Rating:  Summary: Will Add Incredible Depth to Your Views on Religion and God Review: This series of videos is a true eye-opener and life-changer for anyone who is serious about seeking after the Divine, no matter what religion you may practise. Joseph Campbell examines the sacred symbolic stories that have existed in every culture, all over the world, with respect for all of them and denigrating none. At the same time he also strives to drive home the idea that these links to the Divine are not divine in themselves but are paths to knowledge and enlightenment. One segment, Masks of Eternity, talks about the many ways in which God speaks to us or appears to us-- some of them silly, some of them scary, some of them profound-- all of them simply masks. The mask of God, or our perception of Him, is often the hardest thing of all to get past in a true search to touch the Divine. In a sense it gives us permission and encouragement to study and appreciate all forms of religious practise, without ever asking one to give up one's deeply-held beliefs. Indeed, no matter what where one goes to worship or what label one claims to denote one's religious philosophy, this series will help you appreciate your own beliefs even more. Watch this series and free your mind; remember that God is infinite and none have grasped His Magnificence in all of its myriad forms-- setting your attitudes free will make Him visible in more ways than ever before. Prepare for an incredible journey.
Rating:  Summary: A New Consciousness: The Campbell Legacy On DVD Review: 1988: Joseph Campbell died in 1987. Two years earlier, then novice journalist Bill Moyers interviewed him for six hours, covering every subject imaginable. Joseph Campbell's philosophy paved the way for New Age thought today. His motto "Follow your bliss" became an anthem for individuality. He was a professor of mythology and religion, highly esteemed and intellectual, with a keen perception on human nature and the origins of many of the things that have become part of our consciousness as a human society.This DVD features those six hours into two discs, plus the bonus footage of the interview with Star Wars creator, George Lucas, who was directly inspired and influenced by Joseph Campbell's teachings. From your DVD system will come a wealth of information, a bright new way to look at the world. Mythology in our society may become extinct, if not for new modern myths or variations of an old myth. Joseph Campbell covers a hero/heroine journey (clearly representing you or the self) in a path of discovery and exploration in the journey of your life in "The Hero's Adventure", recalling the great heroes of myth- the Norse Siegfried and his defeat of Falfner, King Arthur, Luke Skywalker and religious figures such as the Buddha and Jesus Christ- who overcame personal weaknesses and contributed to humanity a lasting legacy. In "The Message Of The Myth", the observations on human life and nature are pointed out from several myths, and there is a lot Campbell draws from- Native Americans, Japanese culture, the Mayas, the Vikings, the Africans and extractions from the Christian Bible. The "First Storytellers" deals with the primitive human society, cave-dwellers and hunters and gatherers, who told stories and painted images of their world through cave paintings. "Sacrifice and Bliss" deals with the higher level of spirituality, the chakras, the goal to which every hero/heroine aspires- sacrifice of the self to attain a bliss. Humanity benefits from such individuals. My favorite sections are "Love and the Goddess" and "Masks Of Eternity". In "Love and the Goddess" Campbell explains to Moyers that love and our search for true, lasting monogamous love was fueled by the Christian-influenced troubadours and medieval knights who followed the code of chivalry. He makes reference to the Holy Grail and sounds a lot like New Age writer/historian Laurence Gardner who wrote "Bloodline Of The Holy Grail"- the grail, a feminine symbol, becomes a code to which humans aspire, especially in communion with another partner for romantic love for the benefit of others. "The Goddess" is the most beautiful part of the entire series, nostalgically recalling a time when male sex did not dominate the world, but the mother figure. Egyptians and ancient Mesopotamians venerated the female, giver of life, and such respect was lost over time when patriarchal, male dominated society took over. This is still true today, although the Goddess has barely survived through such figures as the Virgin Mary. "Masks Of Eternity" centers around the various religions and the paths to that eternal that is time, neither being right or wrong, each a mask of the same life force of the cosmos- eternity. This DVD is a must get for fans of Joseph Campbell and for those who wish to seek a deeper level of understanding about myths and fairy tales, which have more to say than meets the eye.
Rating:  Summary: A beautiful, illuminating DVD making smiles from the heart Review: Of my two favorite memories of Campbell's talks with Bill Moyers of PBS in this video, the one that comes to mind is an introduction between Campbell and a Catholic Priest, perhaps a Cardinal, that he retells. After they are introduced and the Priest is told who Dr. Campbell is and a little about his life, he asks him, "Are you still Catholic?" To which he replies "No, Father." He then asks--and Campbell was impressed by his specificity--"Do you believe in a *personal* God?" To which Campbell replies, "No, Father." The Priest then replies, almost as if to engage in a debate and denigrate the atheist's worship of the rational mind uber alles simultaneously (and an atheist is what you are led to assume he thinks Campbell is), "Well, I guess there is no way to logically prove the existence of God." And Campbell answers, calmly, "If there were Father, what would be the value of faith?" "It's been a pleasure meeting you Dr. Campbell, have a nice day." Regardless of your faith, interest, background or education, you will find yourself in the same shoes of that Priest when you watch this incredibly enjoyable DVD set. Campbell's erudition and knowledge of the many ideas, subtexts and similarities inherent in the world's treasure trove of mythology is daunting to say the least, and his approach is designed to have it all make sense to the modern human heart. And Bill Moyers, whose worst day as a journalist surpasses many in the business' finest, is at the compassionate and intuitive top of his intellectual game here; he conintuously asks the kind of transcendentally-inspired questions that don't just allow Campbell to riff on the oceanic themes of his knowledge, but make their interview-turned-conversations as joyful and illuminating to watch as Miles and Coltrane playing the blues is to listen to. THE POWER OF MYTH, the book, may be the best book written to serve as a doorway to the eternal wisdom of mythology, as it manifests itself in the wisdom, theology, art and entertainment of every culture--not to mention our personal lives. But the very popular book is simply a printing of chunks of this all-inclusive video set, recorded as it appeared on PBS some fifteen years ago, now digitally recorded on this DVD set. As such, they are a must have. To say these DVDs will make you think is almost denigrating it; it will make you ponder. It will lead you (after quite possibly confusing the hell out of you, as you try to absorb it into a preexisting way of thinking that may become obsolete via what Campbell teaches) to wonder, the way children wonder. And in the end, I was understating its power in the title of my review; it will make you smile from the soul, not just from the heart. I highly recommend this as an introduction to the fascinating and redemptive world of mythology in general and the labyrinthian mind of Joseph Campbell in particular. I also recommend Campbell's best selling book HERO OF A THOUSAND FACES after this has whet your appetite's soul.
Rating:  Summary: THe Power Of Myth- A thought Provoking Tale Review: I saw the first tape of the Power of Myth series last week in my tenth grade English class. We have been learning about myths for a few weeks and our teacher had mentioned Joseph Campbell in her lessons. She had said that he was and is considered the biggest authority on myths of all kinds. He dedicated his life to them and finding ways to see how they were connected. His work is very important to society and is portrayed very well in this tape. At first the video didn't seem very interesting, just another boring lecture tape, but as I begin to watch and pay attention I became more interested in what was being said. The more I watched the more I realized how much Joseph Campbell knew. The way he thought about things and looked at what was going on around him was quite thought provoking. Id never thought about how similar all the patterns and characters are in the stories of all our lives. He has caused me to think in a slightly new and different way about the stories a read and the life I live. This is a very insightful and enjoyable video. Joseph Campbell's thoughts and ideas about life based on his research are very interesting. His conversations with Bill Moyers are entertaining and full of both humor and serious conversation. After watching this video you will be left pondering its content long after it is over. I would recommend that anyone who enjoys myths or just wants to see something that will make them think watch this video.
Rating:  Summary: A Sensible Review Of Joseph Campbell: The Power Of Myth Review: I would give The Power Of Myth series at best a rating of tolerable. The series contains superfluous amounts of information and is extraordinarily detailed, but to achieve this level of content, a lethargic pace was used, as well as an almost insufferable amount of conversation. Joseph Campbell spends most of the movie discussing the hero's quest and how it can apply to almost any character. The only truly bright spot in the movie is the use of Star Wars clips. This action allows for a brief moment of enjoyment and respite, before the return to the slow talks of myths and heroes. I found the application of the hero's quest to Jesus' life interesting also. These few moments of interesting oration did not subtract from the movie's overall effect of slowly draining the energy out of everyone who should be unfortunate enough to have to endure it. Another site of interest was in the use of many old pictures and paintings in the movie. These beautiful works of art added somewhat to the sluggish atmosphere and made the movie somewhat more tolerable. So in conclusion, Joseph Campbell: The Power Of Myth has its good points, but overall it is particularly boring.
Rating:  Summary: Joseph Campbell: The Power of the Myth Review: Joseph Campbell: The Power Of Myth is a movie in which every conceivable attempt is made to pack as much information into a movie as possible. The movie is extremely detailed, but is also for the most part rather drab. The movie lacks the energy and color to keep most students attentive throughout its expanse. The Star Wars pictures and clips do provide some release from the constant discussion of Joseph Campbell and his interviewer, but these clips only provide momentary salvation. Most students will wilt in the movie's constant jabber and lose their focus; therefore, the movie teaches little. This reality is made truer by the fact that you must have a rudimentary knowledge of the hero's quest and myths to even understand the movie. At the end of the movie, you are unlikely to know anything more than you began with because most of the movie is not spent discussing and defining concepts, but is spent giving examples that may be both literary or historical in origin. I will concede that this movie may be a good way to introduce those who are completely new to the realm of mythology to its many intricacies, but the movie is for the most part useless in higher levels of learning and intellect. So in summation, Joseph Campbell: The Power Of Myth is a detailed, but rather boring movie. It can be used to educate, but only in classes with extremely interested and dedicated students.
Rating:  Summary: The Best DVD's available on Mythology Review: This is a GREAT series. I learned so much from Joseph Campbell, and will always be grateful for his work, which shows the universal themes in religion and mythology, including all the major religions. He shows their unity rather than their cultural nuances that, more or less, seperate them superficially. In addition to this work, I would suggest any work by Alan Watts, who was another scholar around his time and introduced the Eastern philosophies brilliantly to the West. Also, I would recommend Eckhart Tolle, who wrote the bestseller "The Power of Now" and has put out other works, too. All the spiritual teachings REALLY made sense after I understood That which Tolle, in addition to the spiritual masters throughout time, have taught. Other interesting facts that I'm sure have been mentioned: George Lucas completely credits Campbell with helping him create "Star Wars" after studying Campbell's book "Hero with a Thousand Faces". (Star Wars is featured in this DVD series, along with other myths, and is shot, in fact, on Skywalker Ranch.) Also, another series of Campbell was shot and Susan Sarandon narrated. That was good, also. He was a really great person and I think it's wonderful that he has become so popular. Please watch these if you haven't already. If you have interest in these types of subjects, you will not be disappointed. As one of my teachers said once, these DVD's are "Gold":)
Rating:  Summary: Power of Myth can power your understanding of God Review: If you are looking for something quick and easy to understand at all levels with entertainment to keep you excited this is probably not for you. If you want to understand mythology from many cultures and how they seemingly tie together from a master lecturer who presents a synthesis of thought then get this DVD. Maybe I am slow study, but I found multiple viewings helped me. In my book, that is why this is worth buying since you will find new information each time through. I have listened to the tapes of the interviews at least 3x and watched the series 1.5x. Every listen through I get something new. Campbell's encyclopedic knowledge of the subject is a marvel and Moyers does a decent job asking the layman's question. This series deepened my understanding of many facets of religion and gave me so much inspiration for more study, I could spend a life time following those leads. Highly recommended for content and ability to inspire your personal search for understanding man's spiritual nature.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Wonderful Review: This is a DVD to watch if you are a little tired of Hollywood dumb down pap and are ready to stretch your brain a bit. I loved mythology from the start so I found it fun, and ...educational! It is a six part interview with one of the premier scholars on mythology interspersed with pygmy culture, Indian and Polynisian art, Christianity, Buddhism, New Guinea canibalism, and Star Wars. It's Mythology 101 in 6 hours and not a minute of it wasted. Fantastic! I suggest getting a glass of wine and relaxing with this DVD an hour at a time. Find your bliss then go for it. It's that kind of a DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Dramatic as well as informative. Review: If there would be such a thing as the Magnum Opus of mythology, these tapes/dvd's would be a part of it. Mr Campbell is very elaborate on the various subjects that can be viewed. From the first storytellers, to the masks of eternity and to the story of his own life. The latter being a great story of achievement. Truly Joseph Campbell is a symbol for modern mythology and a rolemodel for transcendent philosophers. Mr.Campbell's messages in these series however, are not an outline of his methodology, nor are they recapitulations of his work. He just talks about myths and sets an example of how one would have to view them in order to understand something like the cosmogenic circle. And I have to say, for a talk/philosophy show these series are very lavish.....