Rating:  Summary: The point is... Review: ...the "prophecy" referring to the People Of Babel (Gen. 11:6) will in actuality have no part whatsoever in the actual Tribulation. And the fact that this whole movie was based around it being an actual prophecy that was eventually to come to pass really was a disappointment to me.The film gets 2 stars because, I'll admit, although the script was badly written, the acting was good, and the first half hour was quite intriguing until I found out what the whole plot of the movie revolved around. The real reason I think some people don't like it (as do I) is that these Christians are proposing that this prophecy will be true which will mislead any Non-Christian viewers of the movie into believing that it will happen. And because of that, I feel that this movie (as entertaining as it may be) should not be taken as a literal or accurate depiction of what the Tribulation will bring to the earth.
Rating:  Summary: Powerfully hitting on the end-times! Review: A fantastic sequel in this series. Highly recommended, not only for the topic matter, but a great tool to witness to others about the Book of Revelation, and what is soon to be coming to the Earth. - Tribulation. Only Jesus Christ can deliver us from the wrath to come. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Powerfully hitting on the end-times! Review: A fantastic sequel in this series. Highly recommended, not only for the topic matter, but a great tool to witness to others about the Book of Revelation, and what is soon to be coming to the Earth. - Tribulation. Only Jesus Christ can deliver us from the wrath to come. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: COMPELLING! "THE FUGITIVE" MEETS "THE OMEN!" Review: Another great Christian film from Clud Ten Pictures, the same company that has released great films like APOCALYPSE, REVELATION, JUDGEMENT, and LEFT BEHIND-THE MOVIE. This film, the third in the acclaimed APOCLAYPSE movie series, is a great piece of mainstream entertainment. Gary Busey gives his best performance in this film, and so does Margot Kidder and Howie Mandel. Nick Mancuso is evil as always as Franco Macalusso, the Anti-Christ. The story line and plot are the most interesting that I've seen in years. It was like watching THE FUGITIVE mixed in with STAR WARS and THE OMEN, but, at the same time, had originality to it. If you're in to Apocalyptic thrillers like APOCALYPSE, REVELATION, LEFT BEHIND-THE MOVIE, JUDGEMENT, and THE OMEGA CODE, then this movie is for you. Prepare for Enlightenment! Grade: A+
Rating:  Summary: Actually pretty good. I'm surprised. Review: As I am not a Christian nor an Apocalyptic, I view these movies based on Revelations as guilty pleasures. While reading Good Omens may be more up my alley, there's something altogether intriguing about Apocalypse art written by people that take it all very seriously. And usually I'm vastly disappointed. I really despised the Left Behind series for example. Dull, pedantic, preachy junk. Now this movie is interesting because it has the "where are they now" file on Gary Busey, Margot Kidder, Howie Mandel and Nick Mancuso (who I'm sure is famous for SOMETHING). It begans with Howie Mandel going nuts in a pre-apocalyptic world. As Gary Busey (the cop) tries to have him committed, Margot Kidder playing the Christian sister preaches a lot. It's a little unfair to say it but Margot Kidder does seem just a little more nutty that Mandel. She has this earnest desperation which fits the character but it's just a little TOO earnet. ANyhow Gary Busey ends up in a car wreck, goes into a coma and when he's come out the Rapture has happened. It's a lot of chases until he gets to his wife whose broadcasting the words of Jack Van Impe and Ken Hagge (sic?) who just happened to bankroll this thing. One interesting bit is that everyone puts on helmets and the anti-Christ tempts them. If they say yes, they get 666 carved into their hands (by the way -- just a theory but the 'mark' on the hand and forehead is probably early Christian anti-semitism as that is where you place Tefillan according to halacha -- but that's just a theory) and if they say no, they die. Nick Mancuso does a fairly workable Hannibal Lector impression, and Howie Mandel is a welcome addition to the movie. There's a scene where a guard threatens everyone with death and Mandel runs away, which is nice to see. Too often people in these movie are bland talking heads for the writers. An interesting scene is the confronatation between the British "Jesus is lord" girl and Satan. He pretty much says that he wants company in the Lake of FIre, which was reminding me of Dr. Faustus, but I'm weird that way. But it is nice to have the writers try to figure out Satan somehow. Overall, it's a fairly simple story. Nothing too great. Preachy as you might expect. Raised above standard fare by good performances all around.
Rating:  Summary: Take me now, God! Review: Even if you are a really eager devotee of end-times movies and books, this is one clunker to be avoided! Don't let the impressive cast (Gary Busey, Howie Mandell, Margot Kidder) lead you astray! This is a low-budget, lame script, cliche-ridden rehash of the old evil-UN, rapture, one-world-government stuff from Channel 23.
The minimal efforts to portray the future are only topped for awfulness by a hideously syrupy soundtrack.
Nick Mancuso makes a great anti-Christ but I can't think of another good acting job or indeed any good thing about this turkey. "Left Behind" is a WAY better movie bet on the same subject!
Rating:  Summary: Tribulation by name, travesty by nature. Review: From start to finnish this direct-to-video film is truly awful with terrible direction, amatuer filmaking sensibility , weak scripting and lousy acting by billed stars Gary Busey,Howie Mandel & Margot Kidder not to mention rest of co involved. Busey's character Tom Canoboro is a chapter of accidents as a deadly earnest cop clumsily endeavouring to foil Satan(Nick Mancuso, whose debauched glee is ironically the only bright spark)in his attempted global dominance. Ensemble cast quote unconvincingly from the Good Book, but not even the Second Coming would resurrect such disordered rubbish. Finally before Christians get mad at this review I enjoy some programs such as TVs "Touched By an Angel' irregardless of my own personal beliefs and wished for my six dollars back after renting this overly preachy poor excuse for a movie from my Video Store, buyers beware strongly suggest rental viewing first.
Rating:  Summary: Yuck Review: God may forgive any sin, but if I were him, I wouldn't be able to forgive the makers of this awful movie. Chubby cop slowly runs (or trots...or meanders) around for 2 hours dodging the evil powers of the anti-Christ and his O.N.E minions. (LOL! ONE...any more obvious?) I realize that the subject being dealt with is not "believable" on any scale, but the events that take place in this movie trivialize and diminish the power of the message. It's much too blatant that something is going wrong, while I believe the anti-Christ will be much more smooth and convincing and likeable (scary, but it wouldn't make much sense to make him some obviously evil person, would it?). For Cripes sake, the movie has a big goofy set of goggles people put on to accept or reject the mark of the beast. The anti-Christ has a pony-tail. The Cop wakes up from a coma and is immediately able to function and run around, further escaping those clumsy stooges of the anti-Christ. The whole thing is laughable. I wanted to spew my soda, but I was afraid the elderly church members (who probably all thought it was nothing short of genius) would be angered that I would dare speak anything against ANY movie about Jesus. Furthermore, could they not find decent actors? The whole lot were just BAD. The cop guy gets extra negative points for just making me want to scratch my ears off my head. Coupled with poor acting, the cop possesses a voice that is so...raspy...I guess?...that it is a torture to listen to him talk for two hours.
Rating:  Summary: Worth watching! Review: I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour in 1986 and since then I have been interested in the book of Revelation. I have heard different interpretations of what will happen in the Rapture and tribulation period, and I think it will be very different from what was depicted in this movie. I think the Anti-Christ will be more normal and human and subtle than he was depicted in this video. Some things that were very good about the movie were the wonderful acting by Gary Busey. Especially near the end. He really got into the character. Another good thing was the message that having a relationship with our creator, Jesus Christ is the most important goal and priority we should have. Some day soon everyone will realise that it is ALL that matters. I recommend you watch this series of videos and then read the book of Revelation...get a bible called The Message...it is really easy to understand, also read the book of Romans and John. Most of all get to know Jesus, He`s real and waiting to hear from you : ) He is just a prayer away.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME MOVIE!! Review: I am very choosy about movies and I thought this was one of the best movies I have ever seen. It was scary, exciting, not predictable and still uplifting at the end. I hated to see this movie end I was enjoying it so much.