Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to what some people have to say. Review: Don't listen to what some people have to say regarding the crediblity of this movie. Obviously, it isn't 100% true to the gospels but what do you expect?? It's a movie, not a documentary, of Jesus' life. And I have to say that although not everything that happens in the movie happened in the same way in the Bible, this movie is really really great. It portrays the HUMAN side of Jesus. The side of him that wasn't always completely sure of himself and suffered a great deal with having to die in order to fulfill God's plan. Jeremy Sisto was great as Jesus and Debra Messing did an outstanding job playing Mary Magdelene. This movie shows Jesus as a real person instead of a superhero. He had feelings and doubts just like everyone else and this movie makes that very clear.
Rating:  Summary: Jesus Didn't Know Who He Was In This Movie Review: This a very inacurate version of Jesus life on earth. In the movie Jesus doesn't know why he came to earth in the first place. He didn't know he was God's son. And it was Mary who had to tell Jesus what to do. And what is this about John asking Jesus to confess his "SINS" and Jesus says "OKAY." Jesus didn't have any sins. He was PERFECT. And in the movie John didn't know Jesus was the Messiah. In the Bible John knew Jesus was the Messiah right when he laid eyes on him and said "I am the one needing to be baptised by you." (Mat 3:14) Where did you get the information for this Movie? Use The Bible Next Time. I DON'T RECCOMEND THIS MOVIE TO ANYONE. It's all Fake on who Jesus really was as a person.
Rating:  Summary: Contradicting of the word Review: From the very beginning of this movie it was very misleading, not only that, but Christ knew his purpose here on earth, Mary his mother did not have to instruct him of his requirements by his heavenly Father. Remember he was separated from Mary and Joseph while they continued traveling not knowing he was back in the temple speaking to the men there with great wisdom and he was only 12 years old. I need not see anymore nor say anymore, but I did not like this movie at all! Lies
Rating:  Summary: Not bad. Review: Not a bad movie of Jesus. Certainly, it is not going to be a Oscar for actor Jeremy Sisto for playing Jesus, especially when it is obvious that he breathes noticeable 3 or 4 times when playing Jesus dead in the tomb. I don't agree in a Jesus not knowing why he was here. As I have read in the reviews made of this movie, there is people either who love this movie or hate it. Just watch it and get your own conclusions. It is a different movie of Jesus but it is worth watching.
Rating:  Summary: Are You Kidding Me? This Is A Joke!!! Review: I only gave this movie 1 star because there wasn't an option for no stars. This is the absolute worst depiction of Jesus' life that I've ever seen. And to top it all off the special effects aren't very special. Don't even rent this movie, save your time and your money. The acting is horrible, and nothing here follows the Bible. They got some woosie boy to play Jesus, and this guy doesn't even know who he is and what he's been placed on earth to do. If you know what the trinity is, it's the belief that the father, the son, and the holy spirit are the same and this story shows that Jesus didn't know why he was on Earth. Bottom line, this movie SUCKS!!! DON'T GET THIS MOVIE, IT'S HORRIBLE.
Rating:  Summary: Jesus film Review: It's obvious once you begin this film that the film makers wanted to give this film a different tone then is usually given to Jesus and his story. They definately stayed away from making Jesus this very serious, "holy" character and instead made him very upbeat and joyous. They made sure to give the film a pretty quick pace for a Jesus film also. All the scenes move foward with energy and they infused the film with quite a bit of humor. Be warned that this film is not made from the very strict christian fundamentalist perspective. Jesus here is quite human. We see him a bit confused in the beginning of the film. Also, there are a lot of scenes that were written in based on artistic license of dialoges that are not in the gospels but instead are creative writings that are scattered all throughout. One example is a great scene between Jesus and Satan that was really well done. Overall, I enjoyed the film. I gave it 5 stars not exactly because I thought it was a masterpiece, but because I admire the effort to make a decent Jesus film. The Jesus portayal was decent. I can't say it was an outstanding performance. While the actor did a nice job with the light hearted stuff, he lacks a bit of depth and inner richness that Jesus I'm sure had. It was still a decent performance worth seeing. Also, while the energy of the film was nice, I was disappointed they left out a lot of the parables of Jesus, they mainly stuck with the action oriented scenes of the new testament. They didn't take the time to slow down and just have Jesus centered in his powerful parables and teachings. I would have like to have seen some of that. In a lot of ways this is the best Jesus film ever made becuase they give Jesus some personality. Film makers don't realize how mistaken it is to make Jesus so serious all the time. Jesus was bathed in Holy Light. I'm sure he was the most joyous man around. This film made sure to play that up and keep the story moving along crisply.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: I saw this movie when it first came out and had to buy it! The emotions that Jesus portrayed are emotions I had felt, it made me feel closer to Christ than I had in a long time. I became eager to read the gospels again and to have the closeness with Christ that was portrayed in the movie. I was very impressed with the humanistic portrayal. Jesus seemed concerned with real people, with real problems and his forgiveness was never judgemental. He was not a walking bible thumper or so pious that one would feel uncomfortable asking for help from him.I loved this movie and the fact that this was not completely scripturally based is fine. When I want scripture, I look in the Bible, not a movie. I watch movies for their entertainment value, not to replace reading the Bible. This movie shows a Jesus we have never seen on film before and it is a good way to help someone who doesn't know Christ, to get to know him better, maybe get interested in scripture and look for some answers in the Bible.
Rating:  Summary: And the Word became flesh, and dwealt among us. Review: I have seen the Jesus miniseries, and I have to say I loved how they portrayed Jesus' human side. It's understandible how Jesus was simply "giddy" at times because how else would you react when you are so full of love? Rather than relying on quoting scripture, the writers relied on everyday words but still stayed true to the meaning of the Gospels. One instance was the crippled man where Jesus drapes a cloth over the mans legs and cures the man so that he is able to stand on what was once crippled and twisted legs. The DVD doesn't worry about every instance or every miracle performed, but rather takes you on a journey of the person that Jesus was. At the life and time of Jesus, Jesus Christ was the center of attention by those who were his followers and those who wished to do him in.
Rating:  Summary: IS THIS THE JESUS THAT WE KNOW? Review: I always thought that Jesus Christ was and still is a very serious man. But by the same token he is well known as a "Down To Earth" person. When it showed him dancing and partying I had to think for a minute, is this really Jesus that we know? Well why not? He's a human like the rest of us and he too was entitled for some fun too. However I don't picture him losing it and shouting to his heavenly Father over the death of Joseph because he felt he couldn't make life without him or just about ready to flip out while wood working because he couldn't make the project that he was working on come out right. Jesus was a man that was always ready and willing to face anything in life and took one step at a time on them like he'd preached to us to do ourselves in our daily lives. The bottom line is that I think this is a good movie for people of all ages, I like it very much.
Rating:  Summary: Bloody but Powerful Review: This movie has many brutal scenes and is quite graphic during the crucifixion. The story is still powerful beyond belief if you enjoy watching Jesus videos. I reccomend this to ages 10-adult and let the records show that I told you that. Jeremy Sisto is a great actor for the role of Christ. He almost did better than Brian Deacon(1979 "Jesus"). This film is an absolute must see.