Rating:  Summary: Renaisance festival or DUNE? Review: It was painfully obvious that the screenwriter and the director had never read the original novel. For all the special effects they gave us they never were really able to give us a reason to hate the harkonnens, to like the atreides, or to fear the fremen (or the sardukar). The actors were awful, the costumes were hideous, and the music was mostly heisted from the David Lynch version. No one really felt any pain and suffering, it felt like one big gay renaisance festival, full of chipper little renaisance folk. Skip it, unless you like that kind of fruity crap.
Rating:  Summary: A Perfect Movie Review: I have searched for a movie that is perfect in every aspect for 35 years, and I have seen many movies for I am a film critic. I saw Frank Herbert's Dune and my search was over. Dune is a perfect movie for anyone who watches any kind of movie. Dune is filled with adventure, discovery, romance, and great actors. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who has ever enjoyed movies.
Rating:  Summary: Poor Review: In brief: hokey dialogue, poorly conveyed characters, disappointing! Some of the effects were pretty good, many important details neglected. You never really feel for the characters or their plight. If you have seen the Lynch movie, or actually read the books, don't watch this. You'll be terribly disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! Review: When I saw the first Dune in 1984, I was 12 and loved it then. I honestly didn't think I would like this new updated mini-series. It was richer and more involved than the movie but pretty much followed the same line. I just loved it. The women weren't wilting wallflowers and the men weren't screaming lunatics (like Barron Harkonnen in the movie...switch to decaf pal!). All of the characters were intelligent, no matter what their social class and the scenery was beautiful. A little cheesy at times but still beautiful. The accents got a little irritating at times but that can be easily overlooked. To sum it up, if you have time to sit and enjoy this movie, then do so. It's strictly for entertainment. If you're going to sit around and analyze this version to death because it isn't "true to the book", then don't bother. Besides, there is no budget big enough to make a 12 hour movie and I haven't met one person who's got time to sit around (on their a**) that long to criticize one.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: It was a Great movie! I don't care what the people say. The Effects were great. The actting was great. The Whole thing was great. No doubt about it. MUCH better then the original Movie. If you want a good movie, get it. It is wonderful!
Rating:  Summary: FRANK HERBERT'S Dune??? Review: This mini-series took the grand scale of Dune and the brilliant writing of Frank Herbert and transformed it into a heaping pile of dung. While I looked forward to seeing a more accurate representation of Herbert's masterpiece, what I got was an overblown melodrama complete with shoddy over the top acting, terrible special effects, and horrendous costuming. Most of Frank Herbert's original dialogue was dumbed-down to a T.V. audiences level of comprehension. The few lines that were kept seemed out of place in the mouths of these actors. In short, what wasn't butchered in the script, was butchered on the screen. Paul comes across as a whiney, insensitive bastard... and Chani as positively vapid. Visually, the mini-series paled in comparison to David Lynch's previous interpretation... Unfortunately, fifteen years of technological advancement seemed lost on this film. It was hard to take the film seriously when most of what you noticed was where the effects were lacking... This production probably never left a sound stage and was unable to adequately disguise that fact. Finally, and most disappointingly, was the obvious poor costuming and visual character interpretation. The once frightening Harkonnens were dressed in costumes that made them look more like M.C. Hammer's backup dancers complete with Manic Panic fluorescent red hair. The Emperor looked less like a distinguished leader and more like Rip Taylor in a huge multi-colored pastel lame outfit, complete with belled sleeves. I felt like I was watching a cheap Vegas revue! Overall, this film left me with an increased respect for David Lynch's version.
Rating:  Summary: Well done, but with subtle differences Review: John Harrison's interpretation of Herbert's Dune was well done, with a visually spectacular display of special effects. The large use of computer generated animation allowed Harrison to produce scenes that before were only locked in the reader's imagination. Overall the series was fairly faithful to Herbert's work, but I felt there were several key character misinterpretations. For example, the Lady Jessica who was portrayed as an emotional character often losing physical control of herself, i.e. crying, was directly in opposition to her Bene Gesserit training. There were other flaws and additional dialogue that strayed from the novel, but Harrison has presented by far the most accurate screen portrayal of Herbert's Dune to date. I especially enjoyed his effort to bring Paul's visions to the screen, this being an important aspect of Herbert's novel and was severely lacking in Lynch's film. I recommend this film to any true Dune fan.
Rating:  Summary: Listen up... Review: This was an excellent adaptation of the book. Sure there were a few discrepencies between the two but it is still much better than the David Lynch versio, (which even he did not like). Certainly Paul might seem a bit whiny, but in the book he was only 14 or 15, and he was being forced with a major relocation, and he whined, like he did in the book. Certain scenes were added and other removed, but this is done with all movies, it has to. You can't get 800 pages of writing into six hours of tv and still make it coherent. I recommend reading the book, and seeing this miniseries. Then make your own decision.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable Review: As a Dune fan I found the mini-series acceptable and quite fun to watch. It is less visual than the Lynch movie, but the plot was closer to the book. At 6 hours the mini-series doesn't have time to develop the full plot of the book. I found myself shouting at the screen a few times when I felt important information was left out or modified. The whole political climate is so abreviated that it makes the mini-series seem somewhat absurd. There was no mention of CHOAM. Maybe if they had 12 hours they could have done better. Even with the frustrations, I enjoyed watching the series.
Rating:  Summary: Astonishing! Review: I was glued to the Sci-Fi channel for 3 straight nights in glorious satisfaction. A much better adaption than David Lynch's good attempt, and wildly entertaining. I can't understand why this cult of Herbert followers must insist on a complete page for page adaption. Listen up, its not pratically possible! Be thankful that one this rich and faithful was even possible! Most viewers won't sit down for, 'what would be asked for from the cultists', a 20 hour adaption, and most production companies won't spend 500-600 million dollars. So for the so called called Dune experts, get a life, and get off your high horse and take this for what it is; an incredible, complex, and richly satisfying story. The SFX are awesome, the acting was great, and the story is riviting. Trust me, buy this; you will want it for your video collection.