Rating:  Summary: Original Trilogy...where are you? Review: Ok, this DVD is great. The Beginning documentary is absolutely fantastic, probably the best extra on a DVD in a long time. The deleted scenes which were completed for the DVD are also quite cool. But all this just makes me want the original 3 Star Wars on DVD even more. Obviously Lucas can put together a very excellent DVD, so what is he waiting for with the originals. Come on George- there are millions of people waiting for Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi to come out on DVD, what's the big hold-up??? Now that you've released Phantom Menace (which is certainly the worst star wars of the bunch) you should release the others. I heard he wants to release them in order, so he won't release 4,5,& 6 until 2 & 3 are made and released. If that is true then i guess we'll have to wait another 5 or 6 years to see the original classic Star Wars trilogy on DVD. Too bad DVd's probably won't even be around by then.
Rating:  Summary: No. Review: Ok, this movie isn't TERRIBLE, but it sure as hell isn't good. The actors come across as manequins reading from a teleprompter, and the story doesn't move along well at all (Lucas better jam a LOT of information into Episode II). And just to add salt to the wounds, this video has the poorest visual quality I've seen in a long time - the effects are ok, but the way they come across on VHS are just terrible. It has been known that Episode 1 IS coming out on DVD at the end of the year, but I, for one, will not buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Not out yet but I can't wait - look at the list of extras! Review: Ok, this review has to be done in two parts because I'd like to address both the content of the movie itself as well as the DVD release. Here we go. As a longtime Star Wars fan (first movie I ever saw was "Star Wars" in its theatrical release in 1977 - I was 4) I deliberately avoided the hype and promotional campaigns surrounding the release of "Episode I" in 1999. I thought I'd be more objective if I went into the film with no expectations. Since then I've seen it once again, on video. Based on those two viewings, here's my opinion: The good: Ewan McGregor as the young Obi-Wan Kenobi, the political machinations of Senator Palpatine (staging a Trade Federation conflict to precipitate his rise to Chancellor of the Senate), the closing two-on-one Jedi battle (great choreography), some excellent special-effects work (the cityscapes of Coruscant and Naboo are intricately detailed), nice glimpses of familiar characters in their salad days (Artoo, Threepio, Jabba, etc) and cameos of others (note the Wookies in the Senate, as well as the species we know fondly as E.T.). There's a lot to like in this movie. The bad: debunking of the mythic origins of The Force (it turns out to be a parasitic microorganism), anthropomorphic stereotypes and caricatures (specifically, the Trade Federation and the Gungans), continuity problems with the rest of the saga (Invincible battle droids and destroyer droids predate stormtroopers who fall over if you sneeze at them? Anakin built Threepio? Obi-Wan was apprenticed to Qui-Gon Jinn, not Yoda?), lack of any real character development (remember Captain Panaka? Neither do I, but he's got an action figure), and more than anything else CGI overload (at times you feel like you're watching a cartoon, especially during the Gungan battle with the droids). The downright ugly: the presence of Jar-Jar Binks and the acting performance of Jake Lloyd. I know he's just a kid, but we've all seen what Haley Joel Osment is capable of, so this kid has no excuse. Overall "Eisode I" is a so-so movie, important primarily for its role as the "stage-setter" (being the first of three). It's a far cry from the triumph of "the Empire Strikes Back" which is the high point of the saga so far, but it's no chopped liver either. That said, on to the DVD release. The good: George Lucas commentary! Seven deleted scenes! Five featurettes! A one-hour "making-of" documentary! Multi-angle storyboards! And a music video too! This is a smorgasbord of extras for any movie buff and definately worth the price. The bad and ugly: why can't the original trilogy get this treatment? I know George is busy working on "Episode 2: Insert Riduculous Title Involving Clones Here" but c'mon - do we really have to wait until 2010 for the "Episodes IV - VI" DVD releases? Bottom line: this DVD should be on any Star Wars fan's list on general principle, and on any movie fan's list for the extras alone.
Rating:  Summary: Patience is everything Review: OK, you all you need to find your innerchild and watch this movie! I was 11 years old when the first film came out and I was hooked forever. This movie is for those 11 year olds today..and guess what..most of them loved it! So many of you complained about Jar Jar..did you know people said the same things about R2D2 and C3PO when the first film came out? Or that people bashed Yoda's character? Come on you guys this is not a great sweeping Epic drama like Gone With the Wind it is a wonderfull joyous trip to fantasy and dreamland! If you cannot take some of the step there on your own then no wonder you didn't enjoy it. Lucas cannot do all the work, your imagination has to work too! This is an excellent film. The people who asked about the difference in the technology have to think about how the Empire came in a destroyed things later, the Jedi, the Republic..think of the dark ages when mankind plunged into a dark period of history and much was lost. That is why the equipment is not a pretty in 4, 5 & 6. The Republic is over and the Empire has control..no one has the money to be pretty. Enjoy this film as you would if you were 11 and you will love it!
Rating:  Summary: The Beginning of the Saga but NOT the Beginning of the Story Review: OK, you're asking what! Episode:I maybe the "beginning" of the saga, but it is NOT the beginning of the story. I just watched my WIDESCREEN version. (Second time viewing the film.) I now see where this film is in the Star Wars timeline. The story actually starts back in Darkhorse Comics' series, "Tales of the Jedi", where the Sith are the powerful race. The Sith have had dealings with the Jedi in the past and lost. Now the Sith are out for revenge. "Now we will get revenge", says Darth Maul. The Sith are secretly using the Trade Federation, a body in the Republic Senate, as a catallyst to start a "change-of-guard" by throwing a monkey-wrench into the fragile Republic by illegally invading the planet of Naboo. Enter Senator Palpatine. A senator who's interest in gaining power in the Republic is quite apparent when he pushes to oust Chancellor Valorum for lack of confidence. I still question whether or not Darth Siduous is Palpatine in disguise, I'm not sure here. Enter Annikin Skywalker. A slave boy on the planet Tatooine, born to woman who says, "I carried him, gave birth to him. There was no father." Sounds like a premonition to me. ;) The Jedis have always had a prophecy that a boy would be born to bring Balance to the Force. However, as Qui-Gon wins Annikin's freedom and brings him in front of the Jedi Council, Annikin fears the unknown without his mother. As Yoda preaches, "Fear will lead you to the Dark Side", the Jedi Council hesitates to train Annikin of the Force for this very reason. The darkness starts to loom after this as Palpatine wins Chancellor of the Republic and pats Annikin on the shoulder with a twinkle in his eye. I have upped my review from 3 to 5 stars, based on my new understanding of this film.
Rating:  Summary: Disgrace to The Star Wars Trilogy Review: Ok. Everyone reading this knows that a Star Wars flick has as much to do with special effects as it does a good plot line. But, with the kind of financial and professional resources available to Lucas, there should be a better result. The movie was not only predictable and poorly scripted, but nearly void of all entertainment value. It utilzed the same basic formula as its predecessors, but it lacked the heart and the ability to enrapture the viewer. Too much time was spent on sequences that are visually appealing, but predictable and without substance(ie: pod racing scene and underwater fish chase). This feature needed a better plot, less fluff, and more of Dearth Maul.
Rating:  Summary: MEDICHLORIANS, CHOSENONES SABER DUELS O MY! Review: Ok. Lucas had a brain cramp when he created the medichlorians none sense. And what is this about "The chosen One"? But this is a very good movie! The purpose of this movie was to introduce us to Lukes parents and the Jedi temple as it existed during the Republic. It also introduces us Darth Sidious - Palpatine - The Evil Emperor. The music is chillingly outstanding. The door opens with Maul standing there and John Williams song "duel of the Fates" starts. What a moment in movie history. Then we are treated to an incredible, high energy light saber duel like nothing ever seen on screen. Yes there are dumb things to criticize. An elected Queen-ruler of a planet who is 16 years old? Darth Vader didn't recognize R2D2 or C3PO. Jar Jar isn't so bad... he spakes!
Rating:  Summary: I don't care that there's no DVD yet ! Review: Ok...Obviously the DVD version of the new (if not all of them) Star Wars movie would've been astonishing, but let's not forget what are we rating here. If you didn't want the video and were hoping for the DVD, well, TOO BAD. Snap out of it, why did you bought the video then? I believe that this was the best Star Wars film yet (in terms of visual effects and sound) and a whole amazing experience. The widescreen edition is superb. I bought both editions (widescreen and Pan n Scan) so I could live the experience in all the ways that I can. Of course I'll buy the DVD version when it's released, but let's enjoy what's here right now while we wait for Episode II.
Rating:  Summary: STOP!!! Review: Okay guys, it's time to STOP bashing TPM!!! Needless to say (check the name), I'm a huge Star Wars fan. I watch, read, write and collect it. Out of all SW movies, TPM is the worst, hands down. But if you compare it to other movies that have come out in the past few years, come ON. Would you rather watch TPM or Charlie's Angels? I didn't LOVE TPM, but I don't hate it either. The acting ranges from sucky to great, the sfx are the best, the script could use some work and the fights can't be beat.
Rating:  Summary: no luke Review: Okay I am a loyal star wars fan and I enjoy all the ..., knockoffs, and/or spinoffs. This however isn't one of those. I remember the "original trilogy" and when I was 6 or 8 I asked " daddy, why is star wars backwards?" But I could never get a direct answer. You see the reason that everyone thinks episode 1 is stupid is that Luke Skywalker doesn't prance onscreen. Every one is used to this whiny personality that he had. I appreciate Mr. Lucas for not including his personality in any of these characters. Of course, no movie is perfect. There are flaws. Like why does this movie seem to last 1 hour instead of the Star Wars classic length 2 hours? Why does Maul only have 2-5 lines in the movie? The lightsaber fight is awesome. It would make any Bushido Japenese Katana weilding master jealous. ...