Rating:  Summary: Worth a viewing. Review: The Phantom Menace is pretty good, but I don't find it to be a classic. I've watched it a handful of times. There are some things that could be better. The special effects are the most impressive aspect (The action isn't bad either.). All of the various creatures throughout the movie are interesting also. One thing about The Phantom Menace that is disappointing is the lack of character development. Liam Neeson's character is an example of this (The same goes for Darth Maul.). Something else that should be better is the plot--it isn't too captivating. As for Jar Jar Binks, I have no problem with him. He doesn't irritate me at all. This film has some good qualities to it. It's not as good as the other films in the series though. I don't consider The Phantom Menace to be boring. Any movie that I can watch more than once isn't too bad. Worth a viewing.
Rating:  Summary: Good Fun. Review: The Phantom Menace is set at least thirty years before the events of A New Hope, and follows the adventures of two Jedi Knights - Qui-Gon Jin (Liam Neeson), and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kanobi (Ewan McGregor), who are dispatched by the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic to negotiate a settlement between the Naboo, and the greedy Trade Federation who have set up a blockade of the planet. Of course, the negotiations do not go according to plan; indeed, they don't even begin. The Federation invade Naboo, and capture it's young Queen, Amidala (Natalie Portman). It is left to the two Jedi to rescue the Queen and her bodygaurds, and escort them to Carouscant, the capital of the Republic, where Amidala can present the plight of her people to the Imperial Senate. It is a simple enough story, but spiced by the distractions along the way, such as the young slave boy Anakin Skywalker on Tattoine, the comic and brainless amphibian Jar Jar Binks, and the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Maul. All this is played out in a sensational background of CGI effects coupled with a wonderful soundtrack by John Williams (in particular, listen out for Duel of the Fates - a fabulous piece of music). It's glitzy, light and exciting stuff, but is obviously limited, because a). It is only providing an introduction to the far darker characters and events surrounding the creation of the Empire years later, and b). It has a U rating, and George Lucas was unwilling to change that. But despite this, it is an enjoyable flim. Liam Neeson's Qui-Gon is excellent - authoritative and courageous, he really makes this film. Ewan McGregor is decent as Obi-Wan, and Jake Lloyd is a raw but totally natural Skywalker. There isn't quite a real sense of human emotion and banter (there is no Han Solo for that), and neither is there quite the sense of danger that you get in the originals, but it is fine light entertainment, well made and well acted. When it is part of a completed trilogy, it will probably come across better, but nevertheless, it is well worth buying, and a worthy addition to the Star Wars collection.
Rating:  Summary: Easily one of the worst film's of the year Review: The Phantom Menace is technically beautiful but other then that there really isn't much there. It features a terrible screenplay that wastes the talents of several good actors. If you didn't see the movie don't bother purchasing the video. The Phantom Menace really is one of the worst film's of the year, very deserving of it's 8 razzie nominations.
Rating:  Summary: Sit back and enjoy America's mythology Review: The Phantom Menace is the best movie of all time, period. The script is interesting and entertaining, there actors are well-known, and the special FX are breathtaking. I've heard several people complain about some of the actors performances, saying that they don't show emotion. Come on, guys. Do you REALLY want to face an emotional Jedi? Do you know what they call an emotional Jedi? A Sith Lord! The people who played Jedi played their characters the way they should be played. As for the complaints that it is not as good as the others, name one thing that isn't better. It has better-known actors, better special effects, and the Jedi are way cooler! For those who miss Han Solo, I have to say that I hate his character like some hate Jar-Jar Binks. The only good thing he did was father Jacen and Jaina, and in the meantime he was busy being an arrogant idiot! Another complaint I read was about Queen Amidala liking Anakin Skywalker. Why not? She's only five years older than he is, and my Father is five years older than my Mother. In some cultures, an age difference of ten years is common in married couples. I don't tell me that in the future that there are class systems people can't marry out of. Give me a break. In conclusion, watch it with a mind to enjoy it. All the thrills of a breathtaking action movie with none of the blood, language, and immorality.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars is 6 movies not a single one! Review: The Phantom Menace is the first step into a larger world!This movies had only set the stage for the others 5.The Mid-Clorian thing is a foreshadow for the Clone Wars.I think Jar-Jar is great and for the ordinare movie goer he was the best charater of the movie.TPM rules, SW is the greatest Saga in Movie History.
Rating:  Summary: The beauty of the Phantom Menace Review: The Phantom Menace is the most over castigated movie in the history of cinema. It has received criticsm from virtually every camp of people, and I believe that this is a gross misjudgemet of this film. This film is beautifully shot with sweeping camera shots that reveal the glory of this new land. People say that it doesn't compare to the previous three movies in content or execution. I believe that people have canonized the original trilogy without really investigating the claims that they are making. The original trilogy is poorly shot, replete with bad dialouge, and could not have worse acting. It is beloved by everyone because it was so revolutionary at the time. Just on terms of filmmaking the Phantom Menace is a much better picture. It has a more consitent plot than any of the originals. In general, I believe the Phantom Menace should be regarded more highly among Star Wars faithful.
Rating:  Summary: Movie Blows, But DVD Is Great! Review: The Phantom Menace storyline was horrible...it's a fact. But I will give Lucas credit for making a really terific DVD! The bonus features, deleted scenes, music videos, are all very cool. It does make the movie a little more enjoyable because the picture and sounds are out of this world. I have a nice setup in my house, and the movie shakes the walls when listened to properly. Movie blows, but it's worth having!
Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Menace breaks the barriers.. Review: The Phantom Menace was a film that took the entire nation by storm. This movie was not just for Star Wars fans, it was a film everybody could enjoy. Compared to a lot of what's out in theaters today The Phantom Menace just makes it simple. There is no grotesque violence, nudity, or sex. This film keeps you mesmerized by the story and especially the special effects, they are astounding. All in all if you are a Star Wars fan you will enjoy this movie and if you are not a Star Wars fan im pretty sure you will too...
Rating:  Summary: A good movie but below usual expectations... Review: The Phantom Menace was a good movie with INCREDIBLE special effects but lacked things that the original trilogy had. The character development was preety bd and the plot was hollow it seemed as if George Lucus had sold out a bit. It will never meet the greatness of the originals but still is good movie
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars The Phantom Menace Review: The Phantom Menace was a great movie excellent special effects, great fight seens but... It still "In my opinion does not match the hype the media gave it". Think about it, In the commercials Darth Maul looked like he was going to have a nice roll in the movie. It disapointed me to see him in a few seens. There also were some cheesey lines in the movie. Such as the line anakin says to his mother about helping people in the galaxy. Jar Jar Binks was a complete moron, He probley dies in the next movie. Ok now I will stop downing the movie here are some positives, Ob1 and Quan had one of the best Teacher student relationships I have seen In years. I applaud great actors I Think They worked together well. I saw that in the opening Sceen. the timing between them was as If there really was a Force. and not something make belive. Seeing a young ob1 Makes you respect the old ob1 even more. He is just an apprentice but uses the force 10 times better than luKe does in all the other films. I am about to end my review but one more thing. When you see the movie and please do. notice how much better everything looks in the movie. I am talking about the City's the weapons the Ships, Is'nt the Phantom Meance Acutually about 40 years before luke is born. I thought as time goes on things or places Tend to modernize more. Or is there a re starting point for the people in these galaxys due to The Clone Wars That are going to happen in the future movies.