Rating:  Summary: STARWARS CONTINUES ~ IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T COMPLAIN Review: StarWars by far is the best trilogy ever made and if you want to understand the trilogy better you have to understand the past. Therefore The Phantom Menace is a must. If you don't like it don't whine about it becasue it is a good movie, I agree not the best but the effects are top-notch.
Rating:  Summary: Stop being so critical Review: StarWars Episode I, in my opinion excellent movie. The story is quite impressive. The special effects are the finest ever seen in modern movies. I saw all threes of the origional Star Wars movies in the theatres. I think people should stop comparing the movies and just sit back and enjoy. Isn't that what going to the movies is all about anyway?
Rating:  Summary: People need to stop bashing this film.. Review: Sure it wasn't a good film but you have to understand it's a completely different time period, it took place 40 or somewhat years before the original Star Wars so of course it's not gonna be the same! I've grown to like this film a lot, because it's an introduction, and even though Jar Jar Binks as annoying as he is isn't as bad as you think, the Ewoks in Return of the Jedi were worse! The point of this story is to focus on the trade federation dispute and Anakin's training beginning after he's freed as a slave. I think many people expected it to start off like that and were disappointed because it didn't have much of a story. Star Wars ep. 4 didn't have much of a story either, it was an introduction to the characters and this is what ep .1 is! Ep. 2 is better than this only because the REAL story starts with that film as "The Empire Strikes Back" went into detail with Luke Skywalker, so in other words STOP bashing the film! It's not as bad as you think it is, it was probably one of the better movies that was out in 1999, imagine that?
Rating:  Summary: Don't be cynical, It's STAR WARS! Review: Sure the dialogue was a tad on the crappy side. And Jar-Jar Binks was just crap. But this is the only Episode I we're gonna see. Your whines will not get us anywhere. The breath-taking art direction and those bad-ass light saber duels (particularly the climactic one) is enough for this easily amused Star Wars nerd to rush to purchase the $40 widescreen edition (which I just came back from doing). I not ashamed to say that I enjoyed this movie at the theatre as much as I loved taking part in the anticipation. The whole thing was an experience I was glad to be a part of. It was also a wonderful exercise of the joy of immaturity. I bought it for the sentiment and the memories more than the quality of the script.
Rating:  Summary: An Ok Distraction For 2 Hours Review: Sure the Star Wars trilogy is good, and so was this film. The first time I saw it was good, and loud. After the second time I saw it, I was kinda bored. Bear in mind this film is not for everyone. With campy diolouge and amazing special effects, this latest installment of the Lucas imagination is a fair distraction. Did anyone see the tv specials of the guy in that Darth Maul makeup and thick Drew Carey glasses? Scary!
Rating:  Summary: Leave It Alone! Review: Sure, "The Phantom Menace" isn't as good as the other movies, but it has its moments. The pod race, the three-way lightsaber duel, etc. I do believe that this is a great film, yet the weakest of the Star Wars films (don't get me wrong, there all great). Although it lacks Han Solo's sarcasim and cockiness, "TPM" is a diamond in the rough. For those of you that keep bashing this good film, get a life!!!
Rating:  Summary: Take the longer view, perhaps Review: Sure, I agree that this movie was a disappointment with shallow characterizations and too much technology overshadowing the human element and making it seem cartoonish, however... The first trilogy must ultimately form a tragedy in the traditional sense. It must show a great man achieve success prior to a fall brought about by his own arrogance. If this character is Anakin, then I am surprised that we don't see the seed of his flaw in the first movie (if he is rash and capable of cruelty, it would have been nice to see him exhibit this in the pod race scene by meeting Sebulba's violence with his own), but if the tragic character is Obi-Wan, then this first movie works rather well since it moves him into a scenerio which he is too young and overconfident to manage. Seen as a first act, the movie works because it presents the world of light, youth, and innocence that the sequels must tear down.
Rating:  Summary: 3 stars only for the FX. Review: Sure, it wasn't the worst movie ever made, but when you put Star Wars on the label, you had better have each part that made Star Wars memorable to start with. I realize that it's nearly impossible for Lucas and co to recreate that feeling, but couldn't they have had actors who believed in their characters? I'm sorry, but only the supporting cast was convincing. Sure, Queen Armidillo was pretty, and basically the only decent actress aside from the returning cast, and maybe Anakin(possible future in a few years), and while Darth Maul didn't have Darth Vaders presence, he still had the stare of evil. Jar Jar Blinks was a decent 3D model, but as a character, he was too annoying. Definitely buy or rent it though, if only to say that you want Episode 2 to come out and be better. Que Gong Jim can do a much better job than he did in this movie. He was excellent in Superman II and Schindlers list. But if you want a movie with good actors, and good FX, buy Galaxy Quest. Its worth a whole lot more than this $100 million or however much piece of wasted film.
Rating:  Summary: Definitely a keeper Review: Sure, there are naysayers. There always will be. Let's all keep in mind that Star Wars was panned by critics when it first arrived as well though. I will agree, I rate this the weakest of the 4, but that's like picking among 4 fine diamonds, 1 has to be the least among them, it doesn't make it bad. The characters weren't quite as touching as in the original trilogy, but whose to say they won't grow to be so, over time, I believe they can. Our way of looking at Star Wars changes over time, when I was younger, I hated The Empire Strikes Back, because the good guys lost, but now, I find it to be the strongest of the series. The fight choreography surpasses the first 3 by miles. It can be a bit childish in its humor, but it is meant for all generations. Jar-Jar was a pain, but you know what, when I watch the old ones, I get almost the same feeling about C3PO, he bugs the hell out of me, not to mention those darned Ewoks, at times they can be touching, like when the one gets killed by a blast and the other one tries to help him up, finds him dead, and makes this sad mewing sound, but at other times they were just childish. I think we've just reached a point where the first 3 are so revered that there's no way TPM was going to live up to it initially, but I believe over time, it will find its place among the others, as a fitting preface to the struggles in the next 2 episodes.
Rating:  Summary: This is a movie for SW fans of all ages. Review: SW1 is a very good movie that got a lot of press about not being up to par with it's predecessors. Well, that's some awful tough competition! This movie is the first episode of a story that does not have a surprise ending because we all know it! Now, if you don't think that's a difficult story to write, you have my blessing.