Rating:  Summary: waiting for the director's cut Review: I read the book before I saw the movie. Alot was either not filmed or let on the cutting room floor. I'd be interested in seeing how much a director's cut would add back into a good story but a terrible movie!
Rating:  Summary: Surely, the WORST of times... Review: I was quite disappointed by this movie!...As a long time Trek fan I thought all was lost. A definite low point. However, there were at lease a few glimpses of good in it. The humorous banter was good. But the music, I thought, was great!! A bit of a change from all the other movies. Also the use of, for lack of a better expression, Star Fleet commandos or Marines in the attack on Sybok's stronghold in the desert. I liked that concept!...They got to kick some butt for a few minutes at least. The fact that it wasn't just the normal stars from the bridge crew in the fire fight was refreshing. I like the old crew but I also like the fact that they used other resources at their disposal. People trained to do just that, it seemed. That some of the other 450+ personnel on board got to do something besides put on a red shirt and die!! (...Although, everyone wears a red shirt in that time frame now so go figure ;-)...) If you're not a Trek fan, skip it! PLEASE!...But if you're a fan, tolerate it then go do something nice for yourself afterwards!...
Rating:  Summary: Most of the movie is Ok! Review: It's not the best of the Star Trek movies but it had it's moments and though I didn't love it I actually liked most of the movie and enjoyed some of the humor which so many people seem to hate, I also liked Laurence Luckinbill as Spock's half-brother Sybok even if Sybok was a major wack job! I just thought his acting was good. I know most reviewers hated the whole movie but for me the movie fell apart when they broke through the barrier or whatever it was called, that's where the movie really hit a major clinker and became absolutely awful that is until after that thing on that planet and they were back on the Enterprise and the Klingon ship and then it was ok again. Though I kind of liked this movie and I have it on video I'm not sure if I would buy it on DVD, I might some day but it's not tops on my list of DVD's to buy.
Rating:  Summary: The Worst Movie of 1989! Review: This is definitly the worst movie of 1989! That's what many fans and Movie critics said about Star Trek V: The Final Frontier! In many ways I agree! William Shatner used too much egotism in creating this film. Star Trek V was actually William Shatner's Show! This was a major upset to Star Trek fans and movie goers who saw the Star Trek VI. Despite some possible positive aspects of the film, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier has the worst special effects, acting, story telling and bad script. Too much humor was used in this movie. A Vulcan Renegade and his henchmen hijack the Starship, USS Enterprise-A in search for God or Sha-Ka-Re? It turns out the Vulcan Rengade is Vulcan filled with emotions and is Spock's half-brother? William Shatner was too heroic in this film. Not once did Captain Kirk admitt on making a mistake in Star Trek V! It was such a turn-off! I won't give credit for William Shatner for making this movie!...
Rating:  Summary: After Four Films We Finally Have A Mission! Review: The initial reviews on this film were so bad that I didn't see it until 1995. Someone owes William Shatner a huge apology! While the storyline cannot be accused of being a classic, it is certainly superior to V'Ger or the whales in ST:TMP and ST IV. This film is the best of the feature films because it excels at maintaining the flavor and strengths of the original series. Shatner blends all the best elements: a provocative story, action, humor, and best of all, strong character interplay and insightful character development that centers on the Kirk-Spock-McCoy relationship. This film's treatment of faith is the most positive ST ever made, which gives the movie a buoyant hopefulness in the face of human loss. It also has a huge "fun factor" not present in most of the other films.I urge you to give this one a second look and a fair shake. Just because critics know movies, doesn't mean they know Star Trek.
Rating:  Summary: Shatner - Stay In Front Of The Camera! Review: As you have read above, this is the worst of the 9 (Soon to be 10)films. It has some very cute and short sentimental moments in it and a great senic opening of Yosemite National Park, plus a gorgeously wonderful score by my favorite composer Jerry Goldsmith - but - overall, no story, no story, no story. Did I mention no story? Shatner should have not let the producers take over. When I read his memorars about the shooting of this film, Shatner says the movie was completely different. It was budget cuts and studio pressures made it into something it was never intened to be. If that's true, then cudos to Shatner, but as a film...."The Muppet Movie" was much, much, much more entertaining. Sorry Bill!
Rating:  Summary: Not The best of films... Review: Okay. Star Trek V The Final Frontier is indeed not the best film of its kind. But... It isn't Star Trek Generations. With the lack of real script, and the lack of Industrial Light & Magic, William Shatner puts together what I would agree to be a spoof of a movie. Think about it: A useless mountain climbing scene. An Enterprise that was not working the way STIV-The Vovage Home's Enterprise was. A "planet of galactic peace" (where did that come from!?) God on the other side of the universe, who is just an alien like the rest of us, right? A Vulcan with emotions (wouldn't that be... a romulan??) Does this not spell s-p-o-o-f? or at least Mystery Science Theater 3000? As far as the DVD, yeah, it's a good complement. It brings back a visually better copy of the film (the trailers didn't hurt either.) Goldsmith's score was excellent. Other than that... If you don't mind waiting some months, wait until the Director's Edition, or at least until ILM gets a real hold of it. Then, it will be a spoof worth buying.
Rating:  Summary: The Worst Star Trek Movie Ever Review: This movie should have been billed as a spoof. After two, three, and four, it is obvious that the cast wanted to have fun with the story, and it is equally(and painfully)obvious that they really did not have a script. Kirk, McCoy and Spock are camping in Yosemite, when they are called back to go rescue the peace delegates on "The planet of galactic peace". The delegates have been kidnapped by a renegade Vulcan named Sybok, who happens to be Spocks(half?)brother. That was a little too pat. Sybok's quest is to find God, who according to legend lives an the other side of the barrier at the center of the Galaxy. They rescue the delegates, only to have the delegates turn on them and turn him over to Sybok, who then turns his empathy powers onto the crew of the 1701-A, and who help imprison the Captain(Admiral!)and the Captain Spock. Except that they are rescued by the Captain Scott, despite his being exposed to the empathy powers of Sybok. Scottie then runs into a wall after saying he knows the ship like the back of his hand. The two captains are soon captured by Sybok's converts, but since they are now at or beyond the barrier, Sybok turns command back over to Kirk without even making him say pretty please. They find God, except he is not God but just some super energy being who was imprisoned in the ancient galaxy by forces/powers that we never find out about for reasons that are never stated. This scene produced the highlight of the movie, when Kirk asked "Excuse me. Why does God need a starship?". A semi-renegade Klingon captain and crew were thrown in to spice it up, but ultimately they only give the movie two good lines for Spock: "Damn you sir, you will try." and "Please sir, not in front of the Klingons." The good-guys win, the bad guys lose, the betrayed idealist becomes the hero-martyr, and all is well again. Then we are back in Yosemite, but this time Spock knows "Row, Row, Row your boat." It was obvious that the cast had fun doing this movie, but if I were the one titling it, it would be Star Trek Five: The Wrath of the Screen-Writers Guild.
Rating:  Summary: Mystery Science Theater 3000 material ..it's a stinker !! Review: I can see see Servo and the robots viewing this movie on the program. I can see them doing jokes about Shatner's stunt double doing the rock climbing and fights. The whole plot with the God planet is real bad. I don't know how Shatner got this one made. If Paramount is for a re edit with new special effects and the "rock people" the Shatty one wanted to come out of the pit I'm all for it. On a special effects dependent feature like this one it would be worth it to revamp the effects. It would have saved the whole film to have a worth while ending. You can't blame poor Bran Ferren; the special effects producer. He was given a small budget and could not work outside of the money given him to produce a decent movie.
Rating:  Summary: The more the better Review: The more that I see this film the better I enjoy it. Many reviews have been written which detail its strengths and weaknesses. I found that, by means of a subtle sense of humor, it demonstrates the value of human friendship, and I believe that its most valuable contribution, in the Star Trek genre, is that it attempts, in what I consider a serious way, to deal with the mystery of human suffering.