Rating:  Summary: WOW! WHAT A GREAT MOVIE! Review: The movie The Odyssey is based on the epic book The Odyssey that was written by Homer who was a blind author. This movie tells of a man named Odysseus (Armand Assante) who was married to Penelope (Greta Sacchi) who left to go fight in the Trojan War the day his son Telemachus (Alan Stenson) was born. After they defeated Troy in the war he told the gods that he defeated Troy without their help. This angered the god Poseidon and he put a spell on Odysseus that he will never return to Ithaca. When Odysseus and his men embarked on their voyage back home to Ithaca. The first place they stopped was the Cyclops' island to gather some food. They found the Cyclops' cave and ate his food. When the Cyclopes came back he asked them what they are doing in his cave. They gave him some wine as a gift. The Cyclops asked what Odysseus name was but Odysseus said that his name was nobody. When the Cyclops was asleep they made a sharp wooden stick and they poked the Cyclops in his eye. The Cyclops screamed to his brothers that Ònobody has stabbed me in my eyeÓ so his brothers did not come and help him because they think he poked himself in his eye. Odysseus and his men escaped but some were not so fortunate to escape. Next they stopped at the island were the god of the wind was named Aeolus (Michael J. Pollard). Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag of wind and told him not to open it. When he was back on the ship his men were curious about what was in the bag. When he went to sleep they opened the bag and it blew the ship to CirceÕs island. Circe turned OdysseusÕs men into animals. Odysseus went to sleep with her so she can turn his men that were animals back into men. When they left her island they went to the blind prophet in the underworld and he told him the way home. They had to go through a cave to get back to Ithaca. Before they got to Ithaca they went into a whirlpool that killed everybody except Odysseus. Odysseus got back to Ithaca after he stayed at Calypso (Vanessa Williams) island for five years. The only people that recognized him was his son and a shepherd. Athena then turned Odysseus into a old man so no one knew who he was except his son. When he got to his castle they had a contest. Whoever strung OdysseusÕs bow and made the arrow through twelve axes would marry Penelope. Odysseus did and killed everyone who invaded his palace. He joined Penelope and had a happy life. The style of clothing they had in Ithaca was called a tunic. Only the wealthy people would have dyed tunics. The average person wore a white tunic. The main crop in Ithaca was olives which took a lot of olives to make a little bit of olive juice. Back then when someone goes to another personÕs island they bring gifts. The people of Ithaca and other islands believed in gods. They gave sacrifices to the gods so they will help them in the future. Greece was a rugged land that was in Europe. The different types of occupations in Ithaca were herders who handled sheep, ship builders, and fishers. This was a very good movie and I hope you will enjoy it too.
Rating:  Summary: Wow!! Review: I previously watched the movie The Odyssey. The Odyssey is a story written about a man named Odysseus. This story was written by Homer a Greek writer. Odysseus was played by Armand Assante, I think he did a great job. After the Illiad the first epic by Homer The Odyssey starts. The Illiad is about Odysseus fighting in the Trojan War. In the Odyssey, Odysseus upsets the god Poseidon (Miles Anderson). Poseidon tells Odysseus that he wonÕt make it home for a longtime. On OdysseusÕs journey home he encounters many creatures & people. He meets one of Cyclops (Reid Asato .) Aeolus then gave Odysseus a sack of wind. When they had Ithaca in their sights one of the men opened the sack of wind and it blew far away from Ithaca. As Telemachus gets older his mother has to be wed another man. Athena tells Odysseus that she can change him into an old beggar. Then only Telemachus could know who he was. When he comes into the town of Ithaca he sees that the men have destroyed his town. His son had grown his beard so he had to enter the ring. He fought one of the men wanting to marry Penelope. Then she decides to make a challenge for the men to find out who will marry her. The man who can string OdysseusÕs bow and shoot it through the axe handles would win her hand in marriage. It seemed impossible to the men, then the old man strung it and shoot it perfect. This movie was historically correct in a couple of ways. The characters wore tunics made of wool. The people were fishermen, herders, and warriors. As they did in real life the people believed in many gods, and believed in sacrificing animals. The people grew olive and the woman pressed them. It took place in Ancient Greece. As it was believed in Ancient Greece you must bring presents to the persons they are visiting. The hostess was expected to board and lodge them. This movie was a good action packed thriller.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Action Movie Review: Excellent Action Movie At first when I heard about the movie I thought it was going to be a total "guy movie." I was very wrong. Yes, it was gory and bloody but it was action packed. Everything was so realistic and very well put together! My favorite characters were Odysseus (Armand Assante) and Hermes (Freddy Douglas). I would definetly recommended this movie if you are looking for action. The monsters in the movie were very cool. They looked so realistic. The war was neat to watch and the journey they went on was very fun to watch because it was cool to see the enemies and what they would actually look like. If I were rating this movie between 1 and 10, I would give it an 11. Odysseus was really fun to watch because he was so brave and was ready for any obsticle. He won all the battles he fought and still lived to tell his amazing story. Odysseus was also persistant because for many years he was gone on his voyage and he never got to see his son nor his wife for such a long time. I would of gone crazy and killed myself. But Odysseus kept going. He would not give up. The Trojan War was also neat because you get to see the Trojan Horse. You get to see how they used it and what it looked like on the inside. That was interesting to see that. I truly would not of been interested in the movie if I didn't have to watch it. It was really neat.
Rating:  Summary: Okay.... Review: I saw this movie in my social studies class. I thought it was going to be boring, I mean, we were in school, but it was great! It was an excellent movie, great for learning and amusement. The scenes from the war were very gory, but seemed VERY realistic, I thought it was cool. If you didnÕt know, the Odyssey is based on the epic poem by Homer. It begins with a reference to the Iliad at the Trojan War, a ten year mythical war between Troy and Ithica, to give you background into the story. It's mainly about OdysseusÕ long journey home back to Ithaca to see his wife and son. Little does he know, that insulting the great god,Poseidon, will make his journey even longer and harder. The Odyssey also references many Greek gods. Gods played an important and unique role in everyday Greek life. OdysseusÕ personal god was Athena. She helps him and his son with OdysseusÕ journey home. The clothes in the movie were awesomely realistic. Original clothing of the Greeks were made out of linen. Ordinary people usually wore white clothes, but the wealthy would wear elaborate colorful robes. The movie also showed OdysseusÕ crops and herds of sheep. They both played a vital role in their life. Sheep gave milk, food, and clothing. Olives, the main crop of Ithaca, made olive oil. You can see Penelope(OdysseusÕ wife,played by Greta Scacchi) pressing them to make oil in the movie. These were the main sources of food for the people of Ithica, and they were very important in their lives. I thought that the director did a good job making everything in the movie look realistic. Mythology comes alive when you hear the roar of PosiedonÕs voice, the wail of the Cyclops(Reid Asaita) as he is blinded by ÒNobodyÓ, and the flicker of the bright-gloomy flames of the under world. I thought the movie was excellent! Enjoy it,youÕll love it!
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Books Was Great! Review: This movie, THE ODYSSEY was really good and educational. This movie was based on the epic poem written by Homer. This movie had lots of action and suspense. My favorite scene was on Calypso's island. Calypso hadn't seen a man in a long time, and she tried her hardest to keep Odysseus on her island. But Zeus stepped in and made Calypso turn Odysseus free. My favorite characters were Telemachus, Achilles, Odysseus, and Calypso. Telemachus, the son of Odysseus, was very brave and never gave up hope that his father was still alive. Achilles, a great war hero, couldn't be killed unless he was cut on his ankle. Odysseus, king of Ithica, helped defeat Troy and made it back home safely. Calypso was my all time favorite. This is probably because she is the best looking character in the movie. Another thing I liked about this movie was its historical background. The tunics that they wore were the same as the Greeks of that time wore. They also showed the olive pressing which was a big part of Greek life back then. The display of Social customs also had some historic background. If you went to visit another kingdom you would bring gifts, and receive a place to stay and a feast. Lastly, they showed the geography of Greece. They showed the mountainous and hilly terrain of ancient Greece. Overall, I think this movie was a great, and I would recommend it to everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: The Odyssey by:Travis Harrow This is a great movie. I enjoyed the action of the movie. This movie was also very educational. This movie is a great source of learning because it is interesting and will have you on the edge of your seat the whole time. The movie starts off with Odysseus and his wife having a child. Odysseus had to go off to fight in the Trojan war that lasted ten years. Odysseus won the Trojan war and had to make it back to Ithica were his kingdom is being taken over by strangers. On OdysseusÕ journey back to Ithica he encounters many obstacles. The first obstacle is the god Poseidon. He makes Poseidon mad and Poseidon would not let him go back home to Ithica. Odysseus meets one god named Aeolus on his way who is the god of the wind. Aeolus puts all the bad winds in a bag and he gives them a wind to take them home. The curious crewman opens the bag and knocks them off track. Odysseus meets many more gods and things like Cyclops and the three headed monster. Odysseus finally makes it back to Ithica. This has been eighteen years and Odysseus and his son Telemichus take the palace back and Odysseus and his palace live happily ever after.
Rating:  Summary: The Odessey Review: The Odessey In my opinion the odyssey was a pretty good movie. It was a pretty gory movie too, but I guess it made it better. The authors in the odyssey was realy good. I excspesially liked the characters...Odysseus, Penelope, Athena, and the Cilla. It all started when Odysseus has a boy and on the same day he is called off to war. The war was fought for ten years untill they gave up and built the trojan horse. They hid in the Trojan Horse and waited till the TrojanÕs were asleep and then they attaced. When they beet the Trojans they angered Posidieon, god of the sea. They got lost on the way home and ended up in a cave, SNAP! The Cilla came down and was eating the men they paddeld for ther life to the other side of the cave were ther was a big drop of. Odysseus jumped and grabed a vine but he couldnÕt hold him self up long and he fell. He was the only one left he woke up on a mysterious island were only beutiful wemon lived. They tried to keep him there until a good sent for them to let him go. He built a raft and sailed off and finaly after monsters and evil sorcerors he came home to find that all of his friends were herassing his wife, so he killed them and lived happily ever after.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: In Social Studies class I viewed the movie The Odyssey. The Odyssey is a movie based on the epic tale of Homer. This movie tells the story of Odysseus (Aramand Assente)King Of Ithaca journey from the land of Troy, where the Trojan War was fought for ten years. After Odysseus and his men had won the war he angered the god Posideon, god of the sea. During the movie Poseidon does many things to stop Odysseus. On Odysseus' trip back to Ithica he inconters monsters like the Scylla & Cyclops. Also in Odysseus trip he inconters the god the Wind, Aeolus. Aleolus helps odyessus get back to his land, but his crew open the evil winds and the voyage continues. They get blown back to the Island of Circe where the stay for 5 days but it is really 5 years.After they leave the island of Circe Odyessus travels to the underworld. When he comes out he inconters the Scyllca, and all his men are killed. Odyessus survives and he swims to the island of Clpso where he stays for 5 years. After he leaves he travels to the island of Finnisha where he is given a ship and crew to travel home. I think that this was a very good movie , and I would recommend this movie for educational & enjoyment purposes. Steven Fahed
Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: The Odyssey Odysseus (Armand Assante) had a baby boy on the day he had to go fight in the Trojan War. Poseidon ( Miles Anderson) the god of the sea gives him and his people a hard time the whole journey. The Trojan war lasted 10 years. Odysseus and his people built a huge horse and the Trojans took the horse. While the Trojans were sleeping Odysseus and his people got out of the horse and killed the Trojans. Odysseus and his people headed home. He came to an island with Cyclops (Reid Asato) on it. They killed the Cyclops. They were off again. Odysseus met the god of wind Aeolus (Michael Pollard.) He gave Odysseus a bag of wind and told him Ò not to open it until he got on Athens.Ó Someone opened and it blew them off track. It blew them where Circe lived. She changed the men into animals. They were there 5 years. Odysseus went to the under world. The Scylla ate some of his men. The Charybdis ate his boat. He went to an island with Calypso (Venessa Williams.) He was there 5 years. Hermes ( Freedy Douglas) told her she had to let him go or her island would be push to the bottom of the sea. He came to Phoenician Island. He made it home safely. His family was very happy. The people in this movie did many different things than we do today. They wore different types of clothes. They ate with their hands. The women cover their face when the come out of their homes. I enjoyed this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Review: This movie name was Odyssey. I thought this was a great movie, and I would recommend this movie for anybody that is interested. One reason why I thought it was interesting was because all of it's historical facts. My favorite character was Cyclops. I liked him the most because they made him look so lifelike. Cyclops was a mythological creature. The Cyclops and Nymphs where the sons of Poseidon god of the sea. This movie was about a man named Odysseus that left his home to to fight a war (Trojan War) the day his son was born. He won the war and started to embark on his journey home. It took him many years but he finally made it home. I liked this movie a lot like I said I would recommend this movie for anyone that is interested in Greeks, or someone who just wants to see a wonderful movie. Some interesting things that I learned from this movie that I didn't know before was that I didn't know that the Greeks ate with their hands I thought they used silverware or something like that. Another intersecting thing about this movie was their clothes. The actors costumes looked really realistic. All of the clothes that I have seen before that the Greeks wore looked almost exactly like the ones in the movie. Most of the transportation that they used in the movie was boats. And that is a fact because most of the transportation back then was boats. The place that they filmed the movie was in the original place that it came from (Ethica). It was so awesome because you where seeing the place where it was supposed to happen. Jonathan Beigle