Rating:  Summary: If it's even, it must be good, right? Review: 11/19/02 - How the heck can you review a movie not released yet? It's probably not even it its final edited form yet. I have read the script floating around the Internet some months ago and the trailers look like they have got the basic outline of the story, at least, accurate. Some details, if true, look to be intriguing and irritating all at the same time.Ricker finally takes command of his own ship - after all he has done, it's about time. He goes flying off to sectors unknown at the end. They can bring him back for the next movie by using that hoary old device, blow up his ship and have Enterprise rescue him (see Worf in First Contact). Ricker and Deanna finally get married - nothing like a 30-year courtship and engagement - yikes. Wesley makes a cameo - after living in the Traveler's realm of alternative reality he reemerges to attend a wedding, then gets edited out for time constraints? Hey Wes, how was the vision quest? Did you meet Sisko on the other side? Is Ashley Judd's know-it-all character in or out, married to Wes, cut out, too? Worf is no longer Federation Ambassador in the Klingon Empire. OK, its better than getting a ship shot out from under you, I guess. Data looks like he will suffer from the worse case of RESET button disease ever documented. To what end? A cloned Picard? Big deal. Why would arrogant Romulens follow a human, anyway? Earth will be attacked and destroyed by 1 (one) cloaked ship. Excuse me, I see Earth's defenses have not gotten any better after being attacked by 2 big fat probes in the TOS movie series, 2 Borg cubes, creepy worm eating buggy aliens in Star Fleet headquarters, Kelvins, and what have you. It would seem to me that after defeating the combined Dominion/Cardassin/Breen fleet and incorporating some of the enhanced technology from the Borg and the future Janeway (who does make a cameo) that one ship, even a big-assed cloaked one, would be detected and destroyed before it gets to Sector 001. I don't know. It's just a movie, but the producers have to understand that it will be dissected and analyzed by the faithful to death so it better be good and it better make sense. We will see.
Rating:  Summary: intriguing cast Review: First, I'm not one of the Trek-hounds who seem to know everything pertinent before the movies are released. I recommend that you take a look at the cast for this one. From the trailers I've seen there's no indication that so many TNG series characters are in this flick... however, they're on the cast list. That's made me even more excited about seeing Nemesis. btw... where's Ambassador Spock? Isn't he supposed to be on Romulus on special assignment, to strengthen ties with the Romulans and influence their culture in a positive manner ?
Rating:  Summary: Much better than I expected.... Review: Amazingly enough, this film was actually showing at my small-town theater on opening weekend! Because of my schedule, I wasn't able to see it until Sunday -- by which time the local newspaper reviewers had already given it a thumbs-down. I decided to go see for myself -- and I'm glad I did. The film has excellent special effects, and a storyline that gives much to think about concerning the issue of cloning. I had heard in advance that Data was going to die in this film -- and he does, but not before putting his programming into an earlier prototype called B-4. There's a strong resemblance to "STII: The Wrath of Khan" here, where Spock put his katra (soul-memory) into McCoy's mind before sacrificing himself to save the ship. At the end of the movie, B-4 shows signs of accessing Data's memory, the same as Spock recognized Jim Kirk at the end of STII. I sure hope there's going to be a sequel! And speaking of Spock, it would have been nice to see him make an appearance. The last time we heard of him (in TNG "Unification") he was still working underground to bring Romulans and Vulcans together. Maybe next movie? Also, According to an interview with Patrick Steward in TV Guide, there were a lot of great scenes that got cut out of the theater version, which, hopefully, will show up on the DVD edition.
Rating:  Summary: Pure fun Review: I am telling you this simply as a lover of thought provoking, and interesting films of all types. This new star trek film looks very good indeed.The beauty of star trek, (and its fans realize this) is that it presents a morality tale in the form of pure fun and adventure. I cant wait to sit back with my popcorn and soda and enter the realm of star trek... (just joking about the 1 year old thing)
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek: Nemesis is one of my most anticipated Movies! Review: Star Trek: Nemesis is one of my most anitcipated Movies! This film could be the final Movie for the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation! It is rumored that Data will die and transfer his mind into B-9! Meanwhile, Picard confronts his Romulan Nemesis, Shinzom! This movie's plot involves the Romulans. The Romulans are the great ancestors of the Vulcans who did adopet logic and Ruled under themselves as the Romulan Empire. This looks like a great Star Trek film! I can't wait to see it in the theatres after December 13!I am not really a fan of Star Trek the Next Generation but I am eagerly awaiting this film because it is a brand new Star Trek movie! I would recommend this film especially since I know that the even numbered Star Trek Movies are better. Go see this movie on December 13th!
Rating:  Summary: IT COULD HAVE BEEN A MASTERPIECE...... Review: Well let's hope that John Logan and Brent Spiner have written a good screenplay. After seeing both trailers, the film looks very interesting, but there appears to be too much immitation of previous installments . Like Star Trek VI, it's the last we see of all the TNG crew together. Second,the plot has to do with a federation treaty with romulus (hence the klingon/federation treaty in IV). Forthermore, it follows in the footsteps of Star Wars Episode: II, with the cloning of a younger Picard (Shinzon played by Tom Hardy) and (B-9) another Data clone. Even more interesting is the comparisons to Star Trek II, where were supposed to believe that Shinzon (Tom Hardy's character) is supposed to be the greatest villian since Khan, and heres a MAJOR SPOILER for those non trek fans, one of are beloved characters is to die (Mr. Data); much like the death of Mr. Spock! Maybe I'm just paranoid, but there are too many comparisons to other sci-fi films. I could go on and on about how the writers have borrowed from other films. I will still go and see this movie because I'm a sucker for TNG and Trek in general, but I'm not I'm going to like it that much. Heck, it was supposed to run 3 hours approximately, until Paramount decided to cut out about an hour and a half; because it really didn't relate to the films plot. I believe that for the fans sake, they should not have tampered with the running time,nor should they have gone with Shinzon as their main nemesis. There would have been a much greater comparison to Khan if they'd used Q,Commander Sela, and Lore as their main villians. Giving us fans a much greater anticipation for the film, and perhaps more of a continuence in TNG unresolved conflict storylines. In closing, I believe that Nemesis could have been better. Yeah sure there are cameos by Guinan,Wesley (now deleted from the film), and Janeway. But don't you think that with three great villians Q, Sela, Lore, and cameos by Barclay, Lwaxana, and even Dr. Pulowski; that there would be a greater closure to the Next Generation. I had my dream TNG film finale implanted for years, perhaps my dream was far to expensive. But, it sure would have made a great Star Trek film, perhaps even the greatest Trek film. Here's to the dream.....
Rating:  Summary: Looks to be the best Star Trek Movie in twelve years. Review: Well the inside story on this the tenth movie in the Star Trek movies is a return to some of the story elements seen on the original Star Trek series, but never followed up on the movies till now. Screenplay by John Logan, an avid Star Trek fan, finds the Federation and the Romulan Empire now caught in a war with a new villian who has some connection with Captain Jean Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and The crew of Enterpise-E is now the only thing that can save the Federation and the Romulans from total destruction. Directed by Stuart Baird, it appears that Star Trek will be getting something of a Star Wars makeover in this movie with new starships, new alien beings, and bigger story taking place which will be a big departure from the last three movies, and hopefully will make Star Trek interesting as a movie series again.
Rating:  Summary: a very enjoyable entry in the long line of ST films Review: I am not going to argue if the film's plot is like another. I don't watch a film to hold comparisons. I judge the film strictly on its merits. And frankly, I really enjoyed this ST entry. I love the series and have always thought the films never reached the greatness of the series that spun them. It was bigger, fancier, but ST always revolved around the people not the plot. And in that this film is one of the best ST films. It maintains that esprit de corps and spectacular film. Maybe expectations hurt this. Everyone went in expecting this or that from the film. I did not, so I truly enjoyed it. I have watched if several times and each time I am impressed. So kick by and stop analyzing and enjoy the fun.
Rating:  Summary: A Mediocre Entry into the Star Trek Film Series Review: Though I feel a bit out of place reviewing a "Next Generation" Star Trek Film--I was never a huge fan of the second Star Trek TV series or any that came after it--there's enough wrong with this particular entry to deserve comment. Even on the small screen, ho-hum Jean-Luc Picard and crew were tedious substitutes for the original series' wonderfully adventurous and colorful characters, and it's that lack of charisma that is the main problem with "Star Trek: Nemesis." Without caring much about the characters, there's no emotional punch to the film's often poorly conceived and executed scenes, even if some seem lifted from the much less expensive but much more watchable predecessor, "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan." In this one, several rather awkward plot contrivances pit a heretofore unknown clone of Picard named Shinzon against the Federation, though the reasons for the clone's psychotic hatred against humanity are murky, at best. (From what we see onscreen, it makes more sense for him to hate his Romulan keepers.) While the film's opening ten minutes are gripping--featuring the brutal assassination of the Romulan government--things go downhill from there, including a tired wedding sequence that has little to do with the rest of the film, several space battles created with topnotch special effects but that are as exciting as watching bathtub toys bobbing along, and the inevitable, surprisingly bland face-to-face confrontation between Shinzon and Picard. The film's pace and story are so unengaging that I even had time to consider how silly it was to use vehicles with wheels in an age of spaceships zipping around (through a ship's corridors, no less) and people beaming themselves from place to place; "Star Trek: Nemesis" gave me plenty of time to disengage from what was happening on the screen. So far, only one "Next Generation" movie has held my interest--the surprisingly fun "Star Trek: First Contact"--but that's probably because it came closest in spirit to the 1960s TV series (though it contradicts what we learned there). Even Jerry Goldsmith's score can't seem to pump any excitement into what should have been Captain Picard's finest hour.
Rating:  Summary: Good but not great. Review: This final outing of the 'next generation' crew is one of the better films in the franchise but not the best. On the plus side it offers some excellent action scenes and SFX and we finally get to see the enigmatic Remans who are being led by a clone of Picard. A lot of the story threads that have continued throughout the T.V. series and prior films are also tied up, such as Deanna and Will Riker finally marrying, Riker getting a command etc. However, the film is not perfect. Data discovers a 'brother' on another planet but there is no indication of why/how he get there and this thread is never fully explored. Picard's clone seems obsessed with Deanna at one point...why?? This film works on a pure entertainment level but don't expect any complexity in it. It is like a marshmallow...a lot of bulk but not a lot of substance.