Rating:  Summary: Appalling Review: So it's come down to this: 20 minutes of substantive material lost in a sea of fight scenes, battle scenes, and noisy special effects. If you've always wanted Star Trek to be more like an expensive Saturday morning cartoon ("The action is non-stop!"), congratulations; this one's for you. If you have previously admired the interesting characters and thoughtful science fiction that used to be hallmarks of the series, avoid this vacuous turkey.
Rating:  Summary: Although I tried it was hard to dislike Shinzon Review: When I went to see Nemesis, I did not know what to expect..the previews looked quite good but we all know they can be deceiving...I did like the movie very much and I have been surprised at the hostility emanating from most professional reviews. Once again, it has been made clear to me that one should make up his or her own mind instead on relying on so-called critics. in short: go see the movie and decide for yourself. The biggest surprise for me was the newest villain: Shinzon. In spite of it all, it was so hard to dislike him: his pain and suffering, his bitterness and anguish were all too understandable. In addition, he did not look like a villain but like a hopelessly lost tormented soul. I even found myself hoping that Picard could find a way to help him. If one looks beyond the movie and its trappings, this movie can give a lesson in humanity. Did Shinzon deserve his fate in the end or was he a helpless product of his environment? It is for the viewer to decide.
Rating:  Summary: Uh ... The Final Journey Of A Generation --- NOT! Review: Overall I enjoyed this movie. It was escapism. For fans of TNG there are many familliar inside jokes and other things to keep your atttention. The film has some fine comedic moments. The special effects are superior. The plot is not the strongest in the series of movies produced under this dynasty. I agree that it draws from many other movies from the series. Not bad in and of itself but you can certainly tell that the screenwriters have seen a lot of Star Trek movies in which to pattern this one from. The Data storyline is almost laughable and of course leaves the door open for sequals. Just wait and you will see! Overall the movie was not bad.
Rating:  Summary: Dark Chills & Big Action Review: After anticipating the release of Nemesis for more than a year, and then reading what critics had to say about this film (which was a lot of negative), I went into the theatre with excitment yet dissapointment. When I came out, it was all excitement. The story in Nemesis was not very strong, but the action in this movie blew me away - if you like what Star Trek is famous for, which is huge ship to ship battles in space, this movie has one of the best ever. As for the actual story, it's all about Picard vs. his younger clone, Shinzon. I think Shinzon has a weak intro in the movie (if he is to be presented as a great villan) but as the movie progresses, he looks and acts more aggressive. I love the Remans also, especially Shinzon's viceroy (Ron Pearlman). He has this deep, dark voice and a way of getting into other people's minds and tormenting them. If you would like to compare this to any other Trek movie, this is the best ever for special effects and the ship battles. As for story and best villan, that it is not. Star Trek II is always going to be the best, no matter what. It really is impossible to beat a classic. But Nemesis is the best TNG movie after First Contact. If you want a story that makes you think and is interesting, this probably isnt it but if you want to relax and not think about the movie but just enjoy what it has to offer, you really need to see Nemesis.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Worthwhile Movie Review: Star Trek Nemesis is honestlt the best Star Trek Movie I have ever seen from the best Stra Trek Tv Series: The Next Generation. I have seen all of the Star Trek movies except the Search for Spock which I am sure ould not top this. This movie is a rush of adrenaline for most of the movie. In this movie aptain Picard is forced do battle with a clone that had been made of him from the plane of Rommulas he becomes warlord aftr he attacks the senate their which is about the only way he could be warlord because he is a Remen. Anyway he invites Captain Picard for a visit to discuss peace, or so he says. His clone however soon turns on him to capture him so he can destroy earth andfor anothe reason which I won't explain as it will spoil the rest of the movie. Their are plenty of subplots such as the wedding between #1 and DeAnna and Data's Broter B4 all in all this is a 5 start movie well woth the time of about two hours i reccommend it highly even if yo are not a star trek fan it is still very good.
Rating:  Summary: At least it's better than "Insurrection" Review: I had never been so excited or in such anticipation as I waited for "Star Trek: Nemesis" to start. It had been four years since my favorite crew had graced the big screen and I was [eager] to find out what happened next. So after all the hype, all the waiting and waiting and WAITING, here's what I thought. As with every Star Trek film, the special effects were fantastic, the score was powerful, and the acting was good. Stuart Baird did a fairly decent job directing his first Trek as well. But we all know there is more to making a good film, and this fourth TNG installment lacks in these other crucial areas. First of all, the story (and I won't give away what hasn't been seen in commercials) was weaker than other Trek films. It seems the sci-fi cinema world has gone clone-crazy. Gee, if filmmakers had stuck to the "every two years" schedule of generating Trek movies, they might have beaten "Attack of the Clones" to theatres instead of having the plot that says, "Been there, done that." Secondly, there were considerable gaps between action sequences. And if the dialogue is not interesting enough to maintain audience fixation (and in many places it unfortunately wasn't), the movie will tend to drag. It started to seem like a very long two hours in some places in the film. Suspense did start to build around big moments, but it almost always led to nothing too spectacular. Small pet peeve note: Why in the 24th century does a "new" vehicle have wheels? I did like the character of Shinzon ...but he's no Khan. However, the more I watched him, the more I believed he would pass for a younger Picard. But the biggest problem I had with this particular installment was the characterization of Captain Picard. Throughout these four films we have seen him kind of loosen up in his stringent ways. But why is he suddenly a rebel space cowboy? Trek fans respect Picard because he has a sense of order and duty, but now he wants to be part of every away-team mission and live dangerously. One can't help but make Kirk comparisons, and I really hoped that Picard would always be a foil for the original captain. Shame. Don't get me wrong, I always enjoy Trek movies and this one was no exception. I just hope it's not the last one. I don't feel like the TNG crew went out with the bang that they deserve. I have an idea: Let's bring the Borg back for one final showdown. Let's reunite the crew with their favorite annoyance, Q. And let's fill in all the gaps, answer all the questions, and give each character a respectful send-off. Name the date, I'll be there.
Rating:  Summary: Trek Series Dead? Review: Not hardly. "Star Trek: Nemesis" is, in my opinion, the best "Trek" film since "Star Trek IV." Now, I was never a fan of the 'Next Generation' series, however I have always been a fan of teh "Star Trek" movies...why? Who knows, probably my undying love for science fiction. Anyhoo, I thought that this film attempted to recapture the energy of those first set of films that featured Kirk & Spock. In fact, one could almost draw some, although thin, comparisons to "Trek II & III." I wasn't expecting much from this film going into it, as the critics had harpooned it and called the franchise 'dead.' I tend to disagree. I think that this film was quite different from any "Trek" film in years, mainly due to the fact that there was a new director on board - Stuart Baird. The movie packs quite a bit of action, some fantastic space battles, clever dialogue and an emotional gut-punch of an ending. Admittedly, the plot was very complex and at points hard to follow, however if you know anything about "Star Trek," you know that you are in for a great thrill ride of a movie. Great sound, a really good looking new ship - the Enterprise-E, and a trailer before the film for the best show on TV - "Enterprise." I hope that the "ST:TNG" crew comes back for one final journey, and then pass the torch on to Captain Archer and his crew. The franchise is not dead, and I can not think of any reason that a "Star Trek" fan should be upset or disappointed by this film. However, if you don't like "Star Trek," or if you are unfamiliar with the genre, don't expect to see the greatest film ever made. Just enjoy it for what it is...an entertaining sci-fi flick.
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek-Nemsis Review: The crew from Next Generation have scored a direct hit with this film. The adventure was good and the crew seem like they been together forever. It was fun to watch the the ineraction between the characters. Lots of fun, do not miss.
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek: Rehash Review: Based on the plot description can you name the movie: The crew of the Enterprise goes up against a villain with a personal connection with the captain. The villain appears to be the captain's intellectual equal. In the end, a big space battle ensues and the Enterprise is left disabled and surely to be destroyed. But just at the last moment, a longtime crew member sacrifices his life to save everyone. However, before he dies he transfers his mind into someone else. Now, name that movie: a) Star Trek: Nemesis b) Star Trek: Wrath of Khan c) They've apparently run out of ideas and are hoping that the audience doesn't notice it. (we noticed)
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Finale for Next Generation Cast Review: The "Next Generation" cast of Star Trek heroes exit the franchise in their 10th and final(?) big-screen adventure. Once again, the biggest "nemesis" to Star Trek is the over-analyitical and impossible-to-please fanbase. The truth is, this is a fun and interesting film...which is all a movie audience can ask for! This Star Trek film is not perfect, but is among the best of the series with a great deal of genuine emotion, action, suspense, warmth, and a worthy villian. Screenwriter John Logan has given the franchise a new feel and direction with his script. This, combined with Stuart Baird's fresh, cinematic direction, has resulted in the first "Next Generation" film that doesn't feel as if it belongs on television. The film's plot involves a political coup on the Romulan homeworld. A race that had been slaves to the Romulan Empire for centuries, the Remans, have risen up behind the prestige and leadership of a human slave-warrior named Shinzon. As it turns out, Shinzon is calling for peace and the Enterprise is sent in to open negotiations. It soon turns out that Shinzon is not what he appears to be and that the Romulan / Reman alliance is interested in anything BUT peace. The plot is secondary to the warm reunion of the cast of this celebrated series. It is truly a joy to see the crew back together again. There is a warmth and comradere that comes across on the screen that is genuine and impossible to fake. As many have mentioned, there were several character scenes cut from this film (over 50 minutes apparently) that will hopefully make it back into the DVD version. The wedding scene and the scenes between Picard and Riker were particularly good. Essentially, to boil it down, the film is about family and the acceptance of personal change. This type of character interaction and the friendships of the crew have always been the greatest appeal of "Star Trek", and "Nemesis" realizes this and successfully capitalizes! Another prime ingrediant to a successful "Trek" is great, meaningful conflict. Again, the story provides this in earnest. Shinzon turns out to be a twisted and murdering clone of Picard. The question of genetic pre-disposition versus upbringing and "learned behavior" is brought up to the fullest. In one scene (one of the best in the film) Picard confronts Shinzon, telling him that he has the potential and capability of being a better man. He pleas that he is incapable of comitting mass-murder. The beauty of it is, that somewhere behind actor Tom Hardy's eyes, you can see the brief flicker of indecision as he considers the possibilities. This outlines the other basic theme of the picture: the idea that to live is to struggle to make yourself a better person. The chemistry between Patrick Stewart and Tom Hardy's charismatic villian is electrifying. The action is easily the best and most suspensful since the classic "Wrath of Khan" film. There are some fun hand-to-hand (and phaser-to-phaser) battles, a "Road Warrior" syle dune buggy sequence, and a fabulous ship-to-ship battle that leaves the viewer with the impression of two heavyweight boxers slugging it out in the 15th round, fighting with their last ounce of strength. Despite what the nit-picking hardcore fans will have you believe, each character is given ample opportunity to shine. Data is, of course, the other primary along with Patrick Stewart's Picard. Riker is pivotal and has some great action stuff to do, as well as some meaningful character evolution. Getting equally good treatment is Deanna Troi, who is essential to the plot as well. Geordi and Worf have fun moments and Dr. Crusher is more prevailant than in other films, but still somewhat ignored. The idea needs to be gotten across to the fans that there simply isn't TIME to give everyone an "Academy Award worthy" role. Essentially, this is an intellegent action film that raises the typical intellegent Star Trek quesions about the nature of humanity and growth. The plot is actually fairly simple, and works only to serve the emotions of the characters and the action-packed final 45 minutes. The film plays appropriate tribute to what has come before, while at the same time appearing fresh and challenging the future. Ignore the professional critics and the "fans" who have their own agenda in mind. If you want to be entertained with that old "Star Trek" magic, put your cares behind and buckle-up...because it's back in full force with "Nemesis"!