Rating:  Summary: Very, very Good Review: Spectacular effects, wonderful music, some stalwart acting and a script with some mistakes: It's The Phantom Menace. Critics hae absolutely thrown this film from ground to ground, claiming that it was disappointing.Was it? No. Eventhough some of the dialog is quite bad, that is the only major drawback of the film. It does it's actual job very well in contrast: To introduce us to the charecters and build them up for the upcoming prequels. It is a very good introduction chapter to the saga. People say that there is no emotion in the film. Well what do they expect from a film which is a beggining paragraph? People forget this "tiny" fact. Actually George Lucas gives us much more than which we should expect: A good plotline with a lot of swashbuckling action and excitement. There is a constant sense of curiousity and awe that invades us throughout the film. This is the reason it is a success. The Widescreen Edition of the movie should only raise that experience, opposed to the Pan and Scan version. There is a 13 Minute documentry in the video, a 35 mm strip and a 40 page excerpt from the book, "The Art of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Along with the nice box it comes with, the collecter's edition is worth the price. I recommend this film, this video to everyone. It is surely the greatest introduction one can get about the famed saga.
Rating:  Summary: a bad feeling about this Review: star wars - episode 1: the phantom menance should never have happened. there were always worries that once the second trilogy came to be made it would spoil the one we all know and love from the 70's/80's. but i let myself get excited anyway, and found myself watching something horrific and soulless. the strength of the original films was not in the special effects but in the characters. star wars is so human. this movie however has no character, it is just an endless stream of set-pieces and there's little to connect with. there are some fine actors in this film. ewan macgregor and liam neeson have both been excellent elsewhere. that jar-jar fellow i haven't seen before, but i will call up his filmography so i can give the annoying prat a wide berth. if you're a big fan of the original franchise, you might just find this soul-destroying. proceed with great caution.
george lucas? the force has deserted him.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace Review: Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace has got a real strong place in my heart.First of all I want to thank to Mr.Lucas to produce this movie.Before everything I want to mentione that the special effects are wonderful the music is as strong as the oldest parts besides the cast is so well selected every thing is graet in this movie however I can not stand my self to tell that I can not feel the Real Star Wars atmosphere in this episode I think that Dart Maul saves this movie.I strongly reccomend every body to own one. MAY THE FORCE BE WÝTH YOU .
Rating:  Summary: Most underrated film of 1999. Review: STAR WARS - EPISODE I: THE PHANTOM MENACE was an excellent movie! Whoever thought it was bad either a) must not be a true Star Wars fan or b) didn't understand it. Well, I have to say that I don't fit under either 'a' or 'b'! I just love this new second-part trilogy and totally can't wait for EPISODE II: ATTACK OF THE CLONES! Anyway, THE PHANTOM MENACE was supposed to be the first chapter in the whole Star Wars sega. It's basically the introduction to how it all started, so of course it was a much "lighter" chapter because it was before the Dark Side. It's about how Naboo came under attack and the introduction of Anakin Skywalker (future Dark Vader, for those who are totally clueless) and all your other favorite characters. This is before Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Hans Solo so of course they wouldn't have been in this movie! I mean really people - what are you thinking? The only character whom I thought was semi-annoying was Jar Jar Binks. His character was slightly humerous, but mostly he was just stupid...although he's an important character in this Star Wars sega, and you'll find out later on. I thought the kid who played Anakin was okay. I mean, he wasn't the best but c'mon - give the poor guy a break! He was like, nearly eight years old or so when they filmed this. And George Lucas had chosen him out of thousands of other kids so there must have been something about him that caught Lucas's eyes. The other cast members like Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Samuel L. Jackson, etc. were also superb. Yes, they were a little stiff but I think that is what Lucas wanted. Even the storyline and plot weren't all that bad and the diolouge had some clever parts. And yes, the movie WAS long but aren't all Star Wars movies really long? Anyway, now onto the DVD. The DVD for THE PHANTOM MENACE is fantastic! Seriously. This DVD is totally worth your money and much better than the boring video version which has like, nothing on it except for the movie. It has all kinds of cool special features to it like never before seen footage, games, trivia, cast and crew interviews, a music video, the making of EPISODE I, visual effects, sound effects, and much, much more! This DVD is hours and hours of extra bonus footage and fun. The DVD itself comes in 2 discs. The picture quality for the movie is top-notch and (if you've got a big TV screen) it makes you feel like you're watching it in the movie theater again. You can watch the DVD over and over again and keep finding new stuff that you didn't discover before. If you're starting a DVD collection, then I strongly urge you to go out and purchase this DVD for your collection. It is worth both the extra special features and the movie! Can't wait for A NEW HOPE, EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, and RETURN OF THE JEDI to be released on DVD. And when all six films are completed, I hope George Lucas will create a special box set featuring all six episodes with even more special features to add to the sega! THE PHANTOM MENACE is an excellent movie and I totally recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Terrible, horrible BAD movie!! Review: Star Wars 1 is a movie about two idiots who try to rescue a queen from a palace in a far-off land. Sound familiar? The Phantom Menace is a really boring movie that borrows from every movie imaginable. I think this film is actually depressing, I am not a Star Wars fan at all but the film is so cheesy and corny and HORRIBLY written (I'm 15 and I could write a better script) that it makes you want to puke. After I saw this film, I tried to think of a scene that was entertaining or interesting, and you know what? I couldn't think of one. The film is just a big blur of CGI creatures and card-board characters. Do yourself a BIG favor and skip this flop.
Rating:  Summary: Good fun, but not a brilliant film Review: Star Wars 1, The Phantom Menace, is basically a comic book in film form. As simple as that. So if you would enjoy an entertaining sci-fi/fantasy film, then maybe you should buy this movie, but if you're the more synical filmwatcher and are expecting Shakespeare, then I would not recommend you buying this.
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS ALWAYS GETS * * * * * IN MY BOOK Review: STAR WARS does something to me, no other movie does. Just seeing the Lucasfilm logo at the bigging gives me goosebumps. The trailer in the theatre did the same. Seeing the Phrase "A long time ago......in a galaxy far, far, away gets me soo excited. The same feeling occured for this film. The magic is back, however the lack of human characters lessen the magic a bit. The movie could use more space scenes however the plot and the special effects do it for this one. The added technology make it look cheesy. I wish they could have used the old technology from the prior films. Then it would be perfect.
Rating:  Summary: If this wasn't a Star Wars movie it would be ok. Review: Star Wars Episode 1 is a discrase to the whole set of movies.Not only is there bad acting but there are [weak] vilans, I also thought it could have been better with a better Anakin, not the kid in Jingle all the Way, he's just a bad actor.I also thought Obi-Wan could have been better, Liam Neeson was good in that as Qui-Gon.Natalie Portman was also a good princes Ammidala. This was actually pretty good but it was a Star Wars movie and they are always supposed to be grade A, not B.The Pod race was pretty cool but that was about it, this movie was more of a heartbreaker and not action.George Lucas probably got this done over the weekend.That's poor. Now I have to talk about the DVD.It's alright but it's no Termanator metal box special edition, obviously. Ok, if you really like Star Wars I would get it but if your not a hardcore Star Wars fan, rent it.
Rating:  Summary: An epic! Review: star wars episode 1 is a fantastic show. great special effects and there are no boring scenes!! I have watched this dvd countless time. the extras are also very good!! this has to be in your collection!!
Rating:  Summary: Same awesome Star Wars, but not as awesome. Review: Star Wars Episode 1 is an awesome display of special affects. Especially during the pod race. However, it seems that Lucasfilm took more time making it groundbreaking graphically, but didn't spend enough time directing it like the others. The trilogy was awesome when it was made and the Special Edition is awesome now. Episode 1 is still really cool, but not as well done as the original trilogy, as far as directing goes. Also, by adding Jar Jar, who is a part comical/part stupid character, they are aiming Episode 1 toward younger viewers, making it a little boring for older viewers. It am glad that it does not have any bad content, but I wish it wasn't quite as "cute". The original didn't have much bad content, and it was still very enjoyable to people of all ages. Episode 1's Jar Jar can get pretty annoying to the older viewers, and the comic relief provided by Jar Jar is pathetic compared to that of Han Solo. However, I still give Episode 1 five stars because it is true Star Wars material and a must own for any Star Wars enthusiast.