Rating:  Summary: A boring plot hurts what could have been a great Trek film Review: Star Trek: Nemesis is definitely not the worst Trek film to date (That distinction would go to Insurrection or Final Frontier). But it's also nowhere near the best. Falling smack dab in the midst of mediocrity, this film is crying to be great but feels like a paint by numbers Van Gough.Centered on the story of a subclass of Romulans gaining control of its council with the intent of taking over the Federation, the film follows the generation crowd at a time of change as second in command Will Riker and his new wife, ship's counselor Deana Troi, ready to leave the crew. It seems like the over-all theme of the film is supposed to be endings and new beginnings, but that bittersweet concept seems lost in the mostly uninteresting Romulan plot line. What is most frustrating though, is while Nemesis is better then the last Trek film, Insurrection, it had potential to be one of the best of the series. Instead the great scenes are hidden behind the tedious plot. Excellent character moments are screaming to get out, but are replaced either by boring plot developments or ill-placed comedic relief. On the flip side, the special effects are probably some of the best Trek effects yet. But as is becoming more and more evident in modern film, effects don't make a good movie. There are also some fun cameos early on in during what is probably the best scene. In fact, the first fifteen minutes of the movie seemed like it was headed in the right direction. But that was all before the plot took a death grip on it. If Nemesis' story could be related to any other Trek film, it would be that of The Wrath of Kahn, with its similar plot and structure. But this latest seems to be only a pale imitation of Kahn's brilliance. Definitely worth skipping until the video is released, except for the die-hard Trekkies.
Rating:  Summary: Best Next Gen film so far, but that's not really saying much Review: For Star Trek: Nemesis the producers upped the SFX budget and brought in an "A-list" screenwriter to try and revive the franchise. The results? Well, the SFX looks really good. I am not really sure why they needed the big gun screenwriter to come in and retell "The Wrath of Kahn" (with mixed results). This is nothing more than a fun popcorn movie. Serious Trek fans will probably be the most disappointed as "Kahn" is definitely a much more serious and emotional film and by implication "Nemesis" should be too. Casual Trek fans and non-fans will wind up enjoying it more. And despite 20+ years since Kahn, I thought the battle sequences in Kahn were more exciting than the ones here. Go figure. The Good: Nice special effects and a pretty action packed last hour. The Not-so good: The ending leaves a lot to be desired, and a lot of weird grinning and smiling throughout. It was downright creepy at times. The script was a rip-off of "Kahn" and the music was a rip-off the "The Motion Picture". Some originality would have been nice. The Bad: Using Worf for comedic relief just does not work. The complete lack of emotion throughout is pretty shocking given the source material ("Kahn"). The acting bordered on bad, even Stewart and Spiner. The wedding scene was so horrid it was cringe inducing! I am definite borderline on recommending this, but in the end I did enjoy it and felt it was probably about the best film we could expect from the Next Generation team given their lousy cinematic track record. The tagline for this movie implies this is the final film - it probably should be.
Rating:  Summary: Major disappointment Review: I have looked forward to this movie for the past year. I read what those involved with the movie said they were trying to accomplish. I thought the plot was a great idea, but the ideas was poorly delivered in this film. It was more "Star Wars" than "Star Trek." Plus, when the bad guys sneak up on the good guys and are 10 feet away and fire and miss, and this happens over and over in this movie, it takes any sense of realism out of the picture. Plus, the dune buggy sequence is also ridiculous and totally detracts from any sense of real danger or realism. Patrick Stewart is a great actor, but he said in interviews that he had a hard time "finding" Picard for this movie. I'm not sure he ever found him. A great disappointment and one of the worst of the Star Trek movies, if not the worst. The "friction" between Picard and Shinzon was nothing compared to that between Kirk and Khan. And there are many more disappointments than I will take the time to go into here.
Rating:  Summary: To quote Jim Kirk in ST2: "KHAAAAAAN, KHAAAAAAN" Review: As several people have pointed out, this movie is most definitly a clone of ST2. Here are what I considered the parallels (SPOILER ALERT SO PROCEED WITH CAUTION): Enemy with a vengenance factor: Khan and Shinzon both had a grudge against the captain of the Enterprise A Very bad weapon: Genesis and the Planet Destroyer Romulan Ship A Space Cloud that hinders sensors and communications: Mutara Nebula and the green cloud that Nemesis takes place A Death of a major character: Spock and Data The Death of the major character saving the lives of everyone else: Spock gets Warp engines to work, Data destroys the ship that was about to fire. The possibility that the major character will be resurrected: Spock doing the mind meld with McCoy, Data doing a memory duplication with B4 A death scene of the villan with some a vengeful line of dialogue: Khan quotes Moby Dick and Shinzon was happy that Picard and him would die together Realization of someone that was related to you: Kirk meets David, Picard meets Shinzon SPOILER END I think there were some other minor things but I can't recall them. Anyway, after saying all that, I would still recommend this movie for people as some good matinee entertainment. I liked the battle sequences and the acting, for the most part, was okay. The wedding sequence didn't work for me (it seemed very forced), Riker leaving to his own command didn't have the emotional impact that I thought it could have, and I was slightly dumbfuddled that no mention of Lore was to be found when B4 was first discovered. But, all in all, it wasn't that bad, just not original.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Star Trek movie EVER!!! Review: This one actually made me cry! The actors are terrific with their roles and bring the movie home. I gave this the 5 stars because of the emotional quality of the movie. The others were great, but this is the one that broke all limits. Our greatest dreams and fears were realized in this movie...and that alone is worth seeing. Let alone the CGI's are out of this world!
Rating:  Summary: Final Journey? Review: Where do I start with Nemesis? Basically, it was a VERY good movie that I enjoyed very much. Excellent as a stand alone movie. However, as I watched it, I couild help but notice it had a strong "fan fiction" feel to it. It didn't feel like I was watching a Star Trek movie. Outside of the characters, nothing seemed familiar about it. The ship, the villians, the locations, all seemed foreign. One of the best things about TNG was that every episode gave you more insight into the characters. This element was completely missing from this installment. On top of this, everyone seemed to be acting out of character. An example of this Troi spends the ENTIRE movie crying. Now, the tagline for this movie is "A generations final journey begins." If this is the end of the TNG movies, there was absolutely no sense of closure. The final episode had way more closure than this movie. Apparently, they trimmed over an hour of the movie out during the final edit. This feels very evident as the movie progresses. Certain events happen that in retrospect will seem quite unnecessary. (In the series, if Data changed cat food brands, it would somehow save the ship in the end. Everything always tied together very neatly in the end.) It was still an excellent movie with lots of action, a great plot, and well acted (for Star Trek.) But if your a fan of the series, it will probably feel very disjointed to you.
Rating:  Summary: Best TNG movie Review: I read a review that said this was a clone of Wrath of Kahn. I must disagree. I think it is purposefully meant to mirror Kahn. There are many parallels, but I believe that Nemesis stands by itself. I don't know if there will be any more TNG movies, but this one felt like it was an ending. The one thing that impressed me was the level of emotion in this film. At first, I felt a sad nastalgia as the characters met for a wedding, then I felt nervous as the characters meet the villain. Next came excitement as the action picked up. By the end, I was actually squirming in my seat from the tension. I have never seen a Star Trek movie that has struck my emotions like this. I say bravo to the Star Trek franchise. I hope there are more TNG movies. PS (Do you think we'll ever see movies from the "Enterprise" crew?)
Rating:  Summary: I like this movie!! Review: I went to see this in the theatres last night. I tell ya I like this movie because of the humorous parts, and I also like the space battle. I like this because It's absolutely cool. I highly recommend to anyone to go see this movie. I think the person who gave this one star has not seen this movie, and has absolutely no clue as to what he or she is talking about.
Rating:  Summary: Fun for Trek Fans Review: Yes, there are some inside jokes and tidbits for long-time fans of Star Trek, but they won't be noticeable to those who aren't familiar with its history. But it's also a movie for science fiction and action/adventure fans. I'm not sure that any villain can ever quite compare to the Borg Queen - this one just didn't seem as powerful or dangerous to me. But the concept of an evil Picard clone was a great idea and there was some good dialogue between the two. The cast looks great - I can't reveal the ending but it just can't be as it seems - MAKE IT NOT SO! There are some wonderful shots of the Enterprise and the special effects are terrific. If you're a fan, you won't miss seeing this one. I can't help but reveal that Whoopie Goldberg makes a brief appearance as Guinan! I once saw an interview with her where she said she'd never been invited to be in one of the movies and she seemed offended - so I was really glad to see those fences had been mended. She was always one of my favorites. Enjoy the show!
Rating:  Summary: Great Try, but Needs More Review: Paramount took a gamble here with a whole new crew including editor-turned-director Stuart Baird and "Gladiator" pen John Logan. The "Next Generation" crew returns here in "Nemesis" to make sure that something too good to be true is real: total peace with the Romulans, the most shifty and shady race Gene Roddenberry's "Trek" series has ever seen. Even worse than those pesky Ferengi. With a new Praetor from Romulus' sister planet Remus, Shinzon (Tom Hardy) requests a Federation envoy to start the process. Enter the Enterprise and it's idealistic crew. What turns out though, in "Nemesis", is anything but ideal. Shinzon is a clone of Picard, once going to be sent as a mole, but was banished to a mining colony after the idea was dropped. It was there that Shinzon eventually built up his forces and several years later, took over the Empire. His amazing ship, the Scimitar, and its' biological weapon, the thalaron device, which will leave a ship or building unharmed, but all the people inside dead is a very real weapon, traced back to today's biological warfare. John Logan creates a very exciting and likeable script, and Stuart Baird's direction is invigorating. The new blood injected into the franchise paid off. Patrick Stewart proves his talent as a leading actor, Brent Spiner is as versatile as ever playing Data and B-4, and newcomer Hardy is one of the better "Trek" villains written for the screen. The action is incredible, Digital Domain's special effects are astonishing, as is Logan's injection of emotion. Hardcore fans will find this film to be a tearjerker! Bet you'd never think "Trek" could make some tears, huh? "Nemesis'" main drawback was the amazing amount of cuts. The best "Trek" films were two or near two hours long. This film is only an hour and a half! There was over an hour of cuts made during post-production, and I believe these cuts could have made this film one of the best features. The DVD of "Nemesis" will be well anticipated. Overall, an exciting sequel, one of the betters, but once again, potential was wasted with such room for character. The best addition to the film was Logan's infusion of emotion. It's there, and it's great.