Rating:  Summary: Curious ... Review: People don't believe that Anakin Skywalker could be born from a pristine union with the force, and that there was absolutely no way he could save the day at the end of the film the way he did. I mean, c'mon, that has got to be totally unplausible, right? But what do they believe in? Jedi, laserswords, comical robots, Muppets and Yoda? Makes you wonder just what kind of people are writing movie reviews these days. They're so quick to accept and even defend this galaxy far, far away but they have to question a direct allusion to Christ. I'm just looking forward to seeing Anakin walk on water in Episode II. On top of that, we already know he died, somewhat of a martyr, in vain for an evil and tyrannical emperor. Then he was resurrected as a harbinger of death that disenfranchised, disillusioned and conquered the galaxy in the name of said vile "father"? Plot twist? That could be a possibility - Anakin is born to his virgin mother through the hand of Palpatine, who reigns as God supreme because of his son. Just what is Lucas trying to say? Look out, because with these thinly-veiled metaphors the religious folk will be picketing the next ones until the DVD release.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Enjoyable Movie Review: People need to give this movie a break! It's not a religion, it is just a fun way to spend your time. Sure, I enjoyed the first trilogy better, there are more memories that go along with it. But this movie gives you an oportunity to make new memories. So Jar Jar Binks is annoying, well... so are the ewoks, or C3PO when you first watch it. Give this movie some time, and you will enjoy it much more.
Rating:  Summary: Not everyone has a DVD player. Review: People seem to either love or hate the movie; see the reviews below. Yes, for numerous reasons, Lucas is downright greedy (i.e. multiple film versions and releases, no standard widescreen tape for sale in North America). Lucas needs to cut back on the toy/product endorsements; he is only contributing to society's problem of materialism.That being said: I'm sorry to hear so many people whine about DVD. It's great that you have the latest technology, but many people only have VHS players, if that. I enjoyed the widescreen version of the movie, and life goes on. Listen to the news.... hear whats happening in South Africa and your DVD problem is no longer such a big issue. If it is, just be patient and wait a few years until the DVD release. Of course, by then there will be newer and "better" technologies......
Rating:  Summary: One of the Top 5 Film Crimes Perpetrated EVER Review: People sleeping on the streets dressed in cloaks and wearing otherworldy masks. The deep breathing sound of a respirator being mimicked by all. 30 year old teenage geeks running around with sticks that light up and make electric razor sounds. No it's not the Apocalypse; it is the hype related to the screening of Episode 1: The Phantom Menace. Although to many it might as well have been the end of the world since the most anticipated film of all time (undoubtably the most anticipated prequel to a cult classic ever) was the biggest letdown of all time. The film has divided fans into three different groups: Those who were let down by the movie, those who were let down but love Star Wars so much they will never speak badly of it (ie 30 year old teenagers living in their parents' basement) and those who (gasp!) actually enjoyed it (the most deranged members of this group say they prefer this over the original trilogy and/or actually like Jar Jar Binks). This film is filled with major flaws such as the poorly written (and poorly acted) Anakin Skywalker (how in the world can a kid so young build a robot and podracer if he is a slave?). Anakin's accidental destruction of the Trade Federation ship is pretty much a farce. Perhaps Anakin's line from that scene says it all; "Oops!" The battle droids were pathetically flawed (geez, if I was building an army I definately would not make them mindless fools) and did not have the grunt stupidity that the good old Stormtroopers have. And if they are so mindless, why waste time having them talk? All this could be forgiven if not for the greatest evil ever unleashed. Now we come to the major villain in all of Star Wars history: Jar Jar Binks. This frog-like Jim Crow minstrel with his awful speech impediment ruined the film. His pathetic clumsiness and shoddy dialogue made him the slapstick of the film; perhaps fill the void left by the present but minor C-3PO and R2-D2. At C-3PO had the whole gay pride thing going for him; Jar Jar is just annoying. With all the hatred people have for the frog freak, it is a wonder that Burger King or McDonalds haven't been granted permission to start production of the Jar Jar Burger; made from real Gungan. This will always be remembered as the worst Star Wars film ever (unless Episode 3 is terrible; but I don't think so). I watched the original trilogy over 100 times each over two years. This film will never make that grand total in my lifetime. Ed Wood's B-film classic "Plan 9 from Outer Space", Peter Jackson's ultra gore indie "Bad Taste" and the badly acted "Crawling Hand" are more entertaining than this film.
Rating:  Summary: Give Me a Break! Review: People who actually form thier own independant opinions on things must objectively rate this as one of the most entertaining movies of all time--if they can be honest with themselves. The Special FX were great--the story was fresh without having to add gratuitous sex or gory violence(the jaded can't seem to live without this sort of thing). At the theatre I was on the edge of my seat during the whole pod racer sequence, and during Aniken's hair raising trip in the fighter craft. My whole family loved Jar Jar Binks and talked about him all the way home. I think Alien Intolerence should be the next target of the Civil Rights movement.
Rating:  Summary: The best movie of the world, of the millenium, of the future Review: People who don't like Jar-Jar Binks are idiots ! I am very fond of Star Wars and of Jar-Jar Binks who is my close and personal friend. Every morning, I wake up and speak with him and he always answer me. My house is the millenium falcon, my father is Obi-wan and i sleep with the princess Leia. I don't know other movie than Star Wars, I watched if 2500 times, every evening I say my prayers for Darth Vader. In my garden, there are some Ewoks and I am very proud to feed them with Star Wars cereals, and my dog (Yoda) like to play with them. Really, i think that people lack of imagination, this is so difficult to think that the president of the country is the emperor Palpatine ? In next election i will vote for Jar-Jar Binks. I bought very Star Wars items : tooth brush, underwear, food, tie, shorts, shockets, car, television, pc and more. Don't believe idiots people who don't like it, they are empire agents ! There is only one good movie in the world and it is Star Wars. Georges Lucas is my god and i will always believe in him. May the force be with you !
Rating:  Summary: *shakes her head* Review: People, wake up and smell the coffee. I'm sick and tired ofpeople criticizing every aspect of TPM. And you know why they do?Because we're all growing up. Think about it. When you first fell in love with Star Wars. You were young, a kid, it was the coolest thing! It captivated you and made time stand still for those 2 hours. Because it *WAS* timeless. That's just how Star Wars is. Now all of us Star Wars fans are older, and more conscious of ourselves. We don't let ourselves be carried away like we were when we were kids. And that is why people of this generation are bashing the Phantom Menace. Because they can't just sit and enjoy it and be mesmerized by it, and watch with wide eyes like they did when they were kids. They can't let themselves go to a galaxy far, far away again. They have to nit-pick it, analyze it, and find every little detail that's wrong with it. People, Star Wars is entertainment! And the best entertainment there is! Look at all the young people that have become Star Wars fans because of Episode I. That was you 16 years ago! Think about it. And next time you watch the Phantom Menace, forget about everything else and LET yourself feel like a kid again. How bad can letting your conscience go for 2 hours be? Just enjoy it like you did 16 years ago. The difference is timeless.
Rating:  Summary: Yawn. Cough. Yawn. "What time is it?" Review: Perhaps giving this movie two stars was a bit harsh. But, I couldn't bring myself to give it three. No way. It's just too boring. This is a movie that is truly sleep-inducing. The plot is a muddle--trade federations, knights fighting on behalf of commerce, a race here, a race there, muddle, muddle, seven large, indisinguishable underwater monsters, etc. Even my 11-year old couldn't stay up through it when we saw for the second time (the pain, the pain) on pay-per-view. I truly love the original Star Wars trilogy. But those films were good in all the ways this film isn't. A true fairy tale story form, great acting turns by the entire cast, energy and enthusiasm, and a great set of villains. The worst thing about this film? The AWFUL kid who plays the young Darth Vader. You'd think after an hour of filming they'd have dumped him. Hmmm. He must be related to George Lucas. Rent it if you must, but no need to buy the darn thing.
Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Menace holds up to the Impossible Hype Review: Perhaps it should have been called Episode I:George Lucas Against the Impossible Hype Machine. No movie could live up to all of the countless expectations this film was required to surpass. I knew from the scrolling introduction that we (the audience) were in for a real treat. With the occasional exception of a certain Gungan character (Who was MUCH less a nuisance by the latter third of the film, contrary to most popular belief) I found all of the characters likeable. I (like most others) could have used more Darth Maul and Darth Sidious, but from what WAS in the movie, I have no complaints. Those less objective to the NEW trilogy's potential felt that the characters in E1 were slightly 2-dimensional, of course I feel that Mr. Lucas has 2 more films to flesh out the characters. Anyway, I loved it. A great movie. I have ordered my copy and I can not wait to see it again.
Rating:  Summary: Where Is The Story? Review: Perhaps this is the best way to begin. Movies like "The Lion In the Winter," Mel Gibson's "Hamlet," and Neeson's "Ethan Frome" are stories that require little IF ANY effects. (The stories are powerful enough to carry their own weight.) This movie is quite the opposite. Effects are everywhere. BUT WHERE IS THE STORY??? I understand that it can be difficult to go backwards from the previous movies and provide earlier information, but this can push even an understanding man's patience. For the most part, the pace is sluggish and even annoying at times. Darth Maul (the main villain) speaks twice in the whole movie. There is too much hindsight involving Anakin. (I understand that there should be some indications of his eventual fate, but it should have been more subtle and ambiguous.) Liam Neeson carries over 90 % of this movie. He is the only person who saves this from being a complete disaster. (He seems to be the only one in the cast who realizes the importance of acting and character development.) Senator Palpatine and Obi Wan share the other 10 %. I will say the fight between Qui Jon, Obi Wan, and Darth Maul is well done. (But a few moments of quality can not carry a whole movie.) I can not say I am holding my breath for part 2.