Rating:  Summary: Make it longer! Review: I have to say that the movie had a good story and I was never bored watching it. My only complait is that the movie was fast going and that the story was clearly rushed. I was really dissapointed when they deleted 7 scenes from the movie. (found published in the website) They did make good war scenes though!
Rating:  Summary: STAR TREK AT ITS BEST Review: It is about time the Romulans were the bad guys! A good action film with a few boring parts like any movie (ussaly with Schinzon) but overall it is funny... the charactors have not been so real since the original generation movies. I never thought they would really beat First Contact though I loved Generations for being an odd number movie. I am waiting for the special dition DVD which should have alot of nifty deleated scenes :)
Rating:  Summary: Joseph Gormley Review: I rated this DVD for it best picture of the year because it was great I enjoyed it so much, I think that people should give it five stars for it proformence and a great cast and the end of one most important character but it was realy great for trekers out there who will love this film.
Rating:  Summary: Extraordinary Review: You may say that Nemesis only earned 43M at the boxoffice and has been the worst among the Star Trek Motion Pictures. But if you are a true Star Trek fan especially a Captain Jean Luc Picard then dont missed this one. I maybe a thousand miles from the US, but I will definitely buy this one.
Rating:  Summary: The End of Trek (spoilers) Review: I enjoyed 'Nemesis,' quite a bit. There were some technical problems with the production, but they did not detract from the story (the worst being the rough editing, particularly at the beginning of the film).As to the DVD itself, I just read on startrek.com how the 45 minutes of footage of film that were cut for the theatrical release will be on the disc...as extras. With the exception of one set of scenes (an earlier introduction of Shinzon, which would have detracted from the impact of his first encounter with Picard), the scenes SHOULD have been edited back in for the DVD release. Especially a conversation between Picard and Data at the wedding about life, loss, choices and consequences, which would have made the conclusion considerably more powerful than it was. Fiscally, the film was a failure. It performed horribly at the box office and will likely be the last Trek film, at least for a good long while. After Berman's mangling of the Trek universe, it's probably just as well. Perhaps in 20 years, after RB has been devoured by rabid mutant pygmy goats or some other fitting end to his involvement in the Trek universe, another visionary will pick up the pieces and revitalise this otherwise magnificent idea of the future.
Rating:  Summary: Will there ever be a good TNG movie? Review: 'The Next Generation' was a fantastic television series, so I guess the only thing I want to know is why they cannot make a decent movie from it? So far all the movies have just been attempts at writing episodes and stretching them to film length. This has failed repeatedly, though 'Generations' was worth watching simply for Malcolm McDowell's Soran and 'First Contact' managed to captivate because it introduced a new bad guy (to the films, that is) and showed us Trek history. Having said that, 'Nemesis' ranks second to last in the TNG film series (with 'Insurrection' easily ranking last) because of its truly unimaginative story. Sci-fi clones. Star Wars, anyone? New focus alien to the films. Didn't we do that with the Borg in 'First Contact', the Ba'ku in 'Insurrection'? I'm all in favor of doing more than just Klingon-oriented films, but don't base a whole movie simply on some under-represented alien race making an appearance. Yet another sibling to Data? All I can say is that Soong must've been a Catholic, if you know what I mean. However, as much as I disliked the movie, I felt it would've been a very good science-fiction movie had it not been 'Star Trek.' I expect a certain level of quality when I go see something bearing that title. Unfortunately, 'Trek' seems to be in a bit of a slump. The TNG movies, 'Voyager', and now 'Enterprise'? Are we ever going to be rewarded with another 'Trek' experience worth our time? We've watched for so long, why must they continue to disappoint? If you liked this movie, I'm glad. This was just my take on the most recent outing from the TNG cast. Being a hypocrite, you will find this DVD in my collection when released. Being a film student and a long-time 'Trek' fan, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I didn't own all the movies.
Rating:  Summary: Utterly dissappointed. Review: Hey, I'm not a trekkie. Let's get that on the table right away. But I have seen the movies and some of the series, so I had high expectations for this film. My biggest problem was that, in the end, I just didn't care about the villain. This film had the opportunity to be a great one, but it didn't take enough chances. For instance, if they had chosen to kill off one of the original series' scared cows, like Sulu or Uhura, suddenly I've got a vested interest in nailing Shinzon. But in the end, a Villain set on destroying the earth is a bit old hat for 2003, and for that matter, given the ease with which one can slip in and out of time travel in the series, what does it really matter? :) But seriously, I like the TNG crew, Patrick Stewart is a fine actor and I care about the rest as characters. What this series needs is a director/writer combination that aren't afraid to take risks. Re-invent the series a bit and come up with a quality journey that audiences will enjoy. I want to like these movies, I really do, but First Contact is where it ended for me. High marks on the special effects, and the sound was terrific. Other than that, I just couldn't get excited. We deserve better, and the cast deserves better scripts. I fear that this may be the last of Star Trek for a while, given the poor box office performance and the television series lull.
Rating:  Summary: Best Star Trek Movie Yet Review: I enjoyed the whole thing... the humor, the earlier Star Trek References, the Ending... the whole thing. It was just an awsome way to end a Era in the Star Trek Life.
Rating:  Summary: I HOPE.......... Review: that they decide to release a Special Edition DVD for this. The movie, although great for the most part, is terribly depressing, and shoul have extras that feature funny things, or this won't be worth getting!
Rating:  Summary: Less Than Stellar Ending for TNG Review: I really hoped Berman and Co. would have learned from the previous mis-steps which littered the previous TNG films. It was not to be. My trepidation began while reading an overview of the film and subsequent interview with Rick Berman. During the hype session, Mr. Berman purported that his writing team had come up with the Ultimate Villain (UV). I remember thinking, "Gee, more ultimate than the Borg?" I always thought ultimate meant the best of ... seems Berman really didn't mean it when he called the Borg the "Ultimate Villain" for Star Trek: First Contact. Why Paramount insists on creating a single entity antagonist is beyond me. I think this is Wrath of Khan-itis. With the exception of First Contact, none of the TNG films are distinguishable from each other. Ridiculous crazed villain, with insane idea runs across Picard and crew and is thwarted. I'm not going to over-analyze or take pot shots here (okay, maybe I am), but the performances in this film were not terribly well executed. Even Patrick Stewart looks flat and over-facinated by the whole Shinzon issue. There wasn't this much rue in the First Contact movie. Further more, was this intended as a comedy? I can't remember the last time I heard so many startled guffaws (many of them my own) at a non-comedy billed film. The destroyed viewscreen and subsequent Starfleet crewmember being sucked out into space, anyone? You cannot tell me that you watch this sequence without laughing out loud. Any too many ridiculous action movie cliches; from Data's final act, to Riker's "tense" fight in the bowels of the ship ... it was too predicatable and not well executed. I couldn't help feeling this film has such a narrow and isolated scope, despite the nefarious aims of the UV. Another gripe was with Shinzon's desire to destroy Earth. I couldn't get why this was so important. How this plan would make the universe better for Reman's was far beyond me. It reminded me of 1950's sci-fi where the evil menace just HAD to destroy the world just for the sake of doing so. "Ultimately", this film seemed just as contrived and shallow as Insurrection, which at least had better performances by the cast. There was absolutely nothing for the actors to do. They visit Romulus. Meet Shinzon. Picard gets warm and fuzzy with the UV. UV snaps, wants Picard's life essence. UV also wants to destroy Earth. Enterprise and crew chase down UV and his Ultimate Weapon. TNG crew prevail. That's it! Mildly entertaining stuff, but not even close as the best Trek adventure. And before anyone feels that I'm an outsider looking in, this is not so. I can go toe-to-toe with anyone when it comes to Trek. I just prefer not to wear rose colored sunglasses.