Rating:  Summary: Why so much? Review: Some parts of the movie was a joy to watch, for instance two jedi's duking it out and the visual graphics. However, why must fans pay so much just to enjoy digital movies? I guess it's another case of the movie producers wanting to wrench every penny possible. That is why I gave it this rating...
Rating:  Summary: Symbiotic Relationships of The Phantom Menace Review: Some people have complained that Lucas wrote a weak script, but in some ways this is Lucas' most complex Star Wars story to date. Lucas has put in many themes into his story which at first glance may be passed over by the casual viewer. One of the biggest among these is the theme of symbiosis. The term is used several times in the movie and is clearly explained by Qui-Gon: organisms working together for mutual advantage. This theme comes up a lot in the "Dune" books which have certainly influenced Lucas' "Star Wars" universe. The pattern is repeated on several levels. First there is the duality of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jin: the Jedi Master and the apprentice. At first glance it may seem that Qui-Gon is the teacher, but actually he also learns from Obi-Wan: "You're a much wiser man than I." he says. But earlier he says, "You still have much to learn, my young apprentice." Next there is the duality of the Naboo people--the Gungans and Amidala's people. One civilization lives on the ground, the other underwater. But they are symbiotics. They need each other to fight the Trade Federation. Lucas keeps repeating the theme with the character of Padme, the double of Amidala. Amidala needs to use a double to evade the Trade Federation as well as to learn about Qui-Gon and the Jedi under disguise. She could not do this as Queen. Of course, the most obvious pairing is Darth Maul and Darth Sidious (the future Emperor). They are the dark foils of Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. These pairings are used to illustrate that everyone needs everyone else in order to carry out their motives: Qui-Gon needs Anakin to win the podrace to get the money to fix his ship; Amidala needs the help of the Gungans to win the war; Palpatine needs Amidala to make a speech at the Galactic Senate in order to become Supreme Chancellor; the Trade Federation needs the Sith to carry out their plans; even Boss Nass needs Jar Jar to be a general in the final battle. Lucas has created a complex fantasy world in which symbiotic relationships are constantly in flux--much like the real world.
Rating:  Summary: May the Forceps be with you Review: Somebody pinch me! Did people actually wait on sidewalks for days to see this movie, when they could have waited a week and gotten in without even lining up? Sanity, thy name is VCR. Well, it wouldn't be a Star Wars movie without bad acting and dopey dialogue. But, how in the world could three otherwise very fine actors (Neeson, McGregor, and Portman) end up giving such bland and inept performances? In addition, how could the pacing of the narrative be so slow and choppy? There's only one person to blame: George Lucas. He has obviously stayed away from the director's chair too long. My advice to Lucas is to hire someone else to direct and write the screenplay for the next film. He set the precedent with The Empire Strikes Back, hiring Irvin Kershner to direct and Lawrence Kasdan & Leigh Brackett to write the screenplay. The result: Empire is generally considered the best film of the trilogy. Alas, I'm a sucker for great special effects. As a result, I'm giving SW1 four stars, saving it from the 2 star drubbing the rest of the movie deserves. The pod race is incredible, a pure adrenaline rush. The other great sequence is the lightsaber duel between Darth Maul and our two friendly neightbourhood Jedis. Jar Jar Binks? Tie him up, put a thermal detonator in his mouth, and feed him to a giant space slug. Lucas has a penchant for multiple climax sequences. He's progressed from one in Star Wars (Death star battle), two in Empire (Luke v. Vader; Leia, et al escaping from Cloud city), and three in Jedi (Endor battle, Death star battle, light saber duel). He ends SW1 with another three pronged display of bellicosity. Does that mean he'll end the next film with only two simultaneous battle sequences, and the one after that with one, in chiastic fashion? Whatever Lucas decides, I sincerely hope he focuses on the special effects side and leaves the direction and screenwriting to others.
Rating:  Summary: Not that good Review: Sorry you all but Episode I just doesn't capture the magic like the original star wars movies did. Yes, It did have dazzling special effects but besides that it wasn't to good. I look forward to Episodes 2 and 3 but I don't really expect them to match the originals. (of coarse) Still worth renting and maybe even buying just to add it to your star wars collection.
Rating:  Summary: DVD Please Review: Sorry, I won't buy it on VHS. I'm more than willing to wait until the DVD version comes out. George Lucas is just trying to milk everyone for more money buy getting them to buy the VHS now and then hopefully getting you to buy it on DVD later. No thanks! Say no to VHS!
Rating:  Summary: The Movie Rocked , Give Lucas a Break! Review: Sorry, people but open your eyes, a lot of Non- "Star Wars" nerds loved this movie. As a teenage movie watcher and star wars FAN (not NERD), I can say that this movie appealed to lots and lots of teenagers, who in my opinion were the most important target audience of this movie becuase the Star Wars audience needs to be replenished with new fans to help make the next pre-quels successful. The movie was awesome, Lucas continued to take his imagination to the limit by creating dazzeling CGI characters (Jar Jar too, hes not that annoying so quit talking about him and get used to him), once the next two movies are out and we are able to see the entire saga all the way thru in order, we will appreciate them more. And whats all this moaning and complaining about how "Lucas ruined the Star Wars Movies","Lucas Wake Up! ( cause there is no DVD)" and so much other stuff that is so disrespectiful and ungrateful. Star Wars is property of George Lucas' Imagination, he can take the story where ever he wants it to go! Our only role in Star Wars is to sit back and enjoy the ride. Lucas Spent YEARS, HOURS AND HOURS EVERY DAY to make these films for our enjoyment and what do you do? Say they are worth a cent and make it seem like he owes us something? NO,IF ANYTHING WE OWE HIM A LOT MORE THAN HE OWES US! (IF HE OWES US ANYTHING IN THE FIRST PLACE, I THINK HE DOESN'T, HES GIVEN US TOO MUCH)
Rating:  Summary: 10 minutes of Joy for 2 hours of embarrasment... Review: Sort of like Sex! What I mean to say is, this can't be everything I expected. But if I buy this movie, and I might just hold out for the slim but wonderous chance that Lucas blesses us with DVD now instead of later, it will be for the last 10 minutes of footage during the last half hour of action: Light saber heaven. Now don't get me wrong, I don't want any Anakin accidentally blowing up the control ship, I want the Maulmeister cleverly dividing and almost completely conquering the dynamic duo of QGJ and OB1. I want the so fast you must pause and slow play (DVD please) light saber strokes. I want to watch the hours Maul has to kill OB1 as he rises out of the shaft. I want to watch it over and over. Repeat A - B style (DVD again). I just wish I COULD edit out the other 2/3 of the final half hour. Not that they're that bad, just multiple interruptions of Jedi bliss. The first 10 minutes aren't too bad either. Love that penetrating saber in portal scene. Spoiled by rolling droid balls. By the way, to all you Jar Jar rippers out there, what about Fode and Beed? Not nearly as much screen time, but considerable damage to the Star Wars universe in such a short time! If Jar Jar is coming back, which it sounds like he certainly is, Maul better come back, just to finish him off. Here is the big question, if Lucas produced this all himself, to avoid studio tampering, why did he make a bigger mess than any studio exec. ever could dream? I mean the least common demo type script, full of very childish jokes, come on. Star Wars was so much more natural in its stupid humor. So easy and subtle. (Granted cheesy, but not hit you over the head fart jokes.) I couldn't dream of writing up such a successful fantasy universe, so spare me any retorts, but something happened to the magic, and I know its more than everyone growing up. I must beg, finally, for the DVD we all want now. Give us ANH, ESB, and ROTJ, at least, NOW! Just in case the world ends or something else much worse! Please. Make the logical choice. The council has spoken.
Rating:  Summary: Sorry. It stinks. Review: Special effects do not a good story make. From the two-headed comical sportscaster to Jar-Jar stepping in the metaphorical symbol for this movie, Episode I just plain stinks. Here are some of my biggest gripes: Luke wasn't able to strike the emperor in anger or it would have resulted in his turning to the dark side. Quite a lot was made of this in Return of the Jedi. Ben killed Darth Maul in anger. Why isn't he evil now? This was a major lapse in continuity. Of course, there's always the possibility that Lucas will perform another round of constructive editing to his original masterpieces. All the mysticism has been removed from "The Force" with Episode I. The Force now has a scientific explanation--one which raises far more questions than it answers. If your ability to wield The Force is solely dependent upon microscopic creatures in your blood, then why didn't Ben and Yoda just give Luke a blood transfusion? He could have kicked Vader's butt in Star Wars. Instead of sensing The Force flowing within him, they actually give young Skywalker a blood test! Don't even get me started with the Gungan's. Stupid talking frogs with, what I can only describe as advanced water technology. This movie was created by a man who has been surrounded by lackeys too afraid to offer up even the slightest bit of constructive criticism. Lucas has lost his way. If you'd like to follow him on this comical Disney-like romp, then go on ahead. As for me, I'll remember the first (last?) three episodes as they were--before they were tainted by an old man who's forgotten the child within. Episode I doesn't exist in my world. This movie was a disaster from beginning to end. Major disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: VHS only? Yikes! Review: Special Effects extravaganza on VHS only? Yikes..I will not touch a VHS movie anymore regardless how good it is. Especially realizing George Lucas attitude toward DVD. Ban THX and Lucasfilm for not supporting 16:9 Anamorphic DVD!
Rating:  Summary: I've got a good feeling about this... Review: Spectacular effects, cool new ships, a great intro for R2D2. Who knew that when C3PO said "Thank the Maker", he was referring to Darth Vader? Only gripe is that the dialogue lacks luster and none of the humans in the story are really that engaging, except of course, Palpatine.