Rating:  Summary: Propagandizing Faith Review: The problem with this documentary is that it presents a very distorted view of Islam. Islam's achievements are reasonably praised but it's problems are swept under the rug. If you just don't want to hear about Islam's current intellectual crisis and the problems associated with Islam's current interpretation, then buy this and remain deluded. This is nothing but shameless, uncritical boosterism.
Rating:  Summary: Good source of info Review: This DVD is full of info about the start and spread of Islam. I haven't found any comments that challenge with known historical facts. Narration is excellent. However it is not a good source of Islamic Faith, Koran or teachings of Mohammad.
Rating:  Summary: Dazzling! Epic! Somewhat superficial! Review: Stirring, beautifully photographed, overflowing with impressive artistic and scientific achievements, this documentary delivered a truly obsequious and fawning overview of an often misunderstood culture. Wisely avoiding an international firestorm of hatred, Mr. Kingsley's narration sensitively pulled every punch that might have reflected poorly on the topic at hand. The international commentators produced a thin veneer of scholarly analysis without all the tiresome strife that questioning, debate, and independent thought sometimes cause. Thank you, PBS, for funding such a shallow, whitewashed look at our neighbors across the sea.
Rating:  Summary: Very well done - outstanding documentary !!! Review: This documentary could not have been released in a better timing. it gives a complete view of the islamic civilization throughout the ages, this film covers 1400 years in history ! A very good narration by Ben Kingsley, and the way the documentary has been made makes it hard to stop before it ends. I recommend this documentary for any person interested in learning about Islam or about the middle east history. I feel i know a lot more about that civilization now that all the related stories i read. Really worth it !!!
Rating:  Summary: A three hour infommercial Review: As the lucky recipient of a bookstore gift certificate recently, I wandered over to the DVD section with a bad case of "documentary fever". Seeing nothing of immediate interest, I picked up a copy of PBS's "Islam-Empire Of Faith", and read the blurb, which sounded fascinating. Now, normally any PBS documentary of the last 15 years or so sends my built-in propaganda meter ticking like an old Geiger counter, but as anyone knows, gift certificates are money to be crazy with, so what the heck. Unfortunately, I should have grabbed that Citizen Kane doc instead. This is quite possibly the nadir of PBS documentaries. The overwhelming amount of good reviews here for this awful thing simply reaffirms that P.T. Barnum had it right on the money. Objectively, the film is reasonably well produced, providing the obligitory interviews with scholars from various universities,(something that bore a whole lot more weight with me before my stoned-out generation took over the halls of academe)and manages to pack in a reasonable amount of historical information. The only real complaint here is the utter dearth of any "historical" substance to the presentation. There are no shots of ancient art or sculpture, or contemporary painting to give a feeling of period. From what I saw, all of the footage shown was boring modern footage of middle-eastern people going about their business. With only modern news footage shown while discussing 800 year-old events, any real sense of historical setting is lost. Where this sad excuse for history really sinks, is with its cloying, almost obsequeous tone. This is not only NOT an objective documentary, it is, without a doubt the most hand wringing, three-hour Carnival Cruise Lines ad I have ever seen. The hyperbole and utter subservience shown by the narrator and interviewees to the subject is so thick at times as to be occasionally hilarious. For instance; Absolutely every, single reference to a significant achievement of the Muslim world, of which there where certainly many, is immediately and after awhile, inevitably followed by a negative context to Europe. "While the Muslim world were bathing in luxurious golden baths, the Europeans were living a dirty and ragged existence". Which is certainly true enough, however, after the 12th or 13nth time, the old eyeballs start rolling. It gets old, not to mention suspicious fast. A film can note the achievements of one culture without disparaging those of another for context. Well, at least some can. The narrative copy is so full of exhasperatingly reverent language, that the show quickly takes on the feeling of one of those film strips on George Washington they made you sit through in 4th grade. I did learn one thing about Islam from this disc that I didn't know before however. I learned that there was only one negative occurence in the history of the region. The burning down of the Church Of The Holy Sepulchre, the culprit of which while noted by a "historian", was also prefaced by the line.." he was a cruel and intolerant man, not at all representative of his people. An exception to the rule." By this time I found myself chuckling more heartily than I had at the Woody Allen film I watched the night before. In 3 solid hours, previous example aside, there was not a single, solitary negative reference. Not one. Muslim history is every bit as flawed as any other of course, but you certainly won't learn that here. I understand the desire of the filmakers to want to counter the often, negative connotations that the Islamic world has with many westerners, but this can most effectively be done by simply showing the objective truth, which is as noble, courageous and interesting as any other. But this kind of patronizing, drivel does not only do a disservice to history and academia, it is downright insulting to Muslims and anyone over the age of 12, by suggesting that this kind of "happy pill" is history. Very sad.
Rating:  Summary: A Must have Documentary! Review: Its as simple as that...Get this video if you really wanna know what Islam is and the history of Islam. Very straight to the point and exciting way of telling the whole story. I do recommend it for Muslims and Non-Muslims too. What makes it unique is that its done by Non-Muslims, so its not biased at all!
Rating:  Summary: Informative Tale of the Islamic Faith Review: This really was a well made documentary. Informative and to the point. Its interesting how many of us consider ourselves to be religious, yet we dont really understand even the basics of other faiths. Islam is one of the major religions of the world along with Christianity, Judaism, Hindu and a few others. It is an ordered monotheistic belief very much like Christianity. The program was impartial and fair, giving rich history of Muslims without being overly for or against their beliefs. Muslim faith, ideals, conquest, commerce, city managment and daily life were discussed. The difference between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims was explained. And given recent world events in the Middle East, it was a timely program.
Rating:  Summary: Well Done, but Not Total in its Coverage Review: This is just a superb production, beautifully edited with outstanding cinema and musical score. It well traces the cultural development and achievements of a neglected part of the world's history, especially to those of us in the West.What it lacks is portrayal of the aggressive nature of Islam, which at its roots from Muhammed's experiences became more and more engrained against Judeo-Christian groups and nations. To not clearly speak of this function is to expose those who trust in this otherwise superb masterpiece the disservice of believing in a truly passive and loving religion, which it is not. The world would be blessed immensely, however, if it is true as some are saying that Islam is a peace loving movement. Maybe these strains will predominate and change the nature of the religion.
Rating:  Summary: Simply Great Review: Its amazing to know how much Islam has contributed to the world. This video is a great presentation of it.
Rating:  Summary: Very One-Sided Review: I certainly agree that Islam has received very biased treatment in American TV and movies, but this goes too far the other way. While they quote the Koran on mercy, equality and tolerance, there is not one mention of how Islam is often practiced; intolerance, sexism and forced conversion. I'm all for detailing the long list of great contributions Islam has made to civilization (and there are many), but there's a big difference between what Mohammed preached and what was practiced, just as there is between the teachings of Jesus and the practice of "Christianity". Maybe the producers thought they had to concentrate on the positive just to balance the scales.