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Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

Star Wars - Episode II, Attack of the Clones (Full Screen Edition)

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great movie
Review: I saw this movie a week after it came out in theaters and got the movie and I love it! All right, I admit some parts are a little cheesy but hey it's a fun movie to watch! You can all ready tell that Anakin is going to the darkside, and that's cool. The love scenes are okay except for one. Ewan Mcgregor does a great job of plaing the part of Obi-wan. This movie will really make you think about the next film, and maybe even make you want to cry.(I know I wanted to) Anyway, this movie is fun to watch so go out and buy it, and watch as the Star Wars Saga unfolds!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The [end] of a classic saga
Review: I was only young when I first began my Star Wars fascination. The movies, the toys, the products; you name it I've probably owned it at one time or another. However as big a fan as I am it really kills me to see what they've turned this once larger than life saga into. They turned a grand story into a background item for the sake of showcasing technology. The whole driving force behind the original Star Wars movies was a gripping well told story, this new chapter of the epic continues on the downward spiral of episode I. Bad acting + secondary story = bad movie. I wanted to like this movie, I just couldn't. Yes its the first completely digital movie but that doesn't improve on the movie itself, it just means that you can have a crystal clear view of the bad acting... steer clear from this stinker and lets hope that when they make episode III that they remember what made the first movies in the series so memorable.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The force is strong with this one
Review: I don't understand why episode 2 got so many negative reviews, I never will. Those who bashed the film are simply NOT Star Wars fans. The fact is, the grand vision of Star Wars has been realized in Episode 2, Fans who loved all the great things about the original trilogy will be delighted with what's in store in Episode 2. You will be brought back to why you liked Star Wars in the first place: action, adventure, fantasy, heroism, a world of wonder and intrigue. Yes, in case you haven't been fortunate enough to see it yet, George Lucas has really created a spectacle with AOTC. Even if you don't like the romantic angle or the way some dialog is delivered, you can't help but sit back in awe as you are swept off to that galaxy far, far away.

Clones is overwhelming and enjoyable at the same time. The viewer is placed in the middle of this rapidly progressing storyline of galactic proportions and must hold on for the ride (much like the Matrix or the Empire Strikes Back). Anakin, now playd by Hayden Christiansen, has become a powerful jedi yet still must learn to control his emotions. Hayden does a great job portraying the character who is faced with many crucial decisions involving forbidden love and the temptations of anger, all while trying to live up to the jedi standard. You can literally see Anakin losing control and drawing strength from the dark side. It will be inevitable in the next movie, something has to break.

Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Sam Jackson, and the rest of the familiar cast are back, all stepping up their performances a notch from Ep. 1. As the plot twists and turns, several new characters are introduced. Jango Fett, a ruthless bounty hunter along with the mysterious Count Dooku (played by Christopher Lee- Saruman in Lord of the Rings) are the two main additions and we finally get to see Boba Fett as a youngster. New locations include Kamino, an ocean covered planet where the clones are created and Geonosis, a rocky location where the Separatist movement- comprised of groups who are rebelling against the republic, are staging their army. New places, vehicles, ships, aliens, droids, weapons, etc. are always cool and there are TONS of them in Ep. 2. So much detail you could never see everything.
AOTC has some of the most beautiful scenery and visuals
I have ever seen in a movie. It also has the most action of any movie I've ever seen, the final battle alone involves thousands of droids, vehicles, jedi and clone troopers. I should point out that ep. 2 is the most violent movie in the series, probably not good for little kids.

The dvd itself is a superb production, great artwork, menus, features, and extras like Ep. 1. It's a 2 disc set, with hours of documentaries, deleted scenes, and effect breakdowns to explore. I highly recommend the widescreen dvd, excellent picture and sound. The music is really outstanding too. We get to hear the imperial march for the first time in a prequel (further tying it to the original trilogy). People who say the prequels aren't as good as the first 3 have not seen AOTC with an unbiased frame of mind, void of negative reviews by the stuck up critics who had their opinions formed before they went to see it. I recently saw the movie in Imax format, and I was blown away. Don't miss your chance to see a Star Wars movie on the giant screen (w/ incredible sound).

The plot is part mystery, part love story, part gladiator, part war film. With so much going on, repeat viewings are very helpful. Lucas pulled it off so nicely. There are too many favorite scenes to describe, but the best are the speeder chase on Coruscant, lightsaber battle, Obi Wan vs. Jango/Boba Fett, the droid foundry, and the arena battle. Ep. 2 is an incredible display of how digital technology is the way of the future. Ep. 2 is the first movie ever filmed entirely digitally, a process that will allow director's to be able to create their true vision and do things that were nearly impossible before.

Lucas' plot has a lot more going on than just good vs. evil. The story deals with things like relationships and how one's actions affect those around them. How if you lose control there are consequences to face. How good can be turned to evil. Directors have messages to tell the audience. They might not be obvious, but upon repeat viewings you can get more out of it.

Well I can't say enough good things about the newest installment of Star Wars. You just have to see for yourself. Truly art of the highest quality .There is a LOT going on here, and it is all building up, many things have yet to be revealed and fully explained. This may be why people aren't getting it. Alot of the plot and symbolism might be going right over the critics' heads. The story is starting to get very interesting. Thank you George Lucas and the small army who worked so hard on it. Can't wait for Episode 3! In conclusion, AOTC is a wonderful experience, for me it has everything that makes a great movie. You will feel like a kid again watching this film.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Force is dead
Review: Its sad to say, but Episode 2 makes episode 1 look like a masterpiece. That said, I think you can expect where this review is going.

Underdeveloped characters, too much digital effects (even the sets are fake!), and a Cheese filled story all make this film one of the worst I have ever seen. George Lucas is obviously throwing out these prequels to make money, and he has lost his devotion to the fans. Plain and simple, this movie was a marketing ploy for Lucasfilm and ILM to show their talents(?) due to the failing of his efffects company.

The movie lacks detail, skill, and a coherent story, also the film seems to be directed by a twelve year old with ADD.

Avoid this one at all costs folks!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Pornography for the BORED
Review: STAR WARS films are for men uncomfortable with sex. I'm convinced of it. A world filled with no sexuality whatsoever and innundated with hideously stupid puppets. Attacking droids and ridiculous plotting overlords. I mean if I lived in this world I would not fight for it at all. This universe is so without natural sexual inclinations I'm surprised that the alien species in it manages to breed at all. The acting is boring, the lines are boring, the characters are boring.
It is the ultimate world created by a computer geek.
Sexless technological sterile banality. The next movie will not be filmed as all the actors died of boredom after wathching this movie.
I think George Lucas sits in his house and imagines a nauseating giddy world run amok with puppet people that have no genitals. It is too bad that so many other people seem to like this crock of a universe he has unfortunately dreamed up. This is Lucas's home grown idea of porn. Yes, STAR WARS is the porn for people who can only be turned on by being bored!!
Isn't there a law or something?

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: you people are taking this too seriously
Review: Star Wars Episode II is a good movie and thats that.
Certianly far better than Episode I.
I think some of the die hard fans are reading too much into this. The fact of the matter is expectations can never be met perfectly. From what I've been reading, it seems like the expectations of some reviewers here are insatiable.
Maybe we shouldn't expect every prequel to be identivle to the first three films.
That aside, I'll admit that some parts of the script were crumby, the romance between Anakin and Amidala was a bit cheesey at certain points but even so, I was entertained and found the characters very engaging.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Attack On the Senses
Review: Star Wars-Episode II-Attack of the Clones is easily the weakest film in the Star Wars series. The story takes place ten years after The Phantom Menace and young Anakin Skywalker has grown from a preteen into a young Jedi apprentice. Hayden Christensen has assumed the role of Anakin and you have to wonder what the other candidates were like for Mr. Christensen to get the role. He is supposed to portray a young man tortured by his feelings for senator Padme Amidala the senator from Naboo who he met on his home planet of Tatooine and his duty as a Jedi. The audience is the only one tortured. The sappy dialogue between Anakin and Padme is right out of a third rate romance novel. Despite Mr. Christensen's shortcomings, the film is not without merit. Ms. Portman is luminous as Senator Amidala and she manages to rise above the dialogue's shortcomings. The story line showing the creation of the Clone Army is interesting and intriguing and it also introduces another character from the original trilogy, Boba Fett. We learn that his father Jengo Fett was the host body for the clones and that Boba is actually a clone of Jengo. Christopher Lee is solid as the evil Count Dooku adding yet another evil character to his resume and Ewan McGregor is back as Obi-Wan. Attack Of The Clones is only really worth watching as a bridge between Episode I and the final Episode and if you are a Star Wars fan it is a must own DVD for being part of the Star Wars enterprise alone.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Star Wars used to be fun without being Techno Barney.
Review: Okay, I'm just asking all the crazed fans of this movie to reflect on the good old days of Star Wars with our hero Han Solo. (Go Han) Remember Han; he was a character; he was greedy enough to pick a dead man's pocket and nice enough to even help on occasion (if he thought somebody might pay him.) On top of all that Han had these great tendencies to charge the bad guys when he was cornered; it was the funniest thing ever. Then there was Luke an all around likable hero with a tendency toward blasting shut his escape hatches. And then both Han and Luke were fighting over Leia who turned out to be Luke's sister! Oh it was great. Here's a few more cherries on the top. There were great characters like R2D2 (Beep-bu-bu-beep-beep beep beep). R2 used to have a personality. Now he just kind of rolls around and maybe beeps when the camera can't see him. Oh and remember when the guys used to fight with their light sabers?! Not square dance? (these new movie things make a battle field look like a great place to settle down and take a little nap.) AND most people like a little one liner (joke); but Star Wars used to be able to put three good one liners on top of each other; and now, about all the movies seem to get out of the actors is: "Yeah, yeah, no, I thought so, can I shut my self in the butt now?" The story line used to move ahead at light speed (litterally)! Now, it trudges on like Yoda with a broken leg. Please somebody send Anakin back to the unemployment office and give me back my man: Three cheers for Han Solo!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A major improvement, but...
Review: Infinitely better than "Episode I", but that's still damning it with faint praise. To be fair, there are some wonderful moments here: the thrilling chase through Coruscant; Obi-Wan and Jango's rain-soaked one-on-one; and the chillingly vicious Lightsaber Round Robin finale - Yoda's "Matrix"-style moves notwithstanding. Jar Jar is mercifully relegated to the minor (and rather apt) role of unwitting traitor, and Christopher Lee brings some much needed gravitas to the whole affair. Though the story drags it's reasonably well-structured, balancing the action with the necessary (though limp) romance. And the motivation for Anakin's descent into evil is almost credible, even if Hayden Christensen isn't. But once again, Lucas sabotages what could have been his masterpiece with what is clearly a CGI-obsession bordering on clinical insanity. Entire sequences, such as the droid assembly line (coming soon to a Gameboy near you) and the "Gladiator"-inspired arena battle, seem plainly motivated by little more than the desire to do something cool with effects. But they aren't cool. They're mind-numbingly boring. The climactic battle between droids and clones is so self-consciously spectacular that the audience is left feeling more alienated than engaged. Sure, CGI played a role in every scene in this film - even the ones I loved. But that wasn't what I loved about them. For me, it was one or two of the humans who almost saved the day. In particular, the performance of Ewan McGregor, with his wryly humorous Alec Guinness impersonation and his ability to wring some semblance of credibility from even the most banal of George's lines, was almost enough to salvage the entire production. But not quite.

The documentaries on Disk 2 are revealing. They show how this kind of film is made, and precisely why it's so uninvolving: the effort is completely misplaced. They spend weeks deciding precisely how Yoda's ears should move, or YEARS creating two-second shots for battle sequences that never make it to the final cut. How much better would this and the other prequel episodes have been if Lucas and his pals had given the same attention to writing the screenplay or the directing the cast? We can only dream.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Must have
Review: This is a must have for any star war fan. Visual, audio, digital yoda...all great. And after all, the story is the most important thing ... well what can you complain about the story? :)
It has been around since 70's and hundreds of millions of people just love it!

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