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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Star Wars Episode II
Review: The system does not allow the option of selecting no star, so I am forced to give one to this HD video. So far the more parts there are of a movie the worse it gets, and unfortunately this is also true for the Star Wars saga.
Episode two even more then Episode one seriously suffers from lack of story. The attempt to give the multiple action CGI sequences credibility through the construction of an incomplete political back story fails entirely. The reasons for the featured clone war are barely apparent, and the lack of a real antagonist in both new episodes does not make it easier to detect a story line. Maybe part three will make greater sense, once Anakin turns into Lord Vader, even though there is little hope.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Its Star Wars...what do you expect?
Review: Its amazing how many people hate Star Wars now. Yes, the last two movies could have been better if George Lucas had let someone else direct, but its only Star Wars. Nostalgia has played a big part in turning three mediocre movies into grandeous childhood memories. For those of us who saw the original Star Wars in 1977, nothing will beat the awe and thrill of watching Luke fly through the trench, use the force, and blow up the Death Star. At the time, the movie was a visual tour-de-force! (Only to be outdone by TESB) How can you possibly recapture that feeling?!?
The problem with the new movies is you already know what is going to happen. It diminishes the excitement somewhat. From 1983 to 1999, every old school Star Wars fan contemplated the idea of prequels. In their mind, they constructed what they should be. That makes it hard for these movies to satisfy a lot of viewers. They haven't been exactly what I thought they would be either.
As for Attack of the Clones, the movie is more enjoyable than Phantom Menace. The deleted scenes on the DVD help flesh out the Padme/Amidala character much more...making her more human and likable. (Hint: reading the novel will greatly increase the enjoyment of the movie.) The movie is a little slow during the "love" sequences, the Anakin character, once again, comes across like a big cardboard cut-out, but the final battle more than makes up for all of it. The clone troopers kick.... The visual effects are outstanding. And yoda...what can you say...he's one bad little green guy with a lightsaber. The DVD is much like Phantom...tons of extra content and probably the best picture and sound of any DVD, periodBR>Any real Star Wars fan will find enjoyment in this movie. It may not be the best movie, but hey...its only Star Wars.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: STARS WHAT?
Review: Please, can somebody tell me what's going on here? This is sheer [junk], really, I'm not joking!Don't go get It with any expectations at all, the main character, Anakin, is terrible, didn't he get any actor's course before this? He only makes faces, oh, of course, several teenager girls were hooked on him, as they are hooked on every single pretty face that is on the spotlight, what saddens me is that George Lucas used this guy NOT because of his talent as an actor (Unless he's blind and def) but because of his potential in forming a romantic pair.I couldn't help remembering what romantic pairs wrere all about in the times of Princess Lea, who was fortunate enough to act with Mr.Harrison Ford.If I were George Lucas, I would have sticked to the trilogy and forget about this piece of sh....Maybe, If he's clever enough, he'll let Steven Spielberg do what he wants and direct the third and last part of this charade they insist in calling ''stars wars''.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The BEST STAR WARS movie ever!
Review: AOTC is a must buy movie~ Perfectly moved to DVD and VHS. I believe the dialog and acting did not effect the movie's excellency at all. It is perfectly blended in with the splendid and dazzling special effects of any STARWARS movies. I think this movie brought all the elements of a good movie to the people. It had thrill, plot, conflict, mystery, love, climax, resolution, a little humor from C-3PO and R2D2, and the famous STARWARS saber-duel. How can anyone compare AOTC with movies created about 20 years ago?! It's a different time period with a different perspective! You can compare movies in the same time period because it is based on the same people watching and thinking but you cannot compare movies in a different time! If you loved IV, V, and VI, then watch it! Don't mock another movie that was made and criticized by people with a different way of mind! I believe AOTC was a great movie to understand the mystery behind Vader and Luke, and the CLONE WARS... the Emporer's rise... and everything else that created the world's most famous and greatest movie saga of all time: STAR WARS. AOTC is a MUST watch and buy. #1 all the way!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not really a one star movie
Review: Okay-when comparing this movie to all other movies in the world, it's not really a one-star movie (maybe two, two and a half?). However, when judging the quality of the movie based on the time, effort, money, and energy that went into its production, then one-star may actually be too generous.

You really have to wonder what has gotten into the mind of Lucas. I can't fathom how anyone could look at the final cut of this movie and think "wow, people are going to enjoy this." That is, unless people enjoy poor dialogue, underdeveloped plots, and action scenes that are surprisingly boring. I didn't know that it was possible to have boring action scenes with state of the art special effects, but apparently I have been mistaken.

On the other hand, perhaps even Lucas knew that his film was going in the toilet, or else how do you explain the fact that in one of the climactic battle scenes Natlie Portman's shirt gets conveniently ripped to expose a bare midriff. Although, I have seen the "bare Natalie" action figures in the store, so that could be an alternate explanation. When Star Wars has to engage in tactics like this to keep the attention of the young male audience, we know something is terribly wrong.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A Shallow Audio-Visual Delight
Review: By now it's obvious to everyone, both sci-fi fans and casual movie goers, that the new Star Wars movies just don't measure up to the original trilogy. There's something lacking in these next generation films...call it, depth. It's too hard for me to push aside the underdeveloped characters, dialogue and story. However, with this said, there's no denying that the richness of Star Wars' sci-fi quality remains intact with Episode II. If you're hoping for lots of sound and fury, Attack of the Clones will NOT disappoint.

But let's get the bad parts out of the way first. The romance aspect of AOTC's story didn't do anything for me. It felt like a side story, and that's not what it's supposed to be! Average dialogue with barely passable acting didn't help to convince me of the authenticity of Anakin & Padme's relationship. In the end, I didn't know why Anakin loved Padme and vice versa, nor did I care. I just wanted to see the next action scene. Unconvincing characterization stays a problem throughout the movie, but it's forgivable.

The DVD edition of Episode II contains some great features. Among these are deleted scenes which I believe add something to the weak character development of the story. Unfortunately the scenes are on the 2nd disk, not the 1st which has the actual movie on it. I take away points for Lucasfilm not allowing the viewer to automatically include these scenes in a full, uncut version of the movie.

C-3PO's presence was useless in the film. I think the writers threw him in there just to appeal to the kids, what with his slapstick antics and immature puns. There was a fairly amusing moment concerning him and a battledroid, but that's the extent of C-3PO's value in the movie.

The sound effects and music are quite impressive throughout the film. Man, I loved the noise those seismic charges make when deployed! Expert composer John Williams does the soundtrack for ALL the Star Wars movies, so expect high quality in that department. I would've preferred the battle music to be a bit more riveting, but it's acceptable. I'm happy to say the love theme for AOTC is far more romantic than the acting!

Special effects are where the Star Wars prequels shine. AOTC does a good job of placing the viewer in it's fictional world of ultra-technology. The special effects aren't just realistic, they're everywhere! I don't think there's a single scene that doesn't contain an elaborate set design, outrageous alien makeup job or computer graphic of some sort.

The last 20 minutes of the film are laden with nonstop battles. They are mesmerizing. And for those who still haven't watched Attack of the Clones, know this; you haven't seen Star Wars until you've seen Yoda in a lightsaber duel.

Maybe, just maybe, George Lucas and his film team will get the 3rd and final Star Wars prequel perfect, and it will have some better substance to back up the incredible action.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Embarrassingly bad for everyone involved.....
Review: Not sure where to begin..Dialogue is ridiculously juvenile and performed by actors who seem unenthused to be speaking these ridiculous lines. Lucas seems to reconstruct the Star Wars universe at his Leisure, ends up painting himself into a corner, and then reconstructs it again with something more ridiclous. Plot holes to explain Plot holes. Between him shamelessly cramming every character from the orignal series into this one and his crappy sense of humour we are left with quite a train wreck.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: star wars episode 2 is th best ive seen out of the new star wars sereis.i still like phantom menace no matter what other people say its still a good movie. butt no wonder why they wouldnt let gourge direct episodes 5 and 6 he is not a very good director. but i still love episodes 1 and 2 tha acting it lacks but its like what gorge lucus said.the movie dosent rest in the diolog it rests in the action

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Very wooden, stiff acting
Review: Just goes to show that no matter how many millions you spend on special effects, it doesn't add up to diddly squat if the acting isn't good.

Where did they find this hayden christensen? a boy-band audition? Somebody send him to an acting class, please.

I saw Episode II in the theaters on opening night, and people were actually laughing out loud at scenes that were meant to be dramatic because the acting was so silly.

This movie is overall very average, felt like I was watching a cartoon.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Mediocre, but a Better Mediocrity than Part I
Review: Virtually plotless and often pointless, this installment in the fading franchise only underscores how Lucas's storytelling skills have apparently gone on permanent holiday. Much more lavish and pleasing to the eye than part I, 'Clones' does impress with its scenery, but that's all it really is: eye candy. The directing is atrocious, the story seems hopelessly limp and not the least bit compelling. A tip, George: the story need not be complex or even 'adult,'--just compelling and engaging. The dialogue is even worse than Part I, and I thought nothing could top that. Hayden Christiansen is a big improvement over the previous Anakin (Jake Lloyd), and he does the best with the moronic lines he's given to read. I don't think he comes across as whiny...just impatient and impulsive; typical teen, and I'll buy a little bit of that. But he's also a jedi in training, so the character could have been written with a little more mystery and control. The future Darth Vader character does not remotely come across as a rash, impatient character, so Lucas is going to have to pull some serious mojo to make the transformation believable in the next flick, and to do that will require some major story-telling skill, and judging from the last two efforts, I can't see him pulling it off in a million light years. As for Natalie Portman, these Star Wars films are the only movies in which she comes across as truly awful. Truly, it's sad when, as a filmgoer, you actually *notice* that an actress appears bored to death by her leading role. She does not look like she is even remotely enjoying herself, or that she even feels present in the character of Amidala. MacGregor is fine, but again, with no compelling dialogue or purpose other than to roll his eyes at Anakin's teen impetuousness. The beloved droids (C3p0 and r2d2) serve absolutely no purpose other than to provide a sentimental bridge with the "future" or the "past," or however one wants to look at it. They are useless in this film. Jar Jar binks, mercifully, was given brief screen time, but should have been assassinated. Sam Jackson as Windu is another utterly great actor trapped by lines so awful that he comes across as a complete stilted amateur. The subplot of Jango & Boba Fett was a neat attempt by Lucas to interweave the storylines from the "future," but the ploy falls flat because the plotline is dull as dishwater and, in the end, we don't care that Boba cares that "dad" is 86'ed...nor do we care what grievances he might have in the future. It just adds to the "throw anything up on the screen and see if it sticks" method employed here. The only touching scene is Anakin's discovery of "mom" Shmi, but that whole subplot could have been given much more devotion and excitement, and really laid the groundwork for making us believe this kid is going to transmogrify into a character as chilling and controlled as Darth Vader. Impressive as always is Christopher Lee, but even he comes across as starch-stiff. You could see him relishing his role as Saruman in LOTR much much more than in this faux film. What is an improvement over 'Menace', as I mentioned, is the scenery--the digital wizardry is truly outstanding. Also improved is the drive and pace of the action sequences. Even though there is no plot or point or story, the action sequences seem to have a purpose, which is more than one can say for the disaster of Part I. The Yoda sequence, while now famous, was really anticlimactic. There wasn't enough sense of built-up drama in the confrontation between Dooko and Yoda to give the scene any real goosebump power. It's special simply because, well...we get to see Yoda twirling and whirling and using powers, which is something this character has never done too much. But simply seeing a character go "out" of character for surprise-value is not enough. With no story and the chopped-up, patched-together pacing, 'Clones' is another baffling disappointment. For crying out loud, Lucas...just write a great tale again, some short-but-clever lines for your actors, and let the effects serve your story, not vice versa. By the way, I do not buy Lucas's recent mumblings that these films should only be of interest to ten year olds. Sorry...too many people of all ages found the myth and magic of Star Wars to be valuable--too many for him to try and pass it all off now as some kind of kiddie cartoon. If the third one doesn't pull a rabbit out of the hat, this series will lose some of its all-time lustre.

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