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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very good for a science fiction movie.
Review: Normally I don't go for these kind of sci-fi action movies, but Attack of the Clones was surprisingly good. It had great special effects and very original characters in it, like the Genosians, whose language is the most creative thing I have ever seen in a Star Wars movie. It had some cliche moments in it, like the heros being forced to fight monsters in this big pit in front of all the inhabitants of an alien planet as a death sentence, the forbidden love thing, Jedi apprentices revolting against their masters, etc. etc. But it had a surprising amount of plot for a movie with so many gun/lightsaber fights. And seeing Yoda kick butt in a lightsaber duel with Count Dooku! WOW. EASILY one of the best moments in ANY of the Star Wars movies!!! I wasn't incredibly impressed with the acting, though. Yoda, Watto, Mace Windu and Obi Wan were the best characters.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Outstanding movie!!!
Review: I never got a chance to see the movie in the theater but its so much better to see it for the first time in my house anyhow!

The video quality is SUPERB. I can see the cockpit displays in the Stormtrooper gunships during their assault on the droid manuf. planet. Its intense!!! The only bad parts are the alien king when he talks to Lord Tyrannus... SLOW AND BORING.

At least Jar Jar didn't have much to say to ruin the movie. Episode 1 would have been 10x better w/o the Jar Jar character.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: so much better
Review: this movie was 10x better then the phanton menace and
the actor they got to play anakin was adorable with his cocky smile and he was even cuter looking when he got mad, He and padma were so good together. plus the plot and the acting was so much better. I can't wait to see the third one. I hope they get the same Actors, but this movie is def on my christmas list.Ok. Now down to the plot. Half of the people liked it other half didn't.Now lets be fair folks none of these movie will be as good as the first three. But they did SO much better on this one, And I'm sorry but I liked Ani, I thought he's was a really good actor and so was Natalie Portmen. And I think they should def should be in the third.But get rid of Jar Jar. But I realy liked this movie

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Begun, the Clone Wars...have.
Review: Attack of the Clones gets off to a slow, albeit needed start. In other words, for an Action/Fantasy movie, "Clones" had to have a basis to bring you up to speed from the first movie to this one. The first 20-30 minutes will leave the casual viewer in the dark because of the backstory that needs to be told. That said, here's my take on the film from then on.

Anakin Skywalker was a gifted, God-fearing and wide-eyed boy in "Phantom Menance." Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the other hand, just semed to shadow his master Qui-Gon Jinn until the final battle with Darth Maul. Queen Padme' Amidala is now a Senator in the Republic and Jar-Jar Binks, well, he's just a passing character in this film with little screen time. However, Jar-Jar has one scene which turns the tide of what will be in Luke's world.

Obi-Wan has matured to the point of a Jedi Master training Padewan Anakin Skywalker who has become self-indulged in his own powers and love for Senator Amidala. Some reviews have called his character a joke, but maybe they're missing the bigger picture. This is the seed which turns the story into what will be in IV, V, & VI. I don't think a hulk-type like "The Rock" (Scorpian King) would have been the best choice to play an arrogant teenager.

Casual space opera/fantasy fans will be lost, as I said, but not disappointed as there is plenty of action, romance, and a sense of spirituality to this movie. Surely, it's the most intimate. If you noticed, I did call this a 'Space Opera" and "Fantasy" because it is. Science Fiction it borders on in remote ways, unlike its rival "Star Trek" which uses a lot of real theoretical and factual basis.

What this movie exceeds on is the telling of the story. All the small things add up to the bigger picture, as I keep mentioning. That's what the plotline is all about. The visuals are outstanding and we finally see the power of the Jedi, what they did in the Old Republic, and the fierce warrior of Yoda alluded to in "The Empire Strikes Back."

Episode II is a long movie coming in at around 2:20 (long by Star Wars movies) yet the final 1:30 minutes are gripping with the final battles. Yes, the Clone War has begun.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "I wish I could wish my feelings away..."
Review: This would have been a great movie if the love story within it had been written with a little bit more maturity. Instead, it was presented as something that you would just as soon see on the "WB new Tuesday". Most of the shows you would see there, however, have much better dialogue and fewer cliches. Seeing Anakin and the Queen romp through a field of flowers was like watching Kermit and Miss Piggy in the first Muppet Movie (which was more entertaining). I give credit to the actors, though. I wonder how well the cast from the original Star Wars films would have done if they had spent most of their time trying to perform with imaginary CG characters. To be honest, the Clones cast almost seems to perform better with the CG's than they do with actual people.
This movie has a lot of great action scenes, and the fact that Anakin gets on your nerves after a while is a really good sign. You almost love to hate him, just like Vader.
Although this is a good movie, it could have been much better. If Episode III doesn't blow this movie away (and I don't mean with special effects), it will be an epic disappointment.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than Phantom Menace
Review: I am a big Star wars fan and I must say
attack of the clones was better than the
phantom menace.I felt that the acting in star
wars 2 was much better than the other one.
More battle scenes in this one,although it
has it's slow parts between the romance and
all the talking.However,The special effects
and the sound is amazing.Plus I was glad they
showed less of jar-jar binks,I hated that character.
I wish they would have shown more of Yoda fighting.
But you only got to see about 7 or 10 minutes of that
near the end.Overall this movie is my favorite one
out of the 2,even though it still doesn't have any
of the original actors, but a few of these new actors
are farely good. I Love Natalie Portman,she's the best.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 10 Stars On Star Wars Episode //
Review: This movie rocks, it has action, romance and anything you can possibly imagine. This movie is beyond description. he first time I saw it, I was flabbergasted at the how well and intrequite the computer animation was. It has space creature that you can almost see live. It looks like they're so real. I have the DVD and it shows me what it looks like when they acted like they were talking to computer animated characters.

This movie is one of the two episodes that unlock the secrets to the entire trilogy. It shows who Anakin Skywalker marries. It also shows how the apprentices no older than 10 learn to be Jedi's. It's really cool because I bet lots of people have been wondering what you do and must do to become a Jedi.

The backround in this movie is phenominal. It's got excellent descriptions down to the last detail. They even made an ocean seem so real. The computer animation inside places is also well done. The make it seem as though the place really existed. It also seems as though your actually there.

The main story plot in this movie Senator Padme Amidala (former queen of Naboo) is returning to Coruscant to make a vote to create an army for the Republic. While landing the ship explodes and the Supreme Chancelor decides to have Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anaki Skywalker to protect her. Then They go through this big chase in a speeder through the streets of Coruscant and end up catching the assosciate of the culprit behind this murderous attempt. After this Obi-Wan Kenobi goes on an investigation to find the Bounty Hunter that is after the senator. While Obi-Wan is investigating Anakin Skywalker is protecting Senator Amidala back on Naboo. While doing this he tells his affectons for her and they decide not to fall in love. After this both of the Jedi's and the Senator go on an adventure.

You'll never forget this adventure and excitement in a galaxy a long time ago and far far away. May The Force Be With You.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The worst movie ever?
Review: Star Wars was great. It had wonderful characters that you cared about and rooted for.

When Episode I came out, Lucas had decided to ditch all that in favor of putting his story first. His story [isnt good]. Looking back, his story wasn't that great in the original trilogy either but the wondeful characters made the movies great. Now, in his new trilogy, Lucas focuses only on telling his story and the movies suffer.

Episode I was bad, really bad. Episode II is even worse. I cared for no one in the movie and couldn't wait for it to end.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Lucas should pay me for renting this...
Review: I am amazed that George Lucas can so easily display the obvious contempt he has for his fans by this meager effort. The dialogue is infantile, the acting non-existant. The principal characters, who could just as easily be walking down the corridors of any junior high school emote nothing - they just read through their lines like the immature kids they are. Ironically, the computer generated aliens are better actors than the humans. Like I say... Episode I was barely OK (nothing to compare with Episodes 4, 5 and 6), but I won't waste time looking for episode 3.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good and Bad, you decide
Review: Star Wars II is an all right movie. There are a lot of good things about it and there are also a lot of bad things about it. First off, the things that are good. The sets, costumes, special effects and fght scenes are pretty good. The sets are amazing. Normally, these days backgrounds and stuff don't mean all too much in most movies but Star Wars really relies on being able to catch your eye and the visual aspects of the movie are great.

Another thing that will make people happy is LESS JAR JAR!! I'm pretty sure there is an I HATE JAR JAR web site out there because when I find it, I'm joining it. Now with less Jar Jar, there's more getting to know other characters. Obi Won gets a lot more play in this one as a Jedi and Mase Windu also gets more screen time and he uses it very well.

Now here's the bad stuff. Anakin Skywalker is a whiny, complaining 2nd grader in a 20 year old's body. I believe Ani is supposed tp come off angry in most of his scenes but instead, Hayden Christenson makes him come off as a spoiled brat who can't get his way. Um, I think all of us know by now that Anikin Skywalker is Darth Vader and let's say it, can't no one mess with Vader. BUT Ani skywalker on the other hand, is a whiny punk. If they were looking to destroy character, they did it in Star Wars II with Anikin Skywalker. For those of you who hope Hayden Christenson is not in the next one, I'm with you too.

Also, how do you go from Sith Lord Darth Maul, who's hardcore as hell, is intmidating, vicious and totally awesome to, oh, some old guy? I'm sorry but Master Dooku was not a good transition from Darth Maul (as a main enemy in the final sequences). I will admit, at least the fight scene with Yoda made up for it. Bur how a lot of other things in the end sequences happened, I'm still trying to figure out (ie: why/how did Yoda get control of the Clone Army?).

But really, from a movie point of view, YES this is a good movie. Is it a great installment of the Star Wars series? NO, I don't think so just because that Attack of the Clones felt more like "just another movie" instead of part of the Star Wars epic saga like it should have. That and again, Christenson's inexperience on the screen REALLY SHOWS.

You should see this movie but after you do, throw in EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, just so you can feel clean again because for all of you hardcore Star Wars fans, Attack of the Clones will make you mad. And for those of you that are just in it for the movie, you won't be as disappointed but you will be annoyed by Anikin Skywalker.

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