Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Movie Review: In my social studies 8th grade class we watched a movie called the odyssey. The odyssey took came out in 1997. In my opinion the movie was very good. It had a lot of detail to it. I was amazed at how the cast members dressed like the Greeks from back in the day. I enjoyed the part of Odysseus he was a well pro former, who you could tell was serious about his work. I also enjoyed the part of odysseus's son Telemachrus. He knew his father was alive and was not going to give up on finding him, even if it meant looking for him, himself. The odyssey was written by Homer. Homer wove ancient tales of gods and heroes into parts of epic poetry like he did with the odyssey.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie!! Review: This movie, The Odyssey, was a wonderful movie. The main character was Odysseus. He was played by Armand Assante. His wife was Penelope, played as Greta Scacchi. It started out in 1300 B.C. The movie started out with his son, Telemachus, played as Alan Stenson. Then, Odysseus was sent out to fight in the Trojan War. The Greeks won. Before he left he told Penelope that she would have to promise him that if his son had grown a beard before he returned, then she must marry someone else. After ten years at the Trojan War, Odysseus and his men were headed back home to Ithica. Many different things happened to them on the way home. First of all, the God of the Wind, Aeolis, gives Odysseus bags of wind. A curious guy on the boat named Anticlus, played as William Houston, let out all the bad winds. The boat switched and headed another way. Hermes, the messenger god, told Odysseus and his men that the witch needed them. Hermes gave Odysseus leaves to eat to keep the curse away. Odysseus climbed the mountains to the castle of Circe. She turned Odysseus men to animals. She(Circe) fell in love with Odysseus. She made him sleep with her, and it ends up he stays there for five years. After that, they got into their boat, and rode it into the Underworld. He sees his mother in the Underworld. In the Underworld, he went to see the blind phrophet. The phrophet tells Odysseus that he will fo fight two bad creatures, the Silla and the Curiptus. They meet up with Silla(mythological creature). It had several heads. It looked like a giant worm with heads and teeth. The Curiptus had a big mouth. The Curiptus shut its mouth and spewed water on everyone. Odysseus fell into the water. Back home, Penelope, was making a death shawl just in case Odysseus didn't come back. Her idea was to thread all day, and take it back out at night time. Then, it would be longer before he would have to choose another man to marry. Then, Odysseus ended up at some sort of place in the middle of the ocean. The lady, Calypso, played as Vanessa Williams. She kept him there for two more years, but then she was sad, because she had to let him go. He headed back home to Ithica. On the way, Odysseus met up with Poseidon, God of Sea. He(Poseidon) had been trying to teach Odysseus a lesson. Poseidon told him that if it wasn't for gods or goddesses, then humans wouldn't be here. Back home, Penelope and Odysseus mother were sqeezing olives to make olive oil. Finally,Odysseus makes it back home to Ithica. A lady there turns him to look like an older guy. Only his son, Tiresias, could recognize him. The men waiting for Penelope's hand in marriage were getting ready to find out who her next husband was. Odysseus sat back watching. The men had to shoot an arrow through twelve hoops. No one could do it except Odsseus. Then, all of a sudden Odysseus stepped u and shot the arrow through all twelve of the hoops. He turned back into his old self again. He killed all of those men. Odysseus and his family lived happily ever after. In this movie, my favorite character was Calypso played as Vanessa Williams. She played it really good. I felt sorry for her, because she had to let Odysseus go back home to Ithica.
Rating:  Summary: Educational Aid Review: The Odyssey is a great educational aid. The movie is a great explanation of the story of Odysseus (Armand Assante). If I would have read the translated story in a book, I really wouldn't understand the story at all. Odysseus has great preserverence. HIs family has even more, considering the fact that after 7 years of war and 10 more years after that, they still believe Odysseus will return. Penelope, (Greta Scacchi) Odysseus' wife, never gave up on Odysseus, and kept the promise he asked of her the day he left for war. Telemachus (Alan Stenson) did his best in walking in his father's footsteps. It was hard to name Odysseus as the only protaganist, because Penelope was also a main character. After viewing this movie, I have a better understanding of why the writer Homer would write a poem about the adventures of Odysseus. I have a better understanding of why the greeks had polytheism. In the movie, it shows how strong polytheisn was. When Odysseus' son, Telemachus is born, he shouts out, "The the gods and Penelope. . ." . During the movie Athena (Isabella Rosellini) appears to give Odysseus and Penelope her wisdom. The movie also shows how olives were pressed for olive oil in those days. I thought that was pretty interesting , knowing that the Greeks used olives in practically all their food. Overall, The Odyssey was a unit on Greece all by itself.
Rating:  Summary: THe Odyssey Review: The Odyssey By, Theresa This movie, The Odyssey wasn't what I call great but it was okay. Odysseus was the main character and he was the king of Ithica. His wife was Penelope. They had a son named Telemachus. Odysseus had to fight in the Trojan War. Of course Ithica won but the only reason why is because they came up with the idea of the Trojan Horse. Poseidon had got mad at Odysseus and put a curse on him. Odysseus had many great adventures. One was that he went to a island ruled by Circe. Circe put a spell on some of his men that made them turn into animals. Before that they found their selves on an island of the Cyclops. A couple of men were killed but they escaped. Back to Circe, she put a spell on the men and Odysseus went to her home . Before he got to her home the god's messenger, Hermes gave a special poison to Odysseus so he could with stand her spell. She tricked them by making five years seem like five days. He met two creatures, the Silla and the Ceripdus. He lost his men as well as his boat. He found his self at Calypso's island for about a year or so. Hermes told Calypso that if she doesn't let him go she would have to deal with Zeus. When she let him go he found his way home with the help of Poseidon. Overall, this is one of the most goriest movies I've seen. My favorite character is Circe because she has the power to change people into animals.
Rating:  Summary: This was a great movie Review: The Odyssey ... I thought that this was an excellent movie. The movie beganwith the main character Odysseus who had to go fight in the Trojan waron the same day that his son was being born. His sons name wasTelemecus. Odysseus and Telemecus were both brave people. They bothknew how to fight really well. After the war was over Odysseus wascursed by the God of the Sea Poseidon and Poseidon was going to givehim a horrible trip home. Along the way Odysseus and his men ran intoand met many different kinds of creatures. Some of the creatures werehelpful and some of them were very bad. There were many characters inthe story. My favorite character was Odysseus because he had the mostexciting part in the movie. The other characters that I liked wereTelemecus (Alan Stenson) and Calypso (Vanessa Williams). I reallyliked how they created the Underworld and how the fire was fallingfrom the ceiling onto the water. Near the end of the movie Odysseusreturned home and met up with Telemecus. A lot of men had come intothe palace because they were trying to become Penelope's newhusband, because everyone thought Odysseus was dead. At the endOdysseus and Telemecus killed all of the men in the palace becausethey were very bad people. This was my favorite part of the movie. Ithought that they did a great job making this movie. The way thepeople dressed and acted looked a lot like they would actually dressand act back then. I really enjoyed this movie and I recommend it foreveryone to watch...
Rating:  Summary: This was a good movie! Review: The Odyssey I thaught that the odessey was a ok movie. It was slow moving but good. Its special effects were very good. They were neat especially when the face was in the wave. It all stars out with the war. Odysseus is sent off to the war when his sun is being born. He fights for 10 years and at the end of the war Odysseus and his men build a hollow horse and get in it and some other men take it to there enemy's castle. At night they get out of the horse and fight. Then odysseus leaves with his men and makes the gods mad at him by saying they cannot stop him. So he goes through alot of trouble trying to get home. But some people help him like the god of the wind Aeolus but soon trouble comes again. One of Odysseuses men opens the bag and blows them to a far off land. Monsters evenchuly kill all of Odysseuses men. He comes to the island of Colypso and was there for 2 years on tell Zeus told a messenger to tell calypso to let Odysseus go or the island would be sunk to the bottom of the ocean. So calypso lets him go and when he finally gets home hera turns him into a old man and only his sun can see him young. Ponelapy gets some men to set up 12 axes with rings at the end of each handle that only Odysseus could shoot an arrow through. When Odysseus shoots the arrow through the 12 rings he turns back to his age he was before. I think this was a very good movie and my favorite character is Odysseus.
Rating:  Summary: The Odyssey-Full of action, and excitment Review: The Odyssey The Odyssey {cast by Andrei Konchalovsky} is a pretty good film to watch, but youÕve gotta pay close attention to it to really understand whatÕs going on. It is mainly about a man naned ÒOdysseusÓ going on and completing something like a journey.He is fighting in the Trojan War. But in this journy he was trying to be stopped by the voices, and faces of Posiedon {Miles Anderson} But Odysseus was determined not to give in on his journey. Odysseus had to go to war on the day of his sonÕs birth .So he had to leave his new-born son, and his wife ÒPenelopeÓ {Greta Scacchi}. My favorite part in this movie was when Odysseus and his men had to stab Cyclops {Reid Asabo} to escape from his den. I also really liked the graphics, the music, and how everything looked real. And the way that they dressed was neat too. My favorite characters are; Hermes{Freddy Douglas} because he helped Odysseus out alot during his journey. And Calypso {Vanessa Williams} because she was kind enough to take Odysseus in. And I really felt her pain when she had to see Odysseus leave, or better yet ask him to leave.This movie is full of action , and very interesting. Derryck Anderson
Rating:  Summary: Wow, what a EXTRAORDINARY movie!! Review: I have just finished watching the movie, The Odyssey. It was good in many different ways. It had a lot of actors in it and many of them played their part very well. My favorite character would have to be Penelope (Greta Scacchi). She had a hard time handling the fact that her husband, Odysseus (Armand Assante), was gone at war and may never return home. The fact that her husband left right after their son was born was upsetting as well. She made a promise to her husband that when their son grew into a man, she would have to choose a new husband. After the Trojan War ended, Odysseus yelled to the gods that he didn't need their help after all, when he actually did use their help. The god of the sea, Poseidon, heard him and put a curse on him that he couldn't go home to Ithaca. Odysseus went through many extraordinary adventures and many didn't creatures while trying to get home. One of these strange creatures was Cyclops, Poseidon's brother. Cyclops (Reid Asato) is a giant with one huge eye in the middle of his forehead that loves to eat humans. Odysseus and his men floated down to the island where Cyclops lived and Cyclops asked Odysseus what his name was and Odysseus said that it was nobody. While Odysseus and his men were there with the Cyclops they gave him the gift that they had brought, which was wine. After some cups, Cyclops started to lay down and fall asleep. Once they thought that he was asleep, they took a large stake and jammed it into the Cyclops' eye. The Cyclops immediately jumped up and started to run around yelling, Nobody hurt my eye. The men escaped quickly, but the Cyclops ate the fiddler. The men that were left, left the island and floated along some more for many more adventures. In conclusion, I thought that this movie was great! It used a lot of facts from the epics by Homer.
Rating:  Summary: The Odyssey Review: The Odyssey This movie the Odyssey was very interesting. It show a lot of fighting, and struggles. Their are a lot of things I did not know about until now...... Odysseus was a strong part of the movie the Odyssey. He had a long journey. He was played by Armand Assante. Odysseus had to go off for war. Leaving his wife and his son whoÕs name is Telemachus. As he had to leave for the Trojan war his wife felt in sorrow. But Odysseus needed to do what he had to do. Months past than came years. As he was on his way home troubles came. One of his crew members let out all the bad air. Odysseus and his crew was lost again. Well after years to come he made it home. But before he could come home is because he had to perform a task. After he perform the task he made it home. This was a extrodinary movie with a high rating. ÒI would recommend this movie to anyone who like adventuresÓ...
Rating:  Summary: The Odyssey was intresting movie. Review: The Odyssey The Odyssey was a very interesting movie. It was also comical in many places. In this story Odysseus was the main character. He had to fight in the Trojan War.l After this he tried to go on his journey home. On this journey he ran into many troubled times. In Odysseus was played by Armand Assante. One of the funniest parts of the story to me was when he blinded the Cyclops. In this movie they dressed in a very unique way. It was just as if they were the real people. During that time if you were a visitor you must bring a gift. He had many task on his way journey home. He ran into some troubling females. One in which was name Circe (Bernadetta Peters). When men went to see her if you drunk her wine you would turn into swine. But since a messenger came and warned him, and also gave him some grass to eat. Therefore he didn't turn into swine. He also ran into Calypso (Vanessa Williams), who kept him on her island for two years. That was the one most important hardest time that he faced with a women. By Seaunte