Rating:  Summary: The original adventure story has finally arrived to DVD Review: I first saw this version of Homer's Odyssey several years ago on British tlevision and the meory of it is still clear in my mind. The sets are amazing, the acting superb (Assante and Scacci are amazing giving some of the best performances I have seen in any of their films), and the direction excellent. Best of all, the plot of this version is the closest I have ever seen to the book. A must see for anyone who loves Greek mythology, a good adventure story, a good drama...
Rating:  Summary: Historical accuracy-- movie excellence! Review: I first saw this movie last year in 7th grade when we were studying Greek mythology. The movie was pretty accurate, but that wasn't what captured my classes' attention. The movie itself was just wonderful! The plot was great, the special affects were awesome, and the casting was excellent! One of my favorite parts was when Odysseus and his men were held hostage by Circe (but I'm probably biased because I LOVE Bernadette Peters). My class and I were either laughing or speechless during that scene. I reccommend this movie to anyone who loves Greek mythology or any of the actors in this film. It leaves you hanging on the edge of your seat and wanting to watch it again!
Rating:  Summary: CAN YOU SAY "LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG"? Review: Almost as soon as the movie started I knew I was going to hate it. And by the time the movie ended I found myself liking it. The plot was very interesting. Of course, it comes from Homer's poem with the same name. The casting was done very well for the most part. The only part I though was miscast was the wind-god: just the way he talked wasn't very convincing in that it didn't sound god-like. Yes, there are some cheesey animations in this movie. If you look closely you can make out the face of the water-god, Poseidon, in the waves. The special effects were okay, if somewhat fake looking. This film suffers from a major Catch-22: If the film was shorter than it was, undoubtedly it would have been impossible to tell the story. But because the film was sooooooooo looooooong, you got plain tired of watching it, even though it's interesting. I saw it in one sitting, and, overall, I think it was worth it. Since I haven't read the poem, I can't judge whether it was truthful to it or not. But I think 3 stars is a good, conservative rating for this movie. When I read the poem I might do another review on this movie, but for now, I'd say it's worth renting. Also, I might add that there are some adequate stopping points in the movie, for those of you who don't want to watch it in one sitting. This is definitely, though, one of the few good fantasy-type movies that I've seen, in that it actually has some good points, not just action.
Rating:  Summary: Captures the action and emotion of the poem. Review: Well I just finished watching this movie in school, after reading the poem. Most literature-based films are cheesy, and this one is slightly cheesy, but the special effects were amazing. The Cyclops especially looked real, and pretty gross. Of course, nothing can compare to the original poem by Homer, but the film actually lets you see all the action and emotion. Speaking of emotion, the film has very good actors, especially the guy who played the adult Telemachus. That's another thing. In the movie I saw more of Telemachus and Penelope, and how they were and stuff, because when we read the poem we didn't read all of it. There were some things in the movie, though, that weren't in the poem. For example, in the poem Telemachus never fought one of the suitors, and the suitors didn't burn Penelope's shroud. But the film was pretty historically accurate. I didn't know, however, that women had to cover their faces when they spoke to men (or in public?). Because at one point in the movie, Penelope speaks to all the suitors with a cloth covering her face, and they ridicule and are rude to her. But when she drops it, they become silent and seemingly shocked. Hmm. Overall, it was an excellent film. It was a bit bloody, but I suppose that's why it's rated PG-13. If this was done with an all-star cast by a well-known director, it probably would have become a huge hit.
Rating:  Summary: Man and Goddess Review: In spite of lacking the Cattle of the Sun and the Sirens (I guess you can't have it all in one film, eh?), Konchalovsky and Coppola do an excellent job in this production, staying very close to the text, in most significant ways, and bestowing on all such scenes a rendition worthy of the bard's timeless song. Although the plot follows a chronological order (including even a concise narrative-with-highlights condensation of the Trojan War), rather than the in-medias-res order of the poem, the overall world of Homer's classic hero is conveyed not only by the gorgeous Mediterranean film locations but also by the daily activities of the bronze-age Hellene, such as sacrifice to and commune with the gods, which play such an important part in the ethical world of the original, since as Homer's classic notes, "All men need the gods" (3.48), a statement which the film dramatically iterates when Odysseus most eagerly entreats the sea god Poseidon to help him "understand." Also significant is how the film notes the sway which the gods hold over such pertinent issues herein as guest relations, which in the original, Odysseus makes known to the brutal Cyclops, saying, "Respect the Gods! . . . strangers are sacred--Zeus will avenge their rights!" (9.269-71), to which the Cyclops responds, "I'd never spare you in fear of Zeus's hatred" (9.277-78). Perhaps most important though is the relationship between Odysseus and Athena, the protectress, who never forsook Odysseus, as "He followed in her footsteps--man and Goddess" (2.406). The film adds grace to the belief that her divine favor was bestowed on this "man of twists and turns," the archetypal epic adventurer who, through his loyalty, bravery and ingenuity, proves himself worthy of such divine intervention.
Rating:  Summary: Homer's Home-Run! Review: The Odyssey was a thoroughly enjoyable film experience.It not only adhered faithfully to Homer's epic poem, but it brought that work to life in the most amazing ways. The director's attention to detail was awesome and the special effects were done flawlessly!My favorite performance was by Armand Assante as Odysseus. He gave a wonderful portrayal of a man who was,at first,arrogant,then defiant and,finally,humbled by the gods.The ending is glorious but you'll just have to watch it yourself to find out what becomes of Homer's hero.
Rating:  Summary: The Odyssey Review: The Odyssey Review I thought the movie was great because it has good sound effects, very nice costumes, and lots of violents. My favorite part of the movie was the ending. When odysseus finally saw his wife Penelope and when they hugged each other and crying, It was very touching. The other part that was very interesting is when he went to the underworld to see hades with all of the fire, the the lost souls, It seemed very realistic and really gave me the creeps. The best part of the movie was when the men have to had to put the string on odysseus bow to attach it together and when they have that over with, they have to take an arrow so they have shot through five holes perfectly without missing a thing! I was really surprised when he knew where all the to put the string on the bow and he was was very strong for an old man. Then he turned into an old person again! It was a very interesting part. The only thing I didnÕt like about the movie was too much killing in the movie I didnÕt like that. ItÕs kind of like the movie Gladiator. The way how the made olive oil was to take the olives and put them in this squasher and they press it very hard. I also love the way the womensÕ clothing were they were long and beautiful.
Rating:  Summary: Very Long vidoe Review: My Odyssey review I didnÕt like the move the move ÒThe OdysseyÓ. The move was very long. I do not tend to focus well on historical movies. They donÕt hold my attention. There were too many hard names to remember between the names of the people and all the different Gods. Odeseus went off to fight for ten years right after his son was born. He didnÕt return until his son was a young man. He fought in the Trojan War. They hid the Trojan horse and when the enemy was drunk they left the horse and killed their enemy. Odesseus told the Gods that man had defeated the enemy without the help of the Gods. The Gods told Odesseus he would be punished and not able to go home he didnÕt give the Gods their credit for the war. When Odesseus was sailing back to Ithica the Gods created a huge storm and blew him further out to sea. He and his crew met with many adventures and he did not return to Ithica until his son was much older. When he did return home he had to fight the men who had tried to take over his kingdom.
Rating:  Summary: The Odyssey Review: The Odyssey Written by Crystal Owens The movie review for the Odyssey contains what happens in the movie. In the movie Odysseus was the leader of paracies,between about 460 and 429. The Greeks had a war between the Trojan that lasted 10 years. They defeated them by hiding in side of an horse, and then when the men were asleep they got out and fought him and they won. Then they went to Cyclopes and Odysseus told him that his name was nobody. When Cyclopes went to sleep they stabbed him in the eye. Odysseus went to get some air, and he ran into the man that controlled the wind and he filled Odysseus bag with air and told him not to open it. Then one of his men opened the bag while he was asleep and when he opened it the wind was so strong that it knocked over the boat,and they all were stuck on an island with no food and no boat. So some of the men went to find food on their own, and they ran into Sesaes. They drunk some of wine and they all turned in to animals. So Odysseus went to check it out and a man with wings told him to eat the leaf that he gave him or he will turn in to an animal like the rest of his men. So he ate the leaf, and when he drinks the wine he will not turn and then she is going to want him to sleep with her, so he did. She kept him up there for 5 years and she told him were to go next. So then he went to the Under world to give him the goat and tell him were to go from there. Then he was washed on to Calipso's island, and she fed, and bath him and she wouldn't let him leave. So one of the gods said that she need to set him free or they will destroy her island, so she gave him some supplies to rebuild an boat so that he can be on his way. Odysseus son went to find him, and he could not find him no wear so he went back home to tell his mother not to get married cause his father is still alive. His mother told the men who ever can shout the arrow through all the holes and make the target, that he will be the next man she will be married to. They all tried but non of them could make it,so the old guy that Odysseus son brought in tried it and he made it then he changed in to Odysseus and killed all the men that was in that room. Odysseus went to see his wife and she was very happy to see him and they lived happily ever after.
Rating:  Summary: The Odyssey Review: "The ODYSSEY" I thought the movie the Odyssey was o.k.. It started out with Penelope, Odysseus's wife giving birth to their son Telemochus. After his birth, Telemochus's father Odysseus, went off to Troy to fight in the Trogan war. Odysseus and his warriors got into this giant horse while the people of Troy were getting drunk and having a good time.After the people of Tory had passed out, Odysseus and his people crawled out of the horse, and defeated the people of Troy. Then after the war, Odysseus tried to go back home but got stuck on an island. While he was there, on the island, he encountered the Cyclops. (The giant with one eye, that liked to eat people) Odysseus defeated the Cyclops, and then tried again to go home. Ten years of being in Troy, and on the island Odysseus finally made it home. When he got there, the saw his wife Penelope, and son Telemochus. They were so happy because they had thought that Odysseus had died fighting in the Trogan war.