Rating:  Summary: Wheee!! Review: The Odssey was written by Homer in 1300 B.C. The movie starts out with Penelope birthing her son Telemachus. That same day Odysseus had to leave to fight in the Trojan war. While sailing Odysseus talked to the god Athena. She told him all of his men had some flaws, but Odysseus said that they where like brothers and he could not let them go. When they got to Troy now known as Turkey Odysseus fought with a great warrior called Achilles. They fought for them hard years and Odysseus thought of the Trojan horse. They sent it and said it was a gift for the Trojans because they gave up. So they brought it in side of their walls and after a night of wine and women the Trojans began to rest. Then the men came out of the horse and destroyed everything inside the walls. Then Odysseus said that he did it all without the god. That made Poseidon angry, so he told Odysseus that he would never make it home to Ithaca. I think this movie was a great way to learn about the gods and the Greeks. I also thought it was a great idea film it in Greece. My favorite charecter was Calypso because she was a lovely lady that had not seen a man in a hundred years. This movie also taught me that the Greeks believed in Polytheism which means they believed in many gods. Another thing I learned was they ate with their hands. Another thing I noticed was they brought gifts to everyone they visited. That is my movie review on the Odyssey, have a nice day.By: Jared Kellison
Rating:  Summary: Great movie Review: In my opinion the Odyssey was a great movie. The characters were great . They wore tunics and thongs for foot wear. The long tunics are for hard labor. The boat was rowed by the men. The flag had that face of Athena on it. It also had two eyes on it so it could see. The weapons that they used were swords, spears,shields, arrows, and bows. They throw people in hot tar and hot water and also throw people over the wall. The character I really liked Odysseus( Armand Assante) , Penelope( Greta Scacci) Athena( Isabella Rossellini),Telemachus( Alan Stenson) Aelous ( Micheal J. Pollard) Polites( Roger Ashton Griffith, Calypso( Vanessa L. Williams) was the one that I really liked the most .I liked her more than I did the other because I though she had a great personality.I liked all of the gods and goddesses because I thought l they were very neat with all of the things they did . The things they dids were very neat. I also liked all of the monsters like Cyclops( Reid Asato), Charybolis, and Scyalla. Well it was written by a famous writer named Homer. Homer lived in the eighth century B.C. He was the most famous writer in those days. He also combined courage with intelligence
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: When my Social Studies teacher said we would watch the Odyssey, I thought it was going to be boring. Boy, was I wrong! Odysseus (Armand Assante), king of Ithica, had to go to war against Troy. The same day, his wife, Penelope (Greta Scacchi), had also given birth to his first son. The Trojan War lasted about 10 years, until Odysseus came up with the idea for the Trojan Horse. This clever idea won the battle for the Greeks. Odysseus, though, thought he won without the help of the Gods. Poseidon (Miles Anderson), the god of the sea, was angered greatly by this. He told Odysseus that he would never get home. Odysseus and his crew would spend the next twenty years trying to get home. On the way, Odysseus met many people and creatures such as Calypso (Vanessa Williams), the Cyclops (Reid Asato), Circe (Bernadette Peters), and Aeolus (Michael J. Pollard), God of the Winds. The ships and clothes were extremely authentic and the special effects were great. The movie was A LOT like the story, which rarely happens with movies. Homer, the blind Greek poet that made this story, would have been proud. I liked this movie and thought it was very good. I also learned a lot about the Greeks, such as their behavior, clothes, names, and the way everything looked back then. I would recommend this movie to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Spectacularly amazing Review: Casey DuVall, 8th grade, B3,D2 Okay, you are standing in a movie rental store, and you have narrowed down your choices to two movies and you can only get one. In one hand you have The Odyssey, one of the two epics written by Greek poet Homer retold in a TV movie, and in the other hand Jackie Chan's newest action-adventure. Part of you want to see Jackie lay the smack down on some international terrorists and the other half knows that The Odyssey will help you academically. You decide that your parents and teachers would be proud if you rented The Odyssey, so you decide that that is the movie you will rent. But, don't you think that you are in store for one major snore fest, The Odyssey is a wild movie with off-the-hook special effects that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. We start off in Ithaca, where the main character, Odysseus, has decided to head out with his Greek allies to fight in the Trojan War. Odysseus must leave to fight on the day of his son's birth, and tells his wife Penelope that if he does not return by the time his son is a man, to remarry. On the way to Troy we meet all kinds of characters! We meet all of Odysseus' men, Achilles, and Hector. Achilles is a warrior that can only be harmed in his ankle tendon, and Hector is Troy's general. The war wages on for 10 years, when finally, Odysseus comes up with a plan that will defeat Troy's armies for sure. He plans to build a giant, hollow horse that the Trojan's will wheel inside their gigantic walls, and after the party all night, Odysseus and his men will take over the city and win the war. The plan was going according to plan but a lone prophet believed that the Greeks were up to something, so Poseidon sent a sea serpent to dispose of the troublesome prophet. After the Greeks win the war, Odysseus states that he defeated the Trojan's without anyone help. Poseidon grows very angry at Odysseus and says that he will never go home. After Odysseus and his men set out, Poseidon sends them to an island whose only inhabitant is the giant-one eyed Cyclops! Just wait until you see how they escape, it is very exciting. Odysseus then goes to another island and meets Aesol, God of the wind and Poseidon's cousin, who bottles up all the bad wind into a giant sack. He said that the good wind will carry them home in 9 days, but that would be to easy! Ithaca is finally in sight when one of his men opens the sack and sends them across the globe to Circe, a mean witch who's honey potion changes men into animals. She changes all his men into animals. The trick would have worked on Odysseus, but Hermes had given him a special, poisonous weed that protected him from her potion. He stays there and gets a royal treatment from Circe and her maids, but instead of staying there for 5 days, she stays there for 5 years! Circe tells him he must go to the Underworld and ask the blind prophet Tiresias to find the way home. After he sacrifices a ram he also finds out that he will meet two monsters, the Scylla and Charybdis. After their encounter with the two beasts, Odysseus had lost all his men, and was staying afloat by a single piece of wood from his ship. He floats along the sea, desperately trying to swim towards land, and he does. There he meets Calypso, a goddess with witch like powers, and all her maids. She plans to marry him, but Hermes brings news to her that if she does not release him, Zeus will send her island to the bottom of the sea because it is not his fate to die on her island. He builds a make-shift raft and sets out in search of Ithaca. Poseidon then unleaches monstourus waves upon Odysseus that destroyed his boat. He tells Odysseus that men are nothing without gods, and until he understands that, he will never return to Ithaca. Meanwhile in Ithaca, many suitors from around the world came in search of Penelope's hand in marriage. They tormented her servants, pilfered his food and drink, and demeaned Penelope herself. But, back to Odysseus, who after his fight with Poseidon, was washed on the shore of Phoenician. After they found out who the stranger was, they sent him to Ithaca, and while on the way, finally understand what Poseidon had said. At Ithaca, instead of making his precencs known instantly, he was transformed into an old beggar to discover who his friends were after all these years. When Penelope stated the challenge, the suitors thought that it was easy. They had to string Odysseus' bow and shoot it through 12 axe handles. After everyone tried, and failed, the old man completed the task and transformed into his old self. Then Odysseus and his son, Telemachus, killed all his wife's suitors in a gory battle. Then they all lived happily ever after.
Rating:  Summary: Did Not Want To Stop It Review: The movie "Odyssey" was very good. I did not want to stop it. Odysseus had a son on the same day that he was called to war. Before he left he told Penelope( his wife)that she should remarry when his son had grown a beard. He went and fought in the Trojan war for ten years and then he told the god Poisedon that he had won the war without the gods. So Poseidon curses him to roam the seas until he realizes that humans are nothing without gods. He then goes to the Island of the Cyclops but does not know that the Cyclops is there. He goes into a cave and he eats goat cheese which was common for the time. He also drinks wine and gets the Cyclops drunk. He stabs him in his one eye. Odysseus goes on to fight a witch but ends up taking her to bed. He stays with the witch for five years. He then goes to the underworld and finds the old prophet who tells him how to get to Ithaca his home. He sets out on the journey again when his ship is attacked by a three headed monster. Before he can catch his breath he is attacked by a tidal pool monster who eats the ship. Odysseus catches a branch but later falls and floats to and island with Calypso and her virgin nymphs. He stays there for two years and then goes to sea again. He sees Poisedon and tells him that he understands. Poisedon then lets him go to his home and kill all of the men who were staying there. He is soon reunited with his wife and they live happily ever after.
Rating:  Summary: The Odyssey Review: The Odyssey This movie was really good. It is the best movie I have seen in school. Some of my favorite characters are Athene (Isabella Rossellini), Odysseus (Armand Assante), Calypso (Vanessa Williams). The movie started off with Odysseus being called to fight in the Trojan War. It had good effects of how they hide in the horse. Odysseus ran into a lot of mythological creatures. Some of them helped him and some tried to make his trip back to Ithaca really hard. I liked the way Vanessa Williams played Calypso. She is a really good actress. I also liked the effects of Poseidon (Miles Anderson) it was really good how they had his face on the wave since he is the god of the sea. The best part to me is when Odysseus gets home and shoots the arrows through the twelve axes. I also like when Odysseus and his son fight the men who want to marry Penelope. It is really good when he hits everyone with an arrow and he hits one man going out he door to escape and the arrow goes out of the man and hits the woman I think who is suppose to take care of OdysseusÕs son. This movie was really and I hope to watch it again in school some other time.
Rating:  Summary: 4 gold stars Review: This movie was based on the epic poem by Homer. The Odyssey was a great movie. I loved the way the war was fought . The Wooden Horse was amazing. I wouldn't thought of that in a million years.The mountains in greece is rockyand the and the land was, too.They ate flat bread and the palace was open with all the animals inside it.They grew olives and made oils from it. Then Odysseus thinks that he was so clever that he could live with out the gods. So when Poseidon hears it, he cursed him so he couldn't see his home land for many years. While he is trying to get home, he meets some interesting people and islands like the Cyclopes and he out smarts it. Next he lands on another island of aeolos ,the wind god, and he tries to help him, but one of his men opens the bag and let all the wind out. Lands on the island of Circe and stays with her for five years, while he thinks it is five days. Then he goes to the underworld to find a blind prophet, sees his mother,and leaves. Meets the two creatures, one is a five headed hydra and the other is a gigantic mouth underwater. That's how the rest of his crew dies. Then lands on another island and there he meets Calypso. Stays two years ,when he leaves he sees Poseidon and he "broke" him, then he can sail homewards. Now he lands on another island and the king of that island helps him by getting him a boat. Sails home,and sees his son, goes home, fix the contest. And the rest is history. That's is what I like the most about the story.
Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: I think The Odyssey by Homer is a pretty good movie. The cast members look like they lived in that time period. Some of the people that played in the movie are (Armand Assante) Odysseus, (Greta Sacchi) Penelope, (Isabella Rosselini) Athene, and many more. Also the clothes they wore were authentic. Like the tunic, all the dresses, and the armor. The casting by the actors made you think that you were watching the real thing. My favorite character in the movie is Michael Pollard who played Aeolus the god of wind. During the movie they started new adventures as soon as the finished one. The movie is pretty good but is slow in some parts. After a slow part it picked back up into an action scene. It is also more historical than entertainment. They had to press the wine, sacrifice goats, heard goats, fish, make weapons, and several other things. So in conclusion I give The Odyssey four stars
Rating:  Summary: A Very Interesting Movie Review: Hi my name is Kymberly Nicholas and I think "The Odyssey"was a very interesting movie, Especially when Odysseus went on his long interesting journey. And on his journey he came to the 3 headed creature that ate three of his men. And the witch that turned one of his men into a pig. And if you are into things that has to deal with the ocean this is just the movie for you it has some very good and nice pictures for you in it. And the food they ate was things like goatchesse,goatmeat,and goat milk. They traded the gods for a goat because the land that they lived on was very rocky and water was everywhere and they couldn't grow alot of crops. And everyday they would have something like a party when all them sit around and drink wine and watch the pretty girls dance. The type of clothes they wore, they wore these kilts and the queen had to wear something that covered half of her face. And Odysseus had been gone for 15 years and he told his wife if he wasn't back by time his son was a man that she should remarry and that what she was going to do and the man that she was going to marry had to shoot a arrow through six of these little holes things and the only one that could do it was her husband. And Athena helped him to descise hiself and after he shot the arrow he came back to his old self. and the saddest part of the movie was when his mother killed herself.
Rating:  Summary: A Review on The Odyssey Review: I have watched the Odyssey and thought it was a great movie. I will tell you a little about it. First Lord Odysseus goes out and fights the Trojan War and he won after won 10 years. He won because he built the Trojan horse to take in the kingdom and then they would get out of it and kill everyone. After that they get on their boat and sail for days. Now remember it is foggy and they lossdirections. They see land and go to it. Well, they find out that it is Cyclops Island. They get off that Island and then go to the God Wind's Island (Michael J. Pollard playing as Aeolus). He ( the God of Wind) gave Odysseus a bag of wind to help sail home. They get near their island but, someone opends the bag and a storm appears and again they get blown off coruse. Now, their on the Goddess Island, The Witch (Calypso). They don't know their on her Island. Some people went looking for food and the witch turned them into animals. Only one animal comes back. Now Odysseus climbs up the mountain but before he gets to the top of the mountain the messanger God (Hermes) tells him to eat the grass that he is getting ready to give him, so when he drinks the witches honey he won't turn into an animal. After that the witch will take him to bed. When he wants to leave the witch tells him that it felt like 5 days to you but its really been 5 years. So now he has been away from his Island 15 years. At the end he does get home and kills the men that were going to see which one was going to marry his wife. Everything they used back then they used in the movie. It seemed like I was there in Greece when the movie was playing. The food and how they got olive oil was just like they did it a long time ago. The best part I thought was how the gods look so real. The gods were sometimes mean or nice depending on who you are or if you did something bad. You counldn't grow much crops back then.