Rating:  Summary: One of the best all times depitions of the Son of God. Review: True, there are a few major flaws and a few more minor flaws in this otherwise impeccable depiction of the Son of God who walked the earth 2 millennia ago. This is a refreshing attempt to tell the real story that the Bible records. For those whose pre- conceived notions have been stepped upon, need to read their Bibles more closely. Jesus was God's son, born as a man, and this film presents his humanness in such a plausible way that it is breathtaking. Imagine seeing Jesus dance! Why wouldn't he? People for too long have had foiced upon them a Christendom-ish sick, pale dying from the get-go person that this mostly truthful adaptation is a shocker. Weren't the Christendom-ish ones referred to in the movie, the ones who murdered in Jesus NAME? When Jesus came then, he fooled almost everyone. No one knew what to expect. He did not turn out to be the person THEY wanted. Would he today be who most want? In reality, contrary to so many "zealots" of our day, if Jesus were to return in the flesh, he would be killed again. Who REALLY wants a king that is not corrupt, or corruptable (at least when it comes to them). Human nature has not changed. Satan in the movie asked some very searching questions that may have been realistically propounded. Why die, when all this hatred and death will happen anyway? Was it all for nothing? When Jesus came, he planted seeds for the harvest. The harvest is here. Yes Jesus WILL return, but not as most expect. Don't expect to leave your cars unmanned. Jesus is no longer a man, and never will be again. We can see this attractive humannes wonderfully done in this program. Get an idea what he was like; loving, and the greatest example of integrity this sorry world will ever see. He WILL return, and very soon at that, as a mighty warrior king to remove the corruption of the system that Satan so tauntingly bragged would never end. It will end. I congratulate the makers of this film at their incredible, but not flawless, accuracy, and would love to discuss it with them. I am amazed at how they were able to succeed in this undertaking. As Pilate asked of Jesus "what IS truth?", so this program sends back the heart searching questions that Jesus leaving the question un-answered did. If you REALLY want the TRUTH, you open your heart - not you mouth, a give up PRE-CONCEIVED IDEAS AND EXPECTATIONS.
Rating:  Summary: Jeremy Sisto was very believable Review: My uncle was the one that actually wanted to watch "Jesus" and I decided to watch it with him. A few minutes into the movie, there was something that really grabbed my attention. That something was Jeremy Sisto. I loved the way that he showed the human side to Jesus. I especially loved the scenes when he is dancing with other people. You never saw Jesus dancing in the other movies about his life. Anyway, the best scene was during the crucifixation when Jesus cried!!!
Rating:  Summary: Inspired, original traversal of Jesus's story Review: This version of the Jesus tale is inspired, eloquent, and deeply thoughtful. It takes a shrewd look at a flesh-and-blood man of extraordinary divinity, and it works and comes together most movingly. The outraged zealousness of the earlier reviews posted here can be swiftly dismissed by those wanting to see an original, well-considered look at who was, arguably, the most influential person in all humankind. I believe it is preferential to have a more multi-sided view of Jesus, than a severely limited one - and there was no one man more unlimited than Christ. Jeremy Sisto did a beautiful job of portraying Jesus, and being such a natural, instinctive actor, he was believable in every way. He was, by turns, intense, gripping, and deeply involving. Sisto has such a commanding, natural authority that he makes you *believe* in his divine soul: this important aspect made the actor's Jesus all the more convincing, especially in the overwhelmingly moving last half hour. The rest of the cast - Gary Oldman, Jacqueline Bisset, Debra Messing, Jeroen Krabbe, Armin Mueller-Stahl, and David O'Hara are all excellent, completely convincing and do their job to abet the story. The scriptwriters deserve special mention for dialogue that flowed naturally and easily - thank goodness we were spared of yet another movie with bombastic Biblespeak: no one talks as they did in The Good Book. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: A Modern, Compassionate View of Jesus and His Followers Review: This video will make you realize Jesus was not some Shakespearean orator, some method actor, some stuffy character or medieval painting... He was a real man like you or I. The great thing about this video is the depiction of His reactions to others around Him as their divine savior and His frustrations in trying to convey His compassion for them. Eventually, He was betrayed by all. Still, He loved us all. The video takes liberties with some added dialogue, but is very true to the scriptures. When Jesus says, "...they know not what they do", one of the Romans mutters under his breath "We know exactly what we're doing." In other areas, conjecture about Jesus' extended conversations with Satan are not unimaginable and are in keeping with other scriptural references to His temptations. The goal is to depict Jesus and man and God fully. This movie does one of the best jobs of emotionally connecting the viewer to the person of Christ EVER! Buy it and you'll be happy you did.
Rating:  Summary: good but somewhat of a downfall Review: i think this movie had a lot of depth into the hearts but jesus was somewhat lost in the movie like his mother tells him it is time to do what he has to do,i mean almost like SHE is guiding HIM.i dont know maybe its me or something. they had a lot of heart i can give you that..but only to the part that jesus seemed to need to be convinced to do what he had to do.people are showing him what to do instead of him showing them the way. maybe they were right.i mean it does show some dissapointment(to me anyway). but despite the minor flaws it was a really good movie ! i mean they really out their hearts to it.. the one thing that struck me though was when they were crucifying him jesus mother sayd to him " jesus im here" showing him that shereally was there for him. it kinda make syou sad to see a mother wanting to help her son in need.it was a good movie i think everyone should at least view it once it may change youre mind about things. in my opinio this movie was good..
Rating:  Summary: An excellent disappointment Review: Acting, scripting, special effect, dramatic tension, all excellent, high marks! But if you are a Jesus freak like me don't buy this title. Rent it or borrow it. They tried to create picture of Jesus both human and divine but only those who know him can pull that off. If you want a perfect execution of a human but divine Jesus, go get the "Matthew" video or DVD by Visual International.
Rating:  Summary: A Jesus you'd want for your friend Review: This was a Jesus that could actually be your friend and someone you would not be afraid to talk to or follow. Too many times in previous adaptions, Jesus seems cold, distant and speaking Gospel verse verbatim and I would find it hard to connect with Him on a personal level and wondered how the Apostles felt. But I was able to feel Jesus' frustration and sadness when he was pleading with God to raise Joseph because I too have lost my father, and I could empathize with his feelings. Wonderfully acted, I felt that some of the "personal" touch was lost in the second 2 hours and I wished that it was longer so we could see some more "in-between" moments. It inspired me to read the Bible in a whole new light. It had it's bizarre moments, such as the Temptation in the Desert, but overall a very enjoyable story.
Rating:  Summary: Jesus - 2000 Review Review: One item that is striking with this DVD is the color quality. The green hillsides with a blue sky are incredible and go a long way bringing the viewer into the story line. If memory serves, the tv broadcast was available in HDTV. This would explain the clarity and color saturation. I would rate the video quality as the best I've seen. The audio is excellent as well.They have done a great job portraying Jesus as human. Other movies focus on Jesus the deity. This is a very creative story that seems realistic (yet does not stray from the intent of the Gospels) -- Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: This Film is a Beautiful Reminder of Things to Come Review: I enjoyed this film emensely. The musical score and photography were inspiring and lifted your thoughts beyond the present to reflect on sacred times of the past. That said, certain aspects of this film are disturbing. The major distraction for me was the graphic portrayal of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute. There is no biblical or historical indication that this was the case. Mary Magdalene was not from Jerusalem or Galilee. She was a believer from Magdala, perhaps the daughter of a rich trade merchant. True, Jesus did cast seven devils out of her. Afterwards, she straightway followed Jesus and became one of his most devout. She was present at his crucifixion and could therefore attest to his death. She helped to hastily prepare his body for burial before the Sabboth, and arrived early on the scene the first day of the week to complete the task. To her was given the honor of his first post-mortum appearance and the mission to teach the apostles of his resurrection. She also delivered to "his brethren" the instructions where to assemble and what to expect. Mary loved Jesus deeply. He asked her not to touch him (yet) because he had not presented his perfect resurrected self unto the Father. I have no doubt that at some future time, she too, was given the opportunity to feel his wounds and enbrace her Master, as we all will if we endure faithfully to the end. I believe Jesus came to a knowledge of his divinity grace by grace. This was clearly protrayed in the film. Joseph and Mary (and divine others)taught him. (Joseph had been taught by angels in dreams and Mary had stood in the presence of God.)The depiction of the relationship between Jospeh and Jesus was beautiful and a good addition to the story. The inclusion of Satan as a modern (timeless) man was inspiration. The future attrocities performed in the name of Jesus were true historical evidence that an apostacy from his truth had occured, as predicted, by the end of the apostolic era. Christ's torment, anguish in the garden and the manner of his crucifixion were excellently and authentically portayed. True, his baptism wasn't "in" the river Jordan as one might expect, but this is only further evidence of the falling away that embraced the world early on. We cannot fault the producers or theologians who portray sacred events contrary to our own beliefs, as I feel we all try to do our best according to our personal understanding. I believe one day, He will return and "fill in the gaps" and we will all come to a common understanding and acceptance of his gospel. In the meantime, we do what we can. We love each other, we help each other, we give what we can give...Jesus is found in the faces of many. Thoughtful and beautiful films such as this help remind us of that.
Rating:  Summary: Enticing but Lacking in Character Review: Who can pass up any movie with the title "Jesus"? Sisto is less then adequate at his role as Christ. Im not sure if its his voice or his blase boring acting...or maybe because I remember him from the movie Clueless, but he just did not make me believe that I was really watching Jesus. Rather it was very obvious from the first 15 minutes, that it was Sisto reading lines pretending to be Jesus. In a way it was very liturgical and dogmatic and...well boring. But I watched it anyway because I love all movies portraying the most fabulous spiritual masters of all time. I will say that Messing, surprinsingly enough acted very well in her role as Mary Magdalene...in fact she was the only convincing actor in the movie. I will also say that I loved the idea of how they portrayed Satan. All too often Jesus movies leave out the temptation story...yet it is a wonderful and highly symbolic of Jesus the man...turning into Jesus the Christ by resisting the lower self. So any library needs this movie just for the sake of having it. Beyond that, if you want quality Jesus movie with a quality character portrayal of Christ please, I urge you to buy "Mary, the Mother of Jesus." Christian Bale portrays Jesus...what an actor! He has a strong energy about him that made me believe it was Jesus not Bale. Very powerful actor.