is the pinnacle of the wrestling world. There are huge expectations preceding this event and it rarely lives up to the audience expectations. Look at this year's Wrestlemania which was diabolical. Fortunately, this is one of the best Wrestlemania's. Every match is solid and the main event is quite superb. The DVD is packed full of joy. There are mouth-watering extras including match history; fan comments; tech talk; and the best extra is Stone Cold and The Rock commentating on their own match. If only all DVD's were like this...
Rating:  Summary: best wrestlmaia ever Review: this event was pretty good. the billy gunn/holly/snow match was a great opener. the tag match was boring. the brawl for all was really short good thing too. show/mankind was entertaining. roaddogg/shamrock/venis/goldust was excellent. the kane/hhh match was average. the sable/torri was boring. xpac/shane was average. the hell in a cell was horrible. and the rock/austin was the best. here is wrestlmaia in the order of how good they were. 15 16 14 4 6 10 5 12 7 8 9 1 2 11 13.
Rating:  Summary: Worst PPV I've ever seen Review: This show was absolutely horrible. There were 9 matches, and 7 OF THEM WERE DUDS. The remaining two matches were only in the * to ** range. That would be terrible for any PPV, not to mention the fact that this is WrestleMania, which is supposed to be the most important show of the year. Average match was a 1/2 star.