Rating:  Summary: Just one part of the 35 years of Star Trek. Review: It would seem the Star Trek series has something else to celebrate other then it's 35 years.The fact that it's ahead of Star Wars by putting every single theatrical release on DVD , when Star Wars is only getting a mere 1 release on DVD.This version if you appreciate this movie is a far cry from the basic video it has the director's cut that never got into the theatres because of length and while there's no action for the many Star Trek buff's the special effects more then make up for the dramatic premise.It is a huge epic film this first entry incredible photographic effects ,stunning models especally for the enterprise and it's huge 6 minute entrence. The story begins at the front line of a battle with a klingon vessel and huge alien energy cloud that engulfs the ships.When a major attack on a starfleet command base Kirk is called to pilot the newly refurbished enterprise but many of the shipmates aboard do not think he's fit to lead the enterprise to encounter this energy cloud.Until Spock comes aboard to help them to speed up there quest to intercept the alien cloud.But when they do they find that it's more then just a cloud it's a vessel and it's a threat to the entire planet earth and to starfleet command in this epic first entry in the star trek film franchise that paves the way for it's 8 other sequels to come. This edition has theatrical trailers and deleted scenes to make a 2 hr and 25 minute film magically into Braveheart length 3hrs and 5 minutes so if you felt like film had a sore case of jet lag your going to love this version and may as well quit worrying about when it will end cause it's alot longer then it's video version. However if you like this movie and do not mind the added scenes in the film it has enough options to make you spend hours in front of the screen and if you appreciate that then it's a real treat so grab alot of your favorite beverage and enough snacks for an epic length movie and get ready for the most expensive film of 1979 and the first entry in the film series.And for those Star Trek buffs now you can complete your Star Trek film home marathon, live long and prosper.
Rating:  Summary: STTMP on DVD Review: At last! STTMP on DVD! Great details added to Klingon ships, new Enterprise and Persis Khambatta as Ilia. The newly refit Enterprise goes on a voyage to intercept a powerful cloud field to see if there is a entity within the cloud. Great score by Jerry Goldsmith with new additions. Added special effects, new sound effects, a great overhaul. I LOVE the new stuff they added.
Rating:  Summary: BETTER THAN YOU MIGHT THINK Review: Although fans seem split over the issue of the Enterprise crew coming upon a 20th Century piece of space hardware, this first foray to the silver screen marks one of the best Star Trek's ever. Leonard Maltin's review is on the mark.
Rating:  Summary: One of the most timeless star trek films of all time. Review: It's hard to put into words what this film means to me. I am a fan of science fiction and not just star trek. I think to be able to appreciate this film you have to enjoy the great marvels of science fiction itself, like ships that can travel vast distances, alien encounters, the relationship men and machines. The reason I think why it moves slow is that the film tries to present to the veiwer a more breathtaking scenic transition from TV series to film. New ships, better special FX, new uniforms. When I see this movie I am instantly transported to the 80s where I didn't get to see many space films like this, especially on TV since my family didn't have cable back in those days. Like Tim Burton reading Sleepy Hollow with his shoes off, I feel the same way with this movie. I feel like kid again. There are some parts which could have been more developed, seeming out-of-place, the meeting with admiral nogura which would fit nicely in foreshadowing kirks reason for commanding the mission in the first place, and also the part where Bones is telling his own friend and captain that he has an obsession with the enterprise. It shows a different side to kirks character. Because of his own pride, his own rules and his own decision making gone stale and the loss of two crew members because of it, would justify the way star trek II opens. To me as a fan of sci-fi, this film enters a whole new reality where the truth is more stranger than fiction. I have seen this movie constantly when I was a boy and it was one of the many movies that I slept through everytime it aired on TV I was too little to understand it's signicant message. When I finally discovered what it was all about, what spock was trying to express in all open emotion I finally realized just how gigantic and incredible the plot really was. How beautiful! One of my favorite parts is where kirk and bones (after leonard nimoy's recovery sequence) reflect on the human part of Vger's pupose and McCoy having frowned upon situations reguarding men and machines before, actually amused by this one. Think of a machine trying fullfill it's physical knowledge of it's creator as well as mental. In conclusion, this movie is still first of all star trek films and despite it's sleepy moments I still watch it in awe of it's beauty it's mystery and its subtle drama and it's thought provoking moments. Notice that one of the advisors for the movie was Isaac Asimov. To those who love Asimov's works you will like this different trek rendition of a asimov like plot. Asimov probably wished he had written this story himself. More than science fiction. It opens up a new world of science fiction not just star trek.
Rating:  Summary: As a child my least fav...as an adult, my favorite Trek film Review: This is the one Star Trek that carries the torch of the main elements of the television series far better than the others that followed. It dares to go where no man has gone before and does so with astonishing visions. I have only seen one movie(2001: a space odyssey) that compares in terms of visuals. The interior of the V'Ger vessel is simply amazing and the story that builds to the ultimate climax is still interesting to me. The special effects hold up today and then some. I would much rather see this than the CGI of today. As for the acting, yes it is wooden for the most part but I honestly dont care. It is perfect in its way. To me, the definitive Trek film.
Rating:  Summary: I knew there had to be a reason for this films delay on DVD Review: Unlike many, I think this is a neat "Star Trek" movie, my only problem with this first film is the special effects which seem dated compared to the ones that followed, now this one has received full DVD treatment which i hope will be better, the special effects are supposed to be revamped to today's standards, lets hope so, because if so i will likely buy this DVD. if measured to the later films as far as effects go.
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps the most purely artistic of the Trek films Review: Great movie! I know many people, even the fans, still don't like this movie because it is so slow, but I think of all the Star Trek movies, this is the most artistic. It isn't, I would say, a pure Star Trek story, since it is so much more focused on film-making than it is on story. Watch this film, and you will see many of the artistic film styles that Kubrick sought in 2001 - very slow camera movement, ships moving slowly through space, long minutes of visuals focused on one thing. Even the sound of the movie has the real quiet, real slow quality of the film-work. It's a beautifully rendered movie, and a pretty neat story, though not what it could have been. The character's Decker and Alya were, I feel, a bit too contrived to fit so perfectly in the story. Love the ending, though - great unexpected surprise twist to V'ger, which I will not give out here. Artistically, musically, cinematographically, this is my favorite Star Trek film. Story-wise, it is not as exciting or pure Star-Trek as Star Trek II or Star Trek IV, but like all the movies, it is still a compelling and interesting story. I am glad to see that Paramount is finally being generous to its army of Trek fans who pour so much money into their coffers, and are offering what appears to be a VERY loaded DVD version!
Rating:  Summary: The Most Cerebral of All the Star Trek Movies Review: More than twenty years after its release, Star Trek: The Motion Picture still gets a mixed reaction from not only Trek fandom but from film critics as well. The latter find many faults with the film, some of which are justified, yet for the former STTMP has many aspects that are unique in comparison to the other Trek films. Without a doubt, this one is the most cerebral. Whiz-bang special effects were there, but the examination of the human condition was never a greater theme within a Trek movie than this one. Unlike its sequelae, the crew members are NOT one big happy crew -- and that makes the film all the more fascinating. James Kirk has been promoted to admiral and a desk job -- and hates it. Accepting promotion was a mistake but, unlike in Star Trek II which deals with a later promotion as an afterthought, here it's front and center. Kirk is so desperate to get his ship back that he's willing to play politics, pull strings and basically derail Captain Matt Decker's career. This is the classic Kirk of the original series, a flawed character fully capable of making mistakes that can cost the lives of his crew. Consult the writers' guide for the original series, and you'll find that it says just that about Kirk. Spock's story line was grafted on to the script as Leonard Nimoy came to the project late, yet it's one whopper of a subplot that resonates throughout the sequels. Obsessed with purging all human emotion, he seeks out the probe approaching Earth so he can mind-meld with it. Spock actually borders on subverting the mission so he can meld with V'ger. Spock realizes after his meld the cosmic joke of his obsession -- logic is damn cold and only organic creatures are capable of feeling. Rather than shun emotions, he should now embrace them. Throughout the sequels, Nimoy plays Spock as a character who now revels in his unique mixture of Human and Vulcan -- as he says in the final film with the original cast, "Logic is the beginning of understanding." Star Trek: The Next Generation fans will want to examine the relationship between Decker and navigator Ilia, which was the prototype for the Will Riker/Deanna Troi relationship. Much has been written about the making of this film, and how often it teetered on disaster. Roddenberry constantly warred with the studio and fellow scriptwriter Harold Livingston. For all the behind-the-scenes drama, STTMP remains a unique entry in the film series, one that will stimulate a lot more intelligent debate than any other Trek movie.
Rating:  Summary: A good Effort Review: Greetings fellow Star Trek Fans. As you all know, we live and die by the future. While I understand many comments made by people regarding this series and movies, and especially this movie, there are a few things you must remember. No one was prepared for the Star Trek Phenomenon, including Paramount. It's true, The motion picture dragged a bit at times, but would have preferred no movie? They were setting up the series. Remember, this was a 60's short lived series supposedly. We live in the now with fuuristic effects, with a Lucas and a Spielberg. They had none of this. They did the best they had with what they had to work with. They were succesful in launching a new movie series, and now the transition to a 6th? Television series? Remember, the core is good. This new promised DVD wil have all the deleted scenes (finally) as well as the director's cut exploring among other things, The development of Scotty's nephew's character. I am anxious to see it. I'm sure all fans will want to buy the new DVD, and see the way the director originally intended it. Maybe that version is better.
Rating:  Summary: a good DVD from paramont, Amazing but true! Review: This is the director's edition of Star Trek the Motion Picture and the first time this movie will be released on DVD. Now if you think this an average Paramont DVD, YOU ARE WRONG! Given the fact that this is the first Star Trek motion picture Paramont and the people who work with Star Trek special effects. Decided that this DVD unlike the others is full of extras. One of the extras which is kind of a secret is a cgi model of the enterprise which will be hidden on the second DVD. Which is somewhat confirmed on the startrek website. These kind of extras are what makes a DVD so cool and is the true explotation of the media and technolgy for this reason you got have this DVD five stars all the way