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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Episode 2 is brilliant
Review: Attack of the Clones, the second installment of the Star Wars Saga (if your counting chronologically) is a brilliant piece of movie making magic and the DVD is a wonderful addition to any fans collection.

The DVD contains everythign from Trailers and Music Video to the various documentaries and deleted scenes often found in today's DVD releases. The great thing is that all of these extra features will help to round out the story for you and fill in any gaps with which you may have come away from the theater.

The movie itself, as I said earlier is brilliant. Where Episode 1 was somewhat slow, ATOC moves along at a brisk pace, leaving you breathless by the end. Also unlike Episode 1, Jar-Jar is not front and center to distract from the story line. While I enjoyed Phantom Menace I understand why many people disliked it. Jar Jar Binks was quite distracting and took away from the seriousness of the story. AOTC has no such problems.

As the story progresses we see the interaction between Obi-wan and Anakin and the growing tension between them. Anakin feels his growth is being stifled and longs to break free to fulfill his destiny.

Another story line developing which will lead to Anakin's downfall (and obviously tied to the conflict between Anakin and his master) is his developing love for Padme. As the film progresses both Anakin AND Padme must decide whether they shall respect the bonds of the Jedi or disreguard them and suffer the consequences.

The technical achievements of Episdoe 2 are amazing. This is the first film to be photographed completely in the digital realm and is also the first digital film to be brought to DVD. The crispness and clarity of the final product prove digital is here to stay. Add to this the amazing special effects and you have an amazing film, one that is equal to Episdoe 5 (my favorite).

If you buy only one DVD this holiday season, purchase Episode II: Attack of the Clones.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Two words!
Review: If anyone is on the fence regarding purchasing this DVD, I have two words for you that will make it worth your while and your money: Christopher Lee! Most of you probably know Christopher Lee as Gandalf's nemesis Saruman in the Lord of the Rings movies, but in Attack of the Clones he plays the Sith Lord Count Dooku.

Well, why is Christopher Lee(Dooku) such a cool character in this movie you ask? Because the final fight sequence between he and Kenobi is simple awesome. Furthermore, what really makes the scene great is the odd and insane facial expressions which Lee displays during the fight! I guarantee that if you focus on his face, you will end up laughing hysterically at his expressions. It just goes to show you what happens when an actor has to prepare and act out a part in a short time period. Anyways, the last twenty minutes of this movie is really the clincher and make the whole movie worth purchasing, but Christopher Lee is really the clincher!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Whats going on with the widescreen
Review: Why do they need to put out a DVD for widescreen and a DVD for the pan+scan, rather than just going the usual way of having both formats to choose on one DVD???? I cant see there not being enough room if they are adding on 6 or so hours of extras!...

Is this confusing to anyone else?

Is this a money making thing or are they actually just providing us with more options?

I would ALWAYS prefer to watch sci-fi / fantasy films in the original widescreen format, but thought the DVD's usually let you choose, even during playback!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 3rd Best of the 5!
Review: Third Best Star Wars Movie behind Empire and Star Wars! This was worth the wait! I rushed out on my lunch break to get it!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Better than Episode I
Review: Better than Episode I. That should have been the tagline, because everyone is saying it. Episode I was not all that bad, its just that are standards are so high from the original series being so good. Episode II being better than Episode I, does not make it great, but hey these prequels will always come under par to are standards, no matter what Lucas cooks up.

We need more characters like Han Solo and Chewi, and what about the Ewoks. These first two Episodes have lacked the personal level that the first series had. We knew the characters because they had a personality. They were not formal. This new series brings formality as if these characters were royalty or something. It is as if they were from Europe. We never would have heard Han Solo or Luke Skywalker talk this way. Why should we hear it now.

This movie like its predecessor gets lost in its own awareness. The characters know that they have to fit the part because they, just like us, already know what the future holds.

That is what makes this series weak, but still we will continue to watch because George Lucas is making history with his ground breaking series. With over the top special effects and digital sights beyond what we can grasp, this series will be treasured for lifetimes to come. That is why we watch and that is why Episode III will surpass the original's gross because we will regretfully have to say goodbye to a masterpiece, despite its imperfections I recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys the series in the least bit. It is still quite entertaining.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great DVD. Disappointing Movie.
Review: What can I say about Attack of the Clones? Sure it was better than Phantom Menace, which was ultimately a kiddie flick. But it could have been so much better. With the exception of Ewan McGregor, the acting of the leads was just passable. And the love story -- absurd. The critical moment in the series: Anakin moving to the dark side? Off screen. Initiated by *SPOILER ALERT* a scene of zero emotional depth in which his mother dies in his arms virtually instantly after he sees her for the first time in years. And who is it that bears the brunt of Anakin's rage? Is it soldiers of the Republic? The Jedi Order? No -- just some anonymous sandpeople. Ho hum. If you're looking for deep psychological insight on what might turn someone from good to evil, it isn't here. This isn't "the Godfather."

There are, let's face it, many problems with the plot of this series so far that diminish what should have been an epic and complex morality tale to rival the classics in the genre. The first two and half movies in the series (let's just try to forget the Ewoks) promised as much. These last two, Episodes I and II, have failed to live up to that promise. Not terrible in terms of science fiction, but so disappointing in light of what could have been. I only hope that Episode III is a much darker, complex tale told on an adult level. Hope springs eternal.

That all being said, I can't find any fault with the presentation this movie (or Episode I) has received on DVD. The DVD is simply breathtaking to behold. And the action sequences and special effects, which were terrific in the theatre, lose nothing when viewed at home. If you want to show off an expensive audio-video system, you won't do much better than this. If only the rest of the movie were better.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Once again, it's the right dress on the wrong girl!
Review: Granted, "Clones" is better than "Phantom Menace." But few things were worse than "Phantom Menace", so it's a loaded compliment.
The "Clones" DVD has a lot of the same features that saved the "Phantom Menace" DVD from being a waste of money: commentaries, b-t-s effects docs, production footage, etc. And the fact that "Clones" is an entirely digital production means that the picture and sound in the movie are WAY above average quality. So from the standpoint of someone interested in how this movie was put together, this DVD is worth the purchase.

But the film itself is disappointing for a "Star Wars" movie, as was "Phantom Menace". Like "Phantom", "Clones" is just a collection of digital effects setpieces, clunky dialogue, actors with little chemistry who look and sound bored stiff (or just plain untalented), and boring political plot exposition that will EVENTUALLY lead to the events of Episodes 4-6. There just isn't enough captivating backstory to the original "Star Wars" trilogy to merit THREE prequels. The integrity of the "Star Wars" franchise might have been better served by just ONE fast-paced and exciting prequel movie, rather than have Lucas spread this not-that-interesting-anyway backstory out over three films.

In the original trilogy, the special effects, groundbreaking at the time, enhanced the story. In this new trilogy so far, the effects ARE THE ONLY REAL REASON for the films. He's making them this way because he CAN, not because it serves to make the story any better.

I certainly don't expect the fanatical fans of Episodes 1 and 2 to agree with me on this, but a lot of older fans of the original trilogy I have spoken with sure do. There's still time, George, to do the franchise justice with an Episode 3 that contains the elements that made 4,5,and 6 so memorable. But effects-for-effects-sake isn't necessarily the way to go, even if it does make for a feature-loaded DVD release one day.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Stellar Disappointment
Review: What can I say. More importantly, how can I express my disappointment and do so kindly. George Lucas has lost sight with his most recent addition to the Star Wars saga. What was once a franchise predicated upon classic story telling, has been reduced to a mixed bag of overly embellished special effects. Wasn't it Mr. Lucas that stated that "A special effect without a story was a pretty boring thing"? Well George, it is time to start practicing what you preach. My suggestion! Put the laser blasters, and political overtones to bed. This franchise was perfect just the way that it was. Afterall, anything worth doing is worth doing right. Neither Episode I or II even come close to doing that.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Phantom DVD Clone
Review: STAR WARS: EPISODE II-AOTC may be a bit better than Episode I, in terms moving the overall story forward, but I still think the film has a lot of problems I thought the Graphic Novel of the film, though edited, was much better. It is 10 years after Episode I... The story centers around the forbidden love that grows between young Jedi Padawan, Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) and Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman). The film's other storylines involve the growing unrest in the Republic as it heads towards certain war, the training and slow turn to the dark side of the force, by Anakin and a mystery surrounding the Sith. Hot on the trail of some nasty bounty hunters, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) is led to discover a fallen Jedi, Count Doku (Chritopher Lee) has plans to plunge the galaxy in to much more than just war..with guidance from Darth Sidious (Ian McDirmiad).

The film has a lot going on, however, the direction by George Lucas is still pretty flat. Now, I know what some of you are thinking out there, I gave the comic book novel such a glowing review, what gives here. My point is that even in the scenes where the characters supposed to show some emotion, it appears stiff. as though everyone were so worried about reacting to things that weren't there, instead of "acting" in the moment. One reason the book works better is because I, as the reader can use my mind's eye to convey the proper amount of weight needed. As far as the love story, Christensen and Portman may get points as a good looking duo, that's it. It all goes back to the flat direction Lucas takes his time with long effects shots, showing us what technology can do, and plenty of eye candy but a lot of it still looks like you can tell its CGI. I am a big proponent of digital cameras, I have even used them, but I don't think the technology really improves anything on a movie like this (not yet anyway). There is so much CGI to look at here that the actors get lost in it all Unless you saw the film at a theater with a digital processing projector, it wasn't the the real deal. (I did not) Until more theaters catch up anyway, it detracts from the action on screen. After a false start with Episode I, at least the dots started to connect in CLONES and everything foreshadows what we already know about the future. It's great to have Christopher Lee in the film, even though I really missed Darth Maul (Ray Park), the best thing about THE PHANTOM MENACE as an adversary.

Perhaps, I just long to be wowed again, as I was with the first three films. Gone is the "gee-whiz" of it all Maybe I have become too cynical about the latter installments, or are my expectations too high? A debate for others...Note to Lucas great imagination and all but get someone you trust to direct Episode 3, If you are stuck on whom you should ask... I, as a film school graduate, know plenty of candidates who would be willing to help you out.

As for the extras on this 2 disc set. Lucas has again pulled off the task of having the extras, come off better than the film. The commentary with Lucas and key effects personnel, is good, but unless your into that kinda thing (I am) it may seem dry to all others. As with the Episode I extras, the best video based feature is the almost hour long documentary on the making of the film. You can tell that Lucas is more comfortable talking about the effects, than the actors, it shows. Another telling factor, is the fact that the actors get little time devoted to their take on things, as opposed to the "tech" team. Folks who liked Phantom Menace on DVD wont mind though. One extra that I wish was included on the extra disc, was the R2-D2 online series "Under The Dome", only a bloated ad for it made it onto the set instead The deleted scenes were wisely cut from the film, but are good to have as an extra, just the same (especially the Padme interrogation sequence). The rest of the stuff is just more of what you would expect. Theatrical trailers, television ads, another music video from composer John Williams, DVD-ROM material that's nice but not that impressive, round out the set. For "Easter Egg" hunters, there are a few hidden gag reels for you to find. **** stars Recommended for the extras...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: STAR WARS RULES(...)
Review: The love story is no worse than the one with Han and Leia. The rest of Attack Of The Clones just rocks!(...) Don't listen to the Non Star Wars fans on here. They never got it in when it started in 1977 and feel left out so they attack with childish ranting in their reviews. STAR WARS IS GREAT FUN!(...) Much better than SPIDERMAN was.

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