Rating:  Summary: Not Based on the Bible. Review: This movie was really a STINKER. I mean REALLY BAD. Usually when a movie is made, it is made according to a script or a book. Who knows what this farce was based on. It certainly wasn't the Bible. I can only guess that this inaccurate storyline came from the corrupted minds of the producers who aren't "saved people". Why don't they go bash some other religion, instead of Christianity. Unless they get SAVED, they will be paying for this monstrosity at the Judgment before God. Wouldn't want to be them, that's for sure.To think that Jesus, the "Son of God", was attracted to a woman like the rest of us would be, is completely ridiculous, if not totally insulting to anyone who believes the Bible to be true. The liberty taken with this film is beyond comprehension. The only folks who would rate this disaster with a "good review" would be people who never read the Bible, or who are not "SAVED" people. How sad it has to be for them. Thinking they are saved, but are not. Let us true believers pray for these lost people who gave this film a "good" rating and hope they discover the truth about Jesus and the Bible before it is too late for them. Anyone who is interested in the truth of the Bible, try "Jesus of Nazareth". That movie sticks with the facts of the Bible. As for this film, I would only recommend it for people who are looking for a movie that lies about the real Jesus of the Bible and depicts Him the way the "Lost" would want Him depicted. Like themselves.
Rating:  Summary: You are the one mistaken my friend. Review: This is in response to heposyaledigo's review. In the film when Sisto (Jesus) asks John the Baptist to baptize Him, John tells Jesus if He confesses His SIN, He can then be baptized. (Here's the important part that you missed)- Jesus then responds to John's statement by replying with a, "OKAY". Thus, Jesus is confirming that He is indeed someone who has "SINS" to confess, because He is a "Sinner". No matter which way you slice this one, the producers of this fictional and inaccurate film portrayal of the REAL Jesus concerning this very important and critical scene in the movie is nothing but an insult to all "true believers" of the Bible. For those of you who are not "saved Bible believers, I can understand your positive reviews of this movie. You simply don't understand the great significance of all of this. If Jesus is a sinner like the movie suggests, then Jesus Christ was an imposter and a lunatic and couldn't die for anyone. God demanded a "perfect" sacrifice. Thank God the Jesus of the Bible (God's Word) was indeed perfect and without sin. This movie tried to destroy this fact. Thank the Lord that there are true children of His that will stand up for the truth and warn others who unknowingly are ignorant of the facts. Try to look at it this way if you can. Say some movie producers had made a movie about your mom or dad, who had been faithful to each other all their lives. Then Hollwood comes along and portrays them as adulterers even though this is an outright lie and untrue. How would you appreciate that? I didn't think so. You would be insulted and outraged. To make a film about the "Son of God" who was perfect and without SIN, to die for the sins of the world so that you and I don't have to spend an eternity in the Lake of Fire, and directly suggest that He was a common sinner is "blasphemous", anyway you want to look at it. This ridiculous movie could of been exactly right on every point (which it was not) according to the "Bible", but when you come out and attack the "sinlessness" of the Saviour of the world to die for sinners like you and me who deserve to go to hell, then you have maligned every "saved person" who believes in the Word of God. Those who don't see the seriousness of this outright attack on the God of the Bible and His Son, makes me wonder about them. I hope that you eventually discover the truth before it is too late. God bless.
Rating:  Summary: Exploring the "human" side of JESUS... Review: ...first i was disappointed when i read that jeremy sisto was "leaning towards buddhism". and i say this because i am a devoted christian, and to think that someone who truly DOES NOT believe in jesus portrayed the role of christ...well, let's just leave it at that. but aside from this, i thought sisto's performance was a delightfully refreshing one! i was able to see the fun- loving side of jesus; someone who enjoyed the company of his friends...his apostles for instance!! i ESPECIALLY enjoyed the sceene where andrew and james introduce jesus to simon (peter), and what was jesus doing? well, he had taken the liberty to skip some stones on the surface of the waters, laughing innocently with the joyess expressions of a child. i found that very touching and enjoyable!! and i also LOVE how jesus splashes water to his desciples, and they all laugh and enjoy eachother. BUT! the film also shows us the pain, the frustrations, the fear, the doubts and anger of jesus and his followers. thus all in all, the film explores both the spiritual AND the human sides of christ AND all the people he had touched. when i watched the movie "clueless" w/ my brother for the 5th or 6th time, i was soooo shocked to learn that jeremy sisto played the part of elton (i believe was the character's name)!!!!!!! i HAD to look at his face close up, and sure enough, it was a young sisto! i was 100% convinced after reading the credits. i believe he has brought this hidden side of jesus many people thought he did not have. i own the video version and our entire family gives it 2 thumbs up. more like 8 thumbs up!!!
Rating:  Summary: bbatis@email.msn.com and Ericka are a li'l bit mistaken Review: Well, this first is to bbatis: Of course John says "if you confese your sins..." but it is suposed that John didn't know THEN that Jesus was the Messiah; John knows it until he baptized Jesus, there he knew that Jesus didn't have any sin. And this is for you both: The Bible doens't tell everything about Jesus, 'coz, maybe, it was very tired to John, Peter, etc. to write everything, and they just write the vital stuff or what Jesus told them to write. The Bible doesn't say anything like "...and Jesus was happy, ...and Jesus smiled, ...Jesus was eating fishes, ...Jesus was dancing with Mary, ...Mary loves Jesus, etc." and it's for sure that Jesus did all this and more, 'coz He was also a human, and he was the best human, he had to be happy (like the Father), he had to smile (like the Father), he had to eat, and Mary surely loved Jesus, and the Bible doesn't say a word about all this, but not because it doens't say that it means that it didn't happened or that it's a lie, NO, definetely the Bible doesn't say all about what happened. Please, think about it, if you want to write me please email me to dannie_juge@hotmail.com
Rating:  Summary: Hollywood Jesus Review: This is a good movie of a sinner who is played by Sisto who is suppose to be playing the role of the biblical Jesus. But according to the Bible, Jesus was not a sinner. Obviously a big contradiction that throws the entire movie into confusion. The role of Sisto is a good portrayal of a sinner like us who needs to be saved from his sins by the REAL Jesus of the Bible. For people who think this movie portrays the factual account of the Savior, I would suggest Jesus of Nazareth. Better yet, if you have any doubt about the sinlessness of Jesus, read the Gospel of John for proof that he wasn't. I can understand why people would make a movie like this that distorts the facts of the Bible, or why people would think this is a good depiction of Jesus Christ. It's a matter of them wanting to create a Jesus according to their own ideas of him, instead of what the Bible says he was. But facts are facts and what other people think is pretty much irrelevant concerning truth. According to the Book you either accept the Jesus of the Bible as your sin-bearer who was without sin as your Savior, or, to quote the Bible, you continue believing that he wasn't who he says he was. If you should choose the latter, the Bible says you remain in your sins, and lost. This is only for all those who are interested in the truth of the Bible. Of course if you don't believe the Bible to be the truth, then nothing that the Jesus of the Bible has said will do you any good.
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful! A real suprise. Review: I agree this movie is an excellent depiction of Christ. Why does he have to be stuffy and boring for people not to be offended. He had human feelings in the movie and was portrayed as a kind and loving savior. I did'nt think I would like Bisset as Mary but she was an excellent Mother of God. There is always some male chauvinist who feels a woman is given too good a part. I am sure Mary guided Jesus, she was his mother and had to be a wonderful person to be chosen by God. Maybe some could be offended that Lazarus's sister liked Jesus. I was at first but the whole movie was too good to pick on that and it was handled tastefully. I want to think of the Saviour as kind and loving not judging and emotionless like a 16th century painting. The scene of Jesus death was graphic and painful, probably the best ever done. Another reviewer said Sisto portrayed Jesus as lazy. I feel he was just the passive good shepherd, loving and gentle. The rising of Christ was done in a beautiful manner, excellent. If Jesus was that figure we see giving a mean face in that old painting why did all those people love him and follow him? The bible accounts for a very very very small part of Jesus life. They just added a few little things because it is movie. But I agree it was heartwarming to see Jesus dance. That is the kind of heaven I would want to be in. Not one with a cross Jesus.
Rating:  Summary: Not According to the Bible Review: Anyone who knows the Bible, knows that this movie was not based on it. Example: There is a scene in the movie where Jesus asks John the Baptist if he can be baptized. John then proceeds to tell Jesus if he confesses his SINS and promises to follow God, he may be baptized. Again, if anyone knows God's word, they would know of all the verses in the Bible that say Jesus was without Sin. Yet, the movie says he had sin. I like to know what bible they were using to make this movie. It certainly wasn't the Holy Bible. If Jesus was a sinner, then His dying on the cross for Sinners was meaningless. Reason being, God required a perfect sacrifice to wipe away the sins of mankind. Jesus had to be tempted like all of us, but yet, not committing ANY sins. Thank God He was sinless, and died for the sins of the world. All that one needs to do to be saved, is accept His free gift of salvation. Jesus did it all. He was God in the flesh, without sin. This movie is just another perfect example of people trying to destroy what Jesus Christ did on the cross. This movie is nothing less than blasphemy to the Bible (God's Word), and every Bible believing Christian in the world. People who don't know or understand the serious contradictions of this movie in relation to the Holy Bible, need to either ask a Christian friend or read the Gospel of John for themselves. To put it simply, this movie was a joke. Just thought I would warn those who weren't aware of the facts. The Bible is based on facts, this movie was not.
Rating:  Summary: If you don't love Jesus, you'll do it after seeing this movi Review: This is the best Jesus movie i've ever seen; the FX are just great, with all those new computer tricks; the actors are very expressive. While seeing whi movie, i started to love Jesus more than ever, 'cause this movie shows Jesus as a human, he laughs, he gets sad, he gets tired; oh my God, and Mary is the best mother of all; another guy said that didn't like Mary was the one who guided Jesus instead of God, but i'm pretty sure it was her the one who guide Jesus most of time (of course, God guided Mary and Jesus too, that's for sure), but God's is so intelligent that He gave His Son that mother specially, because He knew for sure that Mary was the perfect guide for Him; Mary rules. Jesus is hte best religious movie i've ever seen, i cried a lot of times because it make me happy, because i saw that Jesus was brave, kind, comic, etc. ¡He was a human after all! He also liked to play, dance, eat, etc. and that shows that you don't need to be sad if you don't have any sin, cause Jesus didn't have any and he definitely was happy; it shows how He also had fear, but he encouraged it and defeat it. This movie shows the perfect model to all of us. Let's follow him.
Rating:  Summary: The best film about Jesus I've ever seen! Review: This movie, more than any I've ever seen, truly captured the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ. His gentle personableness and compassion shine brightly in this film. The scene where He forgives the woman caught in adultery was incredibly moving. I loved it so much I used in a sermon I preached on that subject. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars was because I would have liked to have seen more of His teachings incorpoarted into the movie. But believe me, this is one you'll want for your VHS or DVD library.
Rating:  Summary: Unique Portrayal of the most famous man in History Review: This movie was actually one of the first "religious" films I have come across to watch. I am a Christian, have been for some time. As such I was impressed by the depth, not the detail, of this movie. It stressed moreso the "man" of Jesus as opposed to the "divine", if that makes any sense. His fear at the garden before his arrest was a great addition, because it shows his human side best, after all, who really wants to die at 33? But the movie on the whole made me relate to Jesus more, much more strongly, because I can finally see he was a man, though also the son of God. I highly recommend it to anyone who only sees Jesus as being "The son of Man", he's so much more, he's your Lord and savior, and this movie definitely enlightens that fact.