Rating:  Summary: An underrated Star Trek film. Review: I enjoyed this underrated Star Trek film that improves with repeat viewing.It has the largest outdoor set ever built for a Star Trek movie and also has more outdoor scenes,and extras, than any other ST film.It has some very big outdoor scenes and the photography,with the mountains in the background,is spectacular.The special effects are disappointing because ILM was replaced by a cheaper firm which was a big mistake on the makers part.The film does have some good action scenes,although I would have prefered that the Enterprise "fire the photons"at the villians in a battle rather than release explosive gas,which was the weakest part of the film.Fans would prefer a bigger battle and this was an opportunity missed.But overall a good story and a rousing adventure.
Rating:  Summary: It's ok. Review: I just watched this movie, and when my wife asked me if I liked it, I didn't know what to say. The special effects are good, the acting is fine, but this movie just didn't grab me. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy it, but it seems like the story is too small for a movie. The whole premise seems a little weak and then there's all the usual "save the day" tactics with no surprises.It's not so much that this is a bad Star Trek movie, but that I was hoping for a lot more. If they took this back to the cutting room and remove 40 minutes they could make one of the all time best TV shows. Instead, you have a movie which lies somewhere in the middle of all Trek films. If you're just going to buy one, I'd get the Wrath of Khan. If you've already got a few, this isn't a bad one to add to your collection.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best in the series Review: I think Insurrection, along with First Contact and Star Trek VI, are the best in the series thus far. The worst were IV, V, and Generations. I loved the story and the acting in Insurrection; F. Murray Abraham did the best job at playing a bad guy besides Christopher Lloyd in Star Trek III. Lloyd played a Klingon in III, and I don't think that performance will ever be topped; but, nonetheless I liked Abraham a lot. Data (Brent Spiner) had a few absolutely wonderful scenes as well. I've been a very, very loyal fan to Star Trek over the years and have seen every original and TNG episode made. That leads me to say that I do agree with other viewers in saying that this one could have been done just as well as a TV episode, or at least a two parter of the TNG series. The most disappointing aspect of the whole movie is the space battle, which really isn't a space battle. It would have been just as effective to report its happening off camera. All of the action in the movie takes place on the planet, and there are some very good, crisp action scenes there. Some of those shoot-outs were classics, notably the two with the small flying drones. If you're a Trekker this movie won't (shouldn't) disappoint you, even if you're looking for one with a lot of action. In future movies, I would like to see more of a Star Wars approach in reference to any space battles they may attempt (after this one, they might not even attempt any more space battles, though). While very good, the whole thing isn't quite on the same grand, epic scale as, say, II, VI, and First Contact. For epic good -vs- bad quality, those were off the page, and the ones by which all Star Trek movies can be judged. So go buy them all, watch them, and then decide.
Rating:  Summary: One of the greatest Star Trek movies of them all! Review: I must say that while First Contact was good, I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I did Insurrection. There is plenty of action to keep you glued to the screen, and the visual effects are very, very good! The story, while not terrific, works well, and the screenplay was very well executed by the cast! This is a great addition to anyone's sci-fi film library! Whether you're a Star Trek fan or not, you'll really enjoy Insurrection!
Rating:  Summary: Fans will enjoy it... Review: I think our expectations were a little too high after First Contact. If you view this movie from the perspective of being a good Star Trek episode, you won't be disappointed. The action certainly isn't as intense as its predecessor, but the story is engaging with a slight twist. If you're a Star Trek fan, it's a must see (or have). Even if you're not, it's a worthwhile rental.
Rating:  Summary: A fun movie to watch but does not rank with the best of S.T. Review: This is a purely mediocre movie fans who think they will watch this and get another First Contact there sorrily mistaken, but with Jonathan Frakes at the helm again he sures turns this into a fun popcorn movie it's not good but it's not bad On a routine scouting mission something seems to go wrong with LT. Commander Data.The crew of the Enterprise E beams down to a peacful planet of a race of people called the Bak Ku that have banned everything that seems to deal with anything to do with technology.They find these peace loving people to be holding a secret of prepetual youth.But low an behold and evil dying race the Sona want this secret for themselves lead by the presistant Ruafo who will stop at nothing but to get this secret from them , and even having the fedration itself wanting the secret. The Captain given a prime directive is forced to just sit back and watch, he will have no part of that he resigns as Captian and plans his insurrection to take back the planet for harms way and save the Bak Ku from being relocated but it will not be easy as they are volating the prime directive it's all out war for the secret of the universe. With trailers and clear sound and picture this Star Trek is a fun film to watch but it does not rank with the best of them as seemingly how odd Star Trek films are.
Rating:  Summary: Paramount needs to seek out new life Review: It timidly goes where the series has gone too many times before. At least #5 tried to push an envelope. It failed, but at least they tried. The creators of _Insurrection_, though, didn't even look for an envelope to push. The weakest of the bunch.
Rating:  Summary: Insurrection, ODD-ly good. Review: An odd numbered Trek, it's supposed to be bad. But surprisingly it isn't, I found myself enjoying this one alot more than any other odd numbered Trek, and a few even ones. I think it's an admirable addition to the impressive Star Trek franchise and sci-fi all together.
Rating:  Summary: Insurrection: not the vision of violence that fans expected. Review: Unlike other Star Trek fans, I rather enjoyed this latest entry in the series. The biggest problem with any new Trek motion picture is that people will have developed their own vision of what the film should be, even before they've seen it in the cinema. It's difficult to watch such a film because a fan will always have an idea of how they think characters should act, or which conventions shouldn't be violated (eg. killing off major characters). On the other hand, watching an ST film with fans is an experience to be cherished, because they understand all the humor and action that plays out on the screen. After the frenetic fast pace and heavy action in the previous film (First Contact), it was refreshing to watch a film that takes a slower pace. The cinemaphotography reflects this, with some beautiful shots of the Baku village and the surrounding landscape. The biggest complaint I have is that the Baku homeworld looks far too much like Earth. Even Babylon 5, on a smaller budget, would attempt to portray alien worlds as being genuinely alien. Just why should the Baku be human? ...The special effects are surprisingly enough, on a par with those done by ILM in First Contact. It's the first time that the Enterprise has been totally CGI-rendered. The result is very good, although the first shot of the Enterprise at the beginning of the movie looks a bit too much like a hastily constructed plastic model. The battle scenes between the big-E and the bad guys are excellent - probably the best...And Michael Welch gave a better performance in this film than Jake Lloyd did in the lamentable Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. It's too bad the material didn't live up to the performances. Picard's storyline was rather well developed, and once again Patrick Stewart turns in a sterling performance. Just as William Shatner was the lead performer in the original series, Patrick Stewart is here. I honestly couldn't imagine a Trek film without him in it. It's also good to see Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Troi's (Marina Sirtis) romance being revived. Now onto the dissapointments. Firstly, I'm amazed that there were only two references to the Dominion War in the entire film. I've never watched Deep Space Nine, but I gather that the Dominion War is the largest conflict the Federation has ever been involved in, a battle that threatens the very survival of the Federation. So why couldn't the writers use the Dominion War as a starting point, instead of the Baku? After the Borg, the Jem'Hadar and the Founders would've been obvious choices as bad guys. They almost certainly would've been better choices than the Sona'a. I suspect that the reasons might've been a rift between the creators of ST:TNG and DS9. If that is the case, then shame on both sides. The movie's plotline gives the impression that the Enterprise has not been used in the Dominion War. Many columnists on the internet have assumed that the Enterprise would not be able to cope with the traumas of a real war. Considering the events in First Contact, I hardly think that's the case. But unfortunately, that's the impression I got from this movie. ...In conclusion, yes, Insurrection does have more in common with your typical TNG episode. But it's still a thoroughly enjoyable romp with some old friends. But although I understand the creators intentions to try something more lighthearted, surely they could've chosen a subject more in keeping with continuity? The Dominion War would've been a better choice than the Baku. END
Rating:  Summary: Oh, Puh-lease! Review: Okay; so I'm of two minds about this movie. 1). I kind of almost enjoyed it as Star Trek Next Generation movie. I liked that visual nod to "Brazil" with the skin stretching machine. (Come to think of it, an awful lot of the underlying scenery looked like it was recycled from "Brazil" but nevermind.Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.) I also really got into the whole holographic nothing-is-as-it-seems trip. But the rest of the film was really baaaaad. The writing was awful. They used every tired Data cliche in the book. Poor Brent Spiner looked embarassed about 90% of the time. The female characters really had nothing to do besides sit there and look ... firm. And then there was the whole Klingon Puberty Trip. Hello! MUST we be treated to large, giant Klingon ZITS? Lock and Load? 2). I HATED it as a Babylon 5 wanna-be.(Warning: rant follows. As you know, I get riled.) I was terribly disturbed by the fact that while Jean-Luc sang Gilbert and Sullivan, he only made VEILED references to the Holocaust -- The 600! Get real. And while I quite nearly almost enjoyed the constant use of the word "relocation" ( an historical in-joke as the "relocation center" Manzanar is within spitting distance of Bishop,CA, the shooting location of this film), I was appalled that Jean-Luc conveniently "forgot" to elaborate upon historical fact that the Federation certainly would NOT have forgotten! The writers, while self-righteous and obviously quite pleased with themselves for referencing both the Holocaust and American concentration camps, sat on the pot while conveniently forgetting to POOP! They wanna be Babylon 5 but are afraid to deliver because it might OFFEND somebody. If one is going to MAKE connections, one needs to follow through. Let's face it, a lot of Star Trek fans are too YOUNG to GET the veiled references. It only takes ONE sentence to plant a seed... And one sentence is all I really wanted. I know Babylon 5 was Different. The writers of B5 blatantly used the lessons of history in the context of a future science fiction universe --I.E., references to the House Committee and blacklisting as well as honoring those who were destroyed by "naming" their NAMES both aurally and on screen. The characters in B5 KNEW earth history and discussed it. Now, the characters in STTNG come from the SAME universe. Are they just... shallow? Is the Federation educational system ranked on the same level with that of, say, Arizona? What's up with that? Star Trek Insurrection nearly almost succeed as Star Trek and failed as B5. Do yourself a favor and buy First Contact or Generations, instead.