Rating:  Summary: Good Star Trek film, but flawed in some points... Review: NOTE: This following is being taken by my site's "Star Trek V Evaluation". Is Star Trek V: The Final Frontier a bad film? Some people say it is, while others say it is underrated. Well, what is the truth? I have broken down the movie scene-by-scene. I have rated each scene on a scale of 1-to-4, with 4 being the best. Using this system, we can average out the scenes and discover how the film is as a whole. Please note that this isn't just my opinion. I have talked to other Trek fans about the flaws and strengths in the film and have taken those evaluations into account with my judging of the scenes. All-in-all, this is still only opinion, but take it into consideration when judging the film as a whole.THE SCENES 1. Sybok's Introduction A great scene. Well filmed. The emotion felt when Sybok relieves the man's pain feels genuine. Then the surprise as we discover he is a Vulcan -- then he laughs! After "You're a Vulcan!", Larry does the Spock isn't-it-obvious eyebrow thing perfectly. The fade to white as the movie begins and the familiar "Star Trek" theme by Alexander Courage is heard... wow. This reminded me of the Original Series, when we were given a teaser before the show began. It's one of the best, if not the best, openings of all the Star Trek movies, and probably always will be. RATING: 3.75 2. Opening Credits Also a good scene. They pan up to the sun, which becomes a star. Then they show outer space, then they show a beautiful establishing shot of Yosemite and El Capitan. The rock climbing scenes look real. It's the only Star Trek film that gives us a moment of quiet reflection during the credits. McCoy even gives us dialogue that is a wink to The Original Series. Well done! RATING: 3.25 3. Kirk's Chat With Spock And The Fall/Rescue From Mountain A weaker scene. The dialogue about "gravity of the situation" is a little silly. Kirk's fall looks real in some shots (some people in the audience actually gasped!) but looks very fake in others (obvious blue-screen). Spock's Superman imitation hurts the scene, too. Some say they can see the cable when it shows Spock holding Kirk. Plus, the "Mind if we drop in for dinner?" line is a groaner. It's a cute scene, but too cute. RATING: 2.00 4. Paradise City And The Taking Of The Hostages A credible scene. The introductions of the representatives are brief to keep the scenes moving. The taking of the hostages are well-done and quick. The scene serves its purpose and leaves us wondering what will happen. RATING: 2.75 5. Scotty And Uhura Are Apprised Of The Nimbus III Situation Another credible scene with nice moments. They are advised of their status. There's nothing wrong with this scene, for it moves the story forward without being dull. RATING: 2.50 6. Sulu And Chekov Get Lost A weaker scene. Purely for cheap laughs. Nice to see their close friendship (always implied but never stated in TOS, as when Sulu knew Chekov had no brother) has been remembered by the writers. I missed it. Although it does provide a chuckle or two, it's a rather pointless scene. RATING: 2.00 7. The Campfire Scene Ah... the famous (infamous?) campfire scene. This one is a toughy. Fans are divided on this scene. Some think it's too silly and runs too long, while others say it's the most endearing and sweetest scene in all of Star Trek. I think it's a good scene, but lengthy. Hearing them sing "row, row, row your boat" is a hoot, and their discussion of their friendship is a nice touch. The "Goodnight Bones/Spock/Jim" scene may be silly, but 3 old pros pull it off beautifully. Their timing is right on the mark. Nice little touches, as when Kirk tells Spock to call him Jim, Spock broaches a subject Kirk's too tired to get into, Kirk reverts back to Captain mode, Spock calls him Captain again. The whole exchange was 4 lines, but beautifully done. But due to mixed reactions, I'll rate it about in the middle. RATING: 2.50 8. Klaa's Introduction A credible scene. It's direct and to the point. It introduces Klaa (and the subplot) effectively. RATING: 2.50 9. Uhura Picks Up Kirk, Spock, And McCoy Another quick, direct scene that moves the plot forward. RATING: 2.50 10. Shuttle Enters The Enterprise A nice scene. The return of the shuttlecraft is welcomed, and is well-filmed. The "well versed in the classics" line is actually funny and well-done. The only drawback is that it's not really important to the plot except for forshadowing the shuttle's use later. RATING: 2.75 11. Kirk Is Apprised Of Mission A good scene. Bennett's cameo is a nice in-joke. The "I miss my old chair" line, followed by Spock's sympathetic look, is very funny. The plot is moved forward nicely. RATING: 2.75 12. Klaa Discovers Kirk Is Going To Nimbus III Another quick scene that reenforces Klaa's motivations. A bit less important, though. RATING: 2.50 13. Crew Views The Hostage Tape A very nice scene. Kirk's comments on Korrd are interesting. Spock's line about perhaps "seeing a ghost" make us curious. Except for the Captain's Log Recorder breaking down, this scene is very well-done. RATING: 3.00 14. Spock Explains Sybok To Kirk And McCoy A wonderful scene. It gives us another moment of quiet reflection and Nimoy does a wonderful job telling the tale of Sybok. The observation lounge is a nice set, too. For the first time Kirk's wearing one of those Starfleet casual jackets, seen on Scotty in ST III. Nice consistency, and nice tailoring too. Also, the lounge seemed like a nice precursor to 10-forward. RATING: 3.25 15. Enterprise Orbits Nimbus III A great, however unfortunately brief, scene. RATING: 3.25 16. Kirk Takes A Shuttle Down To Nimbus III A well-directed scene. The shuttle interior shot is great, and the SFX are pretty good, as well. Nice to see the redshirts; skeleton crew or not. It still takes more than a monkey and two trainees to run that ship. RATING: 3.25 17. "Captain Chekov" Talks To Sybok This is a nice scene. It gives Koenig a cute moment without being silly. Plus, again, it moves the story forward. RATING: 3.00 18. Uhura's Fan Dance One of the worst scenes in the film. Some argue that Uhura wouldn't dance naked to distract the lookout party. I feel she would, but it's irrelevant. The scene is just too silly. Though I liked the way one of the men says "Ohhh... damn!" RATING: 1.50 19. The Fight On Nimbus III To Rescue The Hostages Wow! An excellent scene! One of the best in the film. This is the only ground-fighting we've ever scene in the Star Trek films, and is directed great! Nice reminder these are military people who've worked well as a unit for thirty years ("Sulu, take out that light!") Nicest phaser stuns I've ever seen (you could feel the impact). RATING: 3.75 20. Kirk Fights A Feline Alien Definitely weak. The scene is clunky and the cougar sound effects make the scene laughable instead of exciting. Though the rest of the scene is okay. RATING: 1.75 21. Sybok Captures Kirk, Spock, And McCoy A good scene. Sybok's talk with Spock is very good, and some of the shots use a well-done "hand-held" camera shot. RATING: 3.00 22. The Emergency Shuttle Landing Plan "B" Another good scene. The "B" dialouge is cute, but not bad. The shuttle thrusting into the Enterprise is exciting and well-done. Also nice to see Kirk and the general relate to each other as military men. RATING: 3.00 23. Kirk Fights Sybok/Spock Confronts Sybok Yet another good scene. The hand-to-hand between Kirk and the much-stronger Sybok is good. And the confrontation between Sybok and Spock is tense. That look on Kirk's face as he turns his back on Spock is packed with emotion....END
Rating:  Summary: Trek V-A Satisfying Entry in the Series Review: There is nothing like a Trek big screen film that begins with a prologue.(Trivia:There was an original prologue that was cut from Generations where we see Kirk skkydiving, and then being informed of the christening of the latest Enterprise!)Laurence Luckinbull is fun to watch as Spock half-brother.People complain about the effects of this film.I don't see the problem with them.They serve the film as the effects in any Trek flick would! This film is fun, mainly, because there are a lot of scenes involving the trio(you know who I mean too!)Scene where Nichols sings is outstanding(that is a thrill back to the series when she did that on occasion-remember Charlie X episode).This film caught a lot of flack, but it is just as fun to watch as Wrath of Khan if you ask me.
Rating:  Summary: Starts well and then falls away.An idea for Paramount . Review: "Every man hides a secret pain"says Star Trek 5.I'm sure that women would wonder what happened to them in this little piece of philosophy.Seriously,Paramount should redo the effects of this film.Even the current tv show has better effects so it wouldn't cost much to redo them.And one really good idea:get the supporting cast-Nichell Nichols,James Doohan,George Takei and Walter Koenig to sit down and do a commentary on the Star Trek films.What great stories they could tell!And what a great marketing ploy it would be.
Rating:  Summary: A Fantastic Premise Review: Star Trek V- The Final Frontier is one of my favorite Star Trek stories...ever. I'm not jumping on the bandwagon and picking this movie apart because of some bizzare "William Shatner" hatred like so many other reviews out here display. On the contrary, I felt this movie was the very best reflection of what the original series was. On one side, it was campy, silly, and lacking in special effects (just like the original 60's episodes). On the other side, we have a very serious story that speaks to us about inner journeys, false beliefs, friendship, and discovery (hmmmm....also just like the original 60's show would have done!) "The Final Frontier" is a fantastic premise that,sadly, was not able to be fully realized. If you look deep enough into the film and what it is trying to say, you will see this. The exploration of our inner demons and pains is handled very well, as we are reminded that without these parts of ourselves, we are actually lost. The idea of misguided loyalties and beliefs is clearly shown in Sybok's ill-fated quest. In this day and age where money, power, and careers are drawing people in and causing us to forget that our relationships are what truly matter, this is even more relevant. Sybok's "God" is nothing more than the manifestation of these things, and he realizes his mistake after it is too late (like so many of us). We are treated to one of the best examples of the "Kirk, Spock, McCoy" relationship ever filmed. The three are ultimately victorious in the film because their friendship is able to survive tis roller-coaster ride that Sybok has forced upon them. The campfire scene shows how these men can function as PEOPLE, not just heros. It's an important scene for true Star Trek fans. The feeling of wonder and discovery are also resurrected in Trek V. As we approach the Great Barrier at the center of the galaxy, we are along for the ride, ready to be the first to see what lies beyond. THIS and everything else I've mentioned is what makes Star Trek great. Forget about the bad visual effects (but try to imagine how cool this movie would have looked if it was filmed today). Forget the plotholes and continiuity flaws. And DO NOT blame William Shatner. Just because he jokingly said "get a life" 15 years ago is no reason to hate the man. Those who feel that way...maybe he was right. Enjoy the closest thing to true Trek (along with Star Trek II) since 1969.
Rating:  Summary: Great Expectations disappoint Review: This movie is a classic example of impossibly high expectations resulting in the fans rejecting a story. Consider the possibility that it's possible to sincerely believe something to be true, and to tragically discover you are mistaken. This story explores the power of the cult of personality, the frailty of our human form as well as the power the guilt we carry around with us can have over us. These are relevant topics, and issues many struggle to explore. Many of us turn to false, self-satisfying, self-worshiping 'gods' that only tell us what we want to hear. This is a frontier that has almost never been explored in this series. Despite some flaws, and some dated, pre-digital effects, this is a very interesting story if you let it be what it is - a story about a journey of faith, and the discoveries and friendships you find along the way.
Rating:  Summary: Twelve more beers and I'll appreciate this movie Review: This movie was so ridiculously bad. Shatner attempts to be philosophical, writing a script in which the crew of the Enterprise visits "God", who, for some reason, confines himself in some forsaken region of the galaxy. At one point "God" asks the crew if he could borrow the spacecraft so he could leave the forsaken place. The crew are suspicious, "What would GOD want to do with a spaceship?". That's how deep this movie is.
Rating:  Summary: terrible Review: This was, by far, the worst of the Star Trek movies. As a "die hard" Trekkie, I was completely disappointed with the story, the writing, the acting. The special effects were okay. The only credit to this film was the introduction of the new type II phaser. Shame on you guys.
Rating:  Summary: Not very good compared to the others. Review: I am a big trek fan. But this movie was a mistake. I like what Leonard Nimoy said about it though. In "I AM SPOCK" he basically tells everybody not to blame Bill Shatner for it, because he believes Bill is a great director, but that the fault lies in the very weak storyline. Well who am I to argue with Leonard Nimoy? This is a very lame storyline if there ever was one, I won't waste anyone's time running over it. (But I do agree with the people who said that Bill shouldn't have directed. This was definatly an ego issue for him.) I will say that you should go rent this movie before you buy it. IF you are a die hard trekkie and you find you must have it just to say you have it, that's fine, but I wouldn't cry in my cheerioes if I couldn't get it tomorrow. It's really not a very good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek V - The Final Frontier Review: I am a trekkie fan, so, critics will probably say I am prejudiced for this movie. True, It was not the best, but it was very good. It was entertaining as they always are when this cast gets together. I see it many times over, and I have added it to my collection. To make fun of William Shatner is a terrible thing. Why don't you try to direct a full length film and see how you do. After, it's only fantasy, have a good time when you see these things instead of picking them apart. My rating - 4 stars, so there!
Rating:  Summary: I asked my girlfriend what her favorite part was ... Review: ... and she said, "The end." Boy, did this stink. It was very uninteresting, and anyone could see where the plot was going. About 70% of the Next Generation episodes have been better than this thing.