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Frank Herbert's Dune (TV Miniseries)

Frank Herbert's Dune (TV Miniseries)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: DUNE ... I WANT MORE!!! if only there was more!!
Review: OK first of all i do beleive that people who do not appreciate the mini-series must not ahve read the book. I do beleive to ge tthe most out of watching this you must first read the book. It has been well though out and is thankfully does not have much in common with the original movie. I love the way they have shot the movie it is not as dark and seedy as teh last one. The set's are done exceptionally well!! The movie keeps you entertained the whole way through. I have purchased the DVD's and watch tehm over and over and it is as if I am watching it for the first time.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: More out siders could be better
Review: The Frank Hebert's story is complicated, but the serie explain carefuly what is the meaning of the primary elements from the movie...If you also watched the first movie from Dune, you will finally put it toghether all the pieces from the original story...Very good serie, but in the production could be better more outsiders scenes instead studio scenes...Besides this the story has very good treat...It worth it if you like this kind of puzzles for a multidimensional mind

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Much better than the first dune movie.
Review: Though many loyal fanatics will degrade this Sci-Fi channel mini-series, they really did a much better job. I don't see how anyone can complain about the effects in this movie, and they follow the plot of the books almost exactly. Having read the book first, then viewing this version, then the old one, I was totally unsatisfied with the old version.

Basically, it boils down to this; do you want to see the plot of dune, displayed beautifully? get this one.

do you want to see a movie focusing on a fat man with horrible acne? get the old version.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A good companion for any Dune fan
Review: The book, Dune, will never be captured perfectly on film because of the very nature of what makes it a great book; the complexity, the introspective philosophical musings, and the political wranglings that don't translate to film well.
That having been said, the earlier David Lynch film captured the mystical, dangerous atmosphere of Dune. But it miserably failed to tell the story. It also injected a whole lot of nonsense (campy over-the-top mysticism), and actually diverged completely from the whole point of the story (by Herbert's own admission).
By contrast, the miniseries is on a lower budget, but does away with much of the nonsense and captures the story of Dune much much better than anything else on film. It loses some of the charged atmosphere, and the visuals aren't as stunning. Anyone new to Dune should prefer this movie to the older one for certain.
Very enjoyable especially for those that have read the book(s).

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: ...
Review: Hmmm... lets see, a comparison to the previous Dune move:
True to Book: in many ways, hell yeah. gone are the cool but completly out of place weirding modules. However,
Accents: [were bad!] What the hell was that damn lisp
the Reverend Mother spoke with??
Costumes: [were bad]. Good point about the new still
suits however; they had face masks!
and, I quite liked how the original gave us insight to what the characters were thinking. I love that in a movie or book and that was what made the original movie so great for me.
Actors: OH MY GOD THEY [were bad]! I was appalled at the acting. It was truly horrible. There was not one good acting performance in the movie... none... at all. Gurney: you....young....pup....you...young....pup... give me a break.
Special Effects: in many ways better. especially the spice addiction blue eyes. that was done alot better and actually responded to lighting.

In summary: some great improvements to the original in the story line. However, the GOD AWFUL (I just can't begin to explain how disappointing it was) acting ruined it for me and I would much rather deal with the story irregularities than feel that a classic book that I cherish has been made a joke by TERRIBLE acting.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The "modern" Dune
Review: I remember being so excited to see William Hurt's version of the original Dune. After buying the DVD and watching the movie a few times (as well as reviewing segments of the film over and over) I began to notice myself getting more and more critical of too many little things--not the sign of a well-made movie. In short, except for the desert scenes (where they have a very obvious wallpaper background), the movie's special effects and props are quite impressive! Unfortunately, most of the characters' acting is WAY below the standard set by Dino de Laurentiis in his Dune version (which by the way I HIGHLY reccommend for all Dune reader fans). Costumes are fairly elaborate, yet overdone. A few important themes in Herbert's book that I realized in neither his book nor the first film was clarified in this one. Overall, worth seeing--but DON'T BUY unless you're a big-time Dune fan. And what is up with those RIDICULOUS British accents!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great movie
Review: The characters in the movie are more human, they have different sides, not just good guys and bad guys. It makes it more interesting and exciting to watch. I really enjoyed it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: rent it if you want to see it, not worth buying at all
Review: i've read the series and own the orignal movie and this miniseries does neither justice. Comparitavily it is really bad. Understandibly it was a made for t.v. movie so the budget was small, but gauging from some of the special effects of the first movie, their's couldn't have been encridibly big either (not that I know). Instead of making the miniseries rugid ( a quality that fits Dune) the low budget just made it cheesey. It was filmed completely on a set with horrible background art where as the first was filmed actually in a desert. the customes were way overdone in most cases as were the silly northern european accents (this is really obvious in the differences between bene geserit and fremen: in the movie bene geserit actually wear black abas and the fremen have stillsuits that look real and functioning whereas in the miniseries it seems like the costume designer has never even read dune and they wouldn't be the only person on the production crew). there were somethings that were decent or better. the barron was actually smart this time but the uglyness and still evilness of the old one was cool plus sting was better as feyd (in fact the original cast is about twenty million times better). the special effects were ok at parts (worms were cool), cheesy mostly and used far too much. plus the miniseries was incredibly too long and too boring to watch, whereas the original movie is only slow at the beginning and has an intense ending, the miniseries droned all the way through and it was hard to watch. basicaly old movie is way better and if you want to hear me bad mouth the new miniseries some more, email me 'cause, man, i hated this thing, but if you like dune, rent it and see it for yourself.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Better Renditioning...But Not All There
Review: Well, I must say, John Harrison did a damn fine job of revamping the great novel, but it wasn't exactly what I wanted. I was ashamed at some of the horrible costumes. (No person in their right mind would be afraid of the Sardaukar in Harrison's version...and the stillsuits didn't even look like they worked).

The Baron was a much better one than Lynch's version. He wasn't just disgusting, he was someone you could hate so easily because of his character. The Emperor was much more powerful than the original, and very well cast. Princess Irulan was well cast as well, and her character was a bit more in the open than in the book.

Now...some of the sets looked cheesy, but it was a TV mini-series. You can't expect a big-budget kind of set from a mini-series, less its directed by James Cameron. The score was quite similar to Toto's original score, but there are no problems there.

And that's that.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The Alpha and uuuuhhhh Sigma
Review: This movie seemed to promise alot in the onset. As I have never read the books I can't compare but the DVD started out well enough. As it wore on it didn't produce anything very good.
The mystique of the first Dune video was just not there, overall a disapointment to fans of the original movie. Still if you like scifi it's not completly worthless.

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