Rating:  Summary: Any truth to "Jesus" ? Review: I have viewed other portrayals of Jesus. Most of them, while "faithful" to His words captured in Scripture, have been very "mechanical" with Jesus presented almost as an emotionless zombie. If we realize that Scripture- while containing enough truthful information to insure our salvation- is still only LESS than a Readers Digest condensed version of only SOME of the events of His life, we should be able to allow a little expansion of what the written Word states in order to present an interesting story- so long as it doesn't pervert any major facts. I could state a couple of incidents in the film which I would question, but I realize it is only a "movie". If EACH person in the world thought the movie was absolutely true to Scripture, then we would have only ONE "denomination" in the Christian world- don't hold your breath! I love this presentation of Jesus because it not only shows Him loving other people, but also having fun with them. I believe this depiction of Jesus is much closer to the truth than most people realize. I don't believe my Saviour created humans in order to have a completely dry relationship with them, but to have a loving, joyful one. Even though sin messed up God's original plan and His immediate relationship with us, our Lord took our place, to pay the price of sin, so that we could be restored in our relationship with the Father. My advise to the critics of this movie is to consider it as "part" of the whole picture and blend its content with those of other productions. This will ensure a "fuller" view of our Lord. This film should be viewed by each and every Christian- even if you don't agree 100% with it.
Rating:  Summary: The Spirit of the Film Review: I have watched "Jesus" many times since it first aired on CBS, and each time I have enjoyed it all the more. Granted, there are numerous fallicies to the film - often blatant contradictions with Scripture - but the spirit of the film portrays a side of Jesus I know quite well. He laughs. He plays. He splashes His disciples with water. There is a joy about Him that I haven't seen in other films. A tenderness in His eye and a genuine humility about Him is what I saw in this film. Some have problems with Mary of Bethany being in love with Jesus, and perhaps with Jesus being in love with her back (it was never outrightly stated that He was). I don't. Yes, Isaiah 53 says that Christ had nothing about His physical appearance that would attract us to Him, but His personality was 100% attracting for some. How else would He have gotten so many followers? I, for one, know that I would have been in love with Him had I been around in His days. He's the perfect Man! What young girl in her right mind wouldn't fall in love with the perfect Man? In fact, 2,000 years later, I have fallen in love with Him. Why is it so hard to believe that a young woman in His time would fall in love with Him? I think it was completely possible. The film is great for those who are looking more for the personality of Christ than for specific Biblical accuracy. The overall theme is what draws me back to this film time and time again. I suggest watching it together as a family with a Bible close at hand to discuss the inaccuracies in the film.
Rating:  Summary: Jesus DVD A Must For Every Christian Review: I love this movie every time I watch it. Is it line-by-line true of the Gospels? No. Can you nit pick it apart? Yes. But, what it does do is give the viewer an impression of the kind of person Jesus was and the world he lived in. You leave this movie wanting to read more. Wanting to read the Gospels. I know I did. I've found that movies that repeat the Gospels word by word don't necessarily make me want to read them more. The movie takes some liberties on some things the Bible doesn't mention, like Jesus' life as a child and Joseph's death, they could have happened that way. The important thing is that you walk away from this movie with His message: Love the Lord God, love others, forgive others if you want God to forgive you, Jesus died so our sins could be forgiven and rose from the dead, proclaim to the world His good news. Amen. Amen. Amen. Watch this movie. You won't regret it. Then, read the Gospels from Matthew to John. Awesome! God bless, Brian
Rating:  Summary: Jesus! What a great movie! Review: I recommend it to everyone who wants to get to know Jesus. I felt it was authentic to what the Bible tells and brings it to life. I cried three times. Probably the first movie I ever cried over. Well worth the money to purchase and to share with all Christians and non-Christians.
Rating:  Summary: What influenced me more than anything Review: For years I had questioned how much it meant for Jesus to die if he knew that he would be resurrected in three days; I questioned how much of a sacrifice it really was. I always figured, "Heck-I would be willing to die for three days in order to save humanity from it's sins". Let me tell you-after I saw the brutal and horrible pain and suffering that Jesus went through, I no longer question that it was indeed the supreme sacrifice! I'm not to worried about some as I see hair-splitting errors. I gloss over them as long as they're not some utter blasphemy or something, and I don't feel like there were any of those. David
Rating:  Summary: #1 Christian Movie of 2000 Review: This movie was heartfelt,that is why I had to order it. Jeremy Sisto was excellent because of his natural and manlike portrayal of Jesus. I believe that God sent Jesus back to earth in human form for His Son to be able to identify with the human nature and for us to believe. Debra Messing was very convincing in her role as Mary Magdalene. Jacqueline Bisset was wonderful as Mary. Jeroen Krabbe was overwhelming as Satan. Immediately when I saw Krabbe as his last name,I thought (Crabby),so fitting for Satan! I shared the movie with my family members and it was a blessing. Each time that I view the movie there is a sense of excitement as if I'm viewing it for the first time and I'm moved to tears. I look forward to more movies and much success to all!
Rating:  Summary: If this was God then he's gotta lot of explaining to do. Review: I would love to ask the producers of this flick(who are probably all Unitarian Universalists) did you guys discover a new Bible or something or new Gospels that nobody else has heard of when your were making this mockery of a movie? I can state with complete confidence that this was hands down absolutely the worst protrayal of Christ I have ever seen. Jesus confessing his "sins" before John the Baptist is just the tip of the iceberg. This horrifying travesty is so riddled with inaccuracies and distortions of the Scriptures that in its own perverse way it is a monumental achievement. Please, please, please I beg you gentle reader, buy Franco Zefferelli's "Jesus of Nazareth" instead. Made in 1977, it is a work of art of the highest caliber.
Rating:  Summary: Great Idea, Utter Flaw Review: This flick may be contemplating on Jesus' story, but this is NOT focused on the Bible, at least not 100% of the time. I gave it 2 instead of 1 because there are some segments based on scripture. Since this was a more-modern production of Jesus, I decided to record it last year, thinking it was the best, elaborate production yet. Wrong! I figured out that this film is less than half-hearted compared to the Bible. Here are some examples of reinventive errors: 1). Jesus had NO comeliness (Isiah 53:2) 2). John The Baptist shouted "Behold, the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world!" when Jesus approached him, and not leaving him. And He asked to be baptized? He confessed his sin?? And John only sprinkled Him with water??? None of that is mentioned in the Bible! 3). CBS portrayed Mary and Joseph to lead Jesus to ministry; He never needed any guidance! Jesus knew (knows) very well on who he is, and he knew very well what his mission on Earth was, start-to-end. He sacrificed His life on the cross so that we would be saved through Him, not to 'prove God's love' as they had made it seem. Any of these lies could become the truth; know that there are deceivers on this Earth. 4). Mary was portrayed to be a perpetual virgin, when Jesus, in REAL LIFE, had earthly brothers by her. (Matthew 12:46 - 47) 5). CBS made it seem that Jesus and Mary of Bethany were in love with each other and wanted to be together. They tried to fit their own views on nothing but blasphemous imagination and fallacies. When it is never even LIGHTLY mentioned in the Holy Bible, what right would God give CBS for making up such a heck of a tall tale? Certainly not that! Yes, Jesus loved Mary as an ordinary woman, but not as a potential wife! Sheesh. This isn't a bad film, just highly deceitful and innacurate. Definetely NOT for the Christian who wants to know ALL about Jesus. If you want to see a movie about Jesus, pick "Jesus Of Nazareth", or a special series called "Matthew". Better yet, if you have a dramatized version of the Bible (King James is best), pick that over this drab. I'd like to thank Speeeedy J (Epinions.com) for giving me his opinion on this production, and I'd like to warn everyone of the deceit it holds. Lies can become the truth. And one final fact: It doesn't even portray the birth of Jesus! NOT RECOMMENDED TO ANYONE AT ALL
Rating:  Summary: Betrayed by a Kiss Review: The life of Christ is portrayed in luscious cinematography as I have never seen it before. Jeremy Sisto also has the look we have come to believe as Jesus over time. I loved that Jesus laughed and enjoyed life in this movie. However, I do believe He was much more aware of His mission than was presented to the viewer. Jeremy is not very convincing at first, but has your heart near the end. Yes, they did take a few liberties with this movie and the dressing scene was not at all necessary and almost insulting in a movie about Christ. If you are familiar with the Bible stories then you will also find many errors in the story line and that was a bit disappointing. The whole story of Jesus being in love with Mary (Martha's sister) was news to me. I was not really offended by it as it added to the story, but felt that the way I had always heard the story was that Mary loved Jesus more as a brother.... The story starts with Jesus awaking from a nightmare. Later the viewer sees more of his life revealed in flashback scenes. I thought the way they told the story was very creative, however what it lacked was more of Christ's wisdom and His words as recorded in the Bible. I find the words of Christ to be incredibly beautiful and in most of the movies made on his life, they do include so much more. There were really important parts of Jesus' Life that were not really even touched on. Some points to make: Jesus is sinless, so there was not need for him to confess his sins. John said: "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world," when he saw Jesus arriving, not leaving. I always imagined Jesus being submerged in water at his baptism, symbolizing death and coming back to life. When tempted by the Devil, the Devil kept changing from a temptress to a tempter which was creative and the scenes where Jesus and the Devil fly above the earth and go to the Temple were quite good. The scenes of people killing in God's name only showed how people use others to achieve their own aims. They didn't show all the families who are blessed by believing in God, nor did they show the joy only Jesus can give. I absolutely loved the scene of Jesus swinging the child around and laughing and when He is walking on the water. The Temple scenes were He tosses out the money changers was superbly done. It showed that He had holy anger and still was not sinning. His relationship with His mother was so beautifully portrayed, and yes, she was very much a part of his life. The agony of her loosing her son is so sad. Perhaps by seeing how wonderful Jesus is, many will do more research on his life and find all the wonderful words of Christ in the Bible. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. John 5:24 Terribly moving and so very human, but it could have been so much more!
Rating:  Summary: horrible Review: this movie was horrible! Did the makers of this movie even read the Bible? It's as if they just made up their own story. Every commercial I saw of this had LeAnn Rimes's song "I Need You" playing. But I watched this movie from start to finish and the song was not in the movie at all! Only other country's got to see the special ending with the song. I have the soundtrack and not ONE of those songs were in this movie! This guy doesn't even look like Jesus. He looks more like a model for the GAP!