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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Really misunderstood and unfairly reviewed movie!
Review: Luke in ANH "But I was going into town to get some power converters!" Or how about Princess Leia upon getting rescued; "Aren't you a little short for a Storm Trooper?" and another great, masterpiece line when she confronts Darth Vader; "Only YOU would be so bold as to attack a diplomatic star ship!" And of course, I wouldn't really consider it fine acting, or even fine scripting, when Luke (Mark Hamille) finds his aunt and uncle who raised him as charred black skeletons and basically shrugs it off, forgetting all about them in about 5 minutes, but then freaks out when Ben Kenobi dies even though he knew him for about 15 minutes (during which time he learned all about the Force). Let's face it, dialogue and acting are no better in ANH than in Episodes II, in fact I would dare to say that AOTC dialogue and acting is actually an improvement. I take Hayden Christensen's amazing expression of anger and hatred as he carries his dead mother back home over Mark Hamille's whining any day. But nobody here complains about ANH, ranting on and on about some nonsense of the "magic" of the originals, when in truth the 12 year old in you is dead and now looking at the same material as a 30+ year old, you refuse to admit that what you once loved you can't, or don't, anymore. Episode II, in my opinion, was excellent. Star Wars has NEVER been about acting. It has always been about plot, action, and special effects, and it does those superbly. One critic who gave the movie 1 star complained about the clone army that the "writer's" conveniently tossed in to save the good guys in the end. Duh! Did this person not even understand what this movie was about? Did he not understand that both Chancellor Palpatine and Count Dooku purposely set up both the clone army AND the droid army in order to start a war so that Palpatine could gain emergency political powers, which he later manipulates to make him emperor? Jeesh, before you criticize Lucas, first watch the movie carefully and take a few seconds to think about it!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Fooled again
Review: Once again, I have watched another Star Wars prequel, and regret it. This episode, like Episode I, does not hold a candle to the three films that elevated Star Wars into its place in fantasy film. These are dramatic embarassments, full of poorly staged scenes, wooden acting, inappropriate dialog, and wasted talent. The special effects are spectacular, and there are perhaps two sequences worthy of the series, but otherwise this is 2+ hours of leaden filmmaking. The next installment will surely seem more forced, like more of an exercise, than either of the first two. I will probably watch it, hate myself for having fed the gaping maw of Lucasfilms yet again, and so it goes. Luckily, Episode III should end this litany of painful prequel experiences.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Good, Not Great
Review: This movie has amazing visual effects, a beautiful score and imagination to spare. What it oh so disappointingly lacks is good acting. Natalie Portman is so painfully wooden...Lucas had better spend a lot of time rehearsing the actors on third one. It's funny, watching all the DVD features, it is so obvious Lucas has no interest in or respect for the acting process. This is why this movie and its prequel will be easily forgotten once the digital tools are put in the hands of someone who actually cares about actors as well. Like Peter Jackson. George Lucas is out of touch.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I would have given it no stars, but they don't let you.
Review: I'm sorry, but this movie is just dull, I don't get the point of it, I know it's supposed to be backstory, but why, why would I care why and how Darth Vader is created, he is what he is in the only three Star Wars movies there are. I still think the jokes made that George Lucas writes these Prequels as he goes is true, and the simple fact that he is actually going to end up having to redo parts of the original three movies is irritating to say the least. I say it's all about money plain and simple. Did anyone actually care about the storm troopers? Why would you, and come to think of it, why would they even need officers in a clone army, it just didn't make sense and the story dragged and dragged. One other thing, one second Yoda is floating, another he is hobbeling like an old man, next he is bouncing off the walls like a 10 year old on speed and pcp, the power of the force is sure a magic thing. A magical annoyance.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Episode II moves to number 3 on the Star Wars list
Review: I feel that this movie places its self at the # 3 spot after Empire Strikes Back! The 5th installment takes us more into the dark side of the force and introduces us to what becomes the springboard for Skywalker to dive into evil. As much as I like this film, there is a beef and I will get into it later. You are probably reading this review because you are pondering the thought of buying this DVD and you want some food for thought to help. Let me help steer you in the right direction, buy this DVD!! If you are a home theater owner, this will be one of the flicks you'll bring out to demo you system, and if you are the rainy day, cuddle up in front of the TV with a good flick type, this will also suite you. The story take us 10 years from episode 1 and young Skywalker is now a young man who is going through what most kids his age go through; he's brass, rebellious, flirtatious and curious. What makes him different is, he's one of the most gifted Jedi's to take up with the order. Like other gifted children and young adults, he needs the proper guidance to help cultivate his talents to their truest. The problem is, he has pentad up anger and deep inside the "cocky" Jedi, is a frightened child! As Yoda would say, "Lead to the dark side, this will". The obvious fact here is the special affects are mind blowing, everything from outer space to the landscapes and the aliens that reside on them! The soundtrack keeps up with Lord of the rings as reference quality and the video is amazing and benefits from a pure digital transfer. As far as a story line... The story starts to set up the events that lead us to IV; We are introduced to the clone army that seems will become the storm troopers that we knew so well from the first series of movies. Anakin is defiant to Obi-Wan, and every one of authority for that matter, and his anger builds through out the movie until the death of his mother releases it. The act of vengeance and the love for the once Queen and now Senator Amidala are defying the very rules of the Jedi order. Plus, there seems to be a war brewing between the Republic and the separatists. The Jedi are clueless to the undermining that's going on in the senate (or that's how Lucas wants you to perceive it). Anakin finding love (which will lead to children) and the Jedi order weakening, this will allow the dark side to creep in. Now to my beef... The fight scene with Yoda and how the ruined it. What they did was take the supreme Jedi whose strength goes beyond force and mystic ability and, when challenged, reduced him to show boating! They had him flipping around and bouncing off walls during the long anticipated saber battle instead of showing his superiority through offence that's a direct counter to his defense. Like in martial arts or sword fighting, the masters lay back and strike as a counter from the defense. I feel the Jedi was based on martial arts and a sword fight is a sword fight. They should have made him the superior by showing his defensive superiority and how he would do that and stay totally calm through out. I like the fact that he didn't say things like; you are no match for me or some other stupid testosterone antidote. I would of liked to have seen a different approach to the fight scene with Yoda. That aside, I thought it was a very good movie and makes me anxious for the next and last installment.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AOTC is Awesome - don't listen to the crusty old cynics
Review: This DVD is brilliant - the extra's are the best you can get on any DVD in the market - particularly the hilarious R2-D2 mockumentary. The picture and sound quality is perfect - nothing else to say on that, except watch it on a decent setup - not a PS2 or X-Box.

The movie is Star-Wars, with all those great little things and massive attention to detail that makes Star Wars so awesome. If you are a fan of Star-Wars then you will love this movie - it has heaps of lightsaber fights, tonnes of wicked action sequences, a huge war sequence, cool spaceships and a great story line that answers a lot of questions.

Highlights are the clone war, Jango Fett & Obi Wan having a cool fight, the new planets, Slave I kicking some ... in an asteroid field, and most of all seeing why Yoda is the best lightsaber wielder in the galaxy.

And to all those cynics who said this was ... in your reviews - grow up and appreciate this for what it is - Star Wars - fun, fighting, fantasy and eye-droppingly gorgeous visuals/fx (esp. Natalie Portman!). Its a Star Wars movie for godsake - you guys can go and watch your Beautiful Minds and marvel at how great the acting is - no-one cares. This is a Star Wars movie through and through and it is fun and takes you on a spectacular ride for 137 minutes. The acting and directing is no worse than any of the original trilogy - so leave it alone and stop your little cry-baby whinging........ If you expected Oscar quality acting then you should've gone to see something else. This rocks!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sci-fi action fans will be immensely pleased.
Review: Attack of the Clones has many of the same problems that plagued The Phantom Menace: the acting is often stilted, the dialogue is cheesy, and the love story is boring. Why then, do I give this film a high recommendation and consider it far superior to Episode I? The answer's simple: the action sequences are elaborate, magnificent and thrilling, and yes, there's more action here than in any of the other installments.

Continuing several years from where Phantom Menace left off, there's trouble brewing in the Republic as many star systems threaten a separatist movement. Senator Amidala's life is placed in danger after an assasination attempt, so Jedi Padewan Anakin Skywalker is assigned as her bodyguard while his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, investigates who ordered the hit on Amidala. Meanwhile, Anakin and Amidala fall in love, but further trouble brews from a threat from a dark Jedi knight called Count Dooku.

Plot-wise, there's nothing particularly interesting about Episode II. As a matter of fact, I think Lucas' reasoning for coming up with such an awful title as Attack of the Clones would probably make for a slightly more intriguing tale than the love story between Anakin and Amidala. As for the clone army segments, they're certainly more captivating than the romance, but is hindered by contrivances and stupefyingly silly moments (take, for instance, the scene where Obi-Wan questions the clone engineers, who think he's there to inspect the clone army, but don't seem to realize how ignorant he is of the situation).

Somehow, George Lucas as a director manages to bring out the worst in an actor. The cast includes the likes of Ewan Mcgregor, Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen, and Samuel L. Jackson. To say that Yoda, now a CGI creation, is a more lively, enthusiastic character than these performers kind of tells you how flat the acting is. Mcgregor is probably the best of the bunch, since the script actually goes to some length to make him into a semi-intelligent character (barring the scene where he can't seem figure out how a planet could have disappeared from the archives). Jackson's intensity works to his advantage during the battle scenes, but Christensen and Portman deliver mostly dreadful performances. While the former gets a few good dramatic moments, Portman can't even claim that much; the only impression she makes is as eye candy.

So no, story and acting don't have anything to do with why I highly enjoyed this film. Such acclaim should be for the action sequences, which are easily the series' most spectacular and technically proficient. Let me run some of the highlights: there's the speeder chase through Coruscant, Obi-Wan's one-on-one fight against Jango Fett, a factory jamboree, gladiator-style combat with three hungry monsters, and massive battle scenes that dwarf any of those in the previous entries. Oh, and let's not forget the lightsaber fights, one of which here will probably go down as one of the series classic moments. The last forty minutes, in particular, almost threaten to exhaust with the almost non-stop fighting. With so much action comes a hefty dose of violence, making the PG-rating a joke. There are 4 (bloodless) decapitations, 2 cut off arms, and a scene where a mother dies in her son's arms. Without a doubt, this is the most explicitly violent PG-rated film since Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Lucas may be a terrible writer and actor's director, but he's definitely adroit when it comes to action/adventure. Plus, the special effects are excellent and the planetscapes are even a little imaginative, if not innovative. Nowhere else are you going to see a film that has created such a galactic scale civilization, not even in the original series. John Williams' score is less memorable than his work in the previous entries; aside from the main theme and a brief use of Emperor's March, I honestly couldn't remember a lick from the score. If I see the film again, I'll have to pay closer attention to it.

How does Attack of the Clones fare when compared to the rest of the series? It's certainly better than Phantom Menace and Return of the Jedi, though certainly weaker than The Empire Strikes Back. Watch it if you're into action and special effects; on that rather basic level, this movie will indeed satisfy.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: This Movie is Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!
Review: Hahahaha. Look at all the people clamor to the theater in order to soak in the latest piece of . . . passing itself off as a Star Wars movie. "Why do I have the feeling you'll be the death of me someday", says Obi-Wan to Anakin as we are supposed to laugh at the foreshadowing George Lucas sets up, except that we already know that Obi dies by Anakin. So the joke's not funny and neither is every other intended joke in this crudfest. The only funny part is the supposed "romance" between Padme and Anakin, which feels about as intense as a hula hoop.
The little diner that Obi-Wan visits, what the hell does it all mean? This movie has waaaaaaaay too many modern references, do yourself a favor and rent episodes four through six and skip out on ep. 3 because I'm sure it'll be as bad as the last two. George Lucas better take the next movie off and try and regain his sense of adventure because this franchise is more stale than a crouton.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My generation. (NOT the who song)
Review: I love these films. I have not seen AOTC but hope to get it for Christmas. All nine of the movies will creat a BIG story. For that to be done, you must have diffrent actors as in the original ones (a new hope ect). Keep in mind that Lucus first hade the idea of Phantom Menace or AOTC way before he came up with the idea for a new hope. These are MY generations movies! So BUG OFF! All those 60 year old who hate these movies: To Bad!

(i give it 5 stars because of the vocies in my head.......my precious!)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Attack Of The Clones DVD Review
Review: There is this little movie, Star Wars. You may have heard of it. The next chapter in the Star Wars saga is "Attack Of The Clones." This film takes on a noticabeley darker tone than "The Phantom Menace," and is the second darkest in the Star Wars series, behind "The Empire Strikes Back." There were a few flaws in this film, as with Menace, but "Clones" is an extremely enjoyable film and a worthy inclusion in the Star Wars saga. Now it's coming to DVD. All I have to say is, buy it. Buy it now. As with "The Phantom Menace," "Clones" is an extremeley well done DVD with hours of features, and awesome picture and sound.


Set 10 years after the events in "Menace," an assasination attempt has been made on now Senator Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman). She is to be looked after by Jedi night Obi Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), and his apprentice Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christiansen). But Obi Wan is sent to Kemino is investigate and find bounty hunter Jango Fett, while Anakin hides with Padme on Naboo, where they begin to fall in love. While on Kemino, Obi Wan discovers that the Republic is using Jango Fett to create a clone army. Soon after, the first battle of the "Clone Wars" ensues. Episode 2 is an entirely entertaining film, and a must see. (5/5)


Video: Oh my god! The picture quality presented is absolutely flawless. Episode 2 was shot entirely digital, and the DVD was a direct "clone" from the original digital source. Colors are simply outstanding, and there are absolutely no flaws. This is why I bought DVD! Easily one of the two best DVD's in terms of picture quality I have ever seen. The picture quality is even BETTER than in the theater! The DVD comes in either Widescreen 2.35:1, or a Full Screen Version. Both versions are extremely, and equally pleasing, no matter your preference. (5+/5)

Sound: The sound on this disc is also outstanding! The Dolby Digital 5.1 EX soundtrack fills the room wonderfully. The two best examples, and certainly reference quality scenes are the chase through the asteroid field, and the 30 minute clone battle sequence. The sound is envelouping, and outstanding. (5/5)

Features: This disc comes with over 6 hours of features! From a commentary, to deleted scenes, documentaries, trailers, TV spots, and much much more! (5/5)

Overall: (5/5) Excellent DVD! Highly recommended!

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