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WWE WrestleMania X-Seven

WWE WrestleMania X-Seven

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wrestlemania x-7 rules.
Review: WWF (now wwe) wrestlemania x-7 ruled. The greatest wrestlemania of all time. whatching wrestling since i was 8 (now 14. Yes i use the 13 year old review thing.) i can tell weather this was good or not. and this was.
(ratings based on 1-5 stars)
Chris Jerhicho vs. William Regal (Intercontinental Title)
Great Opener for the IC title. Especially for someone like regal who has no wrestling ability at all. Jerhicho wins with the lionsalt. ***1/4

APA and Tazz vs. Right To Censor.
Pretty boring. But still fast paced for the size of these guys. APA and Tazz win with clothesline from hell. *3/4.

Big Show vs. Raven vs. Kane (hardcore title match)Fun hardcore match. Really funny at times. Kane wins when he does a legdrop off the stage onto the Big Show. ***

Eddie Gurrero vs. Test (european title)
Yawn. Boring match. Good match to "go get the groceries" as gorrila monsoon would say. (R.I.P) *

Chyna vs. Ivory (WWF womens title)
Blah. Next match. *

Vince McMahon vs. Shane McMahon With guest ref. Mick Foley. (street fight) Good Match Considenring the age of Vince. Shane takes some great bumps. Shane wins with the vanterminator. ***3/4

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit.
WOW! What a match. When you read this your probobly thinking they got hardcore. But no. This was a Technical war. Submissions and very fast paced. Kurt wins when he grabbed the tights. *****

Hardyz vs. Dudlyz vs. Edge and Christian. (Tables Ladders And Chairs 2. For the tag team titles)

MAN! GREAT MATCH! Tons of diffrent ways they used the ladders and tables and chairs. 9! Tables broken. 4 ladders used. And 2 chairs used. ***** (if you really wanna see the best tlc get summerslam 2000)

Fink announces the attendance is 67,925 fans.

Gimmic Battle Royal.
This match [stunk]. the entrances were funny but all they did was try to throw each other over the rope. And its sad to see how people the likes of Earthquake and everybody else have gotten. (They all got fat) ***** for the entrances. * for the match. Iron Sheik wins when he eliminated Hillbilly Jim.

Underaker vs. HHH.
Taker needs to retire already. HHH is just boring at times. But this fight proved me wrong. Great match. They brawled everywhere. Taker wins with the last ride. Taker is 10-0 at wrestlemania. ****

The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin. (WWF title. No disqulification)
The peoples champ vs. the rattlesnake. What a brawl!! They used everything they could! Tables broke,chairs smashed,ring bell was used. Submissions by both men. Lots of blood. They did everything they could for the crowd and they loved it. Austin wins with the help of...Vince McMahon. Thats right Austins long time rival helps him win the WWF title. They enjoy a Beer after the match. A easy ***** stars.

Well. You have 2 bad matches and 1 ok match the rest of them were great. A definate buy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Wrestlemania ever! There will never be another WM 17...
Review: This was THE best Wrestlemania EVER! An easy five stars! And anyone who watches this video and does'nt enjoy it is not a true wrestling fan. WWE will probably never have another wrestling event as good as this one. The only poor matches on the card was the silly Gimmick battle Royal and the Women's Championship match between Ivory & Chyna (Ivory can throw some of the fakest punches ever). Other than that, this pay-per-view was a true classic! Fans of hardcore wrestling should not be disappointed, as Wrestlemania 17 brings you five hardcore matchups: Kane vs. Raven vs. The Bigshow for the WWE Hardcore title. Also, you'll see the Tables, Ladders, and Chairs II matchup between the Hardy Boys, the Dudley Boyz, and Edge & Christian. This is an extremely breathtaking matchup that you'll have to see to believe, especially the part where Edge literally spears Jeff Hardy off the rungs holding the Tag Team titles!!! Also, witness the first meeting between Triple H and The Undertaker where "the dead man" chokeslams HHH off of a 10 ft. tower. This match was very tight, especially at the end where The Undertaker hits HHH with a tremendous "Last Ride" powerbomb! And also, let's not forget about the main event for the WWE Championship: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock (no-holds-barred). Austin and The Rock get very physical and end up busting each other wide open! The match continues to get increasingly more violent and bloody until Mr. McMahon (the evil owner of the WWE) interferes in the matchup when it seems that Austin is about to lose. McMahon hands Austin a steel chair and Austin begins beating The Rock with it numerous times and finally pins The Rock to capture his 5th WWE title! After the match, Austin shakes hands with the evil McMahon, selling his soul for the title and turning heel (bad guy). This is probably the most shocking heel turn ever. But despite Austin's heel turn this was the best match ever (in my opinion). This was an excellent pay-per-view that you don't see very often. Chris Benoit took on Kurt Angle in a very interesting matchup. Motorhead sung Triple H's theme song, "The Game", LIVE!. The electric guitar sounded quite terrible. Motorhead can make some pretty good music but this just wasn't it. The beat was kind of cool though. Wrestlemania 17 was the best wrestling event EVER!But, hey, why not see it for yourself and make up your own mind.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the top pay per views of 2001
Review: Wrestlemania X-Seven was a great Pay Per View with intense action. The Pay Per View brought out memorable matches that you won't never forget. Here are all the matches and how they were.....
#1 WWF Intercontinental Championship: William Regal vs Y2J- A good opener match. Was decent and not dissapointing. The ending was a little suprise.
#2 APA & Tazz with Jackie vs Right to censor- A good tag team match, although it was kind of short and there wasn't as much action as you would expect.
#3 WWF Hardcore Championship Triple Threat Match: Big Show vs Kane vs Raven- An AWESOME hordcore match. This One of my favorite hardcore matches of all time. It was long and the 3 went all around through the arena. The match was really revolved around Kane and Big show. I was suprised Raven lasted al long as he did in the match. My favorite parts were when Kane tossed Raven through glass and when Kane kicked Big Show off the Ramp.
#4 WWF European Championship: Test vs Eddie Guererro- Not a great match, not a bad match, just an okay match. It was kind of boring and it was obvious Eddie's friends were gonna come out and help him.
#5 Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle- A good exciting match. I couldn't believe that they had so much rivalry considering the fact that there rivalry only started six days before the pay per view. The match was a little boring because both competitors tried so hard to win by submission and this match led to other matches like their Ultimate 30 minute submission match a BACKLASH and their 2/3 falls match at Judgement Day.
#6 WWF Women's Championship: Ivory vs Chyna- A better women's championship from Royal Rumble. But I would not know it that well because I was concentrating alot on Chyna's shiny maroon attire. Believe me, she looked hot (as always)
#7 Street Fight: Shane McMahon vs Vince McMahon with Special Guest Referee Mick Foley- An Incredible match. Shane-O-Mac had defied the leaps of gravity. These 2 barely wrestle but put up one greatest matches ever. The best parts were Trish slapping Vince, Mick Foley getting a little revenge on Vince for having him fired, Shane's flying kick from one apron to another, and Linda getting up and kicking Vince in his grapefruits. It was a night of a living hell for Vince. This match was also the start of a rivalry that led the Alliance.
#8 WWF Tag Team Championship TLC II (Tables, Ladders, and Chairs 2)- Edge & Christian vs Hardy Boyz vs Dudley Boyz. An UNFORGETTABLE MATCH. It was even better then the one at Summer Slam 2000. So many tables being brokened, Edge spearing Jeff Hardy when Jeff was hanging from the belts, and interfearences from Spike Dudley, Lita, and Rhyno who also fought each others too! This is one my top 5 favorite tag team championship matchs!
#9 Gimmick Battle Royal_ Boring but had nostalgic fun.
#10 Triple H vs The Undertaker- A great match between two great wrestlers. The entrances were at the begining of the match was awesome because Triple H had Motorhead play his entrance theme "The Game" which was really cool and Undertaker came down with his new bike. The match had pretty much what evry wrestling fan wants to see. Brutality, blood, weapons being used like the sledgehammer and a sweet ending when Undertaker picked up HHH while he was puching him so he could give him the last ride! Undertaker improved his wrestlemania record 9-O!
#11 WWF Championship: The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin. A great ending to a Pay Per View. Limp Bizkit's song "My Way" was a great theme to this pay per view and their rivalry. So many times had it looked like this match was going to be over but it just kept continuing. Rock and Austin put up a good fight. The only down part of this match was the ending which was Austin 3:16's winning the because of his change of character by having an alliance with Vince McMahon! his long time arch enemy. This was start of the hatred the fans had against Steve Austin that lasted a long time.

Over all I think Wrestlemania X-Seven was one best Pay Per Views of all time and may even be the best Pay Per View of 2001. Any wrestling fan will love this so buy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best....PPV....Ever!
Review: Wrestlemania X-Seven is the greatest PPV ever. It had great action, memorable matches, and a tremendous atmosphere. On with the matches.

IC Belt: Chris Jericho(c) vs. William Regal- ***2/3

Great opener. Crowd was right into it. Funny buildup and an entertaining match with diverse styles. Ending sneaks up on you.

6-Man Tag: Tazz and APA vs. Right to Censor- ***

Fairly watchable. Pretty short, so it doesn't overstay its welcome. Faarooq sees little action, though.

Hardcore Title Match: Raven(c) vs. Kane vs. Big Show- ****2/3

Awesome title match. Not a dull moment in this one. Insane spots and great ending. Raven, with guts and toughness, starts to really get over with the fans.

Euro Title Match: Test(c) vs. Eddie Guerrero- ***1/3

Another good match between diverse styles. Test and Guerrero shine and make each other look good. One of the better Euro title matches.

Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle- ****1/3

Great technical match. Shows there is something for everyone here. Start of a classic rivalry that only gets better. The ending is the only downfall, but it is good for furthering the rivalry.

Women's Title Match: Chyna vs. Ivory(c)- **2/3

Worst match on the card, and it's not all THAT bad. It is 12,443 times better than their Royal Rumble match.

Street Fight: Vince McMahon vs. Shane McMahon- *****

Unforgettable. The McMahons aren't experienced wrestlers, but they can really put on some exciting matches. Shane is insane in the membrane with 2 amazing spots. Plus, the crowd went wild when Linda rose. Also, Mick Foley. Nuff said.

TLC Tag Title Match: Edge & Christian vs. Dudleyz(c) vs. Hardyz-*****

Match of the Year. This could be in a PPV with nothing but Kennel from Hell matches and Teddy Long-Howard Finkel Hair vs. Hair matches and I would still buy the tape. That is how awesome it is.

Gimmick Battle Royal- *****

It gets 5 stars for the entrances alone. The match itself isn't great, but it is total nostalgic fun.

Triple H vs. Undertaker- *****

Not a dull moment in this one. Motorhead rocked, and the Undertaker is the hometown boy, so the entrances alone got the crowd into it. Plenty of outside and scaffold action, some religious poo-poo chants, blood, sledgehammers, and an exciting finish make this one a 5 star classic.

Heavyweight Title Match: Stone Cold vs. The Rock(c)- *****
Best Title Match of the last five years. Best main event of the last five years. Great brawling, technical wrestling, more juice, and another surprise ending make this the defining match of the best PPV of all time.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WrestleMania 17: The Best Show Ever
Review: The WWF steamrolled into Houstin for WM X-7 and they put on one hell of a show.
The night opened off with a very solid, if unspectacular Intercontinental Championship match as Chris Jericho defeated William Regal in what proved to be the only successful title defense of the evening. **1/2
The next match featured the APA and Tazz defeating the Right to Censor in what proved to be the RTC's last big match. *
Kane defeated Big Show and Raven to win the WWF Hardcore Championship ina tremendous match for the Hardcore title. ***
Eddie Guerrero challenged Test in a match for the European title. the match, believe it or not, turned out to be pretty damn good which was not something I was expecting. With help from Saturn,Eddie walks out of Mania as Euro champ. ***
Next was Benoit and Angle and, as usual from these two, this match ruled the world. Excellent wrestling sequence from both lead to a calssic match. ****3/4
The less said about the Women's Championship match, the better. DUD

In a match where the storyline (and Shane's Van Terminator) carried the match, Shane McMahon defeated his father, Vince in a Street Fight with Mick Foley as the referee. This match had the drama that no match before it had and it really helped the match become as good as it did. ***1/2
Edge & Christian, Matt & Jeff Hardy, and The Dudley Boys + Tables, Ladders, and Chairs= *****
The Gimmick Battle Royal was a nice taste of nostalgia but wasn't anything to go crazy for. * for effort.
Triple H and The Undertaker had a very good brawl but the match was nowhere near as good as it could have been. Taker remains undefeated at WrestleMania. **1/2
Rock. Austin. The two biggest names in the wrestling business today mixed it up in perhaps the best main event ever. Plus, Austin transfers into "Allience Austin", triggering some of the funniest moments in Fed history. ****3/4

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Wrestlemania Ever!!!
Review: Jericho vs. Regal - ****, kept switching from Regals ground work to Jericho's high-flyin style, entertaining.
APA & Tazz vs. RTC - **, nothing really expected
Raven vs. Kane vs. Big Show - ****1/2, all 3 put on 1 of the greatest hardcore mathces of all time.
Test vs. Guerrero - ***1/2 - lots of good action
Benoit vs. Angle - ***1/2 - very great technical style from both
Shane vs. Vince - **** - ECW type match-up, great story leading in and out of the match.
Chyna vs. Ivory - **, great story coming in, very predictable outcome.
TLC 2 - ***** - One of the greatest matches of all time (MUST SEE!)
Gimmick Battle Royal - ****, very short match, but still entaining.
Undertaker vs. HHH - ***1/2, just mainly walking through the crowd, long and boring.
Rock vs. Austin - *****, exactly what a WRESTLEMANIA main-event should be, it was perfect.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the best show in years
Review: this has to be the most anticipated wreslemania ever and also the best. now that austin is gone it will be the last epic battle between the rock and austin in a wrestlemania. this sparked austins year of dominince as he clearly the wresler of the year for 2001 he gave some of his greatest performances as the lead heel of the wwf and on to join the wcw and ecw alliance making him an even greater heel.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the Venom of the Rattlesnake
Review: In Houston, Tx; WWE fans saw the unthinkable. The alliance between Austin and McMahon began on this night. Nobody saw this coming and that is what made this pay-per-view stand out in the archives of the WWE. The match itself was the better of all the matches between Austin and the Rock. If you enjoyed the championship match between the two from Wrestlemania XV, you will truly enjoy this. It was all culminated by a vicious attack from Austin with a steel chair that finally put the Rock away. This is also the first of two straight Wrestlemania's (Wrestlemania X8 being the other) that the fans were more behind the Rocks opponent than the Rock himself. But, can you blame him? Wrestlemania was in Texas..we all know where Austin's from :-p

TLC II, the Gimmick Battle Royal, Angle vs. Benoit, and Undertaker vs. HHH were the other matches that headlined this pay-per-view. Yes, yes, I know that Vince and Shane were on this card as well; but, it didn't really stand out. Yeah, wow, Shane did the Van Terminator. whoo-pee-doo! Ok, that was pretty cool, but, the match alone didn't steal the show from the other matches I have listed. The moment that is in my mind forever though is during the triple threat Hardcore title match: Kane driving a golf cart and running down Raven..gotta see this, very comical. This is definately a DVD/Video to have in your collection. I have the DVD and it's a 2-DVD set and it's loaded with extra's. Enjoy

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: great match
Review: best hardcore match ever! I have seen alot of hardcore matches but this is the best one the wwe ever pulled off. raven vs the big show vs kane.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Mania of all time
Review: This Wrestlemania got my pick for the best mania of all time. Here are the matches in order and how they were.

1. Intercontinental title match
Y2J (champion) vs William Regal 4/5 stars. This was a great opener for wrestlemania 17. Nice moves.

2. 6 man tag
APA and Tazz vs Right to Censor 2/5 stars
This was an ok match. It was just too short.

3. Hardcore title match
Raven (champion) vs Bigshow vs kane 5/5 stars Awesome hardcore title match. Best one i've seen in years.

4. European title match
Test (champion) vs Eddie Guerrero 2/5 stars It wasn't as short as the 6 man tag. Just an average match.

5. Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit 5/5 stars This was probably the best technical match of all time

6. Women's title match
Ivory (champion) vs Chyna 0/5 stars Short and boring. In the beginning, Ivory had the offense. But Chyna dominated the rest of the match.

7. Street Fight
Shane vs Vince
Special Referee:Mick Foley 5/5 stars This was my personal favorite match on the card. Amazing bumps. There were so many things that happened in that match. I've never been so into a match like I was in this one.

8. TLC 2 match for the tag titles
Dudleyz (champions)vs Edge and Christian vs the Hardys
5/5 stars All I can say to this match is... Unbelieveable

9. Gimmick battle royal
0/5 stars The match wasn't good at all. It's like your watching these 20 guys that are like 50 years old go at it. But I just grade this on how well the match is. Not the entrances. Those were pretty fun to watch.

10. Triple h vs the Undertaker
4/5 stars I didn't expect that much from this match. But it turned out to be great. The referee was down for most of the match. Then it got really hardcore.

11. WWF Title match
the Rock (champion)vs Stone Cold Steve Austin
5/5 stars This match was one of the best wwf title matches I have ever seen. The end of it was just so suspenseful. What was going to happen? The crowd was so into it. The very end of it was, well, SHOCKING!

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