Rating: Summary: The only way to watch TV Review: If you do not have this product you are wasting your valuable time when you watch TV without it.
Rating: Summary: Best Purchase in Years Review: I bought the Tivo because I had been reading about it for years and anytime I met someone who owned it they would say, "It changes the way you watch TV." They were telling the truth. My entire Family loves our Tivo. We watch less TV, but now only watch what we want, rather than what is on. We also completely control what our young children view. They don't seem to mind because there is always several shows to pick from.
Rating: Summary: More money then you think! Review: Be sure to understand that not only do you need to buy the TiVo (the player) itself, but you also need to buy the sevice!
Rating: Summary: Changed how I watch TV Review: My TV viewing has been permanently altered by purchasing my first TIVO almost two years ago from Amazon. I cannot imagine life without rewind and pause, and frequently when I'm at friends or family member's houses that don't have a TIVO, I find navigating the channels almost unbearable.TIVO is so well designed in almost every screen, from upcoming programs, ratings, reviews, their interactive guide and even the cool remote. If mine broke, I'd purchase a new one immediately. Get it.
Rating: Summary: Changed how we watch TV Review: Thank you, TiVo - we are now back in control of our lives. We have been freed from fixed network time slots, commercial breaks, irritating interruptions, etc. There are only a few key shows I watch on a regular basis (Meet the Press, The O'Reilly Factor, The Shield, etc.). Pre-TiVo, I would find myself re-arranging my activities in order to not miss them. Post-TiVo, I live my life and catch these shows when it's convenient for me. Using "season passes" (a TiVo function), I never miss what I want, yet am not a slave to network scheduling. Receive a telephone call during a show? No problem - just pause live (or recorded) television and restart your show when you're through. Want to re-hear something important? No problem - just hit the back key and replay what you want. It's so easy, you'll be amazed how transparent it becomes and wonder how you ever got along without it. TiVo claims that their product will change how you watch TV. They're not kidding. Highest recommendation.
Rating: Summary: Confused By Reviews Review: I purchased one of the very first Philips Tivo units. A 20 Hr. model we have never had a problem with it. The only problem is not enough recording time. I have read all the reviews for Tivo and Sonic Cubes Replay TV units. I was thinking of getting a Replay this time because of it commercial advance feature. ...We love our 20 hr unit I plan to upgrade the hard drive when we get our new one. We don't want to be without our Tivo while I upgrade it. Should I say were hooked on Tivo you bet. We were first on our block to have one and now every person who has see ours bougt one. Maybe I should buy stock in Tivo instead of another unit. By the way: Only the 60-hour TCD140060 Series 2 model and 40-hour AT&T model (TCD130040) can be upgraded with a second drive. (...
Rating: Summary: Good product but beware of their customer support Review: My TiVo unit failed within 8 months. The TiVo Web support form indicated that it could take 3-5 days for someone to respond to my service inquiry. The TiVo phone support personnel responded quicker (maybe 10 min), but only to ultimately report that: 1) It would cost $99 to replace the unit; 2) I had to box & ship the unit to their service center at my expense (even though it was easier & cheaper to drive there); and 3) it might take an additional 10 days for TiVo to ship the replacement. I was facing a total TiVo down time, including shipping both ways, of 14 days. In contrast, when my Dell CDROM failed a couple years back, Dell advanced replaced the unit in 1 day. Considering all the things that TiVo got right in their product, I was surprised by all the things that were lacking with their service.
Rating: Summary: A Doubter Capitulates Review: If you are a television junkie, you will love TiVo and how it operates, so I shall leave aspect that to the other reviewers to stress. If you are more casual about TV and are looking for a way to save space & time (ie, VHS tapes and changing them) TiVo's recording capabilites are mostly but not completely great. I have the 60 hour HD; you only get that many hours when you are willing to sacrifice picture quality - if you're going to be taping sports programs, for instance, you'll need to use the high quality function to avoid pixelation, and you'll see a great reduction in HD space. Another thing: no power switch. Again, for casual TV users, this is a waste of equipment lifespan & electricity. It's a fun machine, but when you get right down to it, for most, it's just a very expensive toy. EDIT: Some year and a half, later, I've chosen to update this review. You see, I thought I wasn't addicted to TiVo. Then I went over to a non-TiVo-owning friend's house to watch the superbowl, and grew increasingly frustrated at not being able to watch instant replay's of my choosing. Consider the crow eaten and down the hatch. TiVo is wonderful. It's still not perfect; if I had my druthers, I'd rather it operate similar to a VRC that could power itself up at the appropriate time (one of those quirks people who were around during the 1970s energy crisis may appreciate - it got drummed into our heads that anything that didn't need using needed to be turned off).
Rating: Summary: B/T & A/T (Before TIVO & After TIVO) Review: In the beginning there were no kids so we happily watched our shows with glee never to miss a Seinfeld or 90210, whoopee!! Then came the baby ages, our life was filled with baby joy but sadly no TV.... NOW WE HAVE TIVO!!! Ye HA!! I read the babies a book mommy fixes daddy dinner and we never Never NEVER miss our favorite TV!! How sad our lives would be without TIVO, kids be quite! shhh! The games on, you change the diaper I'm watching HG TV! It's Wednesday Night, should we watch West Wing or go to church?? Now we do both we TIVO it!! With 3 children our life revolves around THEM, not the TV because we can watch what we want when WE want!! Very easy to operate simple to install, especially if you only connect it directly to the basic cable, it is abit more complicated if you want to record the premium channels, quality of the image is no different than you normal TV signal no loss.
Rating: Summary: REVOLUTIONIZE THE WAY YOU WATCH TV Review: This product is a must have. I never write reviews or anything on my purchases but I feel that I MUST share my views on this product. -At first I felt it was expensive.... It was shipped immediately. (If you are tech savy you can upgrade these TIVOS to get tons more hours, up to like 200+hours, by putting in a second harddrive. Sign up for the lifetime for fee it may be expensive at first, but just take the hit, it will pay itself of in 18 months and, you also never have to worry paying bills or paying for stamps. -After a week with TIVO, I quickly realized how conditioned we have been to the way we watch TV. -Now, I always have something to watch because TIVO keeps your hard drive full with shows it thinks you will like based on what you programmed it to record - I have RCN digital cable and TIVO channel guide telling you what is playing now and later is MUCH better than RCN's channel guide -Programming is so simple - you can just go to the channel guide and look what is playing from now until days in the future and just press select on what you want to record - If I miss something something on a show, I just rewind it because TIVO is always recording as you watch. -Also, if my wife and I want to make popcorn or go to the bathroom, just pause it- THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE FEATURES- AND THAN when you come back you can fast forward throught the commercials. - There are too many cool things I could write forever. -Just get TIVO to see for yourself, you will NOT be sorry!!