Rating:  Summary: Star Wars, or, Flimsy Confrontation? Review: The proper use of Special Effects is to enhance a film, not to outshine the actors, characters, or story. Sadly, Lucas spent too much time on his visual 'sumptuous feast', rather than developing characters, and especially their interaction with each other. The premise itself offered no real prelude to the famous trilogy, where it should have been exploring the origins of the Force, the Dark Side and the Jedi Council, then leading into the action sequences. At least Terry Brooks got that bit correct in the book, when he explained the significance of a Master and an Apprentice (there are only ever two), and the history of the Dark Side. Jar Jar Binks is almost completely superfluous to the plot (almost, because he does serve the role of Guide), and is essentially there as a marketing gimmick for children; just listen to his dialogue! - "Exsqueeeze me!" What made the original trilogy brilliant was that the story was character driven. Han was a scroundel, Luke was a naive youth coming of age, Leia was a feisty girl and so on. These characters had depth, whereas no-one in Episode One did. The imagination and story-telling skills behind the first triology were clever and artistic. It is clear Lucas has the talent and skill to make brilliant movies based around strong, well-developed characters and stories. Unfortunately, with Ep. 1, he seemed more concerned about producing a marketing giant. He knew people would flock to the movie because it was Star Wars and so did not need to entice people to the cinema wih strong characters and interesting storylines. I hope that with Episode II Lucas goes back to more traditional story telling methods, ie., characterisation, dramatisation, plot line developments, in order to tell a great tale. The potential is there for a great new trilogy - the tale of a boy strong with the Force succombing to the powers of the Dark Side is a tragic scenario and should be dealt as one - not some flamboyant expression of digital technology mimicking artwork.
Rating:  Summary: WHY WERE SCENES EDITED! Review: The regular tape has poor video and sound quality relative to most other movies, the Widescreen or "Letterbox" version is much better. However, both versions have scenes edited out, mostly subtle but one scene which explains how Darth Maul traced the good guys to Tatooin was removed. As for the script, it is good for kids, but rather flawed for "intelligent" adults. References of Anakin as "Jesus Christ", and linking it (the Force) to something that can be measured in blood, as well as "Barney" style acting by the boy ruined the movie for me. As for the DVD issue, nevermind that there is NO DVD of ANY Lucas Films, the original Star Wars Trilogy is not even commercially available any more in any format, this and the removal of scenes from both vhs release of Phantom Menace, tells me that Mr. Lucas has truly turned to the "Dark Side" of capitalism. Disney style.
Rating:  Summary: So What if it's a B Movie! Review: The rest of them were all B movies! Why did anyone think that the new ones would be scripted better? They are being scripted by the same man who did the original 3 movies. I do of course regard them as some of the best movies out there. They are a Space Opera, stories on a grand scale, very dramatic. The DVD does justice to the movie. I'm eagerly awaiting the others.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars-Episode I, The Jar Jar Binx Menace Review: The script for this move is flawd. You would be better to buy it on VHS rather then spend more money on the DVD. This film (like Episode II) needs some major editing. Scenes that should be edited: 1.) Jar Jar Binx Scenes 2.) Travel Through The Planet Core 3.) Tattoine, Scenes with Anakin and the Pod Race Scenes 4.) Senate Scenes 5.) And only minor edits on the battle scenes All in all I think most Star Wars fans (If they would admit it) are disappointed with Episode I and II and would like for George Lucas to scratch the first two, pretend they never existed and start all over again. Episode I is better than Episode II but the cracks in the storyline and acting are ever present. Buy a used VHS!
Rating:  Summary: THE BESt Review: the sequal has come out and it is just as good as it
Rating:  Summary: But no DVD? Review: The sole purpose of my DVD purchase was to buy the P.M. when it came out, and to eagerly await the original trilogy's jump to DVD. Apparently, I may be a long time waiting, as Lucas has no plans for it to be released on DVD...Or is this perhaps another ploy to sell the video, then re-release it six months later with deleted scenes, and then re-re-release it again on DVD 5 years from now? People can kick and scream and complain about PM, but the fact is, it was brilliantly cast, directed and produced with some of the most incredible CG work in the world. True Star Wars fans will love it, but may be bothered by the fact that it won't be available on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: The Star Wars Brand Name Isn't Enough Review: The special effects are eye-popping, and they are what get all of the 2 stars. The acting is servicable, considering what the actors were given to work with. Unfortunately, the rest is all bad news. You gotta do more than just put the words "Star Wars" before the title. You gotta have a story and you gotta know where you're going with it. Then you gotta write words that will inspire the actors. These all tend to hold the audience's interest, causing them to remain awake. I think Mr. Lucas needs to leave his version of a Neverland ranch or wherever it is that he holes up between movies and rediscover just what it was that inspired him to create the full-blooded thrill-ride that was the original Star Wars. When I first saw SW I was hooked for 2 hours. I was IN that rocket fighter with Luke. All I could think of when I left the theater was "I gotta see this AGAIN!" All I could think of while watching Phantom Menace was "Isn't this over YET?!!" In the original you were in the fight against the Empire; in Phantom Menace, you're only in a fight to not fall asleep. Why didn't he just have every role played by Jar Jar in different costumes? At least it would have been funny-type entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: Bad acting, good acting, but it answers some questions! Review: The special effects in this movie almost make it worth seeing. Especially the city-planet of Courasant and Naboo. I was mostly interested in the story; the introduction of Anakin Skywalker and Queen Amidala. I really did find the story very interesting, it answered many questions I had about the how the whole thing began. I did have several problems with the movie, however. The child actor who played Anakin was TERRIBLE. I don't understand why he was cast, unless his family knows someone special. Every scene that he is in makes me cringe. Ewan McGregor, Liam Neeson and Natalie Portman shine. People have commented that Natalie Portman was a bit stiff as the Queen, but I believe that is her character. She is a terrific actress. Other issues were that the pod race scene was way too long. It was nothing more than a shameless display of Lucasfilm Ltd.'s special effects talent. It was boring. Jar Jar Binks was another source of angst. His bizarre accent and nonsense speak was distracting and annoying. Other than that, I enjoyed the movie. I am more looking forward to Episode II this May. Hopefully George Lucas will improve upon the mistakes he has made with the Phantom Menace.
Rating:  Summary: Not as good as it should have been Review: The special effects were very good but the story line was lacking a litle and the acting was simply unnacceptable for such a great series of films. Ewan McGregor was the one saving grace of the film with a good portrayal of Obi Wan but Liam Neeson should thank God for letting him appear in it. Mr. Binks - it's all been said before. After waiting for so long I was expecting a much better film than this. Probably best to borrow this rather than buy it, because it is worth watching. May the next one be better
Rating:  Summary: Almost as good as episode IV! Review: The stainless steel space craft and the duck-like war robots are master pieces. The underwater monsters are better the 20 Leagues Under the Sea. Again we have an historical drama in a fantasy of the future... with the Texas Rangers of the future fighting the gun fighters and robbers. And we have the very young being groomed to be great men because they are special. Identity deception like that in Shakespeare play undershadows the plot. Lucas is the master of the unknowable future.