Rating:  Summary: The best Trek film ever. Step aside 'The Wrath of Khan' Review: Star Trek Nemesis was the best Star Trek movie I have ever seen. I loved it when I saw it at the theatre and I loved the anticipation up to the movie's release. I was so looking forward to the movie and I was not disappointed in the least. Tom Hardy's 'Shinzon' was by far the best villian for the TNG crew to battle. I personally got really tired of the Borg, especially after their overuse in Star Trek Voyager. I love Picard and he carried the movie so galliantly. Brent Spiner's 'Data' was by far the best portrayal of Data ever. The movie has a strong, solid script with action, adventure, intrigue and heart-breaking scenes, especially the climatic showdown between the Enterprise and the Scimitar. The best Trek movie ever! And one of the best sci-fi movies ever. ***** stars baby!
Rating:  Summary: Not the best, but a superb sign-off Review: I was wondering what to expect when John Logan wrote and Stuart Baird took over directing for the Star Trek franchise, but I was not disappointed. Baird brought a new visual style to this movie (ex. extensive panel closeups, lots of camera motion during the battle sequences) that made it like you were in the movie and not just a spectator. This movie had the best battle sequence since the Wrath of Khan. I wasn't disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Generation's Final Journey.........Maybe Review: This film is the most interesting to review. As a Trekker, I have enjoyed all the Star Trek films to date. I thought that "Generations" was good, "First Contact" was excellent and that "Insurrection" was not bad. "Nemesis" however delivers some Star Trek elements that I have really been waiting for. We get the Romulans finally.....great space battles....yet another and exciting Picard confronting himself.....I enjoyed the film tremendously and all the actors are in great character. However....there is a bit of emptiness here. If this is indeed a "Generation's final journey", I would have liked to have seen a few more classic crew scenes....there is a lot of unfinished business. This does not take away the enjoyment of this film, nor does it make it less exciting....and that is really what this film is all about....keeping the Trek franchise alive and exciting. With the most disappointing box office record of any Trek film so far, I would say it is a result of the franchise becoming.....well.....boring. It's time for a break. It's time for a vacation from Star Trek. After all...that is what keeps Star Wars fun...the waiting 3 years for the next one. It seems as if the creators and producers have to keep "mass producing" Star Trek onto television and movie screens. Let's put the franchise into hibernation for a while....so then, like a great wine....it can be enjoyed with great enthusiasm later.
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't satisfy even this devoted Trek fan Review: The crew of the Enterprise-E squares off against the evil Shinzon (Tom Hardy), who, with the aid of a powerful starship, is out to settle a score against both Romulus and Earth. Finally, a TNG movie allows some change--actually, quite a bit of change--in the lives and circumstances of our characters rather than returning them all to the kind of eternal stasis that is common to episodic television. This is a quality that always made the classic Trek films feel like events--Kirk was promoted off his ship, Spock died, the Enterprise was destroyed, etc. TNG films have always gotten that wrong, right from the first one, in which they were still flying around in the same ship and wearing the same uniforms from the TV series. Now Berman and Co. seem to have finally clued in to that fact, but it feels like too little too late.Final verdict: this is a passable but disappointing adventure. Some good action is undermined by dark sets and a stagy feel to the proceeding. And what's up with Worf? He has been returned to duty aboard the Enterprise without explanation, although the finale of the Deep Space 9 series showed him becoming a liaison between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. It's a shame that the filmmakers chose to ignore that logical and well-developed bit of character evolution just so that he could stand around in the background for one more tired film.
Rating:  Summary: NEMESIS RULES! Review: Star Trek Nemesis is one of the greatest TREK films ever. It's by the fans & for the fans. It's got awesome AWESOME space fight action and YES some very touching scenes with Data. I have a feeling that in years to come this will go down with Trek movies II, IV & First Contact as one of THE BEST. Make it so.
Rating:  Summary: Nemesis Review: This is the Best Star Trek yet, The other 3 Movies featuring The Next Generation Crew, are fantastic also, but Nemesis had the best special effects, and Kept me interested through out the whole Movie, it deserves a 5 Star Rating!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek: Nemesis Review: I have been a fan of the The Next generation, and when the series hit the movie screen I was excited and disappointed at the same time. The First movie-Star Trek: Generations was an okay movie, following up was Star Trek: First Contact which was a hell of alot better than the previous film. Then Star Trek: Insurrection was a let down and took a different pace compared to First Contact. Now the tenth star trek film-possible final TNG movie. I read all the reviews saying it was bad, looks cheap,etc. I finally decided to see and it was a great, not exactly the greatest movie ever made,but I was a better than star trek 9. Nemesis had one of the best ship battle scenes I have ever seen in a trek movie, as well the chemistry between Shinzon(Hardy) and Picard(Stewart) was excellant.been a bit longer, it seemed that the movie attempted to rush, until the end of the movie. The time when fast when watching the movie. I never generally see a movie more than once but for this one I saw it at least four times. But my disappointment about the movie is that it could have I would recomment this movie to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Makes "Insurrection" Look Like Citizen Kane Review: This supposed "final chapter" of the TNG crew was nothing short of an abomination. It's obvious the cast just showed up for the paycheck, because the acting was tired, and most of the lines that were meant to make fans cheer and laugh were met in the theatre with groans and silence. To make matters worse, the whole film looked as if it was shot in a very dark room. The villain Shinzon, instead of being a truly formidable foe, turned out to be a whiny, bald-headed brat in charge of a gaint killer starship. Why, after all this time, has "Q" never been the subject of a Star Trek film? He is almost as popular as the Borg and yet he's passed over for inclusion in a TNG movie time and time again! It's a shame that the magnificent journey of the "Next Generation" crew had to be tarnished with garbage such as this. Apparently the film was slashed to pieces, judging by all the cut scenes available on the DVD, but sadly the film wouldn't have been any better had it been unabridged. Why Rick Berman and the producers felt obligated to kill off one of the main characters is beyond me. The only reason I can think of is that the actor who played this character WANTED to be killed off, since in Star Trek, heros ALWAYS figure technical ways out of every life-or-death dilemma. Maybe like the franchise, he felt worn out and tired of it all. If you're a Trek fan, don't bother with this film, and pretend the whole thing never happened. Great casts should go out with a bottle of Dom Perignon, but sadly, this film can't even measure up to sour grape juice.
Rating:  Summary: Movie Review Review: This was one of the best Star Trek movies ever, It has alot of great action sequences and a really good story line. This is one to add to your movie collection.
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek: Nemesis Review: One thing is certain in Star Trek that seems to have been forgotten - the chemistry of the cast and story. Nemesis was a failure at the box office and I'm scratching my head as to...why? The 10th installment brought back the chemistry of the cast and brought forth a story rivaling, although not succeeding, The Wrath of Khan. There's no Borg this time, no deadly Klingons, or any probe that wants to find whales. However, we have realism. Commander Riker has just married Counselor Troi and has been promoted to Captain with his own ship, but before they can get to Troi's homeworld, a call comes in from the Romulan Empire. A lot of people thought with some news on the marriage that it would be this gigantic portion of the movie, albeit it is not and takes up only 3 minutes worth of screen time. Schinzon, a clone of Captain Picard, has eliminated the Romulan Senate and seeks peace with the Federation from the dark side of Remus. Of course, we can all gather that peace is the last thing on this guy's mind. What develops is a story reminiscent of The Wrath of Khan, yet very dark and twisted...what I mean by that is clearly, everything is not on the table at once and the gorgeous locations are...well, shot in an eerie light. You'll find here some throwbacks, a Genesis-type device that actually is an entire ship, some Spockism's, and an ending fitting to the nautical nature of what Star Trek really has been, only sidelined in the past few movies. If you like drama mixed in with one of the best space battles I've seen in recent memory, you'll want to see this. I don't want to give away the spoilers, but the depth of the battles and twists of fate are worthy of high appreciation. This isn't like #9 where you could go the restroom and sit for 20 minutes and come back. It pins you to the seat. I would venture that if you miss, aside from the marriage, a few minutes, you'll need to catch-up with the person next to you or watch it again. The characters have different roles this time. Riker is the outgoing First Officer and Data has been chosen to replace him. Although, during the movie, Riker is still Number One due to the situation. Worf plays a minuet role in this film very much like Uhura in ST: III and Dr. Crusher doesn't have the onscreen time she did in the previous 2 movies. There is an interesting appearance by Admiral Janeway of Voyager fame. Ok, so now you may be wondering why I'm reviewing a DVD version of the movie. Simply, I caught a last run of this in a small theater and it's fair to say the movie has all but finished the theatrical run. Other than the deleted scenes and extra's they put in as fillers for a DVD, I have not seen a movie drastically changed from theatrical to video. My review is of the movie. The Motion Picture, Wrath of Khan, and Search for Spock have their additions, yet they're Director's Cuts. I hope you enjoy this movie when you get to see it, or see it again, because I was inclined to go in with an opinion not to like it. The reviews were horrible for it when it was released...and after seeing it, I cannot understand...why. Robert Eldridge (...)