Rating:  Summary: Odd Number Curse! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Review: This is the best Trek movie ever. Yes, it's better then TWOK. It has suspence. It has action. It doesn't have Kirstie Alley! (Which I'm pissed off at. I rather liked her.)Well, in this movie, Spock is brought back to life by the Genesis Planet as it destroys itself and is rescued by Saavik (Not Kirstie Alley) by whom he mates with during the Pon Farr. All this happening while they diffend themselves against a bunch of Klingons with Kirk's son, who dies. Spock is then transported back to Planet Vulcan in a stolen Klingon vessel (You'll have to find out why when you watch the movie.) to be reunited with his katra with whom he placed in Bones in the previous movie. Got all that? If you didn't, watch the movie. I give TSFS *Goes through five Pon Farrs* FIVE STARS!
Rating:  Summary: What Odd Numbered Curse? Review: Despite the holes in the plot and the need to willingly suspend disbelief at times, Star Trek III is among my favorite of the original cast films. I even like it better than Star Trek IV. The special effects in this film are really good and I love James Horner's score enough to have bought it on cassette. There are many dramatic visual moments, including when the Enterprise approaches the giant space station orbiting Earth and the destruction of the Genesis planet, and of course, the destruction of the Enterprise. The cast is in their usual fine form. Uhurua gets a smaller role in this movie because she stays behind, but she does get one really good scene giving a young Starfleet cadet his comeuppance. Scottie gets to shine as temporary engineering officer and vandalizer of the new starship Excelsior. McCoy is funny, occasionally slipping into his Spock mode. One of his best lines, upon hearing that he is carrying Spock's "katra" inside him is "It's [Spock's] revenge for losing all of those arguments!" William Shatner has a really good dramatic scene when Kirk learns that his son has been killed by the Klingons. Christopher Lloyd is good as the Klingon commander Kruge. Unrecognizable as one of his subordinates, Maltz, is the guy who played Dan Fielding in the Nightcourt sitcom on NBC. Merrit Butrick and Robin Curtis are not particularly memorable as David and Saavik, but accomplish what is expected of them. Another reviewer observed that the film barely hints that Saavik sleeps with the young Spock as he experiences Pon Faar. I read the novelization of Star Trek III, and not only does it make it clear that she is "intimate" with him, if indeed Vulcans can be intimate, but that she also sleeps with Kirk's son David as well before they go to the Genesis planet. Had it been included in the film, it really would have added another element to it, though in the end it might have been distracting too. It is a bit of a coincidence that Kirk gets Spock off the Genesis planet at just the right age, and the way in which Spock is brought back is a bit hard to swallow, after all, even the Vulcan high priestess declared that the process had not been done in ages, and then only in myth. Why would Spock then be confident that it would work? Then again, since all of us Trekkies wanted Spock back, we won't quibble. Star Trek III is a good combination of action, humor and drama. If there is an off numbered curse in the Star Trek movies, it clearly does not apply to this one.
Rating:  Summary: Friendship and sacrifice...the stuff of classic Trek. Review: Kirk, Spock, McCoy...the Holy Trinity of Science Fiction. Their relationship has been the cornerstone of a great many classic Trek episodes, which is why they will be highly regarded by Trek fans all over the world even without the fancy schmancy special effects present in the new incarnations. In my opinion, this movie really hits home the bond these characters have, both to themselves and us as well. While I feel "Wrath of Khan" is the best of Trek movies, "Search For Spock" is in a dead heat with it. The pace is slower, the mood is darker but the humanity in it has never been better. In this movie, Kirk loses probably the only things that rival his bond with Spock...his son and his ship. It's wrenching to see unfold. Yet, as McCoy says in the movie Kirk always seems to "turn death into a fighting chance to live" and that is definitely shown here. The movie has some of the best visuals of any Trek movie. The characters of Chekov, Uhura, Sulu, and Scottie are still a powerful force in the movie though their screen time is not as great. On a personal note, the scene of the Enterprise self-destruct had a tremendous effect on me when I saw the movie in a packed theatre in 1984. Any Trek guru who says they didn't have a lump in their throat when the blackened hulk of the Enterprise, the symbol for (at that time) nearly 20 years of imagination and wonder, slowly arcing into the Genesis atmosphere in a blaze of glory must have been sleeping or dead. I remember complete and utter silence in the theatre. It moved people...big time. Unfortuantely, with the Next Generation and Voyager blowing their ships up seemingly every week, the effect has been lost. The ships, while as graceful and powerful as ever, for some reason never seemed to grab me like Kirk's Enterprise did. But, I digress... This film shows vividly the sacrifices that one could have to make for the friendship of one person. Kirk for all intents and purposes lost everything dear to him to try and save the one man he felt closer to than anything else in the universe. It's almost Biblical in a sense...a simple question with tremedously complex answer: Would you be willing to lose everything for someone you cared about? Classic Trek has always had the gift of posing these questions and those trappings are shown once again in this movie. "Khan" was the action movie with "Search" being the spiritual movie. Bravo.
Rating:  Summary: Search No Further Review: An emotional and loyal movie, the crew put the good of the one infront of the good of the many. (A theme in films II-IV) The movie was of epic proportions. The final scene and the valediction of the Enterprise brought a moment to all of our eyes and our hearts. While it is unstated, it is assummed that Savik mated with Spock during his Pon Far, and that is the reason why she stayed on Vulcan in ST:IV (to bear his child). Watch and see what you think. Genesis becomes tainted, in so many ways, in this movie. Overall, a fun movie and a great time!
Rating:  Summary: Search For Spock is Better Then Wrath of Khan Review: I know that I will probably catch a lot of flack for putting this one above Trek II, but I can't help it! Trek III is better than Wrath of Kahn. The idea of the good of the one which was done many times in the original series comes to bear on the big screen so well. The opening prologue is very moving, and there are enough key sequences in justifying this one as better than its distinguished predecessor. For example, the stealing of the Enterprise is priceless. The self-destruct sequence is powerful.(Trivia:The same self-destruct sequence ,which was almost word-for-word, was done in an original episode titled "Let That be Your Last Battlefield".) Amusing sequence with Bones in "Star Wars" like cantina is great("Where is the logic in offering me a ride home, if I needed a ride home would I be trying to charter a space flight?")Dame Judith Anderson lends her talent as a Vulcan high Priestess and I love the moment where Sarek proclaims "Forgive me, but my logic is uncertain where my son is concerned."Christopher Lloyd also steals the show as the Klingon commander Kruge.This is the best of the odd-numbered films truly.
Rating:  Summary: Get Out! Get Out Of There! Review: Well, just when you thought he was gone for good (yeah, like anyone believed that), Spock is still alive. This isn't as unbelievable as it sounds. Kirk & Co. show how far they are willing to go for a friend, and end with a cliffhanger as good as the last one. Christopher Lloyd is a treat as the Klingon captain, and the movie starts to bring back the Trek humor present in the TV series but overlooked to some extent in the 1st two movies.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful continuation from Star Trek II.... Review: This film is the second in a "trilogy" that began with Star Trek II and ended with Star Trek IV. I consider these three movies to be among the greatest Star Trek stories ever told, and this one, titled, "The Search for Spock," quite satisfyingly continues the development of the theme first discussed by Kirk and Spock in Spock's cabin in Star Trek II--the good of the one versus the good of the many. Spock believed that the good of the many outweigh the good of the few or the one, and, in Star Trek II, he sacrificed his life to save the rest of the crew. And now, in this film, quite befittingly, the crew sacrifice their lives and their futures to save Spock. What a beatutiful, marvelous dichotomy the writers have presented in these two selfless acts. Early in Star Trek IV, Spock's mother Amanda eloquently explains to her son why his human friends did what they did. These are the things that make Star Trek great. Harve Bennett and Nicholas Meyer, among others, deserve a great deal of credit for making these movies the gems that they are. To fully enjoy the concepts and principles dealt with in Star Trek III, I recommend that the viewer also see Star Trek II and Star Trek IV (all in numerical order, of course).
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek 3 -- Search for Spock Review: This movie picks up where "Star Trek II - The Wrath of Kahn" left off. Kirk and crew have to rescue Spock whom they prematurely placed into a casket which they then shot from the Enterprise onto the Genisis planet. Good thing the casket survived the friction of re-entry! It isn't as good as "Star Trek II" but it is still a good effort.
Rating:  Summary: Vulcan Supreme Review: Of the odd numbered Star Trek films,along with Innsurection,TSFS is the best.Not as great as the even numbered,but holds up better than Generations and V.Leonard Nimoy's direction is surprisingly well done,dispite the hokey outcome of Spock's resurrection.The destruction of the Enterprise was both effective as well as heart-wrenching.The supporting crew members(Scotty,Sulu,Uhura and Chekov),always ignored in the past,also have great moments.As a bridge between II and IV,it seems like a holding pattern so its best to watch this trilogy in one sitting.
Rating:  Summary: A great directorial debut of Leonard Nimoy Review: In the Star Trek series the best directors are Leonard Nimoy and Jonathan Frakes.This is his first direction of a Star Trek film and as this film is not for everyone mainly people who do not enjoy Star Trek will not get any of this movie and will just be gibberish but for the fans it is a real treat seeing Nimoy at the helm.This movie was obviously made on a shoestring budget as you can tell because basically this hole movie is done on a set.But that still does nothing to this very emotional but action packed film. After the Enterprises deadly encounter with Khan and the creation of the Genisis planet and the death of it's most valued crew member Spock the crew is somber and somwhat empty after the death of there friend Kirk seems depressed from all of it.Mean while a scout ship that has been sent out to get information on genisis torpedo, Klingon leader Kruge (Christopher LLoyd) is anxious to see what the torpedo is about so he can seemingly use it as a superweapon.The crew of a nearby science vessel with Kirks son on board is investigating the genisis planet that has been forbidden and quarentine have seemingly descoverd Spocks tube on the planet. As Kirk has some thoughts that Spock could still be saved Spocks father comes aboard the ship and together they find that the only hope for Spock lies in the meld with Mccoy they must find some way to get both of them to the vulcan planet before all is lost. When they find Spock on the planet they find that he is somhow connected to the planets surroundings but by the time they report it the Klingons intercept the science vessel and distroy it.The Klingon Vessel continues a course to presue the Enterprise.When it does its all out war the Klingons even go as far as to kill Kirks son. In rage Kirk self disructs the Enterprise and brings his friend home safely to take vulcan ritual to restore him and Mccoy back to normal and save there friends life. Great picture and sound and a theatrical trailer this movie has never been better and never will look as good as it does on DVD a great film one of the best odd Star Treks leading the way to the Star Trek masterpeice Star Trek 4 : The Voyage Home wich was also brillantly directed by Leonard Nimoy grab this DVD you will not be dissapointed.