Rating:  Summary: JESUS(2000) Review: This is the most inspirational movie ever made. Im buying it today to show it to my friends and family....Its so beutifully writen in cordanace with the BIBLe....It made my husband cry and he hasn't cried in 3 years......and then it was a pretty serious situation......It so touching....It makes you realize just how much Jesus has done for us...the pain, and suffage he felt...and how they betrayed him...and he let them in order to save them...and of course us...HE LOVES US!!! PLEASE DONT MISS THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Food for thought Review: When Mary learns that Jesus is going to die and she is shocked and angry - and asks why. He replies that it is to show God's love. She demands to know how this can be about love. His response is my favorite moment in this movie... when he looks up at her and replies that he has to give everything. While ocaisionally the movie gave me moments of discomfort - I think there were mistakes, as people are ALWAYS quick to focus on - as noted, Jesus confessing his "sins", for example, when in fact he was sinless. Perhaps the point though, was that He did this to set an example for the others even though for Him it was unnecessary. Nevertheless, this film had some truly beautiful scenes which rang truer than many I have seen... and isn't that the point? In reading the Bible later, I found things which the movie depicted accurately, that I hadn't known about in the first place (i.e. "Sons of Thunder" reference). One thing I was reminded of while watching the movie was how distrustful and contentious humans are by nature. Everyone had their political agenda (the political scheming of Livio, Pontius Pilate on one hand and Judas, Barrabas and the Zealots on the other), their doubts as personified by Thomas (and I am a "Thomas" type, analytical to a fault), and so on. The message of Jesus was so simple - to love each other and to believe in Him. His despair at their failure to do this - even among those who had been priviliged to know him and to witness miracles - and his understanding of their failure was so well done, and was one of the strengths of this film. The Gesthemene scene was also wonderful... the devil telling Jesus his suffering would be in vain, and reminding him of the horrors that would continue in the world. It rang true for me, maybe not for others. But hey, let's bicker and fight about it!!! :) We have a million things to disagree about, this movie being one trivial example. When we learn to agree to disagree without hate we will have finally gotten the point. (And I am still working on it, believe me, with a long way to go.)
Rating:  Summary: This movie changed my life! Review: Before I was blessed to see this miniseries on TV, I was by no means a good Christian! I only went to church for weddings and funerals, and only thought of God when I wanted something material. After watching this movie, I was a born again Christian. Jeremy Sisto, who was one of my favorite actors to begin with, did such a wonderful job acting, I felt I was actually witnessing Jesus in action. The script was presented in modern language ( not the King James "thou" and "thine" mumbo jumbo) I gained so much understanding as to what Jesus really said and did, and the amazing people he touched. The next Sunday, which was Easter, I went to my first church service in years, and have been a devout follower of Christ since. I honestly believe that had I not seen this movie, I would be stuck as a non-believer, and I would be missing out on all of the wonderful things Christ has taught me. I recommend this movie for anyone who has doubts about Christ and the messages he brought to this world. Amen~!
Rating:  Summary: Not perfect.....but not bad Review: Ofcourse...this movie is not 100% accurate with biblical accounts of the gospel of Christ(I don't believe I've seen one that is). But is does show the free spirited side of Christ. What I thought the movie lacked was that it did not portray Jesus as a divine figure. Also, I disagree with parts like when he got angry and started yelling when Joseph died, and the part with the gentile woman who answered him,"But even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table." Then Jesus in the movie realizes that the word of God is to be spreaded all throughout the world. Isn't he suppose to know it already since he is from the father? I wouldn't trust the movie literally but would put all my faith in what the bible says. We need to be careful how we represent Jesus because it is a huge responsibility. The gospel of Christ contains lots of details and therefore it's understandable that the producers can't stick every single detail into the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Refreshingly Real Review: A different twist on the most complex individual of our time. The other Jesus' films of the past lean more toward the deity of Christ, instead of His humanity. Jeremy Sisto's portrayal of Jesus is refreshing. It's nice to see Jesus laugh and enjoy life for a change!
Rating:  Summary: Best yet but flawed. Review: Well, It was beatifully acted out when I first saw it I yelled JEREMY SISTO!?!?!?! Who was high and casted him as JESUS the most influential person in the history of the universe (my mistake God Beats him) but him then I saw Gary Oldman they must have been kidding me. But when I saw it the role perfectly fit Gary(Conspierer and Confusing) Thoughout the movie all I could think of is him in THE 5TH ELEMENT. The scene that confused me the most was the crucifixion okay where are the 2 thieves? Thats the heart warming part of the crucifixion even when knocking on deaths door you can repent and be forgivin by God. I also saw a flaw in the nailing part why did they say he was nailed in the wrists. Although the placement of the nails were right the wrists and upper forearm were consitered part of the hand in those days (thats why he was alwas shown being nailed in the hands.). Oh, and why didn't they show the whole flogging and placement of the crown of thorns? (C'mon they even showed it in JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR 2000) My biggest problem is with the acention wheres the road to emmus when does he reinstate Peter. Where does fish w/ the 12. When does Judas hang him self he wasn't at the crucifixion (that's a mistake King of kings made also) I have seen over 50 different interpretations of Christ and Jeremy suprisingly gives the best. Gary Oldman was meant to give some "star" quality like John Wayne, and Sidney Poiter gave to THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD. By the way I'm 11 to be 12 on the 28th of June
Rating:  Summary: Susan Baez is not saved contrary to her fervent belief. Review: I thought this movie was well acted and a good story. We should not presume to know what exactly happened. There is documentation that supports that Jesus was a flesh and blood person regardless of whether or not he was the "Son of God". There is also documentation that says he actually married Mary Magdelan. There is also the Bible which is another piece of documentation that supports otherwise. I am of the opinion that the Bible may be right or wrong (or both, in part). When Susan Baez said that people were not "saved" because they could accept or even contemplate Jesus having sexual or even strong feelings for a woman "like one of us would do" she was being very naive. If Jesus was the son of god and came to earth to show us how to be good people, it would make sense for him to be tempted and then make a decision based on his principles. Jesus coming to earth as flesh and blood would have to experience what we do. He experienced birth, growth, work, friends, mother, father, discrimination and death, why not love and/or sexual desire. We should not just read the bible and close ourselves off to our own intelligent minds. Open yourself up and realise that something written so long ago and translated so many times could not retain it's original meaning even if it were fact in the first place. I am "saved" because I save myself, I don't let a preacher, priest, minister, nun, pope or anyone else do it for me. This movie is just another look at a famous story. Religious or not it is worth a watch for entertainment. That is why movies are made, to entertain. Jesus tried to make himself real to us, do not put him on such a sacred, high Pedestal that we no longer feel connected with a great person (God or not).
Rating:  Summary: I loved it. Review: I am a "baby" Christian and so I truly enjoyed this movie. It was very educational. And, contrary to one of the reviews I read - it "is" historically very correct. Everything Jesus says just about is in the Bible. My brother has never seen the movie and we discussed it over the phone. He knows the Bible well. I would describe a scene from the movie and he told me word for word - straight from Scripture - exactly what Jesus said in the movie. I was amazed at how accurate the movie was. I don't think the movie was portraying Jesus as being attracted to Mary at all. I think it was only showing that he "knew" she was attracted to him and that he maybe wasn't sure how to tell her who he was. I was very moved by the crucifixion scene - bawled my eyes out. The whole movie gave me a new appreciation for Sisto too. He was also in Grand Canyon - the teenage son. I think he is a wonderful actor and portrayed not a "lazy" Jesus - but a Jesus who was coming into his own.
Rating:  Summary: JUDGE NOT Review: I AM a saved believer and I strongly disagree with some of the reveiews I've read here for this film. Yes, I'll be the first to admit that it certainly has its share of flaws. I myself found myself shaking my head in disgust a few times when this movie first aired on CBS. But, friends, who are we to judge God's plan? Perhaps this movie served a purpose that we, as human beings, coulden't begin to understand. And if even one person was saved, then I think it did serve its purpose. We, as believers, already know the truth. Others do not. This movie showed God's love, mercy, and the fact that we all have the freedom of choice. Broadcast on national television, "Jesus" reached people who would otherwise never pick up a Bible or rent a religious film. Those touched by the movie's message will read the Bible for themselves; they'll be led to the truth. As Christians, we should have unity, be of one mind. Is it really worth arguing over a movie when there are far more important things to be done for the Kingdom of God? And to attack someone because they may have liked this movie--or to go as far as claiming that they only think they are saved when they are not--is not only disrespectful, it's dangerous! Matthew 7:1 says, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." Only the Lord knows who is saved, those who are truly His children.