Rating:  Summary: The Spell is Broken . . . Review: The spell cast over the Star Trek movie franchise is broken, and not in a good way. It seems that since the roll-out of ST:TMP lo these many years ago, that only the even numbered movies seem to resonate well with the audience. Unfortunately, ST: X "Nemesis" shatters the formula--it falls short of being good."Nemesis" lacked so many things, where does one start? How about connection? It lacked a connection to its previous films and to the series as a whole. It lacked conviction--the cast was on auto pilot. It lacked conflict--the villain was laughable, and hardly menacing. Rather, he was a petulant little prig, with no gravitas at all--hardly a fitting foil for our known cast members to battle. Connection is the most disappointing thing--it was difficult to see the connection between the lives the characters used to live in the other movies and the series because so much time was spent on other things. Data seemed to be un-Data-esque, and I was left wondering if they remembered that his emotion chip had even existed. Geordi was AWOL, Beverly was fleeting, even Admiral Janeway needed more screen time. The only one that didn't need time was Wesley--whose presence was hardly explained--again, a lack of connection. Even the Enterprise itself seemed small and just a jumble of sets--the extras that played the other cast members acted like they had no connection to the stars to form a "crew". Emotional connection was what I ultimately found lacking. There was a stark absence of emotion, like we saw in the episode where Jean Luc returns to France after the Borg had assimilated him, or where he vows to stand against the Borg in ST: First Contact. I found myself grasping for emotional connection to this cast/crew as they gave lip service to the paces they were going through. I was very disappointed in this film, mostly because expectations were high after such a long hiatus. It gets a 3 of 5, and that only because it is, after all, Star Trek. I hope your experience is more enjoyable than was mine.
Rating:  Summary: Okay but... Review: I'm a lifelong Trek fan. The Landru episode aired on the night I was born and I've been watching Trek ever since. So, naturally I went to see Nemesis. There is good and bad news. First the good stuff: This movie is 100% better than the icky Insurrection. Now for the bad: Nemesis suffers from inconsistancies and bad writing. Shinzhan, who makes an excellent bad guy and is a bright spot in the film, has never seen a human woman before and is fascinated by Troi. Instead of using that to the Federation's advantage Troi acts like a schoolgirl when he asks if he can touch her hand. Wesley Crusher is wearing a Star Fleet dress uniform. Why? Didn't he leave Star Fleet years ago? Worf is back on the Enterprise. Didn't he return to the Klingon homeworld at the end of the Dominion War? Riker, in a crucial fight scene stops, stares and watches a Reman escape down a chute. That made not a lick of sense. The Enterprise is still vulnerable to the cloaking device. Why? After all these years why hasn't the Federation come up with a cloak of its own? Where is the rest of the fleet? Throughout a serious confrontation nobody from Starfleet sends even a short message to the Enterprise. Shinzhan's motivation for going after earth is so weak that Piccard should've been able to talk him out of it. Ultimately, I enjoyed Nemesis but it should have been better. Trek people like me will go see and some of us will grumble but I don't see this one pulling in non fans.
Rating:  Summary: Who Picked The Release Date¿ Review: I understand last spring was crowded with, "Spider Man", and "Star Wars Episode II", but there had to have been a better time to open, "Star Trek Nemesis", other than in the midst of the most recent Potter release, and 4/5 days before the newest Tolkien installment, and finally in the midst of all the Academy Award hopefuls? The result is the worst opening ever for any of the 10 Star Trek Films. And while this may not be the best, it is a very long way from being the worst. This crew has been together for 15 years on television and in theaters, and I am bewildered as to why Paramount would open the film with such major competition. I think this is among the top 3 films of the 10 that have been offered fans, and it is a shame it has been buried. Trek films tend not to be epics with casts of thousands and the special effect budgets to match. There is a great deal more spent on salaries for this crew than there is for a Star Wars film, and Lucas has his own company doing the techno-wizardry, so Trek is not going to compete. The budget would not be justifies based upon the box office of previous outings. Visually this is the darkest of the series, lighting is akin to the earlier Alien films, some of the mechanical backgrounds appear more organic, but overall I liked the look. The ship of Picard's nemesis is visually stunning, and the space battle scenes are a notch above recent Trek films. Some members of the cast have been noted for looking older, I don't understand the point of such an observation other than to say of course they are! How many fans look the same way they did 15 years ago when we first met the crew? And yes there are compromises about how much screen time certain players get, but at 2 hours and 14 minutes, the time for each character is limited. One visual I found interesting was the appearance of Wesley Crusher for a moment at the start of the film. I had read his part in the story had been cut due to time; perhaps the DVD will give us the extended film. So the result is you will see him for a few seconds at the start, he does not have a single word of dialogue, and then he is gone. There were a variety of visuals that either paid homage to past Trek adventures or other science fiction films, and there are bits I would have liked to have seen, like Riker's new ship. I have read the crew would be back if this film made enough at the box office, and yes the whole crew could return. But unless it has a long slow burn in theaters, this Trek film may come up very short for Paramount to consider number 11, and with the new series, "Enterprise", starting poorly with only 50% of the previous series fan base, number 11 may be a very long way in to the future.
Rating:  Summary: TIME TO BEAM-UP THIS FRANCHISE. Review: Nemesis had its moments, it was great to see most of the cast still functioning. Even though they were on the 'chunky' side. Alas, Star Trek has run its course, and there does not seem to be another mission, except into that black hole that awaits all over used franchises. New stock, new worlds, new blood. else we are just simply following a weekly episode of Lost In Space. I can say these things as I am an avowed Star Trek fan, and it is with great pain that I would say 'cut the series', but its gone on too long. The Jean Luc clone was a twist that I had not forseen and I really liked the idea and the way it was worked out. Tom Hardy (Black Hawk Down, Band Of Brothers.) as Praetor Shinzon did an excellent job and the close up of Shinzon and Jean Luc, looking deeply into each others eyes to see who would blink first was a great scene. Picard searching his enemies mind for a resemblance of his own youth, not unlike a Narcissistic love affair.... The Alien's were great and the action was there but so was long scene's of trite dialog with #1 Troi and Picard. With the loss of one of the crew , but the gaining of another, the loss will not be profound. Bring on some new and exciting people and "MAKE IT SO!"
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek's Finest hours Review: I have seen all the TV episodes of all the Star Trek series old and new. I have also now seen all the movies of Star Trek old and new. This movie, "Nemesis", is definetly one of Star Trek's best presentations that they have ever created. There are no weak points to this movie and the movie was well written and presented. This movie does have the same emotions and style as "The Wrath of Khan" and is well worth spending money to buy or go and see in theaters. While reading other reviews for this movie, I feel that people who write most of these reviews are not true Star Trek fans or can not understand the true meaning behind Star Trek. Star Trek is definetly not like Star Wars. One difference being is the fact that Star Wars does not have Teleporters. This movie had the Star Trek soul to it and for the people who are not Star Trek fans, then I would have to tell you to not go and see it. Because, it is hard to gather the emotion to understand the characters if you have not watched all the Star Trek movies. For the people that have never seen a Star Trek movie, it may be wise to learn first what Star Trek is all about, rather then deciding a bad review for a movie that has characters you can't understand. This movie, "Nemesis", will live on as a legend and may in time, be regarded as one of the most emotionally powerful movies in Star Trek's History.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly Good! Review: Stunned. That's exactly my reaction after seeing Star Trek: Nemesis. Now I knew beforehand I would be stunned after seeing this movie. I was expecting this movie to be so bad based on advanced word that I was telling everyone who would listen that I was pretty sure this movie would be a disaster. This was going to be the movie that ended the film franchise. This would be the movie that would evoke the awful memories of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) (a.k.a. "What does God need with a starship??") This would be the movie - coupled with the current lackluster Enterprise television series - that would alienate all loyal Star Trek fans once and for all. I was wrong. Sure, this movie isn't exactly Citizen Kane (1941) but it's not exactly The Phantom Menace (1999) either. Yes, I was stunned when I walked out of the theater but this was a "good" kind of stunned. I was stunned that this movie was - dare I say it - actually quite entertaining. Now I know this doesn't sound like much of an endorsement. After all most Scooby Doo episodes are technically "quite entertaining" but let me put matters in their proper context. Do you people realize how long it has been since the words "Star Trek movie" and "quite entertaining" have been used in the same sentence?? Remember the pain and nausea generated by Star Trek: Generations (1994)? How about the mediocrity of Star Trek: First Contact (1996)? Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) wasn't too bad but I still spent more time in the theater admiring the merits of my Coca-Cola slushee than I did the movie itself. Anyway, I will not summarize the movie since I don't want to ruin any surprises for you, but I did want to elaborate on some of the movie's high points: First, this is the most literate Star Trek screenplay since Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country (1991). Paramount finally wised up and hired a real screenwriter to write the movie instead of leaving the task to the television scribes. While Gladiator (2000) scribe John Logan's story was not without its logic errors and manipulative story twists, it still managed to actually make me sit forward on my seat in giddy anticipation of seeing how events would be resolved. It's been a while since a movie literally made me sit on the edge of the seat because it was good. Usually I'm sitting on the edge of my seat because I want to flee a movie as quickly as I can when it's over. Second, the Romulans receive a much-needed make-over. Remember how cool the Romulans looked in the original Star Trek series and how great their Bird of Prey was? Then remember the horror you felt upon seeing the Next Generation-era Romulans wearing grey bathrobes as uniforms and flying in ships that looked like they left spacedock before they were fully completed? Well, their new uniforms still aren't great but look much better than the bathrobes they wore for the last 15 years. The true revelation though is their brand new Warbirds. Those ships looked great! Third, this movie actually made an effort to acknowledge Star Trek's television backstory. This will be a hindrance to the casual viewer but I enjoyed hearing all those references to Romulan Ale, Betazoid weddings, and the dual words of Romulus and Remus. Riker's speech about Data's whistling was also well placed and brought forth the exact same response from fans-in-the-know as it did from Picard. Fourth, I liked the gritty nature of this movie. People got hurt. People died in gruesome ways. Things got blown up real good. All this death and destruction really helped add an edge to the film. Finally, Admiral Janeway rocks!!!
Rating:  Summary: Nemesis Scores Well Review: Trekkies and Trekkers will love this movie no mater what. The movie veers off from the typical look of Star Trek movies a little, the use of color to suggest moods reminds me of Star Trek II a little, and the plot is very similiar in other areas as well. Fans of Worf may be disapointed as he gets little to do in the movie, as does Doctor Crusher. The CGI looks great, but doesn't take center stage, like in the recent Star Wars movies. (That's a good thing.) While it doesn't seem to be quite as good as First Contact, it's still a very respectable outing (maybe the last?) for the Next Generation crew.
Rating:  Summary: The worst star trek movie ever made Review: I should have known better then to waste my money on A star trek movie. Please note that I am not A star trek fan so do not take my review for what it is. this is A VERY DISAPPOINTING movie because like star trek generations and star trek insurrection there is know great big space battles. star trek nemesis lead up to like it was going to have A big space battle and what happened same thing that always happens in all star trek movies except star trek first contact which is the best star trek movie they have made. The plot of star trek nemesis is nothing new clones new starships its all been done before. All I know is star trek has A lot potential if they would just have more villians like the borg or the jem hader or kahn. these villians you can't talk to them you can't reason with them you fight them. this star trek had some of that but not much. All in all I would NOT AND I ME NOT recommand this movie to any one looking for star wars type space battles. for people turning to star trek looking for big space battles I recommand the following movies. The first one is star trek first contact. The only star trek movie I bought I own the dvd version. the other star trek movie is the tv movie star trek deep space nine the way of the warrior and star trek voyager scorpion both were two hour specials these movies can be enjoyed by any star wars fan or babylon 5 fan.If you have to see this star trek movie do not go with HIGH HOPES you will only disappoint yourself in the long run. This movie would have been good if they would've had A big space battle. but then again WE ARE talking about star trek.
Rating:  Summary: We want something new! Review: I found Nemesis to be an enjoyable movie. Many have been critical of the film for its lack of a creative story line. I am in agreement with that criticism. Although, I'm sure the critics would be praising the flick if it were an "Arnold" or "Bruce" film. As shootem-up space cowboy films go, this is a good one. BUT, I think we are long overdue for a real scifi adventure. Surely, there are enough interesting story lines from any of the Trek series upon which to develop a real scifi adventure. One that has imagination and the feeling of the awesomeness that only scifi as a genre can bring. I'm not tired of Trek. I watch the reruns of all the series. I tune it faithfully to see Enterprise. I will continue to do so, because its the best viewing on the tube. But, scifi films in general are suffering. The last movie to step outside the "cowboys in space" formula was Mission to Mars. It borrowed from a lot of different films. But, at least it was an attempt to do something different. (Although it seemed everyone hated the flick. I didn't!) TNG needs a new, younger crew! Maybe draw some members from the other series to feel the roles on the Enterprise. (I wouldn't mind seeing 7of9 on the big screen!) But, most importantly we need some real innovation in the story line. The best episodes from any of the TV series are the ones that made the viewer think and wonder. Don't stop making movies. Stop making the same movie over and over again.
Rating:  Summary: Alas poor Data. I knew him, Jean-Luc. Review: Nemesis was a good movie, with great performances from the entire cast. The film has an unusual tone, with a jovial look at the crew joking around like high school class mates in the beginning, moving over to political and personal intrigue and finally descending into a tooth and nail battle against an unusually ruthless enemy. I've read the typical "fan" whining, but those with an open mind will find the movie entertaining. The so-called fans never know what they want and always give all kinds of backlash to these great pros who invest all this work JUST TO ENTERTAIN US!!! I don't care what the hell you say, I was chilled to see the defeated look on Picard's face as the computer tells him that self destruct is off-line. I mean, he looked crushed! Now there was a great moment. The film flew by in terms of running time and sacrificed a few things on the way. Were there any scenes where Shinzon was actually moved by Picard's pleas and considered coming over to the good side? Now that would have been drama! Were there other ways to detonate Shinzon's weapon before Data made his brave move? We'll get the answer when the studio releases the DVD...which as Lord of the Rings proves, is fast becoming THE way to watch a film. Until then, farewell Next Generation cast and crew. You've been great!