Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Menace: "Quick Observations" Review: Rather than cover a review of the movie and all of the features, both which have been capably covered by a number of people in the form of excellent reviews. I will cover some of the first impressions that you won't get on the back of the box.This DVD is the epitome of what DVD's should be, period! Covering everything from widescreen format to deleted scenes. Here are the five biggest impressions from the DVD: 1. Graphic work in menu screens are stunning 2. The Menus are laid out well and easy to manuver 3. The deleted scenes are excellent 4. Trailers are excellent 5. The documentary is very imformative. If only the documentaries would be a little more specialized, nevertheless, expect nothing less than great. The behind the scenes look at the film is excellent. Beside the making of the film in front of the camera, fans get a look at the trails of making the movie. I found the dialog between George Lucas and ILM quite interesting. Okay, this is the part I hate to bring up because I'm not a censor, but the reality is that parents will read this and kid's ears will be tuned if the DVD is purchased. In the documentary, there is some language that may be objectionable to young ears. This is simply a "head's up". The deleted scene's are a big hit too! All of the scenes are Lucasfilm quality and are accompanied with thoughts as to why they weren't included in the final production. This gives the fans an opportunity to question why makers didn't include some of the scene's. Both the television and theatrical trailers are all accounted for, again expect top quality. I wish there was a way to put these trailers in front of the movie and not just make them a seperate feature. Beside superb graphics that serve as a backdrop to all of the menus are simply awesome, the ability to manuver through the menu's are as easy as they are eye-popping! You get the usual Widescreen for the purists and Standard formats for those who don't like black bars at the top and bottom of your screen. The super visual quality as well as the bigger-than-life sound are every bit as Lucas as a Corelian Spice Freighter. A must for the collection of the Star Wars fans! To avoid misunderstanding, I want to stress again this is NOT to be a REVIEW OF THE MOVIE, instead it's IMPRESSIONS of the DVD. There are many very capably written reviews of the film, I am helping you determine the quality of the DVD features itself and the things that popped out at me when I first watched it.
Rating:  Summary: READ RHIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS ! ! ! Review: READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS READ THIS I lowe the starwars BUUUUUUt this one is not like the others. When i first saw it i lowed it but first jar jar binks was he as funny as 3 po. And anikan was a terrible actor, but thats Lucasses folt. If you watch the first moweis you will see that therre is somthing missing. i am going to ask you woul it not be cooler if anikan would not talk much and be mysteryus .And when he weant to the pood race and the air battle he would be wery not sceard and always be comed down he should and he would hit in ewery shot he fierd and eweryone should be wery surprised when they would see him becous hes not just a kid hes Darth veader as a kid. just reamember how darth veader was in the fighter battle in Star Wars 1 or actually 4. But i know i know than he was a jedi master much okder and all but still it would heaw been cool ihf anykan would heaw been like that. But the mowy was better than many other mowys. but i would heaw given the first star wars movies 5 or at least 4 and a healv star but this one only 2 or 3. I just think lucas was board of recording and directing the mowy and only wanted to start making the visual effects. If you think the mowy is great than watch it again then watch one of the first star wars you will see the diffrents. This mowy is more for babys. I hated Anikan in the mowy. And i hope lucas realeyses his mistakes and does better in the next film one other thing Liam neeson and Ewan where so you know dead so not like jedis at least Ewan i mean he was nothing like obi one was in the first films No remember him he was perfect. Quagon was nothing like obi one in the first films And Ewan was nothing like mark hamill but i heAW SEAD TO MUCH. p.s Dont speach enghliss wery well.
Rating:  Summary: What are they thinking? Review: Reading reviews of this movie, and how they seem to basically slam it, has promted me to reply. This is a science fiction movie based on events that are in the mind of a single visionary, George Lucas. I have always thought that science fiction films were to entertain, but maybe I have a heart to much like a child. The fact is, when Star Wars hit the screen in 1977, George Lucas invented the special effects used to make the movie. Looking at the film now, you can see how "cheezy" the effects are, but they still manage to entertain us and tell a story. Episode 1 goes back to the special effects drawing board, breaking new barriers in digital film making. Does it look fake, well yes, but its pretty damn good. I often have to remind people that this is the beginning of the story, not a movie to compare with the first 3 movies released those many years ago. Bottom line, this movie is so much fun, I cannot contain myself. I can do without Jar Jar, but hey, I cannot complain. Unless I can make a story better than Lucas, and provide the effects to bring it to life, I will just sit back and enjoy imagination at its best.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace Review: Real good moive. If you like Stars 4,5,and 6. You'll love this one!
Rating:  Summary: I wanted to like the movie more! Review: Really, I did. But episode 1 just lacks even the most basic chemistry that ANY of the original films had. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy myself at the film, or that this is not one of the better DVD's out there. Both are true. Unfortunately, this DVD has extra features that command more attention than the film itself. I thought this film was done very well in some respects and I did find the story line interesting as I tried to tie in events from the previous films. But this film is doomed to be the first part of a six part series so by nature it is slower. The DVD looks great and sounds great. The extras are voluminous. Lucasfilm did a great job in that regard. In the future, Lucas and Co. should worry more about having believable actors & actresses than CG backgrounds. Can't really recommend this or trash it. It's just average.
Rating:  Summary: This movie was excellent Review: Regardless of what some might say, this movie is one of the best Star Wars ever, and is definetly worthly of being part of the saga. The computer animation was absolutly mind boggling. As I watched the movie I kept thinking, how did they do all of this. The Podrace scene inparticular, is just awesome. I could watch that a hundred times and still not get bored of it. I just wish that this would get released on DVD. I don't know why Lucas has such a problem with DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent addition to the Star Wars saga Review: Regardless of what some might say, this movie is one of thebest Star Wars ever, and is definetly worthly of being part of thesaga. The computer animation was absolutly mind boggling. As I watched the movie I kept thinking, how did they do all of this. The Podrace scene inparticular, is just awesome. I could watch that a hundred times and still not get bored of it. The combination of live actors and computer generated characters was seemless, and to think, the next one will look even better. END
Rating:  Summary: Some reasons you might enjoy this movie. Review: Reviewers of this film tend to fall into one of two camps: Those who loved it and those who loved Stars Wars, but were disappointed by this film. I own the video and I intend to buy the DVD. Put me in the "love it" category. I tend to discount the group who were disappointed by this film. Star Wars was a unique case. It was an entirely new kind of film. Nothing in the same genre could ever match the amazement people felt sitting in a theater watching Star Wars in 1977. This was before video and I remember buying every magazine and Star Wars product I could to relive the experience. I couldn't wait to see what would happen to the Star Wars characters in the next two sequels. It's unrealistic to expect to have the same feelings about this film. Lot's of things that happened 23 years ago seem even better now than they actually were. This Star Wars is for a new generation. "Stretch out with your feelings, Luke!" That being said, what is there to like about Episode I? I suggest the following: 1. Amazing special effects. 2. Thrilling chase and battle scenes. 3. A revealing of the origins of beloved Star Wars characters. 4. A strong female character- Queen Amidala. 5. A detailed plot. 6. Surprises. 7. Amazing scenes and settings. 8. More wonderful music by John Williams.
Rating:  Summary: What were they thinking? Review: Right after when I saw this movie I wish it would never been made. This is the worst Star Wars film I've ever seen. It seemed more like a kids movie to me. The other Star Wars trilogy is much more better than this and I wish that Episode IV would be Episode I, Episode V would be Episode II, and Episode VI would be Episode III (the last episode). What's the point of starting it as Star Wars - Episode IV that is ridiculous. I didn't really like the way that they did that and I hope when I see Episode II next year it would be a lot more better than Phantom Menace. If not I would really be disappointed at George Lucas. Anyways if you hadn't seen The Phantom Menace don't you will not like it stick with the original trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: Dissappointing AND awesome Review: Right. My first review ever. Yeay for me. I'm gonna deal with the dissappointing stuff first, in order to end on a lighter tone. Dissappointing: - Lack of story-line. The first three movies (I refuse to think of this movie as Star Wars 1. The original is part 1 in my book) were following a closely interwoven story-line. I was expecting this movie to add to that. Build up characters, and start with the basics. It did, in a way, but I was expecting more of it. - Annakin. I'm amazed this kid lived to his age. He's way too annoying. "Yeah", "Cool". He says that modern-kid stuff way too often. Mom COULD have drowned him when he was younger. But nooo. - Jar Jar. Leave this double jar on the shelf. "How rude". How I'd love to grab him by that big neck of his, and tie his ears around it. 'Nuff said. - Commerce. We all saw what commerce was when the first (See? Told you I didn't regard this one as the first) 'trilogy' was released. Thing is: Everybody who saw the older Star Wars movies and loved them is now older. Yet this movie was totally made for kids. (See JarJar and Anakin). We, the true old-timer (25 IS old) fans would buy the toys anyway. Heck, we have tons more cash to spend then 22 years ago. No need to have made them so annoying that we'd prolly end up tossing them out the window or hand rags over them to keep from gagging. Everything looks like it's sweet and huggable. We know kids are little adults, but they forget about the adult kids... But, there's some good things in the movie too. Awesome: - The fight. Like another reviewer said: "The best action ever on TV". - The Special-effects. I sometimes wonder when we definatly won't be able to tell the difference between something 'real' and something 'computer-made'. Some of them are a bit overdone, but overall, I'd say the line "Where's my jaw?" pretty much sums it up. - Extras. This DVD is packed with them. Kudos to Lucasfilm for that. - 1/3. Seeing this is the first one of the new trilogy (Ha. did it again!), maybe the Lucasfilm team will listen to all the negative reviews, and think about their long-term fans a little more next time. Granted, the first (!!) three movies were ALSO aimed for kids and commerce, but at least adults also got enjoyment. Now, I think most of the adults were trying to hold down their lunch because of all the sweet kiddie-stuf. AND we'll get to see more of Natalie Portman. (I vote we get full close-ups of her and Anakin going at is!). - Mace Windu. YEAY! Samuel L. Jackson rules! - This is not the end. For two reasons. 1. It's only a movie. My life won't end; I'll just watch the old three (Ha!) movies again and again and again. 2. There's two more to come up. Lucas can make up for this one, plus we'll get more of the storyline. Tip for Star Wars 5: Get Gary Oldman!