Rating:  Summary: "Personally", It's not my favorite Review: Yes I'm a Trekker, Yes I love this film. But it is not my favortie because I love for the phaser blasting duos in space, which if you are looking for you won't find here. What you will find is something quite different and entertaining. Bringing whales into Star Trek seems like something you'd never expect, but I like it. A probe has been sent to communicate with the humback whale, which is extinct in the 23rd century. Humans would expect the probe be sent only to communicate with people, but this nice showing that there are other forms of intelligence on Earth. As for humor, ok Star Trek is no Austin Powers or Ace Vetura, but gotta admit this one's funny. Scotty's "Computer scene" as well as Chekov's scene get me every time. There is even a scene where I heard a candid camera was used. Chekov and Uhura are on the streets of San Francisco asking around for help to find the naval base, and the officer seems as if he were lifeless, it is funny. But then when I found out it was a hidden camera and these people didn't know they were being filmed, that makes it all the more amusing. Too Bad Kirk and Gillian didn't have more of a "relationship", it would have been nice. Kinda like the episode "City On The Edge of Forever" where Kirk falls in love with someone from the past. There is a difference here, but you gotta see for yourself. Oh yeah, and it neat to see the crew commanding a Klingon vessel rather than your usual Federation Enterprise, just something different. Overall, it is a very good film, just not one for me.
Rating:  Summary: I love this movie Review: This movie ranks up there as one of my favorite movies of all time. Not only is it suspenceful but it is also hillarious. I have to agree that this is the only light-hearted ST film out there. All the other ones are depressing.In this installment, Kirk and crew need to save Earth by going back in time in a stolen Klingon ship to get two Humpback Whales which are the only things capable of communicating with a probe that has begun to tear apart Earth. Pretty cool story huh? There are a lot of funny moments in the film, like when Chekov and Uhura visit the USS Enterprise (US Navy) and when McCoy visits a hospital. Those are just a few but you get the idea. I think the bus scene is the funniest though. Buy this movie. I give it *Goes to warp 5.* FIVE SMASHING STARS!
Rating:  Summary: Star Trek with a touch of comedy Review: "Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home" isn't like you'd expect it to be if you're familiar with the original series and the other Star Trek movies. It has a lot more comedy to it when you compare it to the previous Star Trek shows. Admiral Kirk and the crew discover a signal in humpback whales' language that earth will be destroyed unless they can discover a way to find two humpback whales from the 20th century and transport them to the 23rd century. If you like the other Star Trek movies, you will probably like "The Voyage Home." Unlike the other movies in the classic series, it is just as much of a comedy movie as it is an adventure. I thought a lot of the movie was funny, especially the part where the crew pretends to be doctors in a hospital and are chased by the police. "The Voyage Home" isn't my favorite Star Trek movie, but it is a great movie and one of the best.
Rating:  Summary: Funny Review: A movie you're going to laught a lot at. That's the best way I can describe it. It's not a classic romance, mystery, or even adventure, but you will laugh. Unfortunately, one of the things that I love about Star Trek is that it does not date itself as easily. However, this is very dated. You're laughing not only at the jokes, but at the 80's punker.
Rating:  Summary: Cute but grows tiresome Review: I agree with the previous reviewer Mike that while The Voyage Home is not a bad Star Trek film, it gets less satisfying with each viewing. Yes, it is cute to hear Kirk and Spock use profanity, and Chekhov's interrogation scene is funny too. The high point is McCoy's confrontation with the doctor who is about to operate on Chekhov..."we're dealing with medievalism here!" The story though is a rehash of Star Trek The Motion Picture, in which an all powerful entity is on an intercept course with Earth and threatens to destroy it. It seems rather ridiculous that the probe would threaten to exterminate all of humanity just so that it can talk to whales. Since it was designed by an intelligent race, wouldn't it be the least bit curious to note that human civilization had arisen on Earth since its last visit? Another thing about the story that bugs me is that Gillian gets Kirk to take her on the Enterprise because no one in the 24 century knows anything about humpback whales, but the moment she gets to the 24th century, she gets herself assigned to a science vessel. What happened to her concerns about George and Gracie? Another mistake, in one of the scenes in Federation headquarters, one of the communications officers reports that "Leningrad has lost all power". Oops! Barring a return of communism in Russia, the city has been rechristened St. Petersburg. My favorite part of this movie is when Kirk, Spock et al are still on Vulcan, particularly Spcok's reeducation and his conversation with his mother about getting in touch with his human side. I realize this is probably the most popular film in the original cast series, and a lot of people will not like what I say. The Voyage Home is a nice pleasant diversion in that there are no space battles or confrontations with angry Klingon battlecruisers. But for me, Star Trek IV is ultimately unsatisfying, though it is better than Star Treks I and V.
Rating:  Summary: The funniest Star Trek film Review: This was an hilarious movie because when they went back in time they didn't know much stuff, and it was a nice movie. Besides that, it's one of the funniest movies in movie history.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best Trek films - Better on DVD! Review: I've heard one person said this movie was Science Fantasy. It isn't. I can see the Sci-Fi aspect of this. An alien probe wants to contact humpback whales on Earth and disrupts anything in its path. The one cool thing about this is what Kirk said "When man was destroying these creatures, he didn't know he was destroying his own future!" That says it all; a good moral in my opinion! As for the characters, this was a movie where all the characters had showpieces, and that was also good. Overall, the movie was pretty upbeat, and an excellent way to end the "trilogy" (II-III-IV), Kirk gets what he wants at the end. This had a good Featurette with Leonard Nimoy explaining the minuses of Pan & Scan, which fortunately this movie does not have. The picture, widescreen anamorphic 2.35:1, and the Dolby Digital 5.1 are excellent for the DVD. The only gripe is that the chapter selections are a bit too few...otherwise, it's good to go!
Rating:  Summary: The Voyage Continues¿ Review: From a "trek" point of view, this film is a must. A definate favorite among the true fans, this is one of the few Star Trek movies that the lay person can also enjoy. The Director's Series "Featurette" was quite enjoyable, and leaves a hunger for more. The trailer is a nice addition, but so much more could be there. This DVD is a nice addition to any collection, and is a must have. The quality of the picture and the sound is high, but not as high as the superior latter films (mostly FC and Insurrection). As far as the film goes, the fun style of the well built characters shines. The plot, while a bit singular, is consistent and enjoyable. Bottom line, get this DVD! Star Trek is immortalized - the voyage shall continue in your home and in your hearts.
Rating:  Summary: A DVD review Review: This is my favorite Star Trek film. The characters satirize themselves and it has an interesting story. The picture and sound are excellent. The featurette is an excellent 'making of' feature that runs about 30 minutes. Nimoy gives some interesting information on the making of the film. I think this is a must DVD in any sci-fi fans' collection.
Rating:  Summary: By far the best of the series. Review: While it does go a little bit into the absurd, that's part of the charm of this movie. My favourite part is when Spock and Kirk are on the bus with this punk-rocker who's playing his music way too loud, much to the annoyance of his fellow passengers. Spock just quietly does the Vulcan Neck Pinch, and solves the problem. Of course, there's also the little shtick about where Ensign Pavel Chekhov and Lieutenant Uhuru go to get the ions to repair the dilithium crystals, and other small touches which, nevertheless, make this highly enjoyable movie what it is. This film is a "Must Have" for all Star Trek fans and those interested in good cinema in general.