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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Clone of the Earlier Series?
Review: "Attack of the Clones" has its positive and negative qualities. On the one hand, it has some good action sequences, super high octane special effects, and adds more to our knowledge of the force and many of the continuing characters in the series. On the other hand, the acting is not what it could be, it slows down in the middle, and some of the plot points seem like a retread of other films.
My favorite action scenes are the chase for the assasin, the fight with Jango Fett, and the laser sword battle between Dooku and Yoda. Those scenes really work, especially on a big screen. The special effects bring Yoda to life with his lightening fast moves, and make the whole Star Wars universe come to life with incredible detail. We also see Anakin's growing impatience, the origin of the stormtroopers, and the origin of Boba Fett.

On the down side, Hayden Christiansen seems miscast as Anakin Skywalker. He does not have the essence of the character, and his impatience seems forced or contrived. The chemistry between Hayden and Natalie Portman is flawed as well. The love story, which slows the pace down considerably through the middle, seems unbelievable, especially since the age difference is supposed to he great, and they just seem awkward together. When she finally admits her love for Anakin, it isn't inevitable and true. When the Senator falls from the military flying vehicle, Anakin nearly throws it all away to save her, but we find she isn't even hurt--it ends up being a lame plot point.

The retread of earlier Star Wars films is a little annoying. Anakin follows much the same path as Luke from "The Empire Strikes Back," in that Anakin is lured to Tattooine by a vision of his mother in pain (Luke was lured to Bespin by a vision of Han and Leia in pain). Anakin is reckless in his attack of Dooku and loses his arm (Luke attacks Vader recklessly and loses his hand). There is always that overused line "I have a bad feeling about this," which appears in every Star Wars film at least once, and often several times in the same movie, and there are also many inside jokes, such as Obi-Wan saying to Anakin, "You will be the death of me," and C-3PO saying, "You have a message from an Obi-Wan Kanobi."

For the special effects and the action scenes, I recommend this film, but it is hard to forgive the short comings, and the knowledge that Lucas still has trouble remaking the magic of the first trilogy.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: so bad, it's not even funny
Review: it's just all around a disappointing moive. bad, horrendous acting and above all WEAK writing/directing. George needs to let someone else rescue this saga from it's death spiral.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Memo to the Jedi High Council
Review: From: Master Hokey Pokey
Re: Imminent Decimation of the Jedi

Effective immediately, the Jedi Council will implement the following changes in procedure if it expects to survive one more film:

1. George Lucas will be fired as the writer of dialog. Wooden dialog is incompatible with both heroism and mystic eloquence.

2. All Jedi will receive special training in two arts: dramatic story-telling and dueling with Sith Lords.

3. Use of the parental and stuffy term "my young apprentice" will cease immediately. Padawan learners feel orphaned enough already by being taken away from their parents at an early age.

4. Jedi will kindly recognize that THEY are dividing the Force by all this fear of the "dark side" which their propaganda encourages. Simple psychology tells us that repressing one side of any experience splits it off and makes it stronger. This is why Jedi, who tend to be Republicans, so often wind up taking a walk on the Dark Side.

5. Discouraging marriage tends to mess people up. For more about this, look at other priesthoods for abundant examples.

6. Master Yoda will be given permission his sentences to construct the rest of us like.

7. Jedi will henceforth always carry an extra light saber.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It's a good addition to anyone's DVD collection
Review: This is NOT the best Star Wars movie. I thought the first three were great, and each one seemed to be better than the last. I guess Lucas needed some more money, or he wanted to feel young again, but Episode I and II both fell short of the high standards set by the original three. This Episode is much better than the Jarr Jarr Binks Blaaaaahh, but it is NOT the awe-inspiring WOWZER that you might be hoping for. There are some fantastic action scenes (though a very well expected and routine to the Star Wars movie pattern/formula). Most of the effects are magical by 1970's standards, but sad-to-say average by today's. I did love the ground battle scenes, and I think we'll see more of that kind of thing in upcoming movies (Lord of the Rings:Two Towers is a good example of that trend). The sound effects are extemely good, but I think they got lost in the drifting-sometimes plodding-plot. If you're a Star Wars nut, you're gonna like how all the pieces of the series fit together. If you're anything less than a Star Wars nut....well, it's still worth adding to your collection. You might wanna rent it first and see for yourself, but just don't watch it expecting to see the best Star Wars film yet. Poor George has to save that one for last. After all, how would it look to have an incredible series like this one, and then have the last movie [go]out? So, rent it, buy it, and look forward to the last one (it's bound to be better).

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The VHS apart from the movie
Review: There are plenty of good reviews about the movie itself in Amazon.com, and many of them reflect my opinion on the movie.

That acting and the plot are mediocre is half a problem.

The real problem is that the movie is too heavily based on special effects and looks like it was made with arcades and action figures in mind, weakening the plot and acting further.

The VHS itself is of good quality, but the bonuses aren't. The short animation section of R2D2 and C3PO explaining how the five released episodes tie in together is redundant (especially at the *end* of a 2 hours plus movie), and as the scenes that were dropped out of the movie theater release add nothing (which is why they were dropped out in the first palce).

Bottom line - don't buy this VHS unless you saw the movie and want to see it again at home.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: An assault on Quality
Review: Wow, what to say... Well, this is a very beautiful movie, but it's also very painfully dull. I heard a quote regarding it; "about as much fun as watching someone else play a videogame for 2 and a half hours" and that is apt. Anyone who has a videogame system doesn't need this movie, but maybe older people or the very young will enjoy it? It's quite stupidly written and acted. I mean, it couldn't be more embarrassing, the co-writer actually compared his dialogue work on this to Shakespeare, at a convention. Christopher Lee is great, as well as Ewan McGregor. I liked Hayden Christensen as Anakin, and Padme, but they both do terrible work here. Mace Windu is funny, especially when he says "I don't think so" in the arena to Chris Lee and Lee looks like he can't help but laugh. The real fun is watching this movie at the back of a theater and making fun of it with friends, while taking in the visuals. Some important, interesting scenes were cut, it's clear that Lucas is a big-picture guy and doesn't seem to 'get' the smaller, more crucial parts. The love story doesn't actually exist, it's not 'dark', it never comes within 'exciting'. I hated nearly all the additions like the space-bar and grill, the Japanese woman in the library, the dull, regurgitated music... Overall, AOTC is the first and only film I've ever seen that never redeems itself for anything but the visuals. Well maybe TPM was the first, but I will never want to waste time by seeing this ever again. I like the world created, but this was so poor. Everyone I know wonders if they made it this bad on purpose. A really young crippled kid liked it at the show, he mentioned to his dad that he loved when Yoda threw away his walking stick and fought 'Dooku', so I can't call it a complete failure. The strange thing is, I still like Star Wars somehow.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the movie and the dvd
Review: well i dont own the dvd but i plan to as for the movie it was the most stunning effects i had ever seen and is the only movie that i know of in which yoda fights with dooku i am not a movie critic but it seems that all of the reviews ive seen even for the video game have had some negative feed back on the movie and the game i am not trying to let anyone down but if your going to rate a movie or a game atleast play the game or go see the movie the movie was the best all in all i would have to give it a 5 star rating thanks for listening

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Absolutely Abysmal
Review: Moves the story along? Only by character ignorance, idiocy, and incompetence.

We get bumbling Jedi "masters" who literally can't detect a Sith Lord standing next to them. Obi Wan spends six minutes (film time) being confused by obviously deleted library material. As per the romance, aside from being laughable, Lucas/Anakin's idea of sweet talk seems much more suited to stalker dialogue.

The film shouldn't be given special consideration because it is sci-fi. Lucas and company need to be held accountable for telling a quality, full-bodied story. Producers get to stop at putting together a story concept and framework. Writers and directors are responsible for making it engaging, robust, and complete. That hasn't happened here.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Star Wars-Episode 2,Attack of the Clones
Review: It is good the best thrilling movie!sCARY for kids under five.The new characters are awesome neat!Introducing Jango Fett!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: 5 star DVD, average film.
Review: I waited months after the release of this film before actually seeing it. I can honestly say that I don't really feel it is an improvement over E1. Frankly, some things were improved and other things remained just as bad. On the whole, I came away from the film with the same uneasy feeling I had after seeing episode one; the feeling that I had just watched something that aspired to be great, and contained occasional moments of brilliance, but ultimately did not satisfy my expectations.

I am NOT one of those die-hard STAR WARS fans that many speak of with such distain. I love the original trilogy, but only had a small number of toys or action figures. I currently do not even own the originals because I am waiting (and waiting...and waiting...) for them to be released on DVD. That said, episode two is just plain strange. I am able to suspend my disbelief about as good as anyone, but the over-abundance of CG work here leaves me cold. The CG work is well done, but that's the problem; it's TOO well done. There is just no way that the 'clean-ness' and crispness of CG can look as good and as real as models. Everything is so shiny and smooth. Where are the scorch marks? Burn marks? Weathering? Anyway, you get the point. In a word: STERILE.

Now for the 'acting'. I was pleasantly surprised by Christensen's performance. After what I had read I was expecting it to be God-awful a la an Ed Wood film. I suppose with such low expectations I was bound to be somewhat satisfied. He did a serviceable job, at times I even thought he did a good job. It must be very difficult to portray a character such as Anakin Skywalker, knowing that he will eventually turn to the dark side. It is a fine line to tread and a very complicated character to accurately portray; positive, yet negative, happy but brooding, peaceful yet disturbed etc. In the end it would have suited the picture better to have a more experienced actor with a bit more depth to his acting. And let us not forget, the original films were not exactly bastions of great acting. As far as the other characters are concerned, I have come to the conclusion that Natalie Portman CANNOT ACT. She gets praise and acclaim all the time and I have always given her the benefit of the doubt. Until now. Yes I'm sure it's hard to act in front of blue and green screens, but that aside, she's just terrible. She is better here than she was in E1, but there she was abyssmal. I hate to say it but it's true. I don't see what is so great about her acting. Here she was merely eye-candy. Samuel Jackson does alright, but he alone can't save this film from its' mediocrity. Ewen M. as Obi-won walks thru his part with all the fervor of someone suffering from somnombulism. No real emotion whatsoever. Count Dooku was the coolest character, but he's a bad guy. Come on George, give us SOMEONE, ANYONE to cheer for. Yoda's light-saber battle seemed tacked on and superfluous. It's as if Lucas realized that there wasn't any one great scene in the film and put that in at the last minute. It was cool to see, but I was sorely disappointed when it only lasted 15-20 seconds. I figured Yoda was going to spend ten minutes wiping out the bad guys. And the main battle is just over the top and ultimately disengaged me from the film.

The script was VERY dry and alternated among the following adjectives: boring, tedious, long-winded, unintentionally funny, and -on rare occasions- interesting and informative. I think I laughed twice. If you think I'm being too harsh you should read some reviews by the fans who LIVE by these films (you know them, they go to GENCON and dress up as Darth Vader).

To the DVD. The DVD itself is great. Great picture (totally digital), sound. The extras are insane. There are tons of them, and, like the last film, they are more interesting than the main attraction itself. Episode Two is not any better than Episode One, but not any worse either. It's just different and that's a shame. George Lucas has lost whatever ability he once had to direct COMPELLING film(s). I have no interest in seeing Episode Two again.

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