Rating:  Summary: Action Packer Review: Odysseus's Adventure This movie is a exciting adventure thriller. The graphics of this movie are so amazing and the sound is really spectacular. The way the monsters looked and moved was so life like it was scary. The monsters were not the only thing that were life like. The gateway to the under world was so cool looking. I think it was cool how they had the lava river down there. One of my favorite parts in this movie was when Achilles through the spear at Hector. My most favorite part is when they were in the cave with the three headed monster, and the monster kept eating Odysseus's men. My favorite character was Aeolus god of the wind. Aeolus was a small bald headed man that wanted to help Odysseus and his men come home. The worst part of this movie was when they saw their home land Ithaca but the crew of Odysseus opened the bag of bad wind and they were blown off to another island. This movie was a little hard to understand and it was hard to keep up with the plot because of all the places they went. Another character that I thought was cool was Telemachus, He was the son of the mighty Odysseus. Telemachus wanted to find his father so when he was 17 he went to Sparta to ask the king where his father was. The King of Sparta told Telemachus the his father was dead. Telemachus returned home not knowing that his father had returned while he was gone. Then after they were united Athena turned Telemachus into an old man so no one would him. Then Telemachus and Odysseus planned a way to get the men out of his house. The maid's locked the men in a room alone with Telemachus and Odysseus and well there was a bloody battle.Odysseus returned to his normal self again and ruled his kingdom forever. This movie is a historical fiction movie, Some facts were real others were amazingly off. Some things that I saw in this movie ,maded me believe that they were back in ancient Greece times, while others looked so fake "I could see the strings(expression)." This movie had it's up's and down's but every movie does that is what makes a great movie. The End
Rating:  Summary: It's A Movie Review: The Odyssey I think The Odyssey was an okay movie. There were a few parts that I didn't like. I think that Armand Assante played Odysseus very good. Odysseus was the ruler of Ithaca. Vanessa L. Williams was one of my favorite characters. She played Calypso very well. I felt sorry for her when Hermes played by Freddy Douglas forced her to let Odysseus free. Odysseus came across many creatures and gods. Most of the gods did not help Odysseus but one god did his name was Aeolus played by Michael J. Pollard. Aeolus was god of wind. Odysseus came across another god Circle played by Bernadette Peters. Circle was a witch. She got men to drink the Potion and it would turn them into animals. I think that the cast played there characters very good. They dressed like the people would in Ancient Greece . The women wore long flowing dresses. The men wore short tunics. The tunics were made from wool. They believed in many gods With there religion they would sacrifice goats for the gods. The movie was filmed in Greece so you would see what it looked like. There occupations were fishing, herding, warmer, sailors, and ship builders. One of the social lacks was to bring gifts for the person who was giving you food and shelter.
Rating:  Summary: I watched this movie Review: My Odyssey Review I watched the movie `The Odyssey', Directed by Andrei Konchalovck. I though it was a good movie, and described the adventures of Odysseus. It told about which gods helped him, and which gods did not help him. I thought that this movie was very historically correct. Their clothing was very authentic looking. I learned a lot watching it. I did not know that women did not have any rights back then, another thing that I did not know was that women had to cover their face when they went into public. I thought that it was interesting that the gods ate like pigs I thought they would be proper, I did not expect that. I did not know that you had to bring a gift to your host or hostess. My favorite scene was the big fight at the end with Odysseus and Telemecus against Euremacus and Perimides. I think that the best looking scene was where Poseidon talked to Odysseus through the water. I also like when Aeros gave Odysseus a bag of wind, and one of his men on the board opened it up. My favorite character was Circa, played by Bernadette Peters, I liked her in Pink Cadillac with Clint Eastwood. There would be only a few things I would change, I would have made it where not as many things were going on at the same time. There are also some little thing, but I won't list them. All in all I thought I was a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: It'z a Gre8 Movie Review: Morgan Campbell Goochland V.a 8th Grade 01/03/2k1 The Odyssey was a great movie. It was like the first educational movie I ever like. It was about this guy name Odysseus who got called to a war called the Trojan War. He was called to this war the same day his son was born. Ten years later he though of the idea of the Trojan horse which ended the war. This movie was not about him fighting in the Trojan war is about his journey trying to get back to his island Ithaca, and he also wanted to get home to his wife Penelope, and his son Telemachus. On his journey he ran into many gods. Some where good gods and some where bad gods. He had a guardian god named Athene. He also had a god that who made is journey twice as hard his name was Poseidon. He had a lot of different adventures hard and easy on his way back to Ithaca. But he finally made it but when he first got there he didn't go strait to his wife. The God Athens turned Odysseus into a old poor man. So Odysseus went into Ithaca and he told his son about it. So they had all the men try to do a test to when Odysseus wife. None of them could get the bow and arrow stringed or throw the 12 axes. So Odysseus in his descries stood up and stringed the bow and arrow and but the arrow throw the 12 axes. Then that turned him back into Odysseus. Then him and his son killed all he guys in that room for betrayding him. I would courage you to see this movie if you where learning about the Odyssey. It is a very good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Breath Taking Review: ÒThe OdesseyÓ The movie Odyssey is a great movie. It is based on the epic poem ÒThe OdysseyÓ by Homer. I really enjoyed this movie a whole lot. The special effects in the movie made the movie really exciting. The scene of the underworld had many exciting special effects in it. I thought this scene was very good because of all the fire and the people of the underworld who looked like fire. One of my favorite characters was Odessess played by ÒArmand Assante.Ó Odessess is the main character in the ÒOdysseyÓ who went through many turbulent struggles on his journey home. Another one of my favorite characters is Athena played by ÒIsabella Rossellini.Ó She is the goddesses of love who is on the sail of OdessessÕ ship. These are just two of the great characters in the ÒOdyssey.Ó The ÒOdysseyÓ is a very exciting movie but also teaches you many things. In the movie the people wore tunics which was the same thing that was worn by real people of that time. I also learned what type of weapons that the people used in the Trojan War. I really enjoyed the movie ÒThe OdysseyÓ a whole lot.
Rating:  Summary: WOW, What A Movie Review: GR8SoccerPlayer 1- 2-01 We just finished watching the Odyssey in Social Studies class. It was a fairly good movie . It all started when Odysseus ( Armand Assante ) had to leave his newly born son to go fight in the Trojan War. He won the war by making a gaint wodden horse. The trojans bring it inside the city and when they fall asleep his men attack and win the war. He them goes and brags to the gods about how the won the war with out there help. Poseidon ( Miles Anderson ) say that for this he will not let odysseus get home until he is very old. Odysseus and his men set off and they land on the island of the Cyclops and end up killing him and leaving. Next they meet the wind god and he captures all the bad winds so Odysseus can get home faster. Then one of Odysseus men opens the bag and all of his men a blown to Circe she turns all of his men into animals he is stuck there for two years. Next they meet many mythlogical creatures and all of Odysseus men are killed. The odysseus getsw washed up on Calyspos island and he is stuck there for five years. He builds an ship but only get destroyed again. The Phenions end up helping him get the rest of the way home. Then Athene turns him into an old man so the people who invaded his house will not know its him. Penelope promised get married if he did not return. So she tell the invaders that if any one of them can shoot an arrow throw twelve ax handles then she would marry that person. Odysseus ends up shoting the arrow through the ax handle and turns young again. He and his son kill all of the invaders and then the goes to see Penelope. There is a lot going on in this movie so you might want to watch it twice.
Rating:  Summary: This was super fantastastic! Review: When the Trojan War breaks, the King of Ithaca, Odysseus must help defend Greece. The same day, Penelope gave birth to their son, Telemachus. While sailing to the War, Odysseus meets his patron goddess, Athena. She warns him of his crew, telling him of all their flaws. But Odysseus doesn't heed her warning. When Odysseus and his crew reach Troy, they fight. The men fought for ten years. The Greeks finally win when they build a giant wooden horse. The Trojans take the horse into the town and party. When all the Trojans are asleep, the Greeks slip out of their wooden steed and ruin Troy. The day, Odysseus yells to the Gods, saying that a mere mortal distroed Troy by himself. This is when the Odysseys really starts. The journey back to Ithaca starts out fine. But Posiden doesn't want Odysseus to go home. The first event of the trip is Odysseus and his crew's meeting with the one-eyed Cyclops. Odysseus, being the smart and sly king of Ithaca tell the Monster that his name is nobody. he then blinds the monster. he and his crew then said to an uninhabited island where they meet with the god of wind, Aeolus. He gives the crew a gift of wind. The crew then sails and meets Circe who turns the crew into animals based on their personality. They then travel to the underworld. When leaving the underworld, they meet Scylla, who kills half of the crew. The Odysseus found Clypso's Island and stayed there for five years. Odysseus then returns home. Not only is the was the Odyssey a good movie, it was historically accurate. The movie shows occupations of the Greek people, the food they ate and the clothing that they wore. Everything was accurate, down to the smallest detail of sacrifices to their god. Men wore tunics and women wore dresses. Did you know that the Greeks at e goat cheese, drank water, and used olive oil to cook with? Some of the occupations of the Greeks were farmers, leader, and council members.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Movie?...Think again! Review: Armande Assante is...Odysseus! The Trojan war is over. Odysseus and his menare preparing to sail home to Ithaca. The war in Troy has gone on for 10 years, and now it is time for Odysseus, king of Ithaca, to go home.But, thanks to his big mouth, before he leaves he upsets the god Poseidon. Mistake? A big one . Not only are the gods the most powerful creatures on Earth, but Poseidon is the god of the sea...and Odysseus has to sail home. During the next 20 years, he has a great big adventure, mixed with people that want to kill him, people that want to help him along, and some monsters that want to eat him. This movie is not just a fantasy adventure, it's history! The ancient greek poet Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey. The Iliad was the story that came before the Odyssey (check it out!). This poet livedlived in the time period in which he wrote, so he had plenty of culture in the Odyssey. We can learn alot about history this way, because the people in the movie do the same things that the ancient greeks did. The same food, customs, clothes, etc. In the Odyssey they use goats alot, just like in ancient greece. They used the for clothing, food, and sacrifice. Aside from all this, the special effects were good and so were the actors. Overall, I would give this movie 5 stars-it was great!
Rating:  Summary: wow Review: Joseph Whitlow 1-2-01 The movie I saw was the odyssey. I liked this movie I thought it was pretty good. My favorite person in this movie was Odysseus because he was the most interesting. Odysseus left his family to go fight the trojan war. They got in a horse in went into the trojan home. And when they came out of the horse they beat the trojans. After they left there he had a very hard life. They met the cyclops and they were very scared of the man and to get out of the cave they had to blind him. And then he went on a island for five years. Than he left the island because circe sade to go to the under world to hades. He went to hades and gave him a sacerfise and hades told him how to get home from there. Meanwhile penelope and her son are waiting for Odysseus come back. After he left the under world he went to fight scylla and scylla killed his whole crew. After that he floated to this little island. Their was alot of wemen on this island and they never saw a man before in their life. And the calypso kept the man on the island. After this he got a crew to make him a boat and he went home. The kind of clothes they wore was wool and leather. There main crop was olives and they had very bad land back than. And that is it I give this movie 2 thumbs up. Odyssus would bring a goat for a present to a god.
Rating:  Summary: wow Review: I enjoyed this movie fully. It was both educaational and fun to watch. My fayorite part in the movie was when Odysseus and his son got back at the men who had stayed at there house while Odysseus wasgone away. Something really weird that they did was that they sacraficed goats a lot.Odyssyeus and his men were gone for a long period of time while they were fighting in the Trojan War. Odysseus and his men built a large wooden horse, hid in it, gave it to the Trojans, and attacked them after they went to sleep. That is how they beat the Trojans and won the war. After they won they started sailing back to Ethica, but they lost there way and they ended up on some on some island. The women on the island would not set Odysseus go home, but finally they let him go. Some of the ocupations were herder, sailor, worrier, ship builder, and fisher. One of the crops were olives, and another ocupation was pressing olives. They used goats, and they mostly used them for there milk. The Odyssey was a very good movie, and I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes good action movies.