Rating:  Summary: another puzzler? Do you like or not?? Yes, but... Review: Phantom Menace was long awaited. Lucas made a BIG MISTAKE in waiting so long to move back into bring the Star War Sagas to film. The long long wait caused so much anticipation that I think before this movie was cursed with high expectations, so HIGH that it set up everyone for a BIG disappointment. I have watched the film repeatedly, and I am left with the feeling - Lucas, you had ALL THESE YEARS, and this is what you settled for? And I do mean settled. Time has passed and we are Special Effects "trained", so the power of Light and Magic is sort of ho hum now...we except bigger and better and when we get it we go...is that all there is? It would be curious...had Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones been released all those many years ago would they have impressed us more??? One only has to look to the brilliantly conceived and executed Lord of the Rings movies to see the ability to thrill us is there. What is the different? - THE CHARACTERS. You care so much for the struggles of Frodo, Aragon and the others...and in caring everything about the movie becomes more real, more vital. You have a hard time caring about the characters in Both of the New Star Wars movies. When you don't care, you are left with Special Effects. They are great, but there should be writing and acting to SUPPORT THEM. I enjoy the performances of Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor, but on the balance the sparkle has dimmed on the force. The original movies worked because YOU CARED. Think back when Harrison Ford was being frozen and the expression in his eyes and the expression in Carrie Fishers....they is what kept the movies special in everyone's heart. One hopes the final instalment of this trilogy gets back to that. Fun time, but it will not live long in your heart as a special film. And please,GL, pay a little attention to better dubbing. At times, this has plagued both films. A fun time...but leaves you thinking you were somehow shortchanged.
Rating:  Summary: Worth the wait and technically sound Review: Picture and sounds quality are superb, both tranistions between menu screens and the layer change are the fastest ever on my player. It was nice to actually be able to read the credits this time, which were blurred beyond comprehension on the widescreen VHS. If you have a home theater, be sure to access the THX Optimode feature in the Languages/Subtitles screen to make your video and audio as clear as you can. However, like others I fully expect this release to be the first of many DVD releases of Phantom Menace. My only wish is that this one had a 'Phantom Edit' option to minimize Jar Jar's screentime. One other thing: the probe droid sequence on Disc Two should never have been cut out. Yes, we saw the droid fly by as Qui Gon was talking to Watto after the race, so we know they'd been found, but this sequence made that work better, and explained why in the next shot Anakin was tired like he'd been running the whole way. It was also nice to see him say goodbye to Jira.
Rating:  Summary: Re-release, re-release! Review: Please Mr. Lucas, please re-release this movie. Take into thought what the fans are saying. That's why Star Wars is as big, the fans. I've been a fan since the 80's and I collect Star Wars. I love the originals (ANH, ESB, ROTJ) and watched them regularly, I couldn't get sick of them. Then when I heard that there was going to be prequals, I was so excited. I can't believe that is the result. It's more of a joke to Star Wars than a part of the Star Wars Trilogy. Just cut some of the podrace, take out "Wizards" and "Yipeee" and Anakin's accidental blow up of the Droid Control Ship. The future Darth Vader couldn't do it on purpose. He's so strong with the force. And please take out Jar Jar's stupid antics and dumb jokes and sayings. "Ex-squeeze me" It would be a much better film and I think the fans would love it more. It would seem more like Star Wars.
Rating:  Summary: I cannot convey the depths of my despair... Review: Poor. Disgrace. Abomination. Horrible. Travesty. These are just some of the words I would use to describe The Phantom Menace. George Lucas aparantly forgot to write a story while making this special effects technology demo. While Neeson does a fine part with his role and McGregor is passable given his poor material, Natalie Portman gives a horribly wooden performance which would make you forget what a fine actress she is. Jake Lloyd is nothing short of atrocious. Jar Jar a 'character' with no purpose than to show of George Lucas' almost impressive computer technology (the character is stilted, does not look realistic at all and is jarring on the eyes) and a vehicle for five year olds humour. (Not to mention, being near incomprehensible). Further slaps in the face include a main character who utters one line, and appears in the movie for about three minutes. Again, he serves no meaningful purpose buut to provide the 'bad guy' for the films climactic lightsaber battle. What else is wrong? An overly long pod race plot line that does nothing but promote the tie in video game. A space battle which is completely without feeling, since its consequences are insignificant and forces we have no need to hope for victory. Terrible "Star Trek" style scientific explainations for the force. Then to top it off, an ending battle directly ripped from Return of the Jedi, only this time with Gungans as Ewoks and droids as Storm Troopers. An awards ceremony stolen directly from Star Wars. Poor, poor, poor. It disgusts me that this movie carries the name 'Star Wars'.
Rating:  Summary: DVD #1 Review: Possible one of the greatest movies to come out in the past five years. This DVD does it all, it takes DVD's to new limits and you definetly get what you pay for and more. Buy it, buy it now. If you don't like JAR JAR just speed through, but get this.
Rating:  Summary: This will be available on DVD in October Review: Pretty good movie and for those of us who have been waiting for a DVD version, our wait is almost over.
Rating:  Summary: Waiting so long...barely worth it..still not enough! Review: Pretty Good Video, but the audio can sure let you down at times, and the fact that we waited a while for this DVD, can't explain why Lucas couldn't of slapped on a DTS track in the first place. I rented this so I could get a dose of the special features and see some deleted scenes, and compare with the full screen video version with the DVD. It's good, and I like to see a wider shot of things. But someone, PLEASE KILL JAR JAR BINKS. He's the reason why this movie doesn't pass for me and why Star Wars Episode I was such a big disappointment. He also ruins the sound quality, and he hurts my eyes, so yeah, you can tell he is pretty annoying. But the DVD passes, not the movie. But the DVD is a disappointment as well, if Lucas made us wait so long, where is the better quality?
Rating:  Summary: Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough Review: Pros: We finally got a new S.W. movie - Great lightsaber battle- cool podrace - battle droids were cool - Darth Maul was cool - my 8yr old son got to experience first hand the excitement of a Star Wars new release opening day.(A day I'm sure he'll never forget); he loved the movie. Cons: I think Lucas' directing was too slight, which caused everyone to seem to be 'just going thru the motions' with their characters - Too much digital stuff; (I dont care what anyone says, the final battle in ROTJ made with minuature models looks worlds better than than that CGI battle sequence. CGI really gives the movie that Star Trek: Deep Space Nine look.)- cheesy 'virgin birth' twist. Just remember - we had our day in the park. This one was for the kids of today - not the cynical, scrutinizing grown ups the kids of yesterday have become. "You must unlearn what have learned." Keep in mind that Empire was a totally different movie than New Hope. Give George a chance to create a more adult movie in Episode 2. If you thought this was a dud, try comparing it to Mission to Mars or any of these other 'drop in the bucket' movies that came out in the last couple years. At least PM made a splash! Whether you liked this or not, you know good and well you'll be there for the opening of the next two movies!
Rating:  Summary: Hey, George, where's the story? Review: Question, my young Jedi: why write a review of a block-buster that everybody and their mother has something to say about? Well,'cause like most of 'em, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore" (to quote an actual "good" movie). Does George Lucas have such little respect for the legions of Star Wars fans that he thinks he can pass off this over-grown commericial for SW toys and merchandise as "the Real Thing?" Yes, visually it is spectacular-- the computer-generated sequences are amazing. But, after the opening scroll you might as well turn off the sound, 'cause if you came here for anything resembling a well-scripted story, you've come to the wrong place. Bottomline: if a modicum of the care and effort that went into developing the effects and "look" of the film had gone into the script and character development, STARS WARS I would have been a worthy addition to the SW canon.
Rating:  Summary: One of the greates movies ever Review: Quite simply, Star Wars: Episode I-The Phantom Menace is an absolutely brilliant movie. Slammed by critics and dissed byeven the hardest of Star Wars fans who expected too much, this movie is one of the biggest blockbusters of all time. George Lucas has the knack for a blockbuster (He has 3 or so in the Top 10) and with TPM, he was able to use his unequalled creative ability to the fullest to create something unparalled to which has never been seen before. To now realize he was not limited to technology or financial constraints, we can see the awesome spectacle that is The Phantom Menace. Then, most fans go out and tear it apart. Are you true SW fans? I was fearful that I would expect too much and I wanted to go to the theatre only knowing a little, which is hard because I am involved with Star Wars very much. The Phantom Menace couldn't even be ignored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, although the critics wished they had, because of the technical and CG brilliance of Lucas' ILM and Skywalker Sound. I am anticipating the release on VHS any day now and will have the patience to wait for it on DVD. Most of you don't know why there is no DVD release, so don't complain. It will happen and in the meantime, enjoy what we have been so lucky to have, STAR WARS!