Rating:  Summary: KHAN!! Review: This Director's Edition of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is brilliant! The movie itself is one of the best movies ever made, and the new additions on this spectacular DVD make it worth any price. Wonderful interviews both old and new, storyboards, trailers, and more. The movie seems to have a few seconds of added footage to it also, but nothing major. I love this movie, and the DVD Director's Edition is a brilliant piece that no Star Trek or SciFi fan should go without. I wish I could give it more than 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Khan is back.!! -Finally.!! -A Treatment for.!! -Trek II! Review: Finally. -Paramount Executives have finally woke up. -Now their is; -"Star Trek II." -The Directors Edition." -Finally being release. -And; -The Fan's are. -Anticipated enough.This is the best. -"Trek." -Sequel. -Ever. -I even like; -The repelliant.. -"Star Trek III: -The Search for Spock." -Which had more humor. -And; -Intense; -nail bititng; -drama. -And tragedy. -This sequel opens the chapter. -Four the Genesis Device. -And; -Director; -Meyer. -"Star Trek IV." -Does well; -here. -Their is much impact like; -"The Motion Picture." I like two thank; -Meyer. -Four releasing this. -New Edition. -And. -I hope the new scenes. -Like; -"The Motion Picture." -Will be a lot better. -With better graphic detail. Meyer. -Cares for the lovable; -"Trekkers." -Out their.!! -I had order this one. -Though; -Amazon.com. -The People at Paramount have tricked me into buying the original version a year ago. -With a no good; -cruddy Trailer.! -I hope I'm not copying any buddy here.. -I am; -really excited four this new introduction for the DVD. -Any way. Director. -Meyer. -Brings. -Brings; -the visuels; -like no other director have done before.. -The music is much impact; -stronger. -better then the; -"Motion Picture." Khan is back..!! -As; -Kirk. -Now in Retirement.? -Ho he think his Career has pass him by; -but; -Bones. - Deforest Kelly. -Spock. -Leonard Nimoy. -Are on a routine Training Mission; -four their new listed cadets.? But; -after this Training Mission. -Kirk is not in odds celebrating his birthday. -He never have the time. -He is so devoted two his Career aboard the Enterprise. -So Bones. Convince him two come back.. -So he does. -He is called two the Enterprise; -With; -his crew. -As; -The crew of the; -U.S.S. -Reliant. -Are call two; -Certi Alpha Six. where it once a barren planet. -Aided by; -a mad man. -Khan.! ho has the crew of the Reliant; -Hostage.! -Ho takes the ship and hunt down his nemsis. -Kirk. -And; -Kirk. -Ho contacts his former lover. -Dr. -Carol Marcus. -Play by Bibi Besch. -Ho tells him about The Reliant is picking up the Genises Project. -Which they have worked on. -A top secret device; -that the Federation have kept a secret four; -Decades. -But; -Kirk. -Learns it's power. -It creates Power and life; -and; -Planets. -The Crew are eager four their thurst of battle as they meet with the Reliant in an intriguing battle.? -Kirk. -Finally meets. -Khan.! -Kirk. -Must face some challenges. Save the Genesis device. -Or; -Sacrife another..! Director. -Meyer. -Puts a hole in the heart four Trekkers. -He knows what he is doing. -And; -does not get lose with the script. -Now; -with the new Edition. He might of not put everything in the movie. But; -we got are self a space epic. -Sequel. -That we come two love.. -Again.!
Rating:  Summary: The best of Star Trek's Films and a fun DVD Review: I'm glad I waited to purchase my Trek DVD's--the first set of releases was "bare bones." This DVD is chock full o' fun. Wonderful histrionics from Ricardo Montalban and William Shatner make for a great, melodramatic space opera. Put it on and have a blast!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Star Trek Movie Ever! There is no comparison! Review: The commentary by Nick Myer said it all. After getting Shatner to do several takes he'd be so tired out he'd read his lines naturally instead of like a leading man. Cary Grant he ain't! I love this film because it has all the elements of classic Star Trek. No other movie has ever duplicated the issues of growing old, dealing with death and life...it will be on American Movie Classics if it's not already. I don't think that any other film came so close to being perfect as this one. Don't rent this one if you already have it on VHS or DVD....buy it now! The director's commentary alone brings a lot of insight as to how the movie was made. Nick is a very sharp director and I only wish he was directing all of the Star Trek movies. Perhaps he could have saved Shatner's bomb Star Trek V had he directed it!
Rating:  Summary: KHAN RULES! Review: True Trekkers know that Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, is the best Star Trek film ever made. A sci-fi take on "A Tale of Two Cities," it has meanings on multiple levels. And after years of waiting, a director's cut that does the film justice. This two-disc set is packed with great features including a documentary about the film's special effects. The FX may seem seem outdated, but, in fact, they marked a milestone in filmmaking. Star Trek II featured the first 3-D computer graphic imagery (CGI) ever used in a motion picture to create ts "Genesis Effect". video scene. Best of all, the widescreen movie features numerous scenes that were cut (why?) from the home video and original DVD release. The last time many of these scenes have been seen was when the film aired on television about 12 years ago. Among the new storylines re-inserted are the dialogue introducing Scotty's nephew. The added scenes aren't much, maybe only 3 minutes of footage total. But they add so much to the story, the film becomes even more emotional. The sound quality on the director's cut DVD is also bar none. For true Star Trek fans, or sci fans in general, this is a must-have DVD!
Rating:  Summary: Kirk vs. Khan... Bring it on! Review: It's very rare that sequels are sometimes better than their original. Well I guess the bolder Star Trek II:the Wrath of Khan did it! This movie was much steadier, and a lot more uplifting than that the very endless yawner Star Trek the Motion Picture. The film isn't really a sequel to the original movie ,but mearly a part 2 to the old star trek episode "Space Seed" where we first meet Khan.With Humor and lost of suspense/action, Wrath of Khan is truly a great movie. Director's Edition DVD runs at 116 mins. I reccommend it!
Rating:  Summary: Why a "director's cut"? Review: _Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan_ is my favorite _Star Trek_ film. Only a few episodes of _TOS_ and _TNG_ equal it, and nothing in the franchise has managed to surpass it. Regrettably, the emotional power of the film's climax has been dampened and cheapened by numerous sequels. This two-disc DVD edition finally gives _Star Trek II_ the royal treatment fans have clamored for. For my part, I wish the theatrical cut of this film had been included alongside the new "director's cut." The extra scenes, totaling about four minutes in length, are mostly bits of unnecessary exposition, and they merely bog down the story at crucial moments. Audio and textual commentaries provide an encyclopedic overview of the film's creation. Because of producer Harve Bennett's incessant penny pinching (none of which is visible onscreen), the behind-the-scenes anecdotes are much more interesting than one might expect. If only the series had ended here.
Rating:  Summary: This Star Trek DVD Is A Must! Rock On Kahn! Review: Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Kahn (Directors Cut) this is a fantastic DVD. Thanks to the genius that is Nicholas Meyer. He took the time to make a really great commentary and it is not your normal commentary either. He speaks of working with various types of actors, he speak with reverence at those who have established careers and he also gives praise to his technical wizards that made this film possible. Director Meyer is a very smart and obvious talented man. The movie itself is my second favorite of all the Star Trek Movies. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home is my favorite.) And the best one for watching adventure. (The Voyage Home has the better story and a lot of humor - by the way Nicholas Meyer also is credited as one of the co-writers on that film too!) Meyer will tell you himself that being a 'story teller' is a big responsibility and he wanted to bring, reality, color, detail and a sense of humanity to this story. Also credit is due to Producer Harve Bennet for picking the story and getting the cast together to do this film. Most weren't interested in doing another due to the first film being not so critical success - although it was a big financial success. Kahn was marooned on a planet back when the original series aired. He is back with a vengeance in this one. And he is mean. I won't tell you much more. Let's just say Kirk, Spock and McCoy have their hands full. There final battle scene is the best I have ever seen and the innate humor very real. This edition also contains many scenes that were not in the original. Other extras on this DVD include interviews with the cast and crew and they are very specific, detailed and funny. There are even interviews that were done in 1982 when the movie was actually made. Also the screen menus are some of the best I have every seen. The only thing that is a little boring is the Star Trek Fan Writers - although noteworthy - not something I would have put on the disc. This is a must for every sci-fi fan and a MUST for every Star Trek fan. This is two DVD's too! I hope they do this for the rest of the TEN films. Write me and let me know what you think! (8-12-02)
Rating:  Summary: The Best of the Original Features has Never Looked Better Review: After receiving The Director's Edition of TMP for Christmas, I was hoping that the series would continue. Pleasantly, I was not disappointed. Nor am I disappointed with this remarkable DVD. All of the material which was added for the film's network showings are here - some of which I remember vividly, others I did not remember. TWOK has always been my favorite Original Series film, not because of the fantastic battle sequences and plot, but for one of the underlying themes of the film: Is a victory (or sucess) really a victory if it means sacrificing a beloved friend and comrade? As for the second disc which contains all of the bonus material, the interviews (past and present) had me totally engrossed. Yet, Shatner, Nimoy, and Montalban are showing their age. It was fun seeing De Kelley in the retro interview section. It is unfortunate that he is no longer with us to see the franchise continue to flourish. I think someone should be commissioned to give Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy the send off he so richly deserves. I absolutely loved this DVD and eagerly await the same treatmentfor Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.
Rating:  Summary: Without question, the very best! Review: The cognoscenti agree, this was the best Star Trek movie ever! Only the truest fanatics (a small but vociferous group), were enthusiastic, after the somnambulistic S.T.: The Motion Picture. At the time, there had only been the series a tepid Saturday morning cartoon, and the even worse first movie. But this film changed all that. It was the follow up to a singularly popular episode from the television show, Space Seed, with Ricardo Montalban as the eugenics war creation Kahn Nonnien Singh. Kirk , Spock. McCoy and the entire crew of the Enterprise stumble upon the man they had exiled more than a decade before and his small, aggressive crew. Kirk vs. Kahn is the vehicle; revenge on Kahn's part is facilitated by the ability to take yet another ultimate weapon, called The Genesis device. Genesis, as one would expect, can create life (so it seems) from inanimate matter, or, as Kahn seems intuitively to know, can replace (i.e. destroy)life where it may be found. Coincidently, this project was created by genius Dr. Carol Marcus, who happens to be the mother of Kirk's now-adult and terribly embittered son. Combat of course ensues (though not between the two primary antagonists). They battle through space, and via starships chase one another through the galaxy in scenes reminiscent of classic World War Two submarine movies. The climactic battle comes and then goes, with yet one more crisis supplanting the fight between these two. As another said, this was the characterization for which true fanatics as well as casual fans were waiting. A brilliantly written script indicates an incredible amount of work. The quotes transform the obsessed Kahn, turning him back several centuries into an fanatical Captain Ahab, as he seeks to deliver the coup de grace to Kirk and his crew just as Ahab did the white whale. The re-introduction of characters familiar and beloved for a series no one ever expected to be as enduring as it was. Two hours of action. Humor, suspense and amazing effects. Tons of special features on the special DVD edition. Hard to beat this one!